diff --git a/kwant/builder.py b/kwant/builder.py
index 2ca81a946faf5c9c50201c67a34398a69d46d41c..a8d21d15a5ffa0c163fb2619493f86b7526d7233 100644
--- a/kwant/builder.py
+++ b/kwant/builder.py
@@ -858,6 +858,10 @@ class Builder:
     amounts to creating a `Lead` object and appending it to the list of leads
     accessbile as the `~Builder.leads` attribute.
+    `conservation_law`, `time_reversal`, `particle_hole`, and `chiral`
+    affect the basis in which scattering modes derived from the builder
+    are expressed - see `~kwant.physics.DiscreteSymmetry` for details.
     .. warning::
         If functions are used to set values in a builder with a symmetry, then
diff --git a/kwant/physics/leads.py b/kwant/physics/leads.py
index b156f0292c3feafbc0a718d4ca80b73e97786533..30da68c909c8371563939f782b10f9fb8723da1d 100644
--- a/kwant/physics/leads.py
+++ b/kwant/physics/leads.py
@@ -130,11 +130,10 @@ class PropagatingModes:
     momentum and velocity, an arbitrary orthonormal basis in the subspace of
     these modes is chosen.
-    If a conservation law is specified to block diagonalize the Hamiltonian
-    to N blocks, then `block_nmodes[i]` is the number of left or right moving
-    propagating modes in conservation law block `i`. The ordering of blocks
-    is the same as the ordering of the projectors used to block diagonalize
-    the Hamiltonian.
+    If a conservation law is specified to block diagonalize the Hamiltonian,
+    then `block_nmodes[i]` is the number of left or right moving propagating
+    modes in conservation law block `i`. The ordering of blocks is the same as
+    the ordering of the projectors used to block diagonalize the Hamiltonian.
     def __init__(self, wave_functions, velocities, momenta):
         kwargs = locals()
@@ -1046,6 +1045,10 @@ def modes(h_cell, h_hop, tol=1e6, stabilization=None, *,
     Propagating modes with the same momentum are orthogonalized. All the
     propagating modes are normalized by current.
+    `projectors`, `time_reversal`, `particle_hole`, and `chiral` affect the
+    basis in which the scattering modes are expressed - see
+    `~kwant.physics.DiscreteSymmetry` for details.
     This function uses the most stable and efficient algorithm for calculating
     the mode decomposition that the Kwant authors are aware about. Its details
     are to be published.
diff --git a/kwant/physics/symmetry.py b/kwant/physics/symmetry.py
index 9420f52d4967b66c22cfb971a7b948a10a377581..9e53ab807c71a2f04af587846c2099685077d436 100644
--- a/kwant/physics/symmetry.py
+++ b/kwant/physics/symmetry.py
@@ -52,22 +52,46 @@ class DiscreteSymmetry:
-    Whenever one or more discrete symmetry is declared in conjunction with a
-    conservation law, the symmetry operators and projectors must be declared
-    in canonical form. This means that each block of the Hamiltonian is
-    transformed either to itself by a discrete symmetry or to a single
-    other block.
-    More formally, consider a discrete symmetry S. The symmetry projection
-    that maps from block i to block j of the Hamiltonian with projectors
-    :math:`P_i` and :math:`P_j` is :math:`S_{ji} = P_j^+ S P_i`.
-    If :math:`S_{ji}` is nonzero, a symmetry relation exists between
-    blocks i and j. Canonical form means that for each j, the block
-    :math:`S_{ji}` is nonzero at most for one i, while all other blocks vanish.
-    If the operators are not in canonical form, they can be made so by
-    further splitting the Hamiltonian into smaller blocks, i.e. by adding
-    more projectors.
+    When computing scattering modes, the representation of the
+    modes is chosen to reflect declared discrete symmetries and
+    conservation laws.
+    `projectors` block diagonalize the Hamiltonian, and modes are computed
+    separately in each block. The ordering of blocks is the same as of
+    `projectors`. If `conservation_law` is declared in
+    `~kwant.builder.Builder`, `projectors` is computed as the projectors
+    onto its orthogonal eigensubspaces. The projectors are stored in the
+    order of ascending eigenvalues of `conservation_law`.
+    Symmetrization using discrete symmetries varies depending on whether
+    a conservation law/projectors are declared. Consider the case with no
+    conservation law declared. With `time_reversal` declared, the outgoing
+    modes are chosen as the time-reversed partners of the incoming modes,
+    i.e. :math:`\psi_{out}(-k) = T \psi_{in}(k)` with k the momentum.
+    `chiral` also relates incoming and outgoing modes, such that
+    :math:`\psi_{out}(k) = C \psi_{in}(k)`. `particle_hole` gives symmetric
+    incoming and outgoing modes separately, such that
+    :math:`\psi_{in/out}(-k) = P \psi_{in/out}(k)`, except when k=-k, at
+    k = 0 or :math:`\pi`. In this case, each mode is chosen as an eigenstate
+    :math:`P \psi = \psi` if :math:`P^2=1`. If :math:`P^2=-1`, we
+    symmetrize the modes by generating pairs of orthogonal modes
+    :math:`\psi` and :math:`P\psi`. Because `chiral` and `particle_hole`
+    flip the sign of energy, they only apply at zero energy.
+    Discrete symmetries can be combined with a conservation law if they
+    leave each block invariant or transform it to another block. With S
+    a discrete symmetry and :math:`P_i` and :math:`P_j` projectors onto
+    blocks i and j of the Hamiltonian, :math:`S_{ji} = P_j^+ S P_i` is the
+    symmetry projection that maps from block i to block j.
+    :math:`S_{ji} = P_j^+ S P_i` must for each j be nonzero for exactly
+    one i. If S leaves block i invariant, the modes within block i are
+    symmetrized using the nonzero projection :math:`S_{ii}`, like in the
+    case without a conservation law. If S transforms between blocks i and
+    j, the modes of the block with the larger index are obtained by
+    transforming the modes of the block with the lower index. Thus, with
+    :math:`\psi_i` and :math:`\psi_j` the modes of blocks i and j, we have
+    :math:`\psi_j = S_{ji} \psi_i`.
     def __init__(self, projectors=None, time_reversal=None, particle_hole=None,