diff --git a/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/0.2.rst b/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/0.2.rst
index 3a0e8e95a4a30a86168855fbd017be1279193cfe..2022810f63e0c00d3df442d91ff1e772f45ba0d8 100644
--- a/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/0.2.rst
+++ b/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/0.2.rst
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ description check `~kwant.plotter.plot` documentation.
 The behavior of `~kwant.plotter.plot` with low level systems has changed.
 Arguments of plot which are functions are given site numbers in place of
-`~kwant.builder.Site` objects when plotting a low level system.  This
+`~kwant.system.Site` objects when plotting a low level system.  This
 provides an easy way to make the appearance of lines and symbols depend on
 computation results.
diff --git a/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/1.0.rst b/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/1.0.rst
index 1eb4cf07efa8cda9b030497893b99b263afbabd7..473e414af1052f24ef271e38a2bd2b92ba34d361 100644
--- a/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/1.0.rst
+++ b/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/1.0.rst
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ now it suffices to write ::
     syst[lat.neighbors()] = t
 This is possible because `~kwant.builder.Builder` now accepts *functions* as
-keys in addition to `~kwant.builder.Site` objects and tuples of them
+keys in addition to `~kwant.system.Site` objects and tuples of them
 (hoppings).  These functions are expected to yield either sites or hoppings,
 when given a builder instance as the sole argument. The use of such keys is to
 implement sets of sites or hoppings that depend on what is already present in
diff --git a/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/1.5.rst b/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/1.5.rst
index 6204a4e02059822c4ab123ebec43b4e59afd5a5e..4a4d39755a638cfa2a749d19bcd2040b1ceeb5b0 100644
--- a/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/1.5.rst
+++ b/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/1.5.rst
@@ -3,6 +3,40 @@ What's new in Kwant 1.5
 This article explains the user-visible changes in Kwant 1.5.0.
+Value functions may now be vectorized
+It is now possible to define value functions that act on whole
+arrays of sites at a time.
+    def onsite(sites):
+        r = sites.positions()
+        return np.exp(-np.linalg.norm(r, axis=1)**2)
+    def hopping(to_sites, from_sites):
+        dr = to_sites.positions() - from_sites.positions()
+        return 1 / np.linalg.norm(dr, axis=1)**2
+    lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
+    syst = kwant.Builder(vectorize=True)
+    syst[(lat(i, j) for i in range(4) for j in range(10)] = onsite
+    syst[lat.neighbors()] = hopping
+    syst = syst.finalized()
+    syst.hamiltonian_submatrix()
+Notice that when creating the Builder we provide the ``vectorize=True`` flag,
+and that the value functions now take `~kwant.system.SiteArray` objects
+(which have a ``positions`` method, rather than a ``pos`` property as for
+`~kwant.system.Site`). We can now operate on the array of site positions
+using ``numpy``. Using vectorized value functions in this way can produce an
+order of magnitude speedup when evaluating system Hamiltonians (though this
+speedup may be masked by other parts of your computation e.g. calculating
+the scattering matrix).
 Deprecation of leaving 'norbs' unset for site families
 When constructing site families (e.g. lattices) it is now deprecated to
diff --git a/doc/source/reference/kwant.builder.rst b/doc/source/reference/kwant.builder.rst
index 327afca9e9f44c797378b918baa0799ef30af45f..6b470427c75c5ddb2594cdd8edacb705a36187ee 100644
--- a/doc/source/reference/kwant.builder.rst
+++ b/doc/source/reference/kwant.builder.rst
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ Types
    :toctree: generated/
-   Site
@@ -17,13 +16,14 @@ Types
+   FiniteVectorizedSystem
+   InfiniteVectorizedSystem
 Abstract base classes
 .. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/
-   SiteFamily
@@ -33,3 +33,11 @@ Functions
    :toctree: generated/
+Mixin Classes
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   _FinalizedBuilderMixin
+   _VectorizedFinalizedBuilderMixin
diff --git a/doc/source/reference/kwant.system.rst b/doc/source/reference/kwant.system.rst
index 3b6f26274da393807c37c6c2826ce5518fe41c7d..2a9bd89c2529d65e5cc3cad63a144dc31e7a03f1 100644
--- a/doc/source/reference/kwant.system.rst
+++ b/doc/source/reference/kwant.system.rst
@@ -19,10 +19,32 @@ In practice, very often Kwant systems are finalized
 `kwant.builder.FiniteSystem` or `kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem`) and offer some
 additional attributes.
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   Site
+   SiteArray
+   SiteFamily
 .. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/
+   VectorizedSystem
+   InfiniteVectorizedSystem
+   FiniteVectorizedSystem
+Mixin Classes
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   FiniteSystemMixin
+   InfiniteSystemMixin
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorial/first_steps.rst b/doc/source/tutorial/first_steps.rst
index 41ed21bb7fdfef0279b95f000db6d9199fa9ed63..b0760b6432e4d22003aa8bdfb9c18e5352999972 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorial/first_steps.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorial/first_steps.rst
@@ -358,13 +358,13 @@ subbands that increases with energy.
      **sites** as indices. Sites themselves have a certain type, and
      belong to a **site family**. A site family is also used to convert
      something that represents a site (like a tuple) into a
-     proper `~kwant.builder.Site` object that can be used with
+     proper `~kwant.system.Site` object that can be used with
      In the above example, `lat` is the site family. ``lat(i, j)``
      then translates the description of a lattice site in terms of two
      integer indices (which is the natural way to do here) into
-     a proper `~kwant.builder.Site` object.
+     a proper `~kwant.system.Site` object.
      The concept of site families and sites allows `~kwant.builder.Builder`
      to mix arbitrary lattices and site families
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorial/operators.rst b/doc/source/tutorial/operators.rst
index ed346f178fc3582a2f8909c8bc4cc76de03cad53..1fdd27871a4f3852df6b32ea92f1b9d633bb6897 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorial/operators.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorial/operators.rst
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ the `~kwant.operator.Current`, instead of a constant matrix:
     # evaluate the operator
     m_current = J_m(psi, params=dict(r0=25, delta=10))
-The function must take a `~kwant.builder.Site` as its first parameter,
+The function must take a `~kwant.system.Site` as its first parameter,
 and may optionally take other parameters (i.e. it must have the same
 signature as a Hamiltonian onsite function), and must return the square
 matrix that defines the operator we wish to calculate.
@@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ We see that the probability current is conserved across the scattering region,
 but the z-projected spin current is not due to the fact that the Hamiltonian
 does not commute with :math:`σ_z` everywhere in the scattering region.
-.. note:: ``where`` can also be provided as a sequence of `~kwant.builder.Site`
-          or a sequence of hoppings (i.e. pairs of `~kwant.builder.Site`),
+.. note:: ``where`` can also be provided as a sequence of `~kwant.system.Site`
+          or a sequence of hoppings (i.e. pairs of `~kwant.system.Site`),
           rather than a function.
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorial/plotting.rst b/doc/source/tutorial/plotting.rst
index bf6b51ae7e148fc6fdad8c37c5f24ed57421a079..48b6ed4796251b64aa9de10922ce911cd3aade86 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorial/plotting.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorial/plotting.rst
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ the start end end site of hopping as arguments:
     kwant.plot(syst, site_lw=0.1, site_color=family_color, hop_lw=hopping_lw);
 Note that since we are using an unfinalized Builder, a ``site`` is really an
-instance of `~kwant.builder.Site`. With these adjustments we arrive at a plot
+instance of `~kwant.system.Site`. With these adjustments we arrive at a plot
 that carries the same information, but is much easier to interpret.
 Apart from plotting the *system* itself, `~kwant.plotter.plot` can also be used
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ this is interpreted as the radius of the inner circle).
 Finally, note that since we are dealing with a finalized system now, a site `i`
 is represented by an integer. In order to obtain the original
-`~kwant.builder.Site`, ``syst.sites[i]`` can be used.
+`~kwant.system.Site`, ``syst.sites[i]`` can be used.
 The way how data is presented of course influences what features of the data
 are best visible in a given plot. With `~kwant.plotter.plot` one can easily go
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorial/spin_potential_shape.rst b/doc/source/tutorial/spin_potential_shape.rst
index b87eaa7f6afced106110ca10823e48a6cb667069..23d90bf8bbf384af9d3644a34867c635c5eaf115 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorial/spin_potential_shape.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorial/spin_potential_shape.rst
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ define the potential profile of a quantum well as:
             return 0
-This function takes two arguments: the first of type `~kwant.builder.Site`,
+This function takes two arguments: the first of type `~kwant.system.Site`,
 from which you can get the real-space coordinates using ``site.pos``, and the
 value of the potential as the second.  Note that in `potential` we can access
 variables `L` and `L_well` that are defined globally.
@@ -375,10 +375,10 @@ oscillatory transmission behavior through resonances in the quantum well.
 .. specialnote:: Technical details
   - Functions can also be used for hoppings. In this case, they take
-    two `~kwant.builder.Site`'s as arguments and then an arbitrary number
+    two `~kwant.system.Site`'s as arguments and then an arbitrary number
     of additional arguments.
-  - Apart from the real-space position `pos`, `~kwant.builder.Site` has also an
+  - Apart from the real-space position `pos`, `~kwant.system.Site` has also an
     attribute `tag` containing the lattice indices of the site.
 .. _tutorial-abring:
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ that returns ``True`` whenever a point is inside the shape, and
         return (r1 ** 2 < rsq < r2 ** 2)
 Note that this function takes a real-space position as argument (not a
 We can now simply add all of the lattice points inside this shape at
 once, using the function `~kwant.lattice.Square.shape`
diff --git a/kwant/_system.pyx b/kwant/_system.pyx
index 71860ed674dbabfade12a69c9eb2df9f31b6f65e..2f58dd4ff3bdb725acdf00238636006af337cde4 100644
--- a/kwant/_system.pyx
+++ b/kwant/_system.pyx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2013 Kwant authors.
+# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
 # This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
 # LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -12,12 +12,16 @@ import numpy as np
 from scipy import sparse as sp
 from itertools import chain
 import types
+import bisect
 from .graph.core cimport CGraph, gintArraySlice
 from .graph.defs cimport gint
 from .graph.defs import gint_dtype
 from ._common import deprecate_args
+### Non-vectorized methods
 msg = ('Hopping from site {0} to site {1} does not match the '
        'dimensions of onsite Hamiltonians of these sites.')
@@ -352,3 +356,383 @@ def hamiltonian_submatrix(self, args=(), to_sites=None, from_sites=None,
         mat = func(ham, args, params, self.graph, diag, from_sites,
                    n_by_to_site, to_norb, to_off, from_norb, from_off)
     return (mat, to_norb, from_norb) if return_norb else mat
+### Vectorized methods
+_shape_error_msg = (
+    "The following hoppings have matrix elements of incompatible shape "
+    "with other matrix elements: {}"
+def _vectorized_make_sparse(subgraphs, hams, long [:] norbs, long [:] orb_offsets,
+                 long [:] site_offsets, shape=None):
+    ndata = sum(h.shape[0] * h.shape[1] * h.shape[2] for h in hams)
+    cdef long [:] rows_view, cols_view
+    cdef complex [:] data_view
+    rows = np.empty((ndata,), dtype=long)
+    cols = np.empty((ndata,), dtype=long)
+    data = np.empty((ndata,), dtype=complex)
+    rows_view = rows
+    cols_view = cols
+    data_view = data
+    cdef long i, j, k, m, N, M, P, to_off, from_off,\
+              ta, fa, to_norbs, from_norbs
+    cdef long [:] ts_offs, fs_offs
+    cdef complex [:, :, :] h
+    m = 0
+    # This outer loop zip() is pure Python, but that's ok, as it
+    # has very few entries and the inner loops are fully vectorized
+    for ((ta, fa), (ts_offs, fs_offs)), h in zip(subgraphs, hams):
+        N = h.shape[0]
+        M = h.shape[1]
+        P = h.shape[2]
+        if norbs[ta] != M or norbs[fa] != P:
+            to_sites = site_offsets[ta] + np.array(ts_offs)
+            from_sites = site_offsets[fa] + np.array(fs_offs)
+            hops = np.array([to_sites, from_sites]).transpose()
+            raise ValueError(_shape_error_msg.format(hops))
+        for i in range(N):
+            to_off = orb_offsets[ta] + norbs[ta] * ts_offs[i]
+            from_off = orb_offsets[fa] + norbs[fa] * fs_offs[i]
+            for j in range(M):
+                for k in range(P):
+                    rows_view[m] = to_off + j
+                    cols_view[m] = from_off + k
+                    data_view[m] = h[i, j, k]
+                    m += 1
+    if shape is None:
+        shape = (orb_offsets[-1], orb_offsets[-1])
+    return sp.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=shape)
+def _vectorized_make_dense(subgraphs, hams, long [:] norbs, long [:] orb_offsets,
+                long [:] site_offsets, shape=None):
+    if shape is None:
+        shape = (orb_offsets[-1], orb_offsets[-1])
+    mat = np.zeros(shape, dtype=complex)
+    cdef complex [:, :] mat_view
+    mat_view = mat
+    cdef long i, j, k, N, M, P, to_off, from_off,\
+              ta, fa, to_norbs, from_norbs
+    cdef long [:] ts_offs, fs_offs
+    cdef complex [:, :, :] h
+    # This outer loop zip() is pure Python, but that's ok, as it
+    # has very few entries and the inner loops are fully vectorized
+    for ((ta, fa), (ts_offs, fs_offs)), h in zip(subgraphs, hams):
+        N = h.shape[0]
+        M = h.shape[1]
+        P = h.shape[2]
+        if norbs[ta] != M or norbs[fa] != P:
+            to_sites = site_offsets[ta] + np.array(ts_offs)
+            from_sites = site_offsets[fa] + np.array(fs_offs)
+            hops = np.array([to_sites, from_sites]).transpose()
+            raise ValueError(_shape_error_msg.format(hops))
+        for i in range(N):
+            to_off = orb_offsets[ta] + norbs[ta] * ts_offs[i]
+            from_off = orb_offsets[fa] + norbs[fa] * fs_offs[i]
+            for j in range(M):
+                for k in range(P):
+                    mat_view[to_off + j, from_off + k] = h[i, j, k]
+    return mat
+def _count_norbs(syst, site_offsets, hams, args=(), params=None):
+    """Return the norbs and orbital offset of each site family in 'syst'
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    syst : `kwant.system.System`
+    site_offsets : sequence of int
+        Contains the index of the first site for each site array
+        in 'syst.site_arrays'.
+    hams : sequence of arrays or 'None'
+        The Hamiltonian for each term in 'syst.terms'. 'None'
+        if the corresponding term has not been evaluated.
+    args, params : positional and keyword arguments to the system Hamiltonian
+    """
+    site_ranges = syst.site_ranges
+    if site_ranges is None:
+        # NOTE: Remove this branch once we can rely on
+        #       site families storing the norb information.
+        site_arrays = syst.site_arrays
+        family_norbs = {s.family: None for s in site_arrays}
+        # Compute the norbs per site family using already evaluated
+        # Hamiltonian terms where possible
+        for ham, t in zip(hams, syst.terms):
+            (to_w, from_w), _ = syst.subgraphs[t.subgraph]
+            if ham is not None:
+                family_norbs[site_arrays[to_w].family] = ham.shape[1]
+                family_norbs[site_arrays[from_w].family] = ham.shape[2]
+        # Evaluate Hamiltonian terms where we do not already have them
+        for n, t in enumerate(syst.terms):
+            (to_w, from_w), _ = syst.subgraphs[t.subgraph]
+            to_fam = site_arrays[to_w].family
+            from_fam = site_arrays[from_w].family
+            if family_norbs[to_fam] is None or family_norbs[from_fam] is None:
+                ham = syst.hamiltonian_term(n, args=args, params=params)
+                family_norbs[to_fam] = ham.shape[1]
+                family_norbs[from_fam] = ham.shape[2]
+        # This case is technically allowed by the format (some sites present
+        # but no hamiltonian terms that touch them) but is very unlikely.
+        if any(norbs is None for norbs in family_norbs.values()):
+            raise ValueError("Cannot determine the number of orbitals for "
+                             "some site families.")
+        orb_offset = 0
+        site_ranges = []
+        for start, site_array in zip(site_offsets, syst.site_arrays):
+            norbs = family_norbs[site_array.family]
+            site_ranges.append((start, norbs, orb_offset))
+            orb_offset += len(site_array) * norbs
+        site_ranges.append((site_offsets[-1], 0, orb_offset))
+        site_ranges = np.array(site_ranges)
+    _, norbs, orb_offsets = site_ranges.transpose()
+    # The final (extra) element in orb_offsets is the total number of orbitals
+    assert len(orb_offsets) == len(syst.site_arrays) + 1
+    return norbs, orb_offsets
+def _expand_norbs(compressed_norbs, site_offsets):
+    "Return norbs per site, given norbs per site array."
+    norbs = np.empty(site_offsets[-1], int)
+    for start, stop, norb in zip(site_offsets, site_offsets[1:],
+                                  compressed_norbs):
+        norbs[start:stop] = norb
+    return norbs
+def _reverse_subgraph(subgraph):
+    (to_sa, from_sa), (to_off, from_off) = subgraph
+    return ((from_sa, to_sa), (from_off, to_off))
+def vectorized_hamiltonian_submatrix(self, args=(), sparse=False,
+                                     return_norb=False, *, params=None):
+    """Return The system Hamiltonian.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    args : tuple, defaults to empty
+        Positional arguments to pass to ``hamiltonian_term``. Mutually
+        exclusive with 'params'.
+    sparse : bool
+        Whether to return a sparse or a dense matrix. Defaults to ``False``.
+    return_norb : bool
+        Whether to return arrays of numbers of orbitals.  Defaults to ``False``.
+    params : dict, optional
+        Dictionary of parameter names and their values. Mutually exclusive
+        with 'args'.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    hamiltonian_part : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.coo_matrix
+       The Hamiltonian of the system.
+    norb : array of integers
+        Numbers of orbitals on each site. Only returned when ``return_norb``
+        is true.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
+    instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
+    """
+    site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(arr) for arr in self.site_arrays])
+    subgraphs = [
+        self.subgraphs[t.subgraph]
+        for t in self.terms
+    ]
+    # Add Hermitian conjugates
+    subgraphs += [
+        _reverse_subgraph(self.subgraphs[t.subgraph])
+        for t in self.terms
+        if t.hermitian
+    ]
+    hams = [
+        self.hamiltonian_term(n, args=args, params=params)
+        for n, _ in enumerate(self.terms)
+    ]
+    # Add Hermitian conjugates
+    hams += [
+        ham.conjugate().transpose(0, 2, 1)
+        for ham, t in zip(hams, self.terms)
+        if t.hermitian
+    ]
+    norbs, orb_offsets = _count_norbs(self, site_offsets, hams,
+                                      args=args, params=params)
+    func = _vectorized_make_sparse if sparse else _vectorized_make_dense
+    mat = func(subgraphs, hams, norbs, orb_offsets, site_offsets)
+    if return_norb:
+        return (mat, _expand_norbs(norbs, site_offsets))
+    else:
+        return mat
+def vectorized_cell_hamiltonian(self, args=(), sparse=False, *, params=None):
+    """Hamiltonian of a single cell of the infinite system.
+    Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
+    instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
+    """
+    site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(arr) for arr in self.site_arrays])
+    # Site array where next cell starts
+    next_cell = bisect.bisect(site_offsets, self.cell_size) - 1
+    def inside_cell(term):
+        (to_which, from_which), _= self.subgraphs[term.subgraph]
+        return to_which < next_cell and from_which < next_cell
+    cell_terms = [
+        n for n, t in enumerate(self.terms)
+        if inside_cell(t)
+    ]
+    subgraphs = [
+        self.subgraphs[self.terms[n].subgraph]
+        for n in cell_terms
+    ]
+    # Add Hermitian conjugates
+    subgraphs += [
+        _reverse_subgraph(self.subgraphs[self.terms[n].subgraph])
+        for n in cell_terms
+        if self.terms[n].hermitian
+    ]
+    hams = [
+        self.hamiltonian_term(n, args=args, params=params)
+        for n in cell_terms
+    ]
+    # Add Hermitian conjugates
+    hams += [
+        ham.conjugate().transpose(0, 2, 1)
+        for ham, n in zip(hams, cell_terms)
+        if self.terms[n].hermitian
+    ]
+    # _count_norbs requires passing hamiltonians for all terms, or 'None'
+    # if it has not been evaluated
+    all_hams = [None] * len(self.terms)
+    for n, ham in zip(cell_terms, hams):
+        all_hams[n] = ham
+    norbs, orb_offsets = _count_norbs(self, site_offsets, all_hams,
+                                      args=args, params=params)
+    shape = (orb_offsets[next_cell], orb_offsets[next_cell])
+    func = _vectorized_make_sparse if sparse else _vectorized_make_dense
+    mat = func(subgraphs, hams, norbs, orb_offsets, site_offsets, shape=shape)
+    return mat
+def vectorized_inter_cell_hopping(self, args=(), sparse=False, *, params=None):
+    """Hopping Hamiltonian between two cells of the infinite system.
+    Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
+    instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
+    """
+    # Take advantage of the fact that there are distinct entries in
+    # onsite_terms for sites inside the unit cell, and distinct entries
+    # in onsite_terms for hoppings between the unit cell sites and
+    # interface sites. This way we only need to check the first entry
+    # in onsite/hopping_terms
+    site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(arr) for arr in self.site_arrays])
+    # Site array where next cell starts
+    next_cell = bisect.bisect(site_offsets, self.cell_size) - 1
+    inter_cell_hopping_terms = [
+        n for n, t in enumerate(self.terms)
+        # *from* site is in interface
+        if (self.subgraphs[t.subgraph][0][1] >= next_cell
+            and self.subgraphs[t.subgraph][0][0] < next_cell)
+    ]
+    reversed_inter_cell_hopping_terms = [
+        n for n, t in enumerate(self.terms)
+        # *to* site is in interface
+        if (self.subgraphs[t.subgraph][0][0] >= next_cell
+            and self.subgraphs[t.subgraph][0][1] < next_cell)
+    ]
+    # Evaluate inter-cell hoppings only
+    inter_cell_hams = [
+        self.hamiltonian_term(n, args=args, params=params)
+        for n in inter_cell_hopping_terms
+    ]
+    reversed_inter_cell_hams = [
+        self.hamiltonian_term(n, args=args, params=params)
+            .conjugate().transpose(0, 2, 1)
+        for n in reversed_inter_cell_hopping_terms
+    ]
+    hams = inter_cell_hams + reversed_inter_cell_hams
+    subgraphs = [
+        self.subgraphs[self.terms[n].subgraph]
+        for n in inter_cell_hopping_terms
+    ]
+    subgraphs += [
+        _reverse_subgraph(self.subgraphs[self.terms[n].subgraph])
+        for n in reversed_inter_cell_hopping_terms
+    ]
+    # All the 'from' sites are in the previous domain, but to build a
+    # matrix we need to get the equivalent sites in the fundamental domain.
+    # We set the 'from' site array to the one from the fundamental domain.
+    subgraphs = [
+        ((to_sa, from_sa - next_cell), (to_off, from_off))
+        for (to_sa, from_sa), (to_off, from_off) in subgraphs
+    ]
+    # _count_norbs requires passing hamiltonians for all terms, or 'None'
+    # if it has not been evaluated
+    all_hams = [None] * len(self.terms)
+    for n, ham in zip(inter_cell_hopping_terms, inter_cell_hams):
+        all_hams[n] = ham
+    for n, ham in zip(reversed_inter_cell_hopping_terms,
+                      reversed_inter_cell_hams):
+        # Transpose to get back correct shape wrt. original term
+        all_hams[n] = ham.transpose(0, 2, 1)
+    norbs, orb_offsets = _count_norbs(self, site_offsets, all_hams,
+                                      args=args, params=params)
+    shape = (orb_offsets[next_cell],
+             orb_offsets[len(self.site_arrays) - next_cell])
+    func = _vectorized_make_sparse if sparse else _vectorized_make_dense
+    mat = func(subgraphs, hams, norbs, orb_offsets, site_offsets, shape=shape)
+    return mat
diff --git a/kwant/builder.py b/kwant/builder.py
index 390ca0ba3c54d30d080d67c5002b43a49b74f4bf..31019c34533e879d383192f377e857b4e74f06d1 100644
--- a/kwant/builder.py
+++ b/kwant/builder.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2016 Kwant authors.
+# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
 # This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
 # LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -14,11 +14,14 @@ import copy
 from functools import total_ordering, wraps, update_wrapper
 from itertools import islice, chain
 import textwrap
+import bisect
+import numbers
 import inspect
 import tinyarray as ta
 import numpy as np
 from scipy import sparse
 from . import system, graph, KwantDeprecationWarning, UserCodeError
+from .system import Site, SiteArray, SiteFamily
 from .linalg import lll
 from .operator import Density
 from .physics import DiscreteSymmetry, magnetic_gauge
@@ -26,182 +29,13 @@ from ._common import (ensure_isinstance, get_parameters, reraise_warnings,
                       interleave, deprecate_args, memoize)
-__all__ = ['Builder', 'Site', 'SiteFamily', 'SimpleSiteFamily', 'Symmetry',
-           'HoppingKind', 'Lead', 'BuilderLead', 'SelfEnergyLead', 'ModesLead',
-           'add_peierls_phase']
+__all__ = ['Builder', 'SimpleSiteFamily', 'Symmetry', 'HoppingKind', 'Lead',
+           'BuilderLead', 'SelfEnergyLead', 'ModesLead', 'add_peierls_phase']
-################ Sites and site families
-class Site(tuple):
-    """A site, member of a `SiteFamily`.
-    Sites are the vertices of the graph which describes the tight binding
-    system in a `Builder`.
-    A site is uniquely identified by its family and its tag.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    family : an instance of `SiteFamily`
-        The 'type' of the site.
-    tag : a hashable python object
-        The unique identifier of the site within the site family, typically a
-        vector of integers.
-    Raises
-    ------
-    ValueError
-        If `tag` is not a proper tag for `family`.
-    Notes
-    -----
-    For convenience, ``family(*tag)`` can be used instead of ``Site(family,
-    tag)`` to create a site.
-    The parameters of the constructor (see above) are stored as instance
-    variables under the same names.  Given a site ``site``, common things to
-    query are thus ``site.family``, ``site.tag``, and ``site.pos``.
-    """
-    __slots__ = ()
-    family = property(operator.itemgetter(0),
-                      doc="The site family to which the site belongs.")
-    tag = property(operator.itemgetter(1), doc="The tag of the site.")
-    def __new__(cls, family, tag, _i_know_what_i_do=False):
-        if _i_know_what_i_do:
-            return tuple.__new__(cls, (family, tag))
-        try:
-            tag = family.normalize_tag(tag)
-        except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
-            msg = 'Tag {0} is not allowed for site family {1}: {2}'
-            raise type(e)(msg.format(repr(tag), repr(family), e.args[0]))
-        return tuple.__new__(cls, (family, tag))
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'Site({0}, {1})'.format(repr(self.family), repr(self.tag))
-    def __str__(self):
-        sf = self.family
-        return '<Site {0} of {1}>'.format(self.tag, sf.name if sf.name else sf)
-    def __getnewargs__(self):
-        return (self.family, self.tag, True)
-    @property
-    def pos(self):
-        """Real space position of the site.
-        This relies on ``family`` having a ``pos`` method (see `SiteFamily`).
-        """
-        return self.family.pos(self.tag)
+################ Site families
-class SiteFamily(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
-    """Abstract base class for site families.
-    Site families are the 'type' of `Site` objects.  Within a family, individual
-    sites are uniquely identified by tags.  Valid tags must be hashable Python
-    objects, further details are up to the family.
-    Site families must be immutable and fully defined by their initial
-    arguments.  They must inherit from this abstract base class and call its
-    __init__ function providing it with two arguments: a canonical
-    representation and a name.  The canonical representation will be returned as
-    the objects representation and must uniquely identify the site family
-    instance.  The name is a string used to distinguish otherwise identical site
-    families.  It may be empty. ``norbs`` defines the number of orbitals
-    on sites associated with this site family; it may be `None`, in which case
-    the number of orbitals is not specified.
-    All site families must define the method `normalize_tag` which brings a tag
-    to the standard format for this site family.
-    Site families that are intended for use with plotting should also provide a
-    method `pos(tag)`, which returns a vector with real-space coordinates of the
-    site belonging to this family with a given tag.
-    If the ``norbs`` of a site family are provided, and sites of this family
-    are used to populate a `~kwant.builder.Builder`, then the associated
-    Hamiltonian values must have the correct shape. That is, if a site family
-    has ``norbs = 2``, then any on-site terms for sites belonging to this
-    family should be 2x2 matrices. Similarly, any hoppings to/from sites
-    belonging to this family must have a matrix structure where there are two
-    rows/columns. This condition applies equally to Hamiltonian values that
-    are given by functions. If this condition is not satisfied, an error will
-    be raised.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, canonical_repr, name, norbs):
-        self.canonical_repr = canonical_repr
-        self.hash = hash(canonical_repr)
-        self.name = name
-        if norbs is None:
-            warnings.warn("Not specfying norbs is deprecated. Always specify "
-                          "norbs when creating site families.",
-                          KwantDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
-        if norbs is not None:
-            if int(norbs) != norbs or norbs <= 0:
-                raise ValueError('The norbs parameter must be an integer > 0.')
-            norbs = int(norbs)
-        self.norbs = norbs
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self.canonical_repr
-    def __str__(self):
-        if self.name:
-            msg = '<{0} site family {1}{2}>'
-        else:
-            msg = '<unnamed {0} site family{2}>'
-        orbs = ' with {0} orbitals'.format(self.norbs) if self.norbs else ''
-        return msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, orbs)
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return self.hash
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        try:
-            return self.canonical_repr == other.canonical_repr
-        except AttributeError:
-            return False
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        try:
-            return self.canonical_repr != other.canonical_repr
-        except AttributeError:
-            return True
-    def __lt__(self, other):
-        # If this raises an AttributeError, we were trying
-        # to compare it to something non-comparable anyway.
-        return self.canonical_repr < other.canonical_repr
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def normalize_tag(self, tag):
-        """Return a normalized version of the tag.
-        Raises TypeError or ValueError if the tag is not acceptable.
-        """
-        pass
-    def __call__(self, *tag):
-        """
-        A convenience function.
-        This function allows to write fam(1, 2) instead of Site(fam, (1, 2)).
-        """
-        # Catch a likely and difficult to find mistake.
-        if tag and isinstance(tag[0], tuple):
-            raise ValueError('Use site_family(1, 2) instead of '
-                             'site_family((1, 2))!')
-        return Site(self, tag)
 class SimpleSiteFamily(SiteFamily):
     """A site family used as an example and for testing.
@@ -307,19 +141,44 @@ class Symmetry(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
     def which(self, site):
         """Calculate the domain of the site.
-        Return the group element whose action on a certain site from the
-        fundamental domain will result in the given ``site``.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        site : `~kwant.system.Site` or `~kwant.system.SiteArray`
+        Returns
+        -------
+        group_element : tuple or sequence of tuples
+            A single tuple if ``site`` is a Site, or a sequence of tuples if
+            ``site`` is a SiteArray.  The group element(s) whose action
+            on a certain site(s) from the fundamental domain will result
+            in the given ``site``.
     def act(self, element, a, b=None):
-        """Act with a symmetry group element on a site or hopping."""
+        """Act with symmetry group element(s) on site(s) or hopping(s).
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        element : tuple or sequence of tuples
+            Group element(s) with which to act on the provided site(s)
+            or hopping(s)
+        a, b : `~kwant.system.Site` or `~kwant.system.SiteArray`
+            If Site then ``element`` is a single tuple, if SiteArray then
+            ``element`` is a sequence of tuples. If only ``a`` is provided then
+            ``element`` acts on the site(s) of ``a``. If ``b`` is also provided
+            then ``element`` acts on the hopping(s) ``(a, b)``.
+        """
     def to_fd(self, a, b=None):
         """Map a site or hopping to the fundamental domain.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        a, b : `~kwant.system.Site` or `~kwant.system.SiteArray`
         If ``b`` is None, return a site equivalent to ``a`` within the
         fundamental domain.  Otherwise, return a hopping equivalent to ``(a,
         b)`` but where the first element belongs to the fundamental domain.
@@ -329,11 +188,30 @@ class Symmetry(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
         return self.act(-self.which(a), a, b)
     def in_fd(self, site):
-        """Tell whether ``site`` lies within the fundamental domain."""
-        for d in self.which(site):
-            if d != 0:
-                return False
-        return True
+        """Tell whether ``site`` lies within the fundamental domain.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        site : `~kwant.system.Site` or `~kwant.system.SiteArray`
+        Returns
+        -------
+        in_fd : bool or sequence of bool
+            single bool if ``site`` is a Site, or a sequence of
+            bool if ``site`` is a SiteArray. In the latter case
+            we return whether each site in the SiteArray is in
+            the fundamental domain.
+        """
+        if isinstance(site, Site):
+            for d in self.which(site):
+                if d != 0:
+                    return False
+            return True
+        elif isinstance(site, SiteArray):
+            which = self.which(site)
+            return np.logical_and.reduce(which != 0, axis=1)
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("'site' must be a Site or SiteArray")
     def subgroup(self, *generators):
@@ -412,8 +290,8 @@ class HoppingKind(tuple):
     delta : Sequence of integers
         The sequence is interpreted as a vector with integer elements.
-    family_a : `~kwant.builder.SiteFamily`
-    family_b : `~kwant.builder.SiteFamily` or ``None`` (default)
+    family_a : `~kwant.system.SiteFamily`
+    family_b : `~kwant.system.SiteFamily` or ``None`` (default)
         The default value means: use the same family as `family_a`.
@@ -570,7 +448,7 @@ class BuilderLead(Lead):
         The tight-binding system of a lead. It has to possess appropriate
         symmetry, and it may not contain hoppings between further than
         neighboring images of the fundamental domain.
-    interface : sequence of `Site` instances
+    interface : sequence of `~kwant.system.Site` instances
         Sequence of sites in the scattering region to which the lead is
@@ -578,9 +456,9 @@ class BuilderLead(Lead):
     builder : `Builder`
         The tight-binding system of a lead.
-    interface : list of `Site` instances
+    interface : list of `~kwant.system.Site` instances
         A sorted list of interface sites.
-    padding : list of `Site` instances
+    padding : list of `~kwant.system.Site` instances
         A sorted list of sites that originate from the lead, have the same
         onsite Hamiltonian, and are connected by the same hoppings as the lead
@@ -607,7 +485,10 @@ class BuilderLead(Lead):
         The order of interface sites is kept during finalization.
-        return InfiniteSystem(self.builder, self.interface)
+        if self.builder.vectorize:
+            return InfiniteVectorizedSystem(self.builder, self.interface)
+        else:
+            return InfiniteSystem(self.builder, self.interface)
 def _ensure_signature(func):
@@ -638,7 +519,7 @@ class SelfEnergyLead(Lead):
     selfenergy_func : function
         Has the same signature as `selfenergy` (without the ``self``
         parameter) and returns the self energy matrix for the interface sites.
-    interface : sequence of `Site` instances
+    interface : sequence of `~kwant.system.Site` instances
     parameters : sequence of strings
         The parameters on which the lead depends.
@@ -669,7 +550,7 @@ class ModesLead(Lead):
         and returns the modes of the lead as a tuple of
         `~kwant.physics.PropagatingModes` and `~kwant.physics.StabilizedModes`.
     interface :
-        sequence of `Site` instances
+        sequence of `~kwant.system.Site` instances
     parameters : sequence of strings
         The parameters on which the lead depends.
@@ -797,10 +678,11 @@ class Builder:
     This is one of the central types in Kwant.  It is used to construct tight
     binding systems in a flexible way.
-    The nodes of the graph are `Site` instances.  The edges, i.e. the hoppings,
-    are pairs (2-tuples) of sites.  Each node and each edge has a value
-    associated with it.  The values associated with nodes are interpreted as
-    on-site Hamiltonians, the ones associated with edges as hopping integrals.
+    The nodes of the graph are `~kwant.system.Site` instances.  The edges,
+    i.e. the hoppings, are pairs (2-tuples) of sites.  Each node and each
+    edge has a value associated with it.  The values associated with nodes
+    are interpreted as on-site Hamiltonians, the ones associated with edges
+    as hopping integrals.
     To make the graph accessible in a way that is natural within the Python
     language it is exposed as a *mapping* (much like a built-in Python
@@ -827,6 +709,14 @@ class Builder:
     chiral : 2D array, dictionary, function or `None`
         The unitary part of the onsite chiral symmetry operator.
         Same format as that of `conservation_law`.
+    vectorize : bool, default: False
+        If True then the finalized Builder will evaluate its Hamiltonian in
+        a vectorized manner. This requires that all value functions take
+        `~kwant.system.SiteArray` as first/second parameter rather than
+        `~kwant.system.Site`, and return an array of values. The returned
+        array must have the same length as the provided SiteArray(s), and
+        may contain either scalars (i.e. a vector of values) or matrices
+        (i.e. a 3d array of values).
@@ -905,7 +795,7 @@ class Builder:
     def __init__(self, symmetry=None, *, conservation_law=None, time_reversal=None,
-                 particle_hole=None, chiral=None):
+                 particle_hole=None, chiral=None, vectorize=False):
         if symmetry is None:
             symmetry = NoSymmetry()
@@ -915,6 +805,7 @@ class Builder:
         self.time_reversal = time_reversal
         self.particle_hole = particle_hole
         self.chiral = chiral
+        self.vectorize = vectorize
         self.leads = []
         self.H = {}
@@ -998,6 +889,7 @@ class Builder:
         result.time_reversal = self.time_reversal
         result.particle_hole = self.particle_hole
         result.chiral = self.chiral
+        result.vectorize = self.vectorize
         result.leads = self.leads
         result.H = self.H
         return result
@@ -1452,7 +1344,7 @@ class Builder:
             A boolean function of site returning whether the site should be
             added to the target builder or not. The shape must be compatible
             with the symmetry of the target builder.
-        start : `Site` instance or iterable thereof or iterable of numbers
+        start : `~kwant.system.Site` or iterable thereof or iterable of numbers
             The site(s) at which the the flood-fill starts.  If start is an
             iterable of numbers, the starting site will be
@@ -1462,7 +1354,7 @@ class Builder:
-        added_sites : list of `Site` objects that were added to the system.
+        added_sites : list of `~kwant.system.Site` that were added to the system.
@@ -1614,7 +1506,7 @@ class Builder:
         lead_builder : `Builder` with 1D translational symmetry
             Builder of the lead which has to be attached.
-        origin : `Site`
+        origin : `~kwant.system.Site`
             The site which should belong to a domain where the lead should
             begin. It is used to attach a lead inside the system, e.g. to an
             inner radius of a ring.
@@ -1624,7 +1516,7 @@ class Builder:
-        added_sites : list of `Site` objects that were added to the system.
+        added_sites : list of `~kwant.system.Site`
@@ -1677,6 +1569,13 @@ class Builder:
         if add_cells < 0 or int(add_cells) != add_cells:
             raise ValueError('add_cells must be an integer >= 0.')
+        if self.vectorize != lead_builder.vectorize:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Sites of the lead were added to the scattering "
+                "region, but only one of these systems is vectorized. "
+                "Vectorize both systems to allow attaching leads."
+            )
         sym = lead_builder.symmetry
         H = lead_builder.H
@@ -1697,6 +1596,7 @@ class Builder:
+                vectorize=lead_builder.vectorize,
             with reraise_warnings():
                 new_lead.fill(lead_builder, lambda site: True,
@@ -1793,9 +1693,15 @@ class Builder:
         `Symmetry` can be finalized.
         if self.symmetry.num_directions == 0:
-            return FiniteSystem(self)
+            if self.vectorize:
+                return FiniteVectorizedSystem(self)
+            else:
+                return FiniteSystem(self)
         elif self.symmetry.num_directions == 1:
-            return InfiniteSystem(self)
+            if self.vectorize:
+                return InfiniteVectorizedSystem(self)
+            else:
+                return InfiniteSystem(self)
             raise ValueError('Currently, only builders without or with a 1D '
                              'translational symmetry can be finalized.')
@@ -1969,6 +1875,10 @@ def add_peierls_phase(syst, peierls_parameter='phi', fix_gauge=True):
         return f
+    if syst.vectorize:
+        raise TypeError("'add_peierls_phase' does not work with "
+                        "vectorized Builders")
     ret = _add_peierls_phase(syst, peierls_parameter).finalized()
     if fix_gauge:
@@ -2115,6 +2025,135 @@ class _FinalizedBuilderMixin:
         return DiscreteSymmetry(projectors, *(evaluate(symm) for symm in
+    def pos(self, i):
+        return self.sites[i].pos
+class _VectorizedFinalizedBuilderMixin(_FinalizedBuilderMixin):
+    """Common functionality for all vectorized finalized builders
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    _term_values : sequence
+        Each item is either an array of values (if 'param_names is None')
+        or a vectorized value function (in which case 'param_names' is a
+        sequence of strings: the extra parameters to the value function).
+    _onsite_term_by_site_id : sequence of int
+        Maps site (integer) to the term that evaluates the associated
+        onsite matrix element.
+    _hopping_term_by_edge_id : sequence of int
+        Maps edge id in the graph to the term that evaluates the associated
+        hopping matrix element. If negative, then the associated hopping is
+        the Hermitian conjugate of another hopping; if the number stored is
+        't' (< 0) then the associated hopping is stored in term '-t - 1'.
+    """
+    def hamiltonian(self, i, j, *args, params=None):
+        warnings.warn(
+            "Querying individual matrix elements with 'hamiltonian' is "
+            "deprecated, and now takes O(log N) time where N is the number "
+            "of matrix elements per hamiltonian term. Query many matrix "
+            "elements at once using 'hamiltonian_term'.",
+            KwantDeprecationWarning
+        )
+        site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(s) for s in self.site_arrays])
+        if i == j:
+            which_term = self._onsite_term_by_site_id[i]
+            (w, _), (off, _) = self.subgraphs[self.terms[which_term].subgraph]
+            i_off = i - site_offsets[w]
+            selector = np.searchsorted(off, i_off)
+            onsite = self.hamiltonian_term(
+                which_term, [selector], args, params=params)
+            return onsite[0]
+        else:
+            edge_id = self.graph.first_edge_id(i, j)
+            which_term = self._hopping_term_by_edge_id[edge_id]
+            herm_conj = which_term < 0
+            if herm_conj:
+                which_term = -which_term - 1
+            term = self.terms[which_term]
+            # To search for hopping (i, j) in hopping_terms, we need
+            # to treat hopping_terms as a record array of integer pairs
+            dtype = np.dtype([('f0', int), ('f1', int)])
+            # For hermitian conjugate terms search through the
+            # *other* term's hoppings because those are sorted.
+            (to_w, from_w), hoppings = self.subgraphs[term.subgraph]
+            hoppings = hoppings.transpose()  # to get array-of-pairs
+            if herm_conj:
+                hop = (j - site_offsets[to_w], i - site_offsets[from_w])
+            else:
+                hop = (i - site_offsets[to_w], j - site_offsets[from_w])
+            hop = np.array(hop, dtype=dtype)
+            hoppings = hoppings.view(dtype).reshape(-1)
+            selector = np.recarray.searchsorted(hoppings, hop)
+            h = self.hamiltonian_term(
+                    which_term, [selector], args, params=params)
+            h = h[0]
+            if herm_conj:
+                h = h.conjugate().transpose()
+            return h
+    def hamiltonian_term(self, term_number, selector=slice(None),
+                         args=(), params=None):
+        if args and params:
+            raise TypeError("'args' and 'params' are mutually exclusive.")
+        term = self.terms[term_number]
+        val = self._term_values[term_number]
+        if not callable(val):
+            return val[selector]
+        # Construct site arrays to pass to the vectorized value function.
+        subgraph = self.subgraphs[self.terms[term_number].subgraph]
+        (to_which, from_which), (to_off, from_off) = subgraph
+        is_onsite = to_off is from_off
+        to_off = to_off[selector]
+        from_off = from_off[selector]
+        assert len(to_off) == len(from_off)
+        to_family = self.site_arrays[to_which].family
+        to_tags = self.site_arrays[to_which].tags
+        to_site_array = SiteArray(to_family, to_tags[to_off])
+        if not is_onsite:
+            from_family = self.site_arrays[from_which].family
+            from_tags = self.site_arrays[from_which].tags
+            from_site_array = SiteArray(from_family, from_tags[from_off])
+        # Construct args from params
+        if params:
+            # There was a problem extracting parameter names from the value
+            # function (probably an illegal signature) and we are using
+            # keyword parameters.
+            if self._term_errors[term_number] is not None:
+                raise self._term_errors[term_number]
+            try:
+                args = [params[p] for p in term.parameters]
+            except KeyError:
+                missing = [p for p in term.parameters if p not in params]
+                msg = ('System is missing required arguments: ',
+                       ', '.join(map('"{}"'.format, missing)))
+                raise TypeError(''.join(msg))
+        if is_onsite:
+            try:
+                ham = val(to_site_array, *args)
+            except Exception as exc:
+                _raise_user_error(exc, val)
+        else:
+            try:
+                ham = val(
+                        *self.symmetry.to_fd(
+                            to_site_array,
+                            from_site_array),
+                        *args)
+            except Exception as exc:
+                _raise_user_error(exc, val)
+        ham = _normalize_term_value(ham, len(to_site_array))
+        return ham
 # The same (value, parameters) pair will be used for many sites/hoppings,
 # so we cache it to avoid wasting extra memory.
@@ -2147,6 +2186,64 @@ def _value_params_pair_cache(nstrip):
     return get
+def _make_graph(H, id_by_site):
+    g = graph.Graph()
+    g.num_nodes = len(id_by_site)  # Some sites could not appear in any edge.
+    for tail, hvhv in H.items():
+        for head in islice(hvhv, 2, None, 2):
+            if tail == head:
+                continue
+            g.add_edge(id_by_site[tail], id_by_site[head])
+    return g.compressed()
+def _finalize_leads(leads, id_by_site):
+    #### Connect leads.
+    finalized_leads = []
+    lead_interfaces = []
+    lead_paddings = []
+    for lead_nr, lead in enumerate(leads):
+        try:
+            with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws:
+                warnings.simplefilter("always")
+                # The following line is the whole "payload" of the entire
+                # try-block.
+                finalized_leads.append(lead.finalized())
+        except ValueError as e:
+            # Re-raise the exception with an additional message.
+            msg = 'Problem finalizing lead {0}:'.format(lead_nr)
+            e.args = (' '.join((msg,) + e.args),)
+            raise
+        else:
+            for w in ws:
+                # Re-raise any warnings with an additional message and the
+                # proper stacklevel.
+                w = w.message
+                msg = 'When finalizing lead {0}:'.format(lead_nr)
+                warnings.warn(w.__class__(' '.join((msg,) + w.args)),
+                              stacklevel=3)
+        try:
+            interface = [id_by_site[isite] for isite in lead.interface]
+        except KeyError as e:
+            msg = ("Lead {0} is attached to a site that does not "
+                   "belong to the scattering region:\n {1}")
+            raise ValueError(msg.format(lead_nr, e.args[0]))
+        lead_interfaces.append(np.array(interface))
+        padding = getattr(lead, 'padding', [])
+        # Some padding sites might have been removed after the lead was
+        # attached. Unlike in the case of the interface, this is not a
+        # problem.
+        finalized_padding = [
+            id_by_site[isite] for isite in padding if isite in id_by_site
+        ]
+        lead_paddings.append(np.array(finalized_padding))
+    return finalized_leads, lead_interfaces, lead_paddings
 class FiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.FiniteSystem):
     """Finalized `Builder` with leads.
@@ -2155,11 +2252,11 @@ class FiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.FiniteSystem):
     sites : sequence
-        ``sites[i]`` is the `~kwant.builder.Site` instance that corresponds
+        ``sites[i]`` is the `~kwant.system.Site` instance that corresponds
         to the integer-labeled site ``i`` of the low-level system. The sites
         are ordered first by their family and then by their tag.
-    id_by_site : dict
-        The inverse of ``sites``; maps high-level `~kwant.builder.Site`
+    id_by_site : mapping
+        The inverse of ``sites``; maps high-level `~kwant.system.Site`
         instances to their integer label.
         Satisfies ``id_by_site[sites[i]] == i``.
@@ -2173,57 +2270,10 @@ class FiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.FiniteSystem):
         for site_id, site in enumerate(sites):
             id_by_site[site] = site_id
-        #### Make graph.
-        g = graph.Graph()
-        g.num_nodes = len(sites)  # Some sites could not appear in any edge.
-        for tail, hvhv in builder.H.items():
-            for head in islice(hvhv, 2, None, 2):
-                if tail == head:
-                    continue
-                g.add_edge(id_by_site[tail], id_by_site[head])
-        g = g.compressed()
-        #### Connect leads.
-        finalized_leads = []
-        lead_interfaces = []
-        lead_paddings = []
-        for lead_nr, lead in enumerate(builder.leads):
-            try:
-                with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws:
-                    warnings.simplefilter("always")
-                    # The following line is the whole "payload" of the entire
-                    # try-block.
-                    finalized_leads.append(lead.finalized())
-                for w in ws:
-                    # Re-raise any warnings with an additional message and the
-                    # proper stacklevel.
-                    w = w.message
-                    msg = 'When finalizing lead {0}:'.format(lead_nr)
-                    warnings.warn(w.__class__(' '.join((msg,) + w.args)),
-                                  stacklevel=3)
-            except ValueError as e:
-                # Re-raise the exception with an additional message.
-                msg = 'Problem finalizing lead {0}:'.format(lead_nr)
-                e.args = (' '.join((msg,) + e.args),)
-                raise
-            try:
-                interface = [id_by_site[isite] for isite in lead.interface]
-            except KeyError as e:
-                msg = ("Lead {0} is attached to a site that does not "
-                       "belong to the scattering region:\n {1}")
-                raise ValueError(msg.format(lead_nr, e.args[0]))
-            lead_interfaces.append(np.array(interface))
-            padding = getattr(lead, 'padding', [])
-            # Some padding sites might have been removed after the lead was
-            # attached. Unlike in the case of the interface, this is not a
-            # problem.
-            finalized_padding = [
-                id_by_site[isite] for isite in padding if isite in id_by_site
-            ]
+        graph = _make_graph(builder.H, id_by_site)
-            lead_paddings.append(np.array(finalized_padding))
+        finalized_leads, lead_interfaces, lead_paddings =\
+            _finalize_leads(builder.leads, id_by_site)
         # Because many onsites/hoppings share the same (value, parameter)
         # pairs, we keep them in a cache so that we only store a given pair
@@ -2232,7 +2282,7 @@ class FiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.FiniteSystem):
         onsites = [cache(builder.H[site][1]) for site in sites]
         cache = _value_params_pair_cache(2)
         hoppings = [cache(builder._get_edge(sites[tail], sites[head]))
-                    for tail, head in g]
+                    for tail, head in graph]
         # Compute the union of the parameters of onsites and hoppings.  Here,
         # 'onsites' and 'hoppings' are pairs whose second element is one of
@@ -2252,7 +2302,7 @@ class FiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.FiniteSystem):
             parameters = frozenset(parameters)
-        self.graph = g
+        self.graph = graph
         self.sites = sites
         self.site_ranges = _site_ranges(sites)
         self.id_by_site = id_by_site
@@ -2265,8 +2315,502 @@ class FiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.FiniteSystem):
         self.lead_paddings = lead_paddings
-    def pos(self, i):
-        return self.sites[i].pos
+def _make_site_arrays(sites):
+    tags_by_family = {}
+    for family, tag in sites:  # Sites are tuples
+        tags_by_family.setdefault(family, []).append(tag)
+    site_arrays = []
+    for family, tags in sorted(tags_by_family.items()):
+        site_arrays.append(SiteArray(family, sorted(tags)))
+    return site_arrays
+# Wrapper for accessing sites by their sequential number from a
+# list of SiteArrays.
+class _Sites:
+    def __init__(self, site_arrays):
+        self._site_arrays = site_arrays
+        lengths = [0] + [len(arr.tags) for arr in site_arrays]
+        self._start_idxs = np.cumsum(lengths)[:-1]
+    def __len__(self):
+        return sum(len(arr.tags) for arr in self._site_arrays)
+    def __getitem__(self, idx):
+        if not isinstance(idx, numbers.Integral):
+            raise TypeError("Only individual sites may be indexed")
+        if idx < 0 or idx >= len(self):
+            raise IndexError(idx)
+        which = bisect.bisect(self._start_idxs, idx) - 1
+        arr = self._site_arrays[which]
+        start = self._start_idxs[which]
+        fam = arr.family
+        tag = arr.tags[idx - start]
+        return Site(fam, tag)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        for arr in self._site_arrays:
+            for tag in arr.tags:
+                yield Site(arr.family, tag)
+# Wrapper for accessing the sequential number of a site, given
+# Site object, from a list of SiteArrays.
+class _IdBySite:
+    def __init__(self, site_arrays):
+        self._site_arrays = site_arrays
+        lengths = [0] + [len(arr.tags) for arr in site_arrays]
+        self._start_idxs = np.cumsum(lengths)[:-1]
+    def __len__(self):
+        return sum(len(arr.tags) for arr in self._site_arrays)
+    def __getitem__(self, site):
+        # treat tags as 1D sequence by defining custom dtype
+        tag_dtype = np.asarray(site.tag).dtype
+        dtype = np.dtype([('f{}'.format(i), tag_dtype)
+                          for i in range(len(site.tag))])
+        site_tag = np.asarray(site.tag).view(dtype)[0]
+        # This slightly convoluted logic is necessary because there
+        # may be >1 site_array with the same family for InfiniteSystems.
+        for start, arr in zip(self._start_idxs, self._site_arrays):
+            if arr.family != site.family:
+                continue
+            tags = arr.tags.view(dtype).reshape(-1)
+            idx_in_fam = np.recarray.searchsorted(tags, site_tag)
+            if idx_in_fam >= len(tags) or tags[idx_in_fam] != site_tag:
+                continue
+            return start + idx_in_fam
+        raise KeyError(site)
+def _normalize_term_value(value, expected_n_values):
+    try:
+        value = np.asarray(value, dtype=complex)
+    except TypeError:
+        raise ValueError(
+            "Matrix elements declared with incompatible shapes."
+        ) from None
+    # Upgrade to vector of matrices
+    if len(value.shape) == 1:
+        value = value[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
+    if len(value.shape) != 3:
+        msg = (
+            "Vectorized value functions must return an array of"
+            "scalars or an array of matrices."
+        )
+        raise ValueError(msg)
+    if value.shape[0] != expected_n_values:
+        raise ValueError("Value functions must return a single value per "
+                         "onsite/hopping.")
+    return value
+def _sort_term(term, value):
+    term = np.asarray(term)
+    if not callable(value):
+        value = _normalize_term_value(value, len(term))
+        # Ensure that values still correspond to the correct
+        # sites in 'term' once the latter has been sorted.
+        value = value[term.argsort()]
+    term.sort()
+    return term, value
+def _sort_hopping_term(term, value):
+    term = np.asarray(term)
+    # We want to sort the hopping terms in the same way
+    # as tuples (i, j), so we need to use a record array.
+    dtype = np.dtype([('f0', term.dtype), ('f1', term.dtype)])
+    term_prime = term.view(dtype=dtype).reshape(-1)
+    # _normalize_term will sort 'term' in-place via 'term_prime'
+    _, value = _sort_term(term_prime, value)
+    return term, value
+def _make_onsite_terms(builder, sites, site_offsets, term_offset):
+    # Construct onsite terms.
+    #
+    # onsite_subgraphs
+    #   Will contain tuples of the form described in
+    #   kwant.system.VectorizedSystem.subgraphs, but during construction
+    #   contains lists of the sites associated with each onsite term.
+    #
+    # onsite_term_values
+    #   Contains a callable or array of constant values for each term.
+    #
+    # onsite_terms
+    #   Constructed after the main loop. Contains a kwant.system.Term
+    #   tuple for each onsite term.
+    #
+    # _onsite_term_by_site_id
+    #   Maps the site ID to the number of the term that the site is
+    #   a part of.
+    #   lists the number of the
+    #   Hamiltonian term associated with each site/hopping. For
+    #   Hermitian conjugate hoppings "-term - 1" is stored instead.
+    onsite_subgraphs = []
+    onsite_term_values = []
+    onsite_term_parameters = []
+    # We just use the cache to handle non/callables and exceptions
+    cache = _value_params_pair_cache(1)
+    # maps onsite key -> onsite term number
+    onsite_to_term_nr = collections.OrderedDict()
+    _onsite_term_by_site_id = []
+    for site_id, site in enumerate(sites):
+        val = builder.H[builder.symmetry.to_fd(site)][1]
+        const_val = not callable(val)
+        which_site_array = bisect.bisect(site_offsets, site_id) - 1
+        # "key" uniquely identifies an onsite term.
+        if const_val:
+            key = (None, which_site_array)
+        else:
+            key = (id(val), which_site_array)
+        if key not in onsite_to_term_nr:
+            # Start a new term
+            onsite_to_term_nr[key] = len(onsite_subgraphs)
+            onsite_subgraphs.append([])
+            if const_val:
+                onsite_term_values.append([])
+                onsite_term_parameters.append(None)
+            else:
+                val, params = cache(val)
+                onsite_term_values.append(val)
+                onsite_term_parameters.append(params)
+        onsite_subgraphs[onsite_to_term_nr[key]].append(site_id)
+        _onsite_term_by_site_id.append(onsite_to_term_nr[key])
+        if const_val:
+            vals = onsite_term_values[onsite_to_term_nr[key]]
+            vals.append(val)
+    # Sort the sites in each term, and normalize any constant
+    # values to arrays of the correct dtype and shape.
+    onsite_subgraphs, onsite_term_values = zip(*(
+        _sort_term(term, value)
+        for term, value in
+        zip(onsite_subgraphs, onsite_term_values)))
+    # Store site array index and site offsets rather than sites themselves
+    tmp = []
+    for (_, which), s in zip(onsite_to_term_nr, onsite_subgraphs):
+        s = s - site_offsets[which]
+        tmp.append(((which, which), (s, s)))
+    onsite_subgraphs = tmp
+    # onsite_term_errors[i] contains an exception if the corresponding
+    # term has a value function with an illegal signature. We only raise
+    # the exception if we actually try to evaluate the offending term
+    # (to maintain backwards compatibility).
+    onsite_term_errors = [
+        err if isinstance(err, Exception) else None
+        for err in onsite_term_parameters
+    ]
+    onsite_terms = [
+        system.Term(
+            subgraph=term_offset + i,
+            hermitian=False,
+            parameters=(
+                params if not isinstance(params, Exception) else None
+            ),
+        )
+        for i, params in enumerate(onsite_term_parameters)
+    ]
+    _onsite_term_by_site_id = np.array(_onsite_term_by_site_id)
+    return (onsite_subgraphs, onsite_terms, onsite_term_values,
+            onsite_term_parameters, onsite_term_errors, _onsite_term_by_site_id)
+def _make_hopping_terms(builder, graph, sites, site_offsets, cell_size, term_offset):
+    # Construct the hopping terms
+    #
+    # The logic is the same as for the onsite terms, with the following
+    # differences.
+    #
+    # _hopping_term_by_edge_id
+    #   Maps hopping edge IDs to the number of the term that the hopping
+    #   is a part of. For Hermitian conjugate hoppings "-term_number -1"
+    #   is stored instead.
+    hopping_subgraphs = []
+    hopping_term_values = []
+    hopping_term_parameters = []
+    # We just use the cache to handle non/callables and exceptions
+    cache = _value_params_pair_cache(2)
+    # maps hopping key -> hopping term number
+    hopping_to_term_nr = collections.OrderedDict()
+    _hopping_term_by_edge_id = []
+    for tail, head in graph:
+        tail_site, head_site = sites[tail], sites[head]
+        if tail >= cell_size:
+            # The tail belongs to the previous domain.  Find the
+            # corresponding hopping with the tail in the fund. domain.
+            tail_site, head_site = builder.symmetry.to_fd(tail_site, head_site)
+        val = builder._get_edge(tail_site, head_site)
+        herm_conj = val is Other
+        if herm_conj:
+            val = builder._get_edge(*builder.symmetry.to_fd(head_site, tail_site))
+        const_val = not callable(val)
+        tail_site_array = bisect.bisect(site_offsets, tail) - 1
+        head_site_array = bisect.bisect(site_offsets, head) - 1
+        # "key" uniquely identifies a hopping term.
+        if const_val:
+            key = (None, tail_site_array, head_site_array)
+        else:
+            key = (id(val), tail_site_array, head_site_array)
+        if herm_conj:
+            key = (key[0], head_site_array, tail_site_array)
+        if key not in hopping_to_term_nr:
+            # start a new term
+            hopping_to_term_nr[key] = len(hopping_subgraphs)
+            hopping_subgraphs.append([])
+            if const_val:
+                hopping_term_values.append([])
+                hopping_term_parameters.append(None)
+            else:
+                val, params = cache(val)
+                hopping_term_values.append(val)
+                hopping_term_parameters.append(params)
+        if herm_conj:
+            # Hopping terms come after all onsite terms, so we need
+            # to offset the term ID by that many
+            term_id = -term_offset - hopping_to_term_nr[key] - 1
+            _hopping_term_by_edge_id.append(term_id)
+        else:
+            # Hopping terms come after all onsite terms, so we need
+            # to offset the term ID by that many
+            term_id = term_offset + hopping_to_term_nr[key]
+            _hopping_term_by_edge_id.append(term_id)
+            hopping_subgraphs[hopping_to_term_nr[key]].append((tail, head))
+            if const_val:
+                vals = hopping_term_values[hopping_to_term_nr[key]]
+                vals.append(val)
+    # Sort the hoppings in each term, and normalize any constant
+    # values to arrays of the correct dtype and shape.
+    if hopping_subgraphs:
+        hopping_subgraphs, hopping_term_values = zip(*(
+            _sort_hopping_term(term, value)
+            for term, value in
+            zip(hopping_subgraphs, hopping_term_values)))
+    # Store site array index and site offsets rather than sites themselves
+    tmp = []
+    for (_, tail_which, head_which), h in zip(hopping_to_term_nr,
+                                              hopping_subgraphs):
+        start = (site_offsets[tail_which], site_offsets[head_which])
+        # Transpose to get a pair of arrays rather than array of pairs
+        # We use the fact that the underlying array is stored in
+        # array-of-pairs order to search through it in 'hamiltonian'.
+        tmp.append(((tail_which, head_which), (h - start).transpose()))
+    hopping_subgraphs = tmp
+    # hopping_term_errors[i] contains an exception if the corresponding
+    # term has a value function with an illegal signature. We only raise
+    # the exception if this becomes a problem (to maintain backwards
+    # compatibility)
+    hopping_term_errors = [
+        err if isinstance(err, Exception) else None
+        for err in hopping_term_parameters
+    ]
+    hopping_terms = [
+        system.Term(
+            subgraph=term_offset + i,
+            hermitian=True,  # Builders are always Hermitian
+            parameters=(
+                params if not isinstance(params, Exception) else None
+            ),
+        )
+        for i, params in enumerate(hopping_term_parameters)
+    ]
+    _hopping_term_by_edge_id = np.array(_hopping_term_by_edge_id)
+    return (hopping_subgraphs, hopping_terms, hopping_term_values,
+            hopping_term_parameters, hopping_term_errors,
+            _hopping_term_by_edge_id)
+class FiniteVectorizedSystem(_VectorizedFinalizedBuilderMixin, system.FiniteVectorizedSystem):
+    """Finalized `Builder` with leads.
+    Usable as input for the solvers in `kwant.solvers`.
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    site_arrays : sequence of `~kwant.system.SiteArray`
+        The sites of the system.
+    sites : sequence
+        ``sites[i]`` is the `~kwant.system.Site` instance that corresponds
+        to the integer-labeled site ``i`` of the low-level system. The sites
+        are ordered first by their family and then by their tag.
+    id_by_site : mapping
+        The inverse of ``sites``; maps high-level `~kwant.system.Site`
+        instances to their integer label.
+        Satisfies ``id_by_site[sites[i]] == i``.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, builder):
+        assert builder.symmetry.num_directions == 0
+        assert builder.vectorize
+        sites = sorted(builder.H)
+        id_by_site = {site: site_id for site_id, site in enumerate(sites)}
+        if not all(s.family.norbs for s in sites):
+            raise ValueError("All sites must belong to families with norbs "
+                             "specified for vectorized Builders. Specify "
+                             "norbs when creating site families.")
+        graph = _make_graph(builder.H, id_by_site)
+        finalized_leads, lead_interfaces, lead_paddings =\
+            _finalize_leads(builder.leads, id_by_site)
+        del id_by_site  # cleanup due to large size
+        site_arrays = _make_site_arrays(builder.H)
+        # We need this to efficiently find which array a given
+        # site belongs to
+        site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(arr) for arr in site_arrays])
+        (onsite_subgraphs, onsite_terms, onsite_term_values,
+         onsite_term_parameters, onsite_term_errors, _onsite_term_by_site_id) =\
+            _make_onsite_terms(builder, sites, site_offsets, term_offset=0)
+        (hopping_subgraphs, hopping_terms, hopping_term_values,
+         hopping_term_parameters, hopping_term_errors,
+         _hopping_term_by_edge_id) =\
+            _make_hopping_terms(builder, graph, sites, site_offsets,
+                                len(sites), term_offset=len(onsite_terms))
+        # Construct the combined onsite/hopping term datastructures
+        subgraphs = tuple(onsite_subgraphs) + tuple(hopping_subgraphs)
+        terms = tuple(onsite_terms) + tuple(hopping_terms)
+        term_values = tuple(onsite_term_values) + tuple(hopping_term_values)
+        term_errors = tuple(onsite_term_errors) + tuple(hopping_term_errors)
+        # Construct system parameters
+        parameters = set()
+        for params in chain(onsite_term_parameters, hopping_term_parameters):
+            if params is not None:
+                parameters.update(params)
+        parameters = frozenset(parameters)
+        self.site_arrays = site_arrays
+        self.sites = _Sites(self.site_arrays)
+        self.id_by_site = _IdBySite(self.site_arrays)
+        self.graph = graph
+        self.subgraphs = subgraphs
+        self.terms = terms
+        self._term_values = term_values
+        self._term_errors = term_errors
+        self._hopping_term_by_edge_id = _hopping_term_by_edge_id
+        self._onsite_term_by_site_id = _onsite_term_by_site_id
+        self.parameters = parameters
+        self.symmetry = builder.symmetry
+        self.leads = finalized_leads
+        self.lead_interfaces = lead_interfaces
+        self.lead_paddings = lead_paddings
+        self._init_discrete_symmetries(builder)
+def _make_lead_sites(builder, interface_order):
+    #### For each site of the fundamental domain, determine whether it has
+    #### neighbors in the previous domain or not.
+    sym = builder.symmetry
+    lsites_with = []       # Fund. domain sites with neighbors in prev. dom
+    lsites_without = []    # Remaining sites of the fundamental domain
+    for tail in builder.H: # Loop over all sites of the fund. domain.
+        for head in builder._out_neighbors(tail):
+            fd = sym.which(head)[0]
+            if fd == 1:
+                # Tail belongs to fund. domain, head to the next domain.
+                lsites_with.append(tail)
+                break
+        else:
+            # Tail is a fund. domain site not connected to prev. domain.
+            lsites_without.append(tail)
+    if not lsites_with:
+        warnings.warn('Infinite system with disconnected cells.',
+                      RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3)
+    ### Create list of sites and a lookup table
+    minus_one = ta.array((-1,))
+    plus_one = ta.array((1,))
+    if interface_order is None:
+        # interface must be sorted
+        interface = [sym.act(minus_one, s) for s in lsites_with]
+        interface.sort()
+    else:
+        lsites_with_set = set(lsites_with)
+        lsites_with = []
+        interface = []
+        if interface_order:
+            shift = ta.array((-sym.which(interface_order[0])[0] - 1,))
+        for shifted_iface_site in interface_order:
+            # Shift the interface domain before the fundamental domain.
+            # That's the right place for the interface of a lead to be, but
+            # the sites of interface_order might live in a different
+            # domain.
+            iface_site = sym.act(shift, shifted_iface_site)
+            lsite = sym.act(plus_one, iface_site)
+            try:
+                lsites_with_set.remove(lsite)
+            except KeyError:
+                if (-sym.which(shifted_iface_site)[0] - 1,) != shift:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        'The sites in interface_order do not all '
+                        'belong to the same lead cell.')
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError('A site in interface_order is not an '
+                                     'interface site:\n' + str(iface_site))
+            interface.append(iface_site)
+            lsites_with.append(lsite)
+        if lsites_with_set:
+            raise ValueError(
+                'interface_order did not contain all interface sites.')
+        # `interface_order` *must* be sorted, hence `interface` should also
+        if interface != sorted(interface):
+            raise ValueError('Interface sites must be sorted.')
+        del lsites_with_set
+    return sorted(lsites_with), sorted(lsites_without), interface
+def _make_lead_graph(builder, sites, id_by_site, cell_size):
+    sym = builder.symmetry
+    g = graph.Graph()
+    g.num_nodes = len(sites)  # Some sites could not appear in any edge.
+    for tail_id, tail in enumerate(sites[:cell_size]):
+        for head in builder._out_neighbors(tail):
+            head_id = id_by_site.get(head)
+            if head_id is None:
+                # Head belongs neither to the fundamental domain nor to the
+                # previous domain.  Check that it belongs to the next
+                # domain and ignore it otherwise as an edge corresponding
+                # to this one has been added already or will be added.
+                fd = sym.which(head)[0]
+                if fd != 1:
+                    msg = ('Further-than-nearest-neighbor cells '
+                           'are connected by hopping\n{0}.')
+                    raise ValueError(msg.format((tail, head)))
+                continue
+            if head_id >= cell_size:
+                # Head belongs to previous domain.  The edge added here
+                # correspond to one left out just above.
+                g.add_edge(head_id, tail_id)
+            g.add_edge(tail_id, head_id)
+    return g.compressed()
 class InfiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.InfiniteSystem):
@@ -2275,10 +2819,10 @@ class InfiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.InfiniteSystem):
     sites : sequence
-        ``sites[i]`` is the `~kwant.builder.Site` instance that corresponds
+        ``sites[i]`` is the `~kwant.system.Site` instance that corresponds
         to the integer-labeled site ``i`` of the low-level system.
-    id_by_site : dict
-        The inverse of ``sites``; maps high-level `~kwant.builder.Site`
+    id_by_site : mapping
+        The inverse of ``sites``; maps high-level `~kwant.system.Site`
         instances to their integer label.
         Satisfies ``id_by_site[sites[i]] == i``.
@@ -2302,69 +2846,12 @@ class InfiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.InfiniteSystem):
         sym = builder.symmetry
         assert sym.num_directions == 1
-        #### For each site of the fundamental domain, determine whether it has
-        #### neighbors in the previous domain or not.
-        lsites_with = []       # Fund. domain sites with neighbors in prev. dom
-        lsites_without = []    # Remaining sites of the fundamental domain
-        for tail in builder.H: # Loop over all sites of the fund. domain.
-            for head in builder._out_neighbors(tail):
-                fd = sym.which(head)[0]
-                if fd == 1:
-                    # Tail belongs to fund. domain, head to the next domain.
-                    lsites_with.append(tail)
-                    break
-            else:
-                # Tail is a fund. domain site not connected to prev. domain.
-                lsites_without.append(tail)
+        lsites_with, lsites_without, interface =\
+            _make_lead_sites(builder, interface_order)
         cell_size = len(lsites_with) + len(lsites_without)
-        if not lsites_with:
-            warnings.warn('Infinite system with disconnected cells.',
-                          RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3)
-        ### Create list of sites and a lookup table
-        minus_one = ta.array((-1,))
-        plus_one = ta.array((1,))
-        if interface_order is None:
-            # interface must be sorted
-            interface = [sym.act(minus_one, s) for s in lsites_with]
-            interface.sort()
-        else:
-            lsites_with_set = set(lsites_with)
-            lsites_with = []
-            interface = []
-            if interface_order:
-                shift = ta.array((-sym.which(interface_order[0])[0] - 1,))
-            for shifted_iface_site in interface_order:
-                # Shift the interface domain before the fundamental domain.
-                # That's the right place for the interface of a lead to be, but
-                # the sites of interface_order might live in a different
-                # domain.
-                iface_site = sym.act(shift, shifted_iface_site)
-                lsite = sym.act(plus_one, iface_site)
-                try:
-                    lsites_with_set.remove(lsite)
-                except KeyError:
-                    if (-sym.which(shifted_iface_site)[0] - 1,) != shift:
-                        raise ValueError(
-                            'The sites in interface_order do not all '
-                            'belong to the same lead cell.')
-                    else:
-                        raise ValueError('A site in interface_order is not an '
-                                         'interface site:\n' + str(iface_site))
-                interface.append(iface_site)
-                lsites_with.append(lsite)
-            if lsites_with_set:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    'interface_order did not contain all interface sites.')
-            # `interface_order` *must* be sorted, hence `interface` should also
-            if interface != sorted(interface):
-                raise ValueError('Interface sites must be sorted.')
-            del lsites_with_set
         # we previously sorted the interface, so don't sort it again
-        sites = sorted(lsites_with) + sorted(lsites_without) + interface
+        sites = lsites_with + lsites_without + interface
         del lsites_with
         del lsites_without
         del interface
@@ -2372,41 +2859,20 @@ class InfiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.InfiniteSystem):
         for site_id, site in enumerate(sites):
             id_by_site[site] = site_id
+        graph = _make_lead_graph(builder, sites, id_by_site, cell_size)
         # In the following, because many onsites/hoppings share the same
         # (value, parameter) pairs, we keep them in 'cache' so that we only
         # store a given pair in memory *once*. This is like interning strings.
-        #### Make graph and extract onsite Hamiltonians.
+        #### Extract onsites
         cache = _value_params_pair_cache(1)
-        g = graph.Graph()
-        g.num_nodes = len(sites)  # Some sites could not appear in any edge.
-        onsites = []
-        for tail_id, tail in enumerate(sites[:cell_size]):
-            onsites.append(cache(builder.H[tail][1]))
-            for head in builder._out_neighbors(tail):
-                head_id = id_by_site.get(head)
-                if head_id is None:
-                    # Head belongs neither to the fundamental domain nor to the
-                    # previous domain.  Check that it belongs to the next
-                    # domain and ignore it otherwise as an edge corresponding
-                    # to this one has been added already or will be added.
-                    fd = sym.which(head)[0]
-                    if fd != 1:
-                        msg = ('Further-than-nearest-neighbor cells '
-                               'are connected by hopping\n{0}.')
-                        raise ValueError(msg.format((tail, head)))
-                    continue
-                if head_id >= cell_size:
-                    # Head belongs to previous domain.  The edge added here
-                    # correspond to one left out just above.
-                    g.add_edge(head_id, tail_id)
-                g.add_edge(tail_id, head_id)
-        g = g.compressed()
+        onsites = [cache(builder.H[tail][1]) for tail in sites[:cell_size]]
         #### Extract hoppings.
         cache = _value_params_pair_cache(2)
         hoppings = []
-        for tail_id, head_id in g:
+        for tail_id, head_id in graph:
             tail = sites[tail_id]
             head = sites[head_id]
             if tail_id >= cell_size:
@@ -2433,7 +2899,7 @@ class InfiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.InfiniteSystem):
             parameters = frozenset(parameters)
-        self.graph = g
+        self.graph = graph
         self.sites = sites
         self.site_ranges = _site_ranges(sites)
         self.id_by_site = id_by_site
@@ -2444,6 +2910,125 @@ class InfiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.InfiniteSystem):
         self.cell_size = cell_size
+    def hamiltonian(self, i, j, *args, params=None):
+        cs = self.cell_size
+        if i == j >= cs:
+            i -= cs
+            j -= cs
+        return super().hamiltonian(i, j, *args, params=params)
+class InfiniteVectorizedSystem(_VectorizedFinalizedBuilderMixin, system.InfiniteVectorizedSystem):
+    """Finalized infinite system, extracted from a `Builder`.
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    site_arrays : sequence of `~kwant.system.SiteArray`
+        The sites of the system.
+    sites : sequence
+        ``sites[i]`` is the `~kwant.system.Site` instance that corresponds
+        to the integer-labeled site ``i`` of the low-level system.
+    id_by_site : mapping
+        The inverse of ``sites``; maps high-level `~kwant.system.Site`
+        instances to their integer label.
+        Satisfies ``id_by_site[sites[i]] == i``.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    In infinite systems ``sites`` and ``site_arrays`` consists of 3 parts:
+    sites in the fundamental domain (FD) with hoppings to neighboring cells,
+    sites in the FD with no hoppings to neighboring cells, and sites in FD+1
+    attached to the FD by hoppings. Each of these three subsequences is
+    individually sorted.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, builder, interface_order=None):
+        """
+        Finalize a builder instance which has to have exactly a single
+        symmetry direction.
+        If interface_order is not set, the order of the interface sites in the
+        finalized system will be arbitrary.  If interface_order is set to a
+        sequence of interface sites, this order will be kept.
+        """
+        sym = builder.symmetry
+        assert sym.num_directions == 1
+        assert builder.vectorize
+        lsites_with, lsites_without, interface =\
+            _make_lead_sites(builder, interface_order)
+        cell_size = len(lsites_with) + len(lsites_without)
+        sites = lsites_with + lsites_without + interface
+        id_by_site = {}
+        for site_id, site in enumerate(sites):
+            id_by_site[site] = site_id
+        # these are needed for constructing hoppings
+        lsites_with = frozenset(lsites_with)
+        lsites_without = frozenset(lsites_without)
+        interface = frozenset(interface)
+        if not all(s.family.norbs for s in sites):
+            raise ValueError("All sites must belong to families with norbs "
+                             "specified for vectorized Builders. Specify "
+                             "norbs when creating site families.")
+        graph = _make_lead_graph(builder, sites, id_by_site, cell_size)
+        del id_by_site  # cleanup due to large size
+        # In order to conform to the kwant.system.InfiniteVectorizedSystem
+        # interface we need to put the sites that connect to the previous
+        # cell *first*, then the sites that do not couple to the previous
+        # cell, then the sites in the previous cell. Because sites in
+        # a SiteArray are sorted by tag this means that the sites in these
+        # 3 different sets need to be in different SiteArrays.
+        site_arrays = (
+            _make_site_arrays(lsites_with)
+            + _make_site_arrays(lsites_without)
+            + _make_site_arrays(interface)
+        )
+        site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(arr) for arr in site_arrays])
+        (onsite_subgraphs, onsite_terms, onsite_term_values,
+         onsite_term_parameters, onsite_term_errors, _onsite_term_by_site_id) =\
+            _make_onsite_terms(builder, sites, site_offsets, term_offset=0)
+        (hopping_subgraphs, hopping_terms, hopping_term_values,
+         hopping_term_parameters, hopping_term_errors,
+         _hopping_term_by_edge_id) =\
+            _make_hopping_terms(builder, graph, sites, site_offsets,
+                                cell_size, term_offset=len(onsite_terms))
+        # Construct the combined onsite/hopping term datastructures
+        subgraphs = tuple(onsite_subgraphs) + tuple(hopping_subgraphs)
+        terms = tuple(onsite_terms) + tuple(hopping_terms)
+        term_values = tuple(onsite_term_values) + tuple(hopping_term_values)
+        term_errors = tuple(onsite_term_errors) + tuple(hopping_term_errors)
+        # Construct system parameters
+        parameters = set()
+        for params in chain(onsite_term_parameters, hopping_term_parameters):
+            if params is not None:
+                parameters.update(params)
+        parameters = frozenset(parameters)
+        self.site_arrays = site_arrays
+        self.sites = _Sites(self.site_arrays)
+        self.id_by_site = _IdBySite(self.site_arrays)
+        self.graph = graph
+        self.subgraphs = subgraphs
+        self.terms = terms
+        self._term_values = term_values
+        self._term_errors = term_errors
+        self._hopping_term_by_edge_id = _hopping_term_by_edge_id
+        self._onsite_term_by_site_id = _onsite_term_by_site_id
+        self.parameters = parameters
+        self.symmetry = builder.symmetry
+        self.cell_size = cell_size
+        self._init_discrete_symmetries(builder)
     def hamiltonian(self, i, j, *args, params=None):
         cs = self.cell_size
@@ -2452,5 +3037,15 @@ class InfiniteSystem(_FinalizedBuilderMixin, system.InfiniteSystem):
             j -= cs
         return super().hamiltonian(i, j, *args, params=params)
-    def pos(self, i):
-        return self.sites[i].pos
+def is_finite_system(syst):
+    return isinstance(syst, (FiniteSystem, FiniteVectorizedSystem))
+def is_infinite_system(syst):
+    return isinstance(syst, (FiniteSystem, FiniteVectorizedSystem))
+def is_system(syst):
+    return isinstance(syst, (FiniteSystem, FiniteVectorizedSystem,
+                             InfiniteSystem, InfiniteVectorizedSystem))
diff --git a/kwant/continuum/discretizer.py b/kwant/continuum/discretizer.py
index 53f2379cd53f17588dc9e59cb0300a11e90c54c3..ce9e6fe2f65bffeed3da826b02f1618e474a1757 100644
--- a/kwant/continuum/discretizer.py
+++ b/kwant/continuum/discretizer.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2017 Kwant authors.
+# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
 # This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
 # LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from sympy.printing.lambdarepr import LambdaPrinter
 from sympy.printing.precedence import precedence
 from sympy.core.function import AppliedUndef
-from .. import builder, lattice
+from .. import builder, lattice, system
 from .. import KwantDeprecationWarning
 from .._common import reraise_warnings
 from ._common import (sympify, gcd, position_operators, momentum_operators,
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class _DiscretizedBuilder(builder.Builder):
         for key, val in itertools.chain(self.site_value_pairs(),
-            if isinstance(key, builder.Site):
+            if isinstance(key, system.Site):
                 result.append("# Onsite element:\n")
                 a, b = key
diff --git a/kwant/continuum/landau_levels.py b/kwant/continuum/landau_levels.py
index 13e70c4e6b7224d3dab456d5a4497587514ea8af..c653c55ef2634cd13e932f0c3f9c5fd026c10ff9 100644
--- a/kwant/continuum/landau_levels.py
+++ b/kwant/continuum/landau_levels.py
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class LandauLattice(kwant.lattice.Monatomic):
     A `~kwant.lattice.Monatomic` lattice with a Landau level index per site.
-    Site tags (see `~kwant.builder.SiteFamily`) are pairs of integers, where
+    Site tags (see `~kwant.system.SiteFamily`) are pairs of integers, where
     the first integer describes the real space position and the second the
     Landau level index.
diff --git a/kwant/kpm.py b/kwant/kpm.py
index 5da09b097e394bc57c07c7de97fb958a3665fc3b..44cf9758f4ddfff3f098be074ca929689c562f11 100644
--- a/kwant/kpm.py
+++ b/kwant/kpm.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2011-2016 Kwant authors.
+# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
 # This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
 # LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ def RandomVectors(syst, where=None, rng=None):
     syst : `~kwant.system.FiniteSystem` or matrix Hamiltonian
         If a system is passed, it should contain no leads.
-    where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site`, or callable, optional
+    where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.system.Site`, or callable, optional
         Spatial range of the vectors produced. If ``syst`` is a
         `~kwant.system.FiniteSystem`, where behaves as in
         `~kwant.operator.Density`. If ``syst`` is a matrix, ``where``
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ class LocalVectors:
     syst : `~kwant.system.FiniteSystem` or matrix Hamiltonian
         If a system is passed, it should contain no leads.
-    where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site`, or callable, optional
+    where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.system.Site`, or callable, optional
         Spatial range of the vectors produced. If ``syst`` is a
         `~kwant.system.FiniteSystem`, where behaves as in
         `~kwant.operator.Density`. If ``syst`` is a matrix, ``where``
diff --git a/kwant/lattice.py b/kwant/lattice.py
index 899ce5474216421b97f35b922a51a62cd85b9602..e2557796f127c14ffde5a14ac7e2681a98ba7b60 100644
--- a/kwant/lattice.py
+++ b/kwant/lattice.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2013 Kwant authors.
+# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
 # This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
 # LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from math import sqrt
 from itertools import product
 import numpy as np
 import tinyarray as ta
-from . import builder
+from . import builder, system
 from .linalg import lll
 from ._common import ensure_isinstance
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class Polyatomic:
     A Bravais lattice with an arbitrary number of sites in the basis.
     Contains `Monatomic` sublattices.  Note that an instance of ``Polyatomic`` is
-    not itself a `~kwant.builder.SiteFamily`, only its sublattices are.
+    not itself a `~kwant.system.SiteFamily`, only its sublattices are.
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class Polyatomic:
         >>> syst[lat.neighbors()] = 1
         def shape_sites(symmetry=None):
-            Site = builder.Site
+            Site = system.Site
             if symmetry is None:
                 symmetry = builder.NoSymmetry()
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ class Polyatomic:
         # This algorithm is not designed to be fast and can be improved,
         # however there is no real need.
-        Site = builder.Site
+        Site = system.Site
         sls = self.sublattices
         shortest_hopping = sls[0].n_closest(
             sls[0].pos(([0] * sls[0].lattice_dim)), 2)[-1]
@@ -396,12 +396,12 @@ def short_array_str(array):
     return full[1 : -1]
-class Monatomic(builder.SiteFamily, Polyatomic):
+class Monatomic(system.SiteFamily, Polyatomic):
     A Bravais lattice with a single site in the basis.
-    Instances of this class provide the `~kwant.builder.SiteFamily` interface.
-    Site tags (see `~kwant.builder.SiteFamily`) are sequences of integers and
+    Instances of this class provide the `~kwant.system.SiteFamily` interface.
+    Site tags (see `~kwant.system.SiteFamily`) are sequences of integers and
     describe the lattice coordinates of a site.
     ``Monatomic`` instances are used as site families on their own or as
@@ -470,6 +470,13 @@ class Monatomic(builder.SiteFamily, Polyatomic):
     def __str__(self):
         return self.cached_str
+    def normalize_tags(self, tags):
+        tags = np.asarray(tags, int)
+        tags.flags.writeable = False
+        if tags.shape[1] != self.lattice_dim:
+            raise ValueError("Dimensionality mismatch.")
+        return tags
     def normalize_tag(self, tag):
         tag = ta.array(tag, int)
         if len(tag) != self.lattice_dim:
@@ -495,6 +502,10 @@ class Monatomic(builder.SiteFamily, Polyatomic):
         return ta.array(self.n_closest(pos)[0])
+    def positions(self, tags):
+        """Return the real-space positions of the sites with the given tags."""
+        return tags @ self._prim_vecs + self.offset
     def pos(self, tag):
         """Return the real-space position of the site with a given tag."""
         return ta.dot(tag, self._prim_vecs) + self.offset
@@ -687,26 +698,48 @@ class TranslationalSymmetry(builder.Symmetry):
     def which(self, site):
         det_x_inv_m_part, det_m = self._get_site_family_data(site.family)[-2:]
-        result = ta.dot(det_x_inv_m_part, site.tag) // det_m
+        if isinstance(site, system.Site):
+            result = ta.dot(det_x_inv_m_part, site.tag) // det_m
+        elif isinstance(site, system.SiteArray):
+            result = np.dot(det_x_inv_m_part, site.tags.transpose()) // det_m
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("'site' must be a Site or a SiteArray")
         return -result if self.is_reversed else result
     def act(self, element, a, b=None):
-        element = ta.array(element)
-        if element.dtype is not int:
+        is_site = isinstance(a, system.Site)
+        # Tinyarray for small arrays (single site) else numpy
+        array_mod = ta if is_site else np
+        element = array_mod.array(element)
+        if not np.issubdtype(element.dtype, np.integer):
             raise ValueError("group element must be a tuple of integers")
+        if (len(element.shape) == 2 and is_site):
+            raise ValueError("must provide a single group element when "
+                             "acting on single sites.")
+        if (len(element.shape) == 1 and not is_site):
+            raise ValueError("must provide a sequence of group elements "
+                             "when acting on site arrays.")
         m_part = self._get_site_family_data(a.family)[0]
-            delta = ta.dot(m_part, element)
+            delta = array_mod.dot(m_part, element)
         except ValueError:
             msg = 'Expecting a {0}-tuple group element, but got `{1}` instead.'
             raise ValueError(msg.format(self.num_directions, element))
         if self.is_reversed:
             delta = -delta
         if b is None:
-            return builder.Site(a.family, a.tag + delta, True)
+            if is_site:
+                return system.Site(a.family, a.tag + delta, True)
+            else:
+                return system.SiteArray(a.family, a.tags + delta.transpose())
         elif b.family == a.family:
-            return (builder.Site(a.family, a.tag + delta, True),
-                    builder.Site(b.family, b.tag + delta, True))
+            if is_site:
+                return (system.Site(a.family, a.tag + delta, True),
+                        system.Site(b.family, b.tag + delta, True))
+            else:
+                return (system.SiteArray(a.family, a.tags + delta.transpose()),
+                        system.SiteArray(b.family, b.tags + delta.transpose()))
             m_part = self._get_site_family_data(b.family)[0]
@@ -717,8 +750,12 @@ class TranslationalSymmetry(builder.Symmetry):
                 raise ValueError(msg.format(self.num_directions, element))
             if self.is_reversed:
                 delta2 = -delta2
-            return (builder.Site(a.family, a.tag + delta, True),
-                    builder.Site(b.family, b.tag + delta2, True))
+            if is_site:
+                return (system.Site(a.family, a.tag + delta, True),
+                        system.Site(b.family, b.tag + delta2, True))
+            else:
+                return (system.SiteArray(a.family, a.tags + delta.transpose()),
+                        system.SiteArray(b.family, b.tags + delta2.transpose()))
     def reversed(self):
         """Return a reversed copy of the symmetry.
diff --git a/kwant/operator.pyx b/kwant/operator.pyx
index a10624d1ccf3d7d6a2a175e16d6e00e3126c3bad..2a3e71edd01d492814d97dcf702216833c96fb42 100644
--- a/kwant/operator.pyx
+++ b/kwant/operator.pyx
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import cython
 from operator import itemgetter
 import functools as ft
 import collections
-import numbers
+import warnings
 import numpy as np
 import tinyarray as ta
@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ from .graph.core cimport EdgeIterator
 from .graph.core import DisabledFeatureError, NodeDoesNotExistError
 from .graph.defs cimport gint
 from .graph.defs import gint_dtype
-from .system import InfiniteSystem
-from ._common import UserCodeError, get_parameters, deprecate_args
+from .system import is_infinite, Site
+from ._common import (
+    UserCodeError, KwantDeprecationWarning, get_parameters, deprecate_args
 ################ Generic Utility functions
@@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ def _get_all_orbs(gint[:, :] where, gint[:, :] site_ranges):
 def _get_tot_norbs(syst):
     cdef gint _unused, tot_norbs
-    is_infinite_system = isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem)
+    is_infinite_system = is_infinite(syst)
     n_sites = syst.cell_size if is_infinite_system else syst.graph.num_nodes
     _get_orbs(np.asarray(syst.site_ranges, dtype=gint_dtype),
               n_sites, &tot_norbs, &_unused)
@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ def _normalize_site_where(syst, where):
     otherwise it should contain integers.
     if where is None:
-        if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
+        if is_infinite(syst):
             where = list(range(syst.cell_size))
             where = list(range(syst.graph.num_nodes))
@@ -174,13 +176,12 @@ def _normalize_site_where(syst, where):
             where = [syst.id_by_site[s] for s in filter(where, syst.sites)]
         except AttributeError:
-            if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
+            if is_infinite(syst):
                 where = [s for s in range(syst.cell_size) if where(s)]
                 where = [s for s in range(syst.graph.num_nodes) if where(s)]
-        # Cannot check for builder.Site due to circular imports
-        if not isinstance(where[0], numbers.Integral):
+        if isinstance(where[0], Site):
                 where = [syst.id_by_site[s] for s in where]
             except AttributeError:
@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ def _normalize_site_where(syst, where):
     where = np.asarray(where, dtype=gint_dtype).reshape(-1, 1)
-    if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem) and np.any(where >= syst.cell_size):
+    if is_infinite(syst) and np.any(where >= syst.cell_size):
         raise ValueError('Only sites in the fundamental domain may be '
                          'specified using `where`.')
     if np.any(np.logical_or(where < 0, where >= syst.graph.num_nodes)):
@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ def _normalize_hopping_where(syst, where):
     if where is None:
         # we cannot extract the hoppings in the same order as they are in the
         # graph while simultaneously excluding all inter-cell hoppings
-        if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
+        if is_infinite(syst):
             raise ValueError('`where` must be provided when calculating '
                              'current in an InfiniteSystem.')
         where = list(syst.graph)
@@ -223,8 +224,7 @@ def _normalize_hopping_where(syst, where):
             where = list(filter(lambda h: where(*h), syst.graph))
-        # Cannot check for builder.Site due to circular imports
-        if not isinstance(where[0][0], numbers.Integral):
+        if isinstance(where[0][0], Site):
                 where = list((syst.id_by_site[a], syst.id_by_site[b])
                                for a, b in where)
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ def _normalize_hopping_where(syst, where):
     where = np.asarray(where, dtype=gint_dtype)
-    if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem) and np.any(where > syst.cell_size):
+    if is_infinite(syst) and np.any(where > syst.cell_size):
         raise ValueError('Only intra-cell hoppings may be specified '
                          'using `where`.')
@@ -702,7 +702,11 @@ cdef class _LocalOperator:
             return mat
         offsets, norbs = _get_all_orbs(self.where, self._site_ranges)
-        return  BlockSparseMatrix(self.where, offsets, norbs, get_ham)
+        # TODO: update operators to use 'hamiltonian_term' rather than
+        #       'hamiltonian'.
+        with warnings.catch_warnings():
+            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=KwantDeprecationWarning)
+            return  BlockSparseMatrix(self.where, offsets, norbs, get_ham)
     def __getstate__(self):
         return (
@@ -735,10 +739,10 @@ cdef class Density(_LocalOperator):
         maps from site families to square matrices. If a function is given it
         must take the same arguments as the onsite Hamiltonian functions of the
-    where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site`, or callable, optional
+    where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.system.Site`, or callable, optional
         Where to evaluate the operator. If ``syst`` is not a finalized Builder,
         then this should be a sequence of integers. If a function is provided,
-        it should take a single `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site` (if ``syst`` is
+        it should take a single `int` or `~kwant.system.Site` (if ``syst`` is
         a finalized builder) and return True or False.  If not provided, the
         operator will be calculated over all sites in the system.
     check_hermiticity: bool
@@ -884,11 +888,11 @@ cdef class Current(_LocalOperator):
         matrices (scalars are allowed if the site family has 1 orbital per
         site). If a function is given it must take the same arguments as the
         onsite Hamiltonian functions of the system.
-    where : sequence of pairs of `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site`, or callable, optional
+    where : sequence of pairs of `int` or `~kwant.system.Site`, or callable, optional
         Where to evaluate the operator. If ``syst`` is not a finalized Builder,
         then this should be a sequence of pairs of integers. If a function is
         provided, it should take a pair of integers or a pair of
-        `~kwant.builder.Site` (if ``syst`` is a finalized builder) and return
+        `~kwant.system.Site` (if ``syst`` is a finalized builder) and return
         True or False.  If not provided, the operator will be calculated over
         all hoppings in the system.
     check_hermiticity : bool
@@ -1016,10 +1020,10 @@ cdef class Source(_LocalOperator):
         matrices (scalars are allowed if the site family has 1 orbital per
         site). If a function is given it must take the same arguments as the
         onsite Hamiltonian functions of the system.
-    where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site`, or callable, optional
+    where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.system.Site`, or callable, optional
         Where to evaluate the operator. If ``syst`` is not a finalized Builder,
         then this should be a sequence of integers. If a function is provided,
-        it should take a single `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site` (if ``syst`` is
+        it should take a single `int` or `~kwant.system.Site` (if ``syst`` is
         a finalized builder) and return True or False.  If not provided, the
         operator will be calculated over all sites in the system.
     check_hermiticity : bool
diff --git a/kwant/physics/gauge.py b/kwant/physics/gauge.py
index eb4e696164ac9c7c3f9e5ce1c986df601d4d0bb2..cfb927a6fb1e3397ad4d739160f0e4031b736060 100644
--- a/kwant/physics/gauge.py
+++ b/kwant/physics/gauge.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2018 Kwant authors.
+# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
 # This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
 # LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ def _loops_in_infinite(syst):
     extended_sites : callable : int -> Site
         Given a site index in the extended system consisting of
         two unit cells, returns the associated high-level
-        `kwant.builder.Site`.
+        `kwant.system.Site`.
     assert isinstance(syst, system.InfiniteSystem)
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ def _loops_in_composite(syst):
         -1 if the site is part of the reduced scattering region (see notes).
     extended_sites : callable : int -> Site
         Given a site index in the extended scattering region (see notes),
-        returns the associated high-level `kwant.builder.Site`.
+        returns the associated high-level `kwant.system.Site`.
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ def _loops_in_composite(syst):
     # Get distance matrix for the extended scattering region,
     # a function that maps sites to their lead patches (-1 for sites
     # in the reduced scattering region), and a function that maps sites
-    # to high-level 'kwant.builder.Site' objects.
+    # to high-level 'kwant.system.Site' objects.
     distance_matrix, which_patch, extended_sites =\
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ def _extended_scattering_region(syst):
         -1 if the site is part of the reduced scattering region.
     extended_sites : callable : int -> Site
         Given a site index in the extended scattering region, returns
-        the associated high-level `kwant.builder.Site`.
+        the associated high-level `kwant.system.Site`.
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ class magnetic_gauge:
             The first callable computes the Peierls phase in the scattering
             region and the remaining callables compute the Peierls phases
             in each of the leads. Each callable takes a pair of
-            `~kwant.builder.Site` (a hopping) and returns a unit complex
+            `~kwant.system.Site` (a hopping) and returns a unit complex
             number (Peierls phase) that multiplies that hopping.
         return self._peierls(syst_field, *lead_fields, tol=tol, average=False)
diff --git a/kwant/plotter.py b/kwant/plotter.py
index fabe5f61c9234b2323e0c11c860962b3b5b2bd5d..31a0aba6658b18eb3c79fccc3c0ffcdb2804bedf 100644
--- a/kwant/plotter.py
+++ b/kwant/plotter.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2011-2018 Kwant authors.
+# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
 # This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
 # LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ def sys_leads_sites(sys, num_lead_cells=2):
     sites : list of (site, lead_number, copy_number) tuples
-        A site is a `~kwant.builder.Site` instance if the system is not finalized,
+        A site is a `~kwant.system.Site` instance if the system is not finalized,
         and an integer otherwise.  For system sites `lead_number` is `None` and
         `copy_number` is `0`, for leads both are integers.
     lead_cells : list of slices
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ def sys_leads_sites(sys, num_lead_cells=2):
                               lead.builder.sites() for i in
             lead_cells.append(slice(start, len(sites)))
-    elif isinstance(syst, system.FiniteSystem):
+    elif system.is_finite(syst):
         sites = [(i, None, 0) for i in range(syst.graph.num_nodes)]
         for leadnr, lead in enumerate(syst.leads):
             start = len(sites)
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ def sys_leads_hoppings(sys, num_lead_cells=2):
     hoppings : list of (hopping, lead_number, copy_number) tuples
-        A site is a `~kwant.builder.Site` instance if the system is not finalized,
+        A site is a `~kwant.system.Site` instance if the system is not finalized,
         and an integer otherwise.  For system sites `lead_number` is `None` and
         `copy_number` is `0`, for leads both are integers.
     lead_cells : list of slices
@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
     - The meaning of "site" depends on whether the system to be plotted is a
       builder or a low level system.  For builders, a site is a
-      kwant.builder.Site object.  For low level systems, a site is an integer
+      kwant.system.Site object.  For low level systems, a site is an integer
       -- the site number.
     - color and symbol definitions may be tuples, but not lists or arrays.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
     if site_color is None:
         cycle = _color_cycle()
-        if isinstance(syst, (builder.FiniteSystem, builder.InfiniteSystem)):
+        if builder.is_system(syst):
             # Skipping the leads for brevity.
             families = sorted({site.family for site in syst.sites})
             color_mapping = dict(zip(families, cycle))
@@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@ def map(sys, value, colorbar=True, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, a=None,
     if callable(value):
         value = [value(site[0]) for site in sites]
-        if not isinstance(syst, system.FiniteSystem):
+        if not system.is_finite(syst):
             raise ValueError('List of values is only allowed as input '
                              'for finalized systems.')
     value = np.array(value)
@@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@ def bands(sys, args=(), momenta=65, file=None, show=True, dpi=None,
                            "for bands()")
     syst = sys  # for naming consistency inside function bodies
-    _common.ensure_isinstance(syst, system.InfiniteSystem)
+    _common.ensure_isinstance(syst, (system.InfiniteSystem, system.InfiniteVectorizedSystem))
     momenta = np.array(momenta)
     if momenta.ndim != 1:
@@ -1483,7 +1483,7 @@ def spectrum(syst, x, y=None, params=None, mask=None, file=None,
     if y is not None and not _p.has3d:
         raise RuntimeError("Installed matplotlib does not support 3d plotting")
-    if isinstance(syst, system.FiniteSystem):
+    if system.is_finite(syst):
         def ham(**kwargs):
             return syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=kwargs, sparse=False)
     elif callable(syst):
@@ -1751,7 +1751,7 @@ def interpolate_current(syst, current, relwidth=None, abswidth=None, n=9):
         the extents of `field`: ((x0, x1), (y0, y1), ...)
-    if not isinstance(syst, builder.FiniteSystem):
+    if not builder.is_finite_system(syst):
         raise TypeError("The system needs to be finalized.")
     if len(current) != syst.graph.num_edges:
@@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ def interpolate_density(syst, density, relwidth=None, abswidth=None, n=9,
         the extents of ``field``: ((x0, x1), (y0, y1), ...)
-    if not isinstance(syst, builder.FiniteSystem):
+    if not builder.is_finite_system(syst):
         raise TypeError("The system needs to be finalized.")
     if len(density) != len(syst.sites):
diff --git a/kwant/system.py b/kwant/system.py
index d270691508189866a0d75809917048303443c883..a1c287bb97a982353d79410b8c2cd4fc2ca4bbad 100644
--- a/kwant/system.py
+++ b/kwant/system.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2013 Kwant authors.
+# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
 # This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
 # LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -8,13 +8,269 @@
 """Low-level interface of systems"""
-__all__ = ['System', 'FiniteSystem', 'InfiniteSystem']
+__all__ = [
+    'Site', 'SiteArray', 'SiteFamily',
+    'System', 'VectorizedSystem', 'FiniteSystem', 'FiniteVectorizedSystem',
+    'InfiniteSystem', 'InfiniteVectorizedSystem',
 import abc
 import warnings
+import operator
 from copy import copy
+from collections import namedtuple
+from functools import total_ordering, lru_cache
+import numpy as np
 from . import _system
-from ._common  import deprecate_args
+from ._common  import deprecate_args, KwantDeprecationWarning
+################ Sites and Site families
+class Site(tuple):
+    """A site, member of a `SiteFamily`.
+    Sites are the vertices of the graph which describes the tight binding
+    system in a `Builder`.
+    A site is uniquely identified by its family and its tag.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    family : an instance of `SiteFamily`
+        The 'type' of the site.
+    tag : a hashable python object
+        The unique identifier of the site within the site family, typically a
+        vector of integers.
+    Raises
+    ------
+    ValueError
+        If `tag` is not a proper tag for `family`.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    For convenience, ``family(*tag)`` can be used instead of ``Site(family,
+    tag)`` to create a site.
+    The parameters of the constructor (see above) are stored as instance
+    variables under the same names.  Given a site ``site``, common things to
+    query are thus ``site.family``, ``site.tag``, and ``site.pos``.
+    """
+    __slots__ = ()
+    family = property(operator.itemgetter(0),
+                      doc="The site family to which the site belongs.")
+    tag = property(operator.itemgetter(1), doc="The tag of the site.")
+    def __new__(cls, family, tag, _i_know_what_i_do=False):
+        if _i_know_what_i_do:
+            return tuple.__new__(cls, (family, tag))
+        try:
+            tag = family.normalize_tag(tag)
+        except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
+            msg = 'Tag {0} is not allowed for site family {1}: {2}'
+            raise type(e)(msg.format(repr(tag), repr(family), e.args[0]))
+        return tuple.__new__(cls, (family, tag))
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return 'Site({0}, {1})'.format(repr(self.family), repr(self.tag))
+    def __str__(self):
+        sf = self.family
+        return '<Site {0} of {1}>'.format(self.tag, sf.name if sf.name else sf)
+    def __getnewargs__(self):
+        return (self.family, self.tag, True)
+    @property
+    def pos(self):
+        """Real space position of the site.
+        This relies on ``family`` having a ``pos`` method (see `SiteFamily`).
+        """
+        return self.family.pos(self.tag)
+class SiteArray:
+    """An array of sites, members of a `SiteFamily`.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    family : an instance of `SiteFamily`
+        The 'type' of the sites.
+    tags : a sequence of python objects
+        Sequence of unique identifiers of the sites within the
+        site array family, typically vectors of integers.
+    Raises
+    ------
+    ValueError
+        If `tags` are not proper tags for `family`.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    kwant.system.Site
+    """
+    def __init__(self, family, tags):
+        self.family = family
+        try:
+            tags = family.normalize_tags(tags)
+        except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
+            msg = 'Tags {0} are not allowed for site family {1}: {2}'
+            raise type(e)(msg.format(repr(tags), repr(family), e.args[0]))
+        self.tags = tags
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return 'SiteArray({0}, {1})'.format(repr(self.family), repr(self.tags))
+    def __str__(self):
+        sf = self.family
+        return ('<SiteArray {0} of {1}>'
+                .format(self.tags, sf.name if sf.name else sf))
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.tags)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if not isinstance(other, SiteArray):
+            raise NotImplementedError()
+        return self.family == other.family and np.all(self.tags == other.tags)
+    def positions(self):
+        """Real space position of the site.
+        This relies on ``family`` having a ``pos`` method (see `SiteFamily`).
+        """
+        return self.family.positions(self.tags)
+class SiteFamily:
+    """Abstract base class for site families.
+    Site families are the 'type' of `Site` objects.  Within a family, individual
+    sites are uniquely identified by tags.  Valid tags must be hashable Python
+    objects, further details are up to the family.
+    Site families must be immutable and fully defined by their initial
+    arguments.  They must inherit from this abstract base class and call its
+    __init__ function providing it with two arguments: a canonical
+    representation and a name.  The canonical representation will be returned as
+    the objects representation and must uniquely identify the site family
+    instance.  The name is a string used to distinguish otherwise identical site
+    families.  It may be empty. ``norbs`` defines the number of orbitals
+    on sites associated with this site family; it may be `None`, in which case
+    the number of orbitals is not specified.
+    All site families must define either 'normalize_tag' or 'normalize_tags',
+    which brings a tag (or, in the latter case, a sequence of tags) to the
+    standard format for this site family.
+    Site families may also implement methods ``pos(tag)`` and
+    ``positions(tags)``, which return a vector of realspace coordinates or an
+    array of vectors of realspace coordinates of the site(s) belonging to this
+    family with the given tag(s). These methods are used in plotting routines.
+    ``positions(tags)`` should return an array with shape ``(N, M)`` where
+    ``N`` is the length of ``tags``, and ``M`` is the realspace dimension.
+    If the ``norbs`` of a site family are provided, and sites of this family
+    are used to populate a `~kwant.builder.Builder`, then the associated
+    Hamiltonian values must have the correct shape. That is, if a site family
+    has ``norbs = 2``, then any on-site terms for sites belonging to this
+    family should be 2x2 matrices. Similarly, any hoppings to/from sites
+    belonging to this family must have a matrix structure where there are two
+    rows/columns. This condition applies equally to Hamiltonian values that
+    are given by functions. If this condition is not satisfied, an error will
+    be raised.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, canonical_repr, name, norbs):
+        self.canonical_repr = canonical_repr
+        self.hash = hash(canonical_repr)
+        self.name = name
+        if norbs is None:
+            warnings.warn("Not specfying norbs is deprecated. Always specify "
+                          "norbs when creating site families.",
+                          KwantDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
+        if norbs is not None:
+            if int(norbs) != norbs or norbs <= 0:
+                raise ValueError('The norbs parameter must be an integer > 0.')
+            norbs = int(norbs)
+        self.norbs = norbs
+    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
+        super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
+        if (cls.normalize_tag is SiteFamily.normalize_tag
+            and cls.normalize_tags is SiteFamily.normalize_tags):
+            raise TypeError("Must redefine either 'normalize_tag' or "
+                            "'normalize_tags'")
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.canonical_repr
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self.name:
+            msg = '<{0} site family {1}{2}>'
+        else:
+            msg = '<unnamed {0} site family{2}>'
+        orbs = ' with {0} orbitals'.format(self.norbs) if self.norbs else ''
+        return msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, orbs)
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return self.hash
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        try:
+            return self.canonical_repr == other.canonical_repr
+        except AttributeError:
+            return False
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        try:
+            return self.canonical_repr != other.canonical_repr
+        except AttributeError:
+            return True
+    def __lt__(self, other):
+        # If this raises an AttributeError, we were trying
+        # to compare it to something non-comparable anyway.
+        return self.canonical_repr < other.canonical_repr
+    def normalize_tag(self, tag):
+        """Return a normalized version of the tag.
+        Raises TypeError or ValueError if the tag is not acceptable.
+        """
+        tag, = self.normalize_tags([tag])
+        return tag
+    def normalize_tags(self, tags):
+        """Return a normalized version of the tags.
+        Raises TypeError or ValueError if the tags are not acceptable.
+        """
+        return np.array([self.normalize_tag(tag) for tag in tags])
+    def __call__(self, *tag):
+        """
+        A convenience function.
+        This function allows to write fam(1, 2) instead of Site(fam, (1, 2)).
+        """
+        # Catch a likely and difficult to find mistake.
+        if tag and isinstance(tag[0], tuple):
+            raise ValueError('Use site_family(1, 2) instead of '
+                             'site_family((1, 2))!')
+        return Site(self, tag)
+################ Systems
 class System(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
@@ -92,12 +348,100 @@ class System(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
         details = ', and '.join((', '.join(details[:-1]), details[-1]))
         return '<{} with {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, details)
+    hamiltonian_submatrix = _system.hamiltonian_submatrix
+Term = namedtuple(
+    "Term",
+    ["subgraph", "hermitian", "parameters"],
+class VectorizedSystem(System, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    """Abstract general low-level system with support for vectorization.
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    graph : kwant.graph.CGraph
+        The system graph.
+    subgraphs : sequence of tuples
+        Each subgraph has the form '((idx1, idx2), (offsets1, offsets2))'
+        where 'offsets1' and 'offsets2' index sites within the site arrays
+        indexed by 'idx1' and 'idx2'.
+    terms : sequence of tuples
+        Each tuple has the following structure:
+        (subgraph: int, hermitian: bool, parameters: List(str))
+        'subgraph' indexes 'subgraphs' and supplies the to/from sites of this
+        term. 'hermitian' is 'True' if the term needs its Hermitian
+        conjugate to be added when evaluating the Hamiltonian, and 'parameters'
+        contains a list of parameter names used when evaluating this term.
+    site_arrays : sequence of SiteArray
+        The sites of the system.
+    site_ranges : None or Nx3 integer array
+        Has 1 row per site array, plus one extra row.  Each row consists
+        of ``(first_site, norbs, orb_offset)``: the index of the first
+        site in the site array, the number of orbitals on each site in
+        the site array, and the offset of the first orbital of the first
+        site in the site array.  In addition, the final row has the form
+        ``(len(graph.num_nodes), 0, tot_norbs)`` where ``tot_norbs`` is the
+        total number of orbitals in the system.  ``None`` if any site array
+        in 'site_arrays' does not have 'norbs' specified. Note 'site_ranges'
+        is directly computable from 'site_arrays'.
+    parameters : frozenset of strings
+        The names of the parameters on which the system depends. This attribute
+        is provisional and may be changed in a future version of Kwant
+    Notes
+    -----
+    The sites of the system are indexed by integers ranging from 0 to
+    ``self.graph.num_nodes - 1``.
+    Optionally, a class derived from ``System`` can provide a method ``pos`` which
+    is assumed to return the real-space position of a site given its index.
+    """
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def hamiltonian_term(self, term_number, selector=slice(None),
+                         args=(), params=None):
+        """Return the Hamiltonians for hamiltonian term number k.
-# Add a C-implemented function as an unbound method to class System.
-System.hamiltonian_submatrix = _system.hamiltonian_submatrix
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        term_number : int
+            The number of the term to evaluate.
+        selector : slice or sequence of int, default: slice(None)
+            The elements of the term to evaluate.
+        args : tuple
+            Positional arguments to the term. (Deprecated)
+        params : dict
+            Keyword parameters to the term
+        Returns
+        -------
+        hamiltonian : 3d complex array
+            Has shape ``(N, P, Q)`` where ``N`` is the number of matrix
+            elements in this term (or the number selected by 'selector'
+            if provided), ``P`` and ``Q`` are the number of orbitals in the
+            'to' and 'from' site arrays associated with this term.
-class FiniteSystem(System, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+        Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
+        instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
+        """
+    @property
+    @lru_cache(1)
+    def site_ranges(self):
+        site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(arr) for arr in self.site_arrays])
+        norbs = [arr.family.norbs for arr in self.site_arrays] + [0]
+        if any(norb is None for norb in norbs):
+            return None
+        orb_offsets = np.cumsum(
+            [0] + [len(arr) * arr.family.norbs for arr in self.site_arrays]
+        )
+        return np.array([site_offsets, norbs, orb_offsets]).transpose()
+    hamiltonian_submatrix = _system.vectorized_hamiltonian_submatrix
+class FiniteSystemMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
     """Abstract finite low-level system, possibly with leads.
@@ -220,7 +564,19 @@ class FiniteSystem(System, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
         return symmetries.validate(ham)
-class InfiniteSystem(System, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+class FiniteSystem(System, FiniteSystemMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    pass
+class FiniteVectorizedSystem(VectorizedSystem, FiniteSystemMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    pass
+def is_finite(syst):
+    return isinstance(syst, (FiniteSystem, FiniteVectorizedSystem))
+class InfiniteSystemMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
     """Abstract infinite low-level system.
     An infinite system consists of an infinite series of identical cells.
@@ -261,30 +617,10 @@ class InfiniteSystem(System, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
     infinite system.  The other scheme has the numbers of site 0 and 1
     exchanged, as well as of site 3 and 4.
+    Sites in the fundamental domain cell must belong to a different site array
+    than the sites in the previous cell. In the above example this means that
+    sites '(0, 1, 2)' and '(3, 4)' must belong to different site arrays.
-    @deprecate_args
-    def cell_hamiltonian(self, args=(), sparse=False, *, params=None):
-        """Hamiltonian of a single cell of the infinite system.
-        Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
-        instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
-        """
-        cell_sites = range(self.cell_size)
-        return self.hamiltonian_submatrix(args, cell_sites, cell_sites,
-                                          sparse=sparse, params=params)
-    @deprecate_args
-    def inter_cell_hopping(self, args=(), sparse=False, *, params=None):
-        """Hopping Hamiltonian between two cells of the infinite system.
-        Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
-        instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
-        """
-        cell_sites = range(self.cell_size)
-        interface_sites = range(self.cell_size, self.graph.num_nodes)
-        return self.hamiltonian_submatrix(args, cell_sites, interface_sites,
-                                          sparse=sparse, params=params)
     def modes(self, energy=0, args=(), *, params=None):
         """Return mode decomposition of the lead
@@ -368,6 +704,41 @@ class InfiniteSystem(System, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
         return list(broken)
+class InfiniteSystem(System, InfiniteSystemMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    @deprecate_args
+    def cell_hamiltonian(self, args=(), sparse=False, *, params=None):
+        """Hamiltonian of a single cell of the infinite system.
+        Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
+        instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
+        """
+        cell_sites = range(self.cell_size)
+        return self.hamiltonian_submatrix(args, cell_sites, cell_sites,
+                                          sparse=sparse, params=params)
+    @deprecate_args
+    def inter_cell_hopping(self, args=(), sparse=False, *, params=None):
+        """Hopping Hamiltonian between two cells of the infinite system.
+        Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
+        instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
+        """
+        cell_sites = range(self.cell_size)
+        interface_sites = range(self.cell_size, self.graph.num_nodes)
+        return self.hamiltonian_submatrix(args, cell_sites, interface_sites,
+                                          sparse=sparse, params=params)
+class InfiniteVectorizedSystem(VectorizedSystem, InfiniteSystemMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    cell_hamiltonian = _system.vectorized_cell_hamiltonian
+    inter_cell_hopping = _system.vectorized_inter_cell_hopping
+def is_infinite(syst):
+    return isinstance(syst, (InfiniteSystem, InfiniteVectorizedSystem))
 class PrecalculatedLead:
     def __init__(self, modes=None, selfenergy=None):
         """A general lead defined by its self energy.
diff --git a/kwant/tests/test_builder.py b/kwant/tests/test_builder.py
index 7ba00b403513ffe3100acd184820adf1c788ed15..253c9d7cca43251dce2c608a50150b9fb2da7f4f 100644
--- a/kwant/tests/test_builder.py
+++ b/kwant/tests/test_builder.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2018 Kwant authors.
+# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
 # This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
 # LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ from pytest import raises, warns
 from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
 import kwant
-from kwant import builder
-from kwant._common import ensure_rng
+from kwant import builder, system
+from kwant._common import ensure_rng, KwantDeprecationWarning
 def test_bad_keys():
@@ -290,12 +290,28 @@ def random_hopping_integral(rng):
 def check_onsite(fsyst, sites, subset=False, check_values=True):
+    vectorized = isinstance(fsyst, (system.FiniteVectorizedSystem, system.InfiniteVectorizedSystem))
+    if vectorized:
+        site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(s) for s in fsyst.site_arrays])
     freq = {}
     for node in range(fsyst.graph.num_nodes):
         site = fsyst.sites[node].tag
         freq[site] = freq.get(site, 0) + 1
         if check_values and site in sites:
-            assert fsyst.onsites[node][0] is sites[site]
+            if vectorized:
+                term = fsyst._onsite_term_by_site_id[node]
+                value = fsyst._term_values[term]
+                if callable(value):
+                    assert value is sites[site]
+                else:
+                    (w, _), (off, _) = fsyst.subgraphs[fsyst.terms[term].subgraph]
+                    node_off = node - site_offsets[w]
+                    selector = np.searchsorted(off, node_off)
+                    assert np.allclose(value[selector], sites[site])
+            else:
+                assert fsyst.onsites[node][0] is sites[site]
     if not subset:
         # Check that all sites of `fsyst` are in `sites`.
         for site in freq.keys():
@@ -306,24 +322,50 @@ def check_onsite(fsyst, sites, subset=False, check_values=True):
 def check_hoppings(fsyst, hops):
+    vectorized = isinstance(fsyst, (system.FiniteVectorizedSystem, system.InfiniteVectorizedSystem))
+    if vectorized:
+        site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(s) for s in fsyst.site_arrays])
     assert fsyst.graph.num_edges == 2 * len(hops)
     for edge_id, edge in enumerate(fsyst.graph):
-        tail, head = edge
-        tail = fsyst.sites[tail].tag
-        head = fsyst.sites[head].tag
-        value = fsyst.hoppings[edge_id][0]
-        if value is builder.Other:
-            assert (head, tail) in hops
+        i, j = edge
+        tail = fsyst.sites[i].tag
+        head = fsyst.sites[j].tag
+        if vectorized:
+            term = fsyst._hopping_term_by_edge_id[edge_id]
+            if term < 0:  # Hermitian conjugate
+                assert (head, tail) in hops
+            else:
+                value = fsyst._term_values[term]
+                assert (tail, head) in hops
+                if callable(value):
+                    assert value is hops[tail, head]
+                else:
+                    dtype = np.dtype([('f0', int), ('f1', int)])
+                    subgraph = fsyst.terms[term].subgraph
+                    (to_w, from_w), hoppings = fsyst.subgraphs[subgraph]
+                    hop = (i - site_offsets[to_w], j - site_offsets[from_w])
+                    hop = np.array(hop, dtype=dtype)
+                    hoppings = hoppings.transpose().view(dtype).reshape(-1)
+                    selector = np.recarray.searchsorted(hoppings, hop)
+                    assert np.allclose(value[selector], hops[tail, head])
-            assert (tail, head) in hops
-            assert value is hops[tail, head]
+            value = fsyst.hoppings[edge_id][0]
+            if value is builder.Other:
+                assert (head, tail) in hops
+            else:
+                assert (tail, head) in hops
+                assert value is hops[tail, head]
 def check_id_by_site(fsyst):
     for i, site in enumerate(fsyst.sites):
         assert fsyst.id_by_site[site] == i
-def test_finalization():
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("vectorize", [False, True])
+def test_finalization(vectorize):
     """Test the finalization of finite and infinite systems.
     In order to exactly verify the finalization, low-level features of the
@@ -377,7 +419,7 @@ def test_finalization():
     neighbors = sorted(neighbors)
     # Build scattering region from blueprint and test it.
-    syst = builder.Builder()
+    syst = builder.Builder(vectorize=vectorize)
     fam = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(2), norbs=1)
     for site, value in sr_sites.items():
         syst[fam(*site)] = value
@@ -388,7 +430,7 @@ def test_finalization():
     check_onsite(fsyst, sr_sites)
     check_hoppings(fsyst, sr_hops)
     # check that sites are sorted
-    assert fsyst.sites == tuple(sorted(fam(*site) for site in sr_sites))
+    assert tuple(fsyst.sites) == tuple(sorted(fam(*site) for site in sr_sites))
     # Build lead from blueprint and test it.
     lead = builder.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((size, 0)))
@@ -421,12 +463,12 @@ def test_finalization():
     # Attach lead with improper interface.
     syst.leads[-1] = builder.BuilderLead(
-        lead, 2 * tuple(builder.Site(fam, n) for n in neighbors))
+        lead, 2 * tuple(system.Site(fam, n) for n in neighbors))
     raises(ValueError, syst.finalized)
     # Attach lead properly.
     syst.leads[-1] = builder.BuilderLead(
-        lead, (builder.Site(fam, n) for n in neighbors))
+        lead, (system.Site(fam, n) for n in neighbors))
     fsyst = syst.finalized()
     assert len(fsyst.lead_interfaces) == 1
     assert ([fsyst.sites[i].tag for i in fsyst.lead_interfaces[0]] ==
@@ -434,15 +476,15 @@ def test_finalization():
     # test that we cannot finalize a system with a badly sorted interface order
     raises(ValueError, builder.InfiniteSystem, lead,
-           [builder.Site(fam, n) for n in reversed(neighbors)])
+           [system.Site(fam, n) for n in reversed(neighbors)])
     # site ordering independent of whether interface was specified
-    flead_order = builder.InfiniteSystem(lead, [builder.Site(fam, n)
+    flead_order = builder.InfiniteSystem(lead, [system.Site(fam, n)
                                                 for n in neighbors])
-    assert flead.sites == flead_order.sites
+    assert tuple(flead.sites) == tuple(flead_order.sites)
     syst.leads[-1] = builder.BuilderLead(
-        lead, (builder.Site(fam, n) for n in neighbors))
+        lead, (system.Site(fam, n) for n in neighbors))
     fsyst = syst.finalized()
     assert len(fsyst.lead_interfaces) == 1
     assert ([fsyst.sites[i].tag for i in fsyst.lead_interfaces[0]] ==
@@ -457,47 +499,62 @@ def test_finalization():
     raises(ValueError, lead.finalized)
-def test_site_ranges():
+def _make_system_from_sites(sites, vectorize):
+    syst = builder.Builder(vectorize=vectorize)
+    for s in sites:
+        norbs = s.family.norbs
+        if norbs:
+            syst[s] = np.eye(s.family.norbs)
+        else:
+            syst[s] = None
+    return syst.finalized()
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("vectorize", [False, True])
+def test_site_ranges(vectorize):
     lat1a = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1, name='a')
     lat1b = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1, name='b')
     lat2 = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=2)
-    site_ranges = builder._site_ranges
     # simple case -- single site family
     for lat in (lat1a, lat2):
         sites = list(map(lat, range(10)))
-        ranges = site_ranges(sites)
+        syst = _make_system_from_sites(sites, vectorize)
+        ranges = syst.site_ranges
         expected = [(0, lat.norbs, 0), (10, 0, 10 * lat.norbs)]
-        assert ranges == expected
+        assert np.array_equal(ranges, expected)
     # pair of site families
-    sites = it.chain(map(lat1a, range(4)), map(lat1b, range(6)),
-                     map(lat1a, range(4)))
-    expected = [(0, 1, 0), (4, 1, 4), (10, 1, 10), (14, 0, 14)]
-    assert expected == site_ranges(tuple(sites))
+    sites = it.chain(map(lat1a, range(4)), map(lat1b, range(6)))
+    syst = _make_system_from_sites(sites, vectorize)
+    expected = [(0, 1, 0), (4, 1, 4), (10, 0, 10)]
+    assert np.array_equal(expected, syst.site_ranges)
     sites = it.chain(map(lat2, range(4)), map(lat1a, range(6)),
                      map(lat1b, range(4)))
+    syst = _make_system_from_sites(sites, vectorize)
     expected = [(0, 2, 0), (4, 1, 4*2), (10, 1, 4*2+6), (14, 0, 4*2+10)]
-    assert expected == site_ranges(tuple(sites))
+    assert np.array_equal(expected, syst.site_ranges)
     # test with an actual builder
     for lat in (lat1a, lat2):
         sites = list(map(lat, range(10)))
-        syst = kwant.Builder()
+        syst = kwant.Builder(vectorize=vectorize)
         syst[sites] = np.eye(lat.norbs)
         ranges = syst.finalized().site_ranges
         expected = [(0, lat.norbs, 0), (10, 0, 10 * lat.norbs)]
-        assert ranges == expected
-        # poison system with a single site with no norbs defined.
-        # Also catch the deprecation warning.
-        with warnings.catch_warnings():
-            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
-            syst[kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=None)(0)] = 1
-        ranges = syst.finalized().site_ranges
-        assert ranges == None
-def test_hamiltonian_evaluation():
+        assert np.array_equal(ranges, expected)
+        if not vectorize:  # vectorized systems *must* have all norbs
+            # poison system with a single site with no norbs defined.
+            # Also catch the deprecation warning.
+            with warnings.catch_warnings():
+                warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+                syst[kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=None)(0)] = 1
+            ranges = syst.finalized().site_ranges
+            assert ranges is None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("vectorize", [False, True])
+def test_hamiltonian_evaluation(vectorize):
     def f_onsite(site):
         return site.tag[0]
@@ -505,14 +562,26 @@ def test_hamiltonian_evaluation():
         a, b = a.tag, b.tag
         return complex(a[0] + b[0], a[1] - b[1])
+    def f_onsite_vectorized(sites):
+        return sites.tags[:, 0]
+    def f_hopping_vectorized(a, b):
+        a, b = a.tags, b.tags
+        return a[:, 0] + b[:, 0] + 1j * (a[:, 1] - b[:, 1])
     tags = [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]
     edges = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 2)]
-    syst = builder.Builder()
+    syst = builder.Builder(vectorize=vectorize)
     fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
     sites = [fam(*tag) for tag in tags]
-    syst[(fam(*tag) for tag in tags)] = f_onsite
-    syst[((fam(*tags[i]), fam(*tags[j])) for (i, j) in edges)] = f_hopping
+    hoppings = [(sites[i], sites[j]) for i, j in edges]
+    if vectorize:
+        syst[sites] = f_onsite_vectorized
+        syst[hoppings] = f_hopping_vectorized
+    else:
+        syst[sites] = f_onsite
+        syst[hoppings] = f_hopping
     fsyst = syst.finalized()
     assert fsyst.graph.num_nodes == len(tags)
@@ -521,12 +590,16 @@ def test_hamiltonian_evaluation():
     for i in range(len(tags)):
         site = fsyst.sites[i]
         assert site in sites
-        assert fsyst.hamiltonian(i, i) == syst[site](site)
+        with warnings.catch_warnings():
+            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=KwantDeprecationWarning)
+            assert fsyst.hamiltonian(i, i) == f_onsite(site)
     for t, h in fsyst.graph:
         tsite = fsyst.sites[t]
         hsite = fsyst.sites[h]
-        assert fsyst.hamiltonian(t, h) == syst[tsite, hsite](tsite, hsite)
+        with warnings.catch_warnings():
+            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=KwantDeprecationWarning)
+            assert fsyst.hamiltonian(t, h) == f_hopping(tsite, hsite)
     # test when user-function raises errors
     def onsite_raises(site):
@@ -539,13 +612,18 @@ def test_hamiltonian_evaluation():
         a, b = hop
         # exceptions are converted to kwant.UserCodeError and we add our message
         with raises(kwant.UserCodeError) as exc_info:
-            fsyst.hamiltonian(a, a)
+            with warnings.catch_warnings():
+                warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=KwantDeprecationWarning)
+                fsyst.hamiltonian(a, a)
         msg = 'Error occurred in user-supplied value function "onsite_raises"'
         assert msg in str(exc_info.value)
         for hop in [(a, b), (b, a)]:
             with raises(kwant.UserCodeError) as exc_info:
-                fsyst.hamiltonian(*hop)
+                with warnings.catch_warnings():
+                    # Ignore deprecation warnings for 'hamiltonian'
+                    warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=KwantDeprecationWarning)
+                    fsyst.hamiltonian(*hop)
             msg = ('Error occurred in user-supplied '
                    'value function "hopping_raises"')
             assert msg in str(exc_info.value)
@@ -555,7 +633,7 @@ def test_hamiltonian_evaluation():
     syst[new_hop[0]] = onsite_raises
     syst[new_hop] = hopping_raises
     fsyst = syst.finalized()
-    hop = tuple(map(fsyst.sites.index, new_hop))
+    hop = tuple(map(fsyst.id_by_site.__getitem__, new_hop))
     test_raising(fsyst, hop)
     # test with infinite system
@@ -563,10 +641,118 @@ def test_hamiltonian_evaluation():
     for k, v in it.chain(syst.site_value_pairs(), syst.hopping_value_pairs()):
         inf_syst[k] = v
     inf_fsyst = inf_syst.finalized()
-    hop = tuple(map(inf_fsyst.sites.index, new_hop))
+    hop = tuple(map(inf_fsyst.id_by_site.__getitem__, new_hop))
     test_raising(inf_fsyst, hop)
+def test_vectorized_hamiltonian_evaluation():
+    def onsite(site):
+        return site.tag[0]
+    def vectorized_onsite(sites):
+        return sites.tags[:, 0]
+    def hopping(to_site, from_site):
+        a, b = to_site.tag, from_site.tag
+        return a[0] + b[0] + 1j * (a[1] - b[1])
+    def vectorized_hopping(to_sites, from_sites):
+        a, b = to_sites.tags, from_sites.tags
+        return a[:, 0] + b[:, 0] + 1j * (a[:, 1] - b[:, 1])
+    tags = [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]
+    edges = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 2)]
+    fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
+    sites = [fam(*tag) for tag in tags]
+    hops = [(fam(*tags[i]), fam(*tags[j])) for (i, j) in edges]
+    syst_simple = builder.Builder(vectorize=False)
+    syst_simple[sites] = onsite
+    syst_simple[hops] = hopping
+    fsyst_simple = syst_simple.finalized()
+    syst_vectorized = builder.Builder(vectorize=True)
+    syst_vectorized[sites] = vectorized_onsite
+    syst_vectorized[hops] = vectorized_hopping
+    fsyst_vectorized = syst_vectorized.finalized()
+    assert fsyst_vectorized.graph.num_nodes == len(tags)
+    assert fsyst_vectorized.graph.num_edges == 2 * len(edges)
+    assert len(fsyst_vectorized.site_arrays) == 1
+    assert fsyst_vectorized.site_arrays[0] == system.SiteArray(fam, tags)
+    assert np.allclose(
+        fsyst_simple.hamiltonian_submatrix(),
+        fsyst_vectorized.hamiltonian_submatrix(),
+    )
+    for i in range(len(tags)):
+        site = fsyst_vectorized.sites[i]
+        assert site in sites
+        with warnings.catch_warnings():
+            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=KwantDeprecationWarning)
+            assert (
+                fsyst_vectorized.hamiltonian(i, i)
+                == fsyst_simple.hamiltonian(i, i))
+    for t, h in fsyst_vectorized.graph:
+        with warnings.catch_warnings():
+            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=KwantDeprecationWarning)
+            assert (
+                fsyst_vectorized.hamiltonian(t, h)
+                == fsyst_simple.hamiltonian(t, h))
+    # Test infinite system, including hoppings that go both ways into
+    # the next cell
+    lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
+    syst_vectorized = builder.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)),
+                                      vectorize=True)
+    syst_vectorized[lat(0, 0)] = 4
+    syst_vectorized[lat(0, 1)] = 5
+    syst_vectorized[lat(0, 2)] = vectorized_onsite
+    syst_vectorized[(lat(1, 0), lat(0, 0))] = 1j
+    syst_vectorized[(lat(2, 1), lat(1, 1))] = vectorized_hopping
+    fsyst_vectorized = syst_vectorized.finalized()
+    syst_simple = builder.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)),
+                                      vectorize=False)
+    syst_simple[lat(0, 0)] = 4
+    syst_simple[lat(0, 1)] = 5
+    syst_simple[lat(0, 2)] = onsite
+    syst_simple[(lat(1, 0), lat(0, 0))] = 1j
+    syst_simple[(lat(2, 1), lat(1, 1))] = hopping
+    fsyst_simple = syst_simple.finalized()
+    assert np.allclose(
+        fsyst_vectorized.hamiltonian_submatrix(),
+        fsyst_simple.hamiltonian_submatrix(),
+    )
+    assert np.allclose(
+        fsyst_vectorized.cell_hamiltonian(),
+        fsyst_simple.cell_hamiltonian(),
+    )
+    assert np.allclose(
+        fsyst_vectorized.inter_cell_hopping(),
+        fsyst_simple.inter_cell_hopping(),
+    )
+def test_vectorized_requires_norbs():
+    # Catch deprecation warning for lack of norbs
+    with warnings.catch_warnings():
+        warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+        fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
+    syst = builder.Builder(vectorize=True)
+    syst[fam(0, 0)] = 1
+    raises(ValueError, syst.finalized)
 def test_dangling():
     def make_system():
         #        1
@@ -1204,15 +1390,22 @@ def test_discrete_symmetries():
 # We need to keep testing 'args', but we don't want to see
 # all the deprecation warnings in the test logs
 @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:.*'args' parameter")
-def test_argument_passing():
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("vectorize", [False, True])
+def test_argument_passing(vectorize):
     chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
     # Test for passing parameters to hamiltonian matrix elements
     def onsite(site, p1, p2):
-        return p1 + p2
+        if vectorize:
+            return (p1 + p2) * np.ones(len(site))
+        else:
+            return p1 + p2
     def hopping(site1, site2, p1, p2):
-        return p1 - p2
+        if vectorize:
+            return (p1 - p2) * np.ones(len(site1))
+        else:
+            return p1 - p2
     def gen_fill_syst(onsite, hopping, syst):
         syst[(chain(i) for i in range(3))] = onsite
@@ -1221,8 +1414,9 @@ def test_argument_passing():
     fill_syst = ft.partial(gen_fill_syst, onsite, hopping)
-    syst = fill_syst(kwant.Builder())
-    inf_syst = fill_syst(kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-3,))))
+    syst = fill_syst(kwant.Builder(vectorize=vectorize))
+    inf_syst = fill_syst(kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-3,)),
+                                       vectorize=vectorize))
     tests = (
@@ -1238,28 +1432,34 @@ def test_argument_passing():
     # test that mixing 'args' and 'params' raises TypeError
     with raises(TypeError):
-        syst.hamiltonian(0, 0, *(2, 1), params=dict(p1=2, p2=1))
+        with warnings.catch_warnings():
+            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=KwantDeprecationWarning)
+            syst.hamiltonian(0, 0, *(2, 1), params=dict(p1=2, p2=1))
     with raises(TypeError):
-        inf_syst.hamiltonian(0, 0, *(2, 1), params=dict(p1=2, p2=1))
+        with warnings.catch_warnings():
+            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=KwantDeprecationWarning)
+            inf_syst.hamiltonian(0, 0, *(2, 1), params=dict(p1=2, p2=1))
     # Missing parameters raises TypeError
     with raises(TypeError):
-        syst.hamiltonian(0, 0, params=dict(p1=2))
+        with warnings.catch_warnings():
+            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=KwantDeprecationWarning)
+            syst.hamiltonian(0, 0, params=dict(p1=2))
     with raises(TypeError):
-        syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=dict(p1=2))
+        with warnings.catch_warnings():
+            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=KwantDeprecationWarning)
+            syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=dict(p1=2))
     # test that passing parameters without default values works, and that
     # passing parameters with default values fails
-    def onsite(site, p1, p2):
-        return p1 + p2
-    def hopping(site, site2, p1, p2):
-        return p1 - p2
     fill_syst = ft.partial(gen_fill_syst, onsite, hopping)
-    syst = fill_syst(kwant.Builder())
-    inf_syst = fill_syst(kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-3,))))
+    syst = fill_syst(kwant.Builder(vectorize=vectorize))
+    inf_syst = fill_syst(kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-3,)),
+                                       vectorize=vectorize))
     tests = (
@@ -1275,12 +1475,18 @@ def test_argument_passing():
     # Some common, some different args for value functions
     def onsite2(site, a, b):
-        return site.pos + a + b
+        if vectorize:
+            return site.positions()[:, 0] + a + b
+        else:
+            return site.pos[0] + a + b
     def hopping2(site1, site2, a, c, b):
-        return a + b + c
+        if vectorize:
+            return (a + b + c) * np.ones(len(site1))
+        else:
+            return a + b + c
-    syst = kwant.Builder()
+    syst = kwant.Builder(vectorize=vectorize)
     syst[(chain(i) for i in range(3))] = onsite2
     syst[((chain(i), chain(i + 1)) for i in range(2))] = hopping2
     fsyst = syst.finalized()
@@ -1391,6 +1597,7 @@ def test_subs():
     lead = lead.finalized()
     assert lead.parameters == {'lead_a', 'lead_b', 'lead_c'}
 def test_attach_stores_padding():
     lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
     syst = kwant.Builder()
diff --git a/kwant/tests/test_operator.py b/kwant/tests/test_operator.py
index bb8a185e6675356d90552ee3d21b06d241fda83c..c5111b75d88033a74654eb5aa8e0661ee2dc51e9 100644
--- a/kwant/tests/test_operator.py
+++ b/kwant/tests/test_operator.py
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ def test_arg_passing(A):
     lat1 = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
     syst = kwant.Builder()
-    syst[lat1(0)] = syst[lat1(1)] = lambda s0, a, b: s0.pos + a + b
+    syst[lat1(0)] = syst[lat1(1)] = lambda s0, a, b: s0.pos[0] + a + b
     syst[lat1.neighbors()] = lambda s0, s1, a, b: a - b
     fsyst = syst.finalized()
diff --git a/kwant/tests/test_system.py b/kwant/tests/test_system.py
index 9bba152bc881013cd57bc949f46fca3244aa4153..3a4034776ee8492221910d0b00dd5a8e1aa97cf1 100644
--- a/kwant/tests/test_system.py
+++ b/kwant/tests/test_system.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2016 Kwant authors.
+# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
 # This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
 # LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 import pickle
 import copy
+import pytest
 from pytest import raises
 import numpy as np
 from scipy import sparse
@@ -15,9 +16,11 @@ import kwant
 from kwant._common import ensure_rng
-def test_hamiltonian_submatrix():
-    syst = kwant.Builder()
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("vectorize", [False, True])
+def test_hamiltonian_submatrix(vectorize):
+    syst = kwant.Builder(vectorize=vectorize)
     chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
+    chain2 = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=2)
     for i in range(3):
         syst[chain(i)] = 0.5 * i
     for i in range(2):
@@ -27,7 +30,11 @@ def test_hamiltonian_submatrix():
     mat = syst2.hamiltonian_submatrix()
     assert mat.shape == (3, 3)
     # Sorting is required due to unknown compression order of builder.
-    perm = np.argsort([os[0] for os in syst2.onsites])
+    if vectorize:
+        _, (site_offsets, _) = syst2.subgraphs[0]
+    else:
+        site_offsets = [os[0] for os in syst2.onsites]
+    perm = np.argsort(site_offsets)
     mat_should_be = np.array([[0, 1j, 0], [-1j, 0.5, 2j], [0, -2j, 1]])
     mat = mat[perm, :]
@@ -41,19 +48,12 @@ def test_hamiltonian_submatrix():
     mat = mat[:, perm]
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(mat, mat_should_be)
-    mat = syst2.hamiltonian_submatrix((), perm[[0, 1]], perm[[2]])
-    np.testing.assert_array_equal(mat, mat_should_be[:2, 2:3])
-    mat = syst2.hamiltonian_submatrix((), perm[[0, 1]], perm[[2]], sparse=True)
-    mat = mat.toarray()
-    np.testing.assert_array_equal(mat, mat_should_be[:2, 2:3])
     # Test for correct treatment of matrix input.
-    syst = kwant.Builder()
-    syst[chain(0)] = np.array([[0, 1j], [-1j, 0]])
+    syst = kwant.Builder(vectorize=vectorize)
+    syst[chain2(0)] = np.array([[0, 1j], [-1j, 0]])
     syst[chain(1)] = np.array([[1]])
     syst[chain(2)] = np.array([[2]])
-    syst[chain(1), chain(0)] = np.array([[1, 2j]])
+    syst[chain(1), chain2(0)] = np.array([[1, 2j]])
     syst[chain(2), chain(1)] = np.array([[3j]])
     syst2 = syst.finalized()
     mat_dense = syst2.hamiltonian_submatrix()
@@ -62,9 +62,10 @@ def test_hamiltonian_submatrix():
     # Test precalculation of modes.
     rng = ensure_rng(5)
-    lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)))
-    lead[chain(0)] = np.zeros((2, 2))
-    lead[chain(0), chain(1)] = rng.randn(2, 2)
+    lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)),
+                         vectorize=vectorize)
+    lead[chain2(0)] = np.zeros((2, 2))
+    lead[chain2(0), chain2(1)] = rng.randn(2, 2)
     syst2 = syst.finalized()
     smatrix = kwant.smatrix(syst2, .1).data
@@ -74,19 +75,26 @@ def test_hamiltonian_submatrix():
     raises(ValueError, kwant.solvers.default.greens_function, syst3, 0.2)
     # Test for shape errors.
-    syst[chain(0), chain(2)] = np.array([[1, 2]])
+    syst[chain2(0), chain(2)] = np.array([[1, 2]])
     syst2 = syst.finalized()
     raises(ValueError, syst2.hamiltonian_submatrix)
     raises(ValueError, syst2.hamiltonian_submatrix, sparse=True)
-    syst[chain(0), chain(2)] = 1
+    syst[chain2(0), chain(2)] = 1
     syst2 = syst.finalized()
     raises(ValueError, syst2.hamiltonian_submatrix)
     raises(ValueError, syst2.hamiltonian_submatrix, sparse=True)
+    if vectorize:  # non-vectorized systems don't check this at finalization
+        # Add another hopping of the same type but with a different
+        # (and still incompatible) shape.
+        syst[chain2(0), chain(1)] = np.array([[1, 2]])
+        raises(ValueError, syst.finalized)
-def test_pickling():
-    syst = kwant.Builder()
-    lead = kwant.Builder(symmetry=kwant.TranslationalSymmetry([1.]))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("vectorize", [False, True])
+def test_pickling(vectorize):
+    syst = kwant.Builder(vectorize=vectorize)
+    lead = kwant.Builder(symmetry=kwant.TranslationalSymmetry([1.]),
+                         vectorize=vectorize)
     lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
     syst[lat(0)] = syst[lat(1)] = 0
     syst[lat(0), lat(1)] = 1
diff --git a/kwant/wraparound.py b/kwant/wraparound.py
index 08efec8c668567acb374b12bfbed7777f0571bb5..e5688bab42919e664124fd73d8da0bdf7bb52ae6 100644
--- a/kwant/wraparound.py
+++ b/kwant/wraparound.py
@@ -183,6 +183,9 @@ def wraparound(builder, keep=None, *, coordinate_names='xyz'):
         f.__signature__ = inspect.Signature(params.values())
         return f
+    if builder.vectorize:
+        raise TypeError("'wraparound' does not work with vectorized Builders.")
         momenta = ['k_{}'.format(coordinate_names[i])
                    for i in range(len(builder.symmetry.periods))]