diff --git a/poisson/continuous/shapes.py b/poisson/continuous/shapes.py
index 1a322fa9ee0bd5daa04d6250c6766cbc31667cd4..d1420ef2e8422af2407dde6cab82573d6717cba7 100644
--- a/poisson/continuous/shapes.py
+++ b/poisson/continuous/shapes.py
@@ -344,7 +344,31 @@ class Shape(ABC):
         return General(func=new_func)
+    def translate(self, vect):
+        vect = np.asarray(vect)
+        func = self.geometry
+        def newfunc(x):
+            return func(translate(x, -vect))
+        self.geometry = newfunc
+    def rotate(self, angle, axis=None, center='self'):
+        '''3D not tested !!!'''
+        func = self.geometry
+        try:
+            angle = -angle
+        except TypeError:
+            angle = -np.asarray(angle)
+        def newfunc(x):
+            return func(rotate(x, angle, axis=axis, center=center))
+        self.geometry = newfunc
+    def reflect(self, axis):
+        func = self.geometry
+        def newfunc(x):
+            return func(reflect(x, axis))
+        self.geometry = newfunc
 class PiecewiseFunction(object):
         When called apllies self.evaluate_coordinates to a vector of
@@ -461,13 +485,12 @@ class General(Shape):
     def geometry(self, x):
         return self.func(x)
 class Rectangle(General):
         Define a rectangle
-    def __init__(self, length, corner=None):
+    def __init__(self, length, corner=None, center=None):
         Class that defines a rectangular shape.
         When called and a numpy array is given as parameter it returns a boolean
@@ -482,6 +505,11 @@ class Rectangle(General):
             the lengths of the sides
             if Ly (Lz) is None, Ly (Lz) will be equal to Lx
             (usefull to quickly draw cubes)
+        center = (x0, y0, z0) : numbers
+            overwrites the corner argument
+            if center=None the corner will be used
+            the lower left corner of the (if z0 si None will be 2d)
         func: function
@@ -491,9 +519,9 @@ class Rectangle(General):
+        self.center=center
     def prepare_param(self):
         if isinstance(self.length, (int, float)):
@@ -508,6 +536,9 @@ class Rectangle(General):
         self.corner = np.asanyarray(self.corner)
+        if self.center is not None:
+            self.center = np.asarray(self.center)
         assert len(self.length) == len(self.corner), (
                 'The corner does not have the same'
                 + ' size as length / or a corner has'
@@ -520,37 +551,25 @@ class Rectangle(General):
             It returns True if the point is within the shape defined
             by the function or False otherwise
+        x = np.asarray(x)
+        if len(x.shape) == 1:
+            ndim, npt = x.shape[0], -1
+            x = x[None, :]
+        else:
+            npt, ndim = x.shape
+        assert (ndim == 2 or ndim == 3)
-        x = np.asanyarray(x)
-        if len(x.shape) > 1:
-            if len(self.length) == 3:
-                return ((self.corner[0] <= x[:, 0])
-                        * (x[:, 0] <= self.corner[0] + self.length[0])
-                        * (self.corner[1] <= x[:, 1])
-                        * (x[:, 1] <= self.corner[1] + self.length[1])
-                        * (self.corner[2] <= x[:, 2])
-                        * (x[:, 2] <= self.corner[2] + self.length[2]))
-            else:
-                return ((self.corner[0] <= x[:, 0])
-                        * (x[:, 0] <= self.corner[0] + self.length[0])
-                        * (self.corner[1] <= x[:, 1])
-                        * (x[:, 1] <= self.corner[1] + self.length[1]))
+        if self.center is None:
+            isin = np.all(x <= self.corner + self.length, axis=1) \
+                 * np.all(x >= self.corner, axis=1)
-            if len(self.length) == 3:
-                return ((self.corner[0] <= x[0]
-                         <= self.corner[0] + self.length[0])
-                        and (self.corner[1] <= x[1]
-                             <= self.corner[1] + self.length[1])
-                        and (self.corner[2] <= x[2]
-                             <= self.corner[2] + self.length[2]))
-            else:
-                return ((self.corner[0] <= x[0]
-                         <= self.corner[0] + self.length[0])
-                        and (self.corner[1] <= x[1]
-                             <= self.corner[1] + self.length[1]))
+            isin = np.all(x <= self.center + self.length/2, axis=1) \
+                 * np.all(x >= self.center - self.length/2, axis=1)
+        if npt is -1:
+            return isin[0]
+        else:
+            return isin
 class Ellipsoid(General):
@@ -560,7 +579,7 @@ class Ellipsoid(General):
     def __init__(self, radius, center=None):
         Class that defines a ellipsoid shape.
-        When called and a numpy array is given as parameter it returns a
+        When called and a numpy array is given as parameter it retu(),rns a
         boolean numpy array of the same length of the latter.
         Returns true if inside an 2d of 3d ellipsoid
@@ -694,20 +713,10 @@ class InHull(Shape):
         if self.points_coordinates is None:
             self.points_coordinates = self.generate_points()
-        vect_parent = vect
-        def fun():
-            vect = np.asarray(vect_parent)
-            if len(self.points_coordinates.shape) < 2:
-                # translate a point
-                return self.points_coordinates + np.asarray(vect)
-            elif len(self.points_coordinates.shape) == 2:
-                return (np.repeat([vect], len(self.points_coordinates), axis=0)
-                        + self.points_coordinates)
-        self.points_coordinates = fun()
-        self.points_operations.append(fun)
+        self.points_coordinates = translate(self.points_coordinates, vect)
+        self.points_operations.append(
+                            lambda : translate(self.points_coordinates, vect))
     def rotate(self, angle, axis=None, center='self'):
         '''Rotate a point or a list of points in 2 or 3d around a center
@@ -720,7 +729,7 @@ class InHull(Shape):
             angle of rotation.
             if 3d, tx is either the angle around the x axis or
             the angle to rotate around the specified axis
-        ty: number
+        ty: numbernp.repeat([rot_mat], len(x), axis=0)
             if axis is None, the angle of the rotation around y
             will be ignored if axis is not None
         tz: number (opt, defaults to None)
@@ -739,49 +748,229 @@ class InHull(Shape):
         if self.points_coordinates is None:
             self.points_coordinates = self.generate_points()
-        if not isinstance(angle, (list, tuple)):
-            angle = (angle,)
-        angle = np.asarray(angle)
-        center_parent = center
-        def fun():
-            if len(self.points_coordinates.shape) == 2:
-                npt, ndim = self.points_coordinates.shape
-            else: raise ValueError
-            if ndim is 2:
-                rot_mat = np.array([[np.cos(angle[0]), -np.sin(angle[0])],
-                                    [np.sin(angle[0]), np.cos(angle[0])]])
-            elif ndim is 3:
-                rot_mat = _rotation_matrix(angle, axis)
-            else: raise ValueError
-            if center_parent is None:
-                center = np.zeros(ndim)
-            elif center_parent is 'self':
-                center = np.mean(self.points_coordinates, axis=0)
-            elif isinstance(center_parent, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)):
-                center = np.asarray(center_parent)
-            else: raise ValueError
-            center_mat = np.repeat([center],
-                                   len(self.points_coordinates), axis=0)
-            ret = (np.einsum(
-                    'kij, kj -> ki',
-                    np.repeat([rot_mat], len(self.points_coordinates), axis=0),
-                    self.points_coordinates - center_mat)
-                   + center_mat)
-            if npt is 1:
-                return ret[0]
-            else:
-                return ret
+        self.points_coordinates = rotate(self.points_coordinates, angle,
+                                        axis=axis, center=center)
+        self.points_operations.append(
+                                lambda : rotate(self.points_coordinates, angle,
+                                                axis=axis, center=center))
+    def reflect(self, axis):
+        '''returns reflections of point(s) x wrt to axis
+        Parameters:
+        -----------
+        axis: array like
+            2 (3) points that generate the line (plan)
+            wrt which to reflect in 2d (3d)
+        '''
+        if self.points_coordinates is None:
+            self.points_coordinates = self.generate_points()
+        self.points_coordinates = reflect(self.points_coordinates, axis)
+        self.points_operations.append(lambda : reflect(self.points_coordinates,
+                                                      axis))
+def box(length, corner=None, center=None):
+    '''
+        Returns points of a 2d of 3d box
+        Parameters:
+        -----------
+        length = (Lx, Ly, Lz): numbers
+            the lengths of the sides
+            if Ly (Lz) is None, Ly (Lz) will be equal to Lx
+            (usefull to quickly draw cubes)
+        corner = (x0, y0, z0) : numbers
+            the lower left corner of the (if z0 si None will be 2d)
+        center = (x0, y0, z0) : numbers
+            overwrites the corner argument
+            if center=None the corner will be used
+            the lower left corner of the (if z0 si None will be 2d)
+        Returns:
+        --------
+        points: np.ndarray
+            the points defining the box
+    '''
+    if isinstance(length, (int, float)):
+        length = (length, length)
-        self.points_coordinates = fun()
-        self.points_operations.append(fun)
+    length = np.asarray(length)
+    ndim = len(length)
+    if corner is None:
+        corner = np.zeros(ndim)
+    elif isinstance(corner, int):
+        corner = corner * np.ones(ndim)
+    corner = np.asarray(corner)
+    if center is not None:
+        center = np.asarray(center)
+    assert len(length) == len(corner), (
+            'The corner does not have the same'
+            + ' size as length / or a corner has'
+            + ' been given and length is an int')
+    points = np.array([[0, 0], [0, length[1]], length[:2], [length[0], 0]])
+    if ndim == 3:
+        points = np.vstack((np.c_[points, np.zeros(4)],
+                            np.c_[points, np.ones(4) * length[2]]))
+    if center is None:
+        points = points + corner
+    else:
+        points = points - length / 2 + center
+    return points
+def translate(x, vect):
+    '''
+    Translate a point or a list of points by a vector vect
+    Parameters:
+    -----------
+    x: tuple or liste of tuple
+        the points to translate
+    vect: list, tuple or numpy array
+        the translation vector
+    '''
+    x = np.asarray(x)
+    vect = np.asarray(vect)
+    if len(x.shape) < 2:
+        # translate a point
+        return x + np.asarray(vect)
+    elif len(x.shape) == 2:
+        return np.repeat([vect], len(x), axis=0) + x
+def rotate(x, angle, axis=None, center='self'):
+    '''Rotate a point or a list of points in 2 or 3d around a center
+    of an angle or a combination of angles or around an axis
+    Parameters:
+    -----------
+    angle: (tx, ty, tz) or number
+    tx: number
+        angle of rotation.
+        if 3d, tx is either the angle around the x axis or
+        the angle to rotate around the specified axis
+    ty: number
+        if axis is None, the angle of the rotation around y
+        will be ignored if axis is not None
+    tz: number (opt, defaults to None)
+        if axis is None, the angle of the rotation around z
+        will be ignored if axis is not None
+    axis: arraylike (opt, defaults to None)
+        if axis is None, rotation around main axes
+        if not None, the axis of rotation
+    center: None, arraylike or 'self'(opt, defaults to None)
+        the center of the rotation
+        if None, will be the origin according to the dimension
+        if self, will be the average of the points
+        (center of regular polygon for 'inplace' rotation)
+    '''
+    x = np.asarray(x)
+    center_parent = center
+    if not isinstance(angle, (list, tuple)):
+        angle = (angle,)
+    angle = np.asarray(angle)
+    if len(x.shape) == 2:
+        npt, ndim = x.shape
+    elif len(x.shape) == 1:
+        npt, ndim = -1, x.shape[0]
+        x = x[None, :]
+    else: raise ValueError
+    if ndim is 2:
+        rot_mat = np.array([[np.cos(angle[0]), -np.sin(angle[0])],
+                            [np.sin(angle[0]), np.cos(angle[0])]])
+    elif ndim is 3:
+        rot_mat = _rotation_matrix(angle, axis)
+    else: raise ValueError
+    if center_parent is None:
+        center = np.zeros(ndim)
+    elif center_parent is 'self':
+        center = np.mean(x, axis=0)
+    elif isinstance(center_parent, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)):
+        center = np.asarray(center_parent)
+    else: raise ValueError
+    center_mat = np.repeat([center],
+                           len(x), axis=0)
+    ret = (np.einsum(
+            'kij, kj -> ki',
+            np.repeat([rot_mat], len(x), axis=0), x - center_mat)
+           + center_mat)
+    if npt is -1:
+        return ret[0]
+    else:
+        return ret
+def reflect(x, axis):
+    '''returns reflections of point(s) x wrt to axis
+    Parameters:
+    -----------
+    x: array like
+        point or list of points in 2 or 3d
+    axis: array like
+        2 (3) points that generate the line (plan)
+        wrt which to reflect in 2d (3d)
+    Returns:
+    --------
+    ret: array like (shape of x)
+        the reflected point(s)
+    '''
+    x = np.asarray(x)
+    if len(x.shape) == 1:
+        ndim, npt = x.shape[0], -1
+        x = x[None, :]
+    else:
+        npt, ndim = x.shape
+    assert (ndim == 2 or ndim == 3)
+    assert isinstance(axis, (list, np.ndarray))
+    axis = np.asarray(axis)
+    assert axis.shape[1] == ndim
+    A = axis[0]
+    Amat = np.repeat([A], len(x), axis=0)
+    if ndim == 2:
+        u = (axis[1:] - A)[0]
+        v = np.array([u[1], -u[0]])
+        # u, v is othogonal basis
+        mirror = np.array([[1, 0],[0, -1]])
+        Mat = np.array([u, v])
+    elif ndim == 3:
+        u, C = axis[1:] - A
+        w = np.cross(u, C)
+        v = np.cross(w, u)
+        # u, v, w is othogonal basis
+        mirror = np.array([[1, 0, 0],[0, 1, 0], [0 ,0 ,-1]])
+        Mat = np.array([u, v, w])
+    Matinv = np.linalg.inv(Mat)
+    transf = Mat.T @ mirror @ Matinv.T
+    ret = np.einsum('kij, kj -> ki', np.repeat([transf], len(x), axis=0),
+                                    (x - Amat)) + Amat
+    if npt is -1:
+        return ret[0]
+    else:
+        return ret
 class Delaunay(InHull):
@@ -833,7 +1022,7 @@ class RegularPolygon(InHull):
-        n: integer (opt, defaults to 3)
+        npoints: integer (opt, defaults to 3)
             the number of sides (points) of the regular polygon
         center: 2d tuple (opt, defaults to [0, 0])
             the center of the regular polygon
@@ -845,20 +1034,17 @@ class RegularPolygon(InHull):
         flat: bool (opt, defaults to True)
             it True, the polygon is rotated to have his lowest
             edge parallel to x axis
-        super().__init__()
         self.radius = radius
         self.npoints = npoints
         self.center = center
         self.clockwise = clockwise
         self.flat = flat
+        super().__init__()
     def generate_points(self):
             Returns a numpy array containing the coordinates of the points
             defining the shape.
@@ -918,14 +1104,13 @@ class ExtrudedRegularPolygon(InHull):
-        super().__init__()
         self.radius = radius
         self.npoints = npoints
         self.center = center
         self.clockwise = clockwise
         self.flat = flat
         self.Lz = Lz
+        super().__init__()
     def generate_points(self):
@@ -961,11 +1146,11 @@ class ExtrudedRegularPolygon(InHull):
 # test plots
 def __test_plot_ellipse():
     ellipse = Ellipsoid(radius=2)
-    mm = continuous.grid._2d_mesh(*continuous.grid._points_from_2dbounding_box([-3, 3, -3, 3],
-                                                             0.1))
+    mm = continuous.grid._2d_mesh(
+            *continuous.grid._points_from_2dbounding_box([-3, 3, -3, 3], 0.1))
     x, y = list(zip(*mm))
     xx, yy = list(zip(*continuous.grid._apply_stencil(mm, ellipse)))
     plt.scatter(x, y, label='bbox')
@@ -994,6 +1179,26 @@ def __test_plot_rectangle():
     plt.scatter(x, y, c=mesh.point_label)
+def __test_plot_rectangle_center():
+    rect1 = Rectangle(length=4, center=[2, 2])
+    rect2 = Rectangle(length=2, center=[2, 2])
+    rect3 = Rectangle(length=1, center=[2, 2])
+    bbox1 = [0, 4, 0, 4]
+    bbox2 = [1, 3, 1, 3]
+    mesh1 = (bbox1, 0.15, rect1, 0)
+    mesh2 = (bbox2, 0.1, rect2, 1)
+    hole1 = (rect3)
+    points = ([[2, 2]], 2)
+    mesh = GridBuilder(meshs=[mesh1, mesh2], holes=[hole1],
+                                  points=[points])
+    x, y = list(zip(*mesh.points))
+    plt.scatter(x, y, c=mesh.point_label)
+    plt.show()
 def __test_plot_ellipse_circ():
@@ -1062,6 +1267,34 @@ def __test_plot_rotation_translation():
     plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
+def __test_reflection():
+    '''test if two reflexions is equal to identity'''
+    np.random.seed(112)
+    ndim = 2
+    axis = np.random.rand(ndim, ndim)
+    pt = np.random.rand(150, ndim)
+    assert(np.allclose(pt, reflect(reflect(pt, axis), axis)))
+    ndim = 3
+    axis = np.random.rand(ndim, ndim)
+    pt = np.random.rand(150, ndim)
+    assert(np.allclose(pt, reflect(reflect(pt, axis), axis)))
+    print('test reflexion passed')
+def __test_plot_reflection():
+    ndim = 2
+    axis = np.random.rand(ndim, ndim) - 0.5
+    pt = np.random.rand(10, ndim)
+    newpt = reflect(pt, axis)
+    plt.figure(figsize=(12,12))
+    plt.plot(*pt.T, marker='o')
+    plt.plot(*axis.T, lw=4)
+    plt.plot(*newpt.T, marker='^')
+    plt.axes().set_aspect('equal')
+    plt.show()