From 64d9d4be7e193481352987bac1905b9bfe313097 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joseph Weston <>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2019 13:35:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] update abstract System to support vectorization

Add the 'subgraphs', 'terms', and 'site_arrays' attributes, and
'hamiltonian_term' method and implement 'hamiltonian_submatrix',
'cell_hamiltonian' and 'inter_cell_hopping' in a vectorized way.
 doc/source/reference/kwant.system.rst |  13 +-
 kwant/_system.pyx                     | 386 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 kwant/                       | 166 +++++++++--
 3 files changed, 534 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/source/reference/kwant.system.rst b/doc/source/reference/kwant.system.rst
index 357765c9..2a9bd89c 100644
--- a/doc/source/reference/kwant.system.rst
+++ b/doc/source/reference/kwant.system.rst
@@ -29,11 +29,22 @@ Sites
 .. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/
+   VectorizedSystem
+   InfiniteVectorizedSystem
+   FiniteVectorizedSystem
+Mixin Classes
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   FiniteSystemMixin
+   InfiniteSystemMixin
diff --git a/kwant/_system.pyx b/kwant/_system.pyx
index 71860ed6..2f58dd4f 100644
--- a/kwant/_system.pyx
+++ b/kwant/_system.pyx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2013 Kwant authors.
+# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
 # This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
 # LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -12,12 +12,16 @@ import numpy as np
 from scipy import sparse as sp
 from itertools import chain
 import types
+import bisect
 from .graph.core cimport CGraph, gintArraySlice
 from .graph.defs cimport gint
 from .graph.defs import gint_dtype
 from ._common import deprecate_args
+### Non-vectorized methods
 msg = ('Hopping from site {0} to site {1} does not match the '
        'dimensions of onsite Hamiltonians of these sites.')
@@ -352,3 +356,383 @@ def hamiltonian_submatrix(self, args=(), to_sites=None, from_sites=None,
         mat = func(ham, args, params, self.graph, diag, from_sites,
                    n_by_to_site, to_norb, to_off, from_norb, from_off)
     return (mat, to_norb, from_norb) if return_norb else mat
+### Vectorized methods
+_shape_error_msg = (
+    "The following hoppings have matrix elements of incompatible shape "
+    "with other matrix elements: {}"
+def _vectorized_make_sparse(subgraphs, hams, long [:] norbs, long [:] orb_offsets,
+                 long [:] site_offsets, shape=None):
+    ndata = sum(h.shape[0] * h.shape[1] * h.shape[2] for h in hams)
+    cdef long [:] rows_view, cols_view
+    cdef complex [:] data_view
+    rows = np.empty((ndata,), dtype=long)
+    cols = np.empty((ndata,), dtype=long)
+    data = np.empty((ndata,), dtype=complex)
+    rows_view = rows
+    cols_view = cols
+    data_view = data
+    cdef long i, j, k, m, N, M, P, to_off, from_off,\
+              ta, fa, to_norbs, from_norbs
+    cdef long [:] ts_offs, fs_offs
+    cdef complex [:, :, :] h
+    m = 0
+    # This outer loop zip() is pure Python, but that's ok, as it
+    # has very few entries and the inner loops are fully vectorized
+    for ((ta, fa), (ts_offs, fs_offs)), h in zip(subgraphs, hams):
+        N = h.shape[0]
+        M = h.shape[1]
+        P = h.shape[2]
+        if norbs[ta] != M or norbs[fa] != P:
+            to_sites = site_offsets[ta] + np.array(ts_offs)
+            from_sites = site_offsets[fa] + np.array(fs_offs)
+            hops = np.array([to_sites, from_sites]).transpose()
+            raise ValueError(_shape_error_msg.format(hops))
+        for i in range(N):
+            to_off = orb_offsets[ta] + norbs[ta] * ts_offs[i]
+            from_off = orb_offsets[fa] + norbs[fa] * fs_offs[i]
+            for j in range(M):
+                for k in range(P):
+                    rows_view[m] = to_off + j
+                    cols_view[m] = from_off + k
+                    data_view[m] = h[i, j, k]
+                    m += 1
+    if shape is None:
+        shape = (orb_offsets[-1], orb_offsets[-1])
+    return sp.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=shape)
+def _vectorized_make_dense(subgraphs, hams, long [:] norbs, long [:] orb_offsets,
+                long [:] site_offsets, shape=None):
+    if shape is None:
+        shape = (orb_offsets[-1], orb_offsets[-1])
+    mat = np.zeros(shape, dtype=complex)
+    cdef complex [:, :] mat_view
+    mat_view = mat
+    cdef long i, j, k, N, M, P, to_off, from_off,\
+              ta, fa, to_norbs, from_norbs
+    cdef long [:] ts_offs, fs_offs
+    cdef complex [:, :, :] h
+    # This outer loop zip() is pure Python, but that's ok, as it
+    # has very few entries and the inner loops are fully vectorized
+    for ((ta, fa), (ts_offs, fs_offs)), h in zip(subgraphs, hams):
+        N = h.shape[0]
+        M = h.shape[1]
+        P = h.shape[2]
+        if norbs[ta] != M or norbs[fa] != P:
+            to_sites = site_offsets[ta] + np.array(ts_offs)
+            from_sites = site_offsets[fa] + np.array(fs_offs)
+            hops = np.array([to_sites, from_sites]).transpose()
+            raise ValueError(_shape_error_msg.format(hops))
+        for i in range(N):
+            to_off = orb_offsets[ta] + norbs[ta] * ts_offs[i]
+            from_off = orb_offsets[fa] + norbs[fa] * fs_offs[i]
+            for j in range(M):
+                for k in range(P):
+                    mat_view[to_off + j, from_off + k] = h[i, j, k]
+    return mat
+def _count_norbs(syst, site_offsets, hams, args=(), params=None):
+    """Return the norbs and orbital offset of each site family in 'syst'
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    syst : `kwant.system.System`
+    site_offsets : sequence of int
+        Contains the index of the first site for each site array
+        in 'syst.site_arrays'.
+    hams : sequence of arrays or 'None'
+        The Hamiltonian for each term in 'syst.terms'. 'None'
+        if the corresponding term has not been evaluated.
+    args, params : positional and keyword arguments to the system Hamiltonian
+    """
+    site_ranges = syst.site_ranges
+    if site_ranges is None:
+        # NOTE: Remove this branch once we can rely on
+        #       site families storing the norb information.
+        site_arrays = syst.site_arrays
+        family_norbs = { None for s in site_arrays}
+        # Compute the norbs per site family using already evaluated
+        # Hamiltonian terms where possible
+        for ham, t in zip(hams, syst.terms):
+            (to_w, from_w), _ = syst.subgraphs[t.subgraph]
+            if ham is not None:
+                family_norbs[site_arrays[to_w].family] = ham.shape[1]
+                family_norbs[site_arrays[from_w].family] = ham.shape[2]
+        # Evaluate Hamiltonian terms where we do not already have them
+        for n, t in enumerate(syst.terms):
+            (to_w, from_w), _ = syst.subgraphs[t.subgraph]
+            to_fam = site_arrays[to_w].family
+            from_fam = site_arrays[from_w].family
+            if family_norbs[to_fam] is None or family_norbs[from_fam] is None:
+                ham = syst.hamiltonian_term(n, args=args, params=params)
+                family_norbs[to_fam] = ham.shape[1]
+                family_norbs[from_fam] = ham.shape[2]
+        # This case is technically allowed by the format (some sites present
+        # but no hamiltonian terms that touch them) but is very unlikely.
+        if any(norbs is None for norbs in family_norbs.values()):
+            raise ValueError("Cannot determine the number of orbitals for "
+                             "some site families.")
+        orb_offset = 0
+        site_ranges = []
+        for start, site_array in zip(site_offsets, syst.site_arrays):
+            norbs = family_norbs[]
+            site_ranges.append((start, norbs, orb_offset))
+            orb_offset += len(site_array) * norbs
+        site_ranges.append((site_offsets[-1], 0, orb_offset))
+        site_ranges = np.array(site_ranges)
+    _, norbs, orb_offsets = site_ranges.transpose()
+    # The final (extra) element in orb_offsets is the total number of orbitals
+    assert len(orb_offsets) == len(syst.site_arrays) + 1
+    return norbs, orb_offsets
+def _expand_norbs(compressed_norbs, site_offsets):
+    "Return norbs per site, given norbs per site array."
+    norbs = np.empty(site_offsets[-1], int)
+    for start, stop, norb in zip(site_offsets, site_offsets[1:],
+                                  compressed_norbs):
+        norbs[start:stop] = norb
+    return norbs
+def _reverse_subgraph(subgraph):
+    (to_sa, from_sa), (to_off, from_off) = subgraph
+    return ((from_sa, to_sa), (from_off, to_off))
+def vectorized_hamiltonian_submatrix(self, args=(), sparse=False,
+                                     return_norb=False, *, params=None):
+    """Return The system Hamiltonian.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    args : tuple, defaults to empty
+        Positional arguments to pass to ``hamiltonian_term``. Mutually
+        exclusive with 'params'.
+    sparse : bool
+        Whether to return a sparse or a dense matrix. Defaults to ``False``.
+    return_norb : bool
+        Whether to return arrays of numbers of orbitals.  Defaults to ``False``.
+    params : dict, optional
+        Dictionary of parameter names and their values. Mutually exclusive
+        with 'args'.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    hamiltonian_part : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.coo_matrix
+       The Hamiltonian of the system.
+    norb : array of integers
+        Numbers of orbitals on each site. Only returned when ``return_norb``
+        is true.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
+    instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
+    """
+    site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(arr) for arr in self.site_arrays])
+    subgraphs = [
+        self.subgraphs[t.subgraph]
+        for t in self.terms
+    ]
+    # Add Hermitian conjugates
+    subgraphs += [
+        _reverse_subgraph(self.subgraphs[t.subgraph])
+        for t in self.terms
+        if t.hermitian
+    ]
+    hams = [
+        self.hamiltonian_term(n, args=args, params=params)
+        for n, _ in enumerate(self.terms)
+    ]
+    # Add Hermitian conjugates
+    hams += [
+        ham.conjugate().transpose(0, 2, 1)
+        for ham, t in zip(hams, self.terms)
+        if t.hermitian
+    ]
+    norbs, orb_offsets = _count_norbs(self, site_offsets, hams,
+                                      args=args, params=params)
+    func = _vectorized_make_sparse if sparse else _vectorized_make_dense
+    mat = func(subgraphs, hams, norbs, orb_offsets, site_offsets)
+    if return_norb:
+        return (mat, _expand_norbs(norbs, site_offsets))
+    else:
+        return mat
+def vectorized_cell_hamiltonian(self, args=(), sparse=False, *, params=None):
+    """Hamiltonian of a single cell of the infinite system.
+    Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
+    instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
+    """
+    site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(arr) for arr in self.site_arrays])
+    # Site array where next cell starts
+    next_cell = bisect.bisect(site_offsets, self.cell_size) - 1
+    def inside_cell(term):
+        (to_which, from_which), _= self.subgraphs[term.subgraph]
+        return to_which < next_cell and from_which < next_cell
+    cell_terms = [
+        n for n, t in enumerate(self.terms)
+        if inside_cell(t)
+    ]
+    subgraphs = [
+        self.subgraphs[self.terms[n].subgraph]
+        for n in cell_terms
+    ]
+    # Add Hermitian conjugates
+    subgraphs += [
+        _reverse_subgraph(self.subgraphs[self.terms[n].subgraph])
+        for n in cell_terms
+        if self.terms[n].hermitian
+    ]
+    hams = [
+        self.hamiltonian_term(n, args=args, params=params)
+        for n in cell_terms
+    ]
+    # Add Hermitian conjugates
+    hams += [
+        ham.conjugate().transpose(0, 2, 1)
+        for ham, n in zip(hams, cell_terms)
+        if self.terms[n].hermitian
+    ]
+    # _count_norbs requires passing hamiltonians for all terms, or 'None'
+    # if it has not been evaluated
+    all_hams = [None] * len(self.terms)
+    for n, ham in zip(cell_terms, hams):
+        all_hams[n] = ham
+    norbs, orb_offsets = _count_norbs(self, site_offsets, all_hams,
+                                      args=args, params=params)
+    shape = (orb_offsets[next_cell], orb_offsets[next_cell])
+    func = _vectorized_make_sparse if sparse else _vectorized_make_dense
+    mat = func(subgraphs, hams, norbs, orb_offsets, site_offsets, shape=shape)
+    return mat
+def vectorized_inter_cell_hopping(self, args=(), sparse=False, *, params=None):
+    """Hopping Hamiltonian between two cells of the infinite system.
+    Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
+    instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
+    """
+    # Take advantage of the fact that there are distinct entries in
+    # onsite_terms for sites inside the unit cell, and distinct entries
+    # in onsite_terms for hoppings between the unit cell sites and
+    # interface sites. This way we only need to check the first entry
+    # in onsite/hopping_terms
+    site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(arr) for arr in self.site_arrays])
+    # Site array where next cell starts
+    next_cell = bisect.bisect(site_offsets, self.cell_size) - 1
+    inter_cell_hopping_terms = [
+        n for n, t in enumerate(self.terms)
+        # *from* site is in interface
+        if (self.subgraphs[t.subgraph][0][1] >= next_cell
+            and self.subgraphs[t.subgraph][0][0] < next_cell)
+    ]
+    reversed_inter_cell_hopping_terms = [
+        n for n, t in enumerate(self.terms)
+        # *to* site is in interface
+        if (self.subgraphs[t.subgraph][0][0] >= next_cell
+            and self.subgraphs[t.subgraph][0][1] < next_cell)
+    ]
+    # Evaluate inter-cell hoppings only
+    inter_cell_hams = [
+        self.hamiltonian_term(n, args=args, params=params)
+        for n in inter_cell_hopping_terms
+    ]
+    reversed_inter_cell_hams = [
+        self.hamiltonian_term(n, args=args, params=params)
+            .conjugate().transpose(0, 2, 1)
+        for n in reversed_inter_cell_hopping_terms
+    ]
+    hams = inter_cell_hams + reversed_inter_cell_hams
+    subgraphs = [
+        self.subgraphs[self.terms[n].subgraph]
+        for n in inter_cell_hopping_terms
+    ]
+    subgraphs += [
+        _reverse_subgraph(self.subgraphs[self.terms[n].subgraph])
+        for n in reversed_inter_cell_hopping_terms
+    ]
+    # All the 'from' sites are in the previous domain, but to build a
+    # matrix we need to get the equivalent sites in the fundamental domain.
+    # We set the 'from' site array to the one from the fundamental domain.
+    subgraphs = [
+        ((to_sa, from_sa - next_cell), (to_off, from_off))
+        for (to_sa, from_sa), (to_off, from_off) in subgraphs
+    ]
+    # _count_norbs requires passing hamiltonians for all terms, or 'None'
+    # if it has not been evaluated
+    all_hams = [None] * len(self.terms)
+    for n, ham in zip(inter_cell_hopping_terms, inter_cell_hams):
+        all_hams[n] = ham
+    for n, ham in zip(reversed_inter_cell_hopping_terms,
+                      reversed_inter_cell_hams):
+        # Transpose to get back correct shape wrt. original term
+        all_hams[n] = ham.transpose(0, 2, 1)
+    norbs, orb_offsets = _count_norbs(self, site_offsets, all_hams,
+                                      args=args, params=params)
+    shape = (orb_offsets[next_cell],
+             orb_offsets[len(self.site_arrays) - next_cell])
+    func = _vectorized_make_sparse if sparse else _vectorized_make_dense
+    mat = func(subgraphs, hams, norbs, orb_offsets, site_offsets, shape=shape)
+    return mat
diff --git a/kwant/ b/kwant/
index b08f27cf..a65f9259 100644
--- a/kwant/
+++ b/kwant/
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
 __all__ = [
     'Site', 'SiteArray', 'SiteFamily',
-    'System', 'FiniteSystem', 'InfiniteSystem',
+    'System', 'VectorizedSystem', 'FiniteSystem', 'FiniteVectorizedSystem',
+    'InfiniteSystem', 'InfiniteVectorizedSystem',
 import abc
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ import warnings
 import operator
 from copy import copy
 from collections import namedtuple
-from functools import total_ordering
+from functools import total_ordering, lru_cache
 import numpy as np
 from . import _system
 from ._common  import deprecate_args, KwantDeprecationWarning
@@ -347,12 +348,100 @@ class System(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
         details = ', and '.join((', '.join(details[:-1]), details[-1]))
         return '<{} with {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, details)
+    hamiltonian_submatrix = _system.hamiltonian_submatrix
-# Add a C-implemented function as an unbound method to class System.
-System.hamiltonian_submatrix = _system.hamiltonian_submatrix
+Term = namedtuple(
+    "Term",
+    ["subgraph", "hermitian", "parameters"],
-class FiniteSystem(System, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+class VectorizedSystem(System, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    """Abstract general low-level system with support for vectorization.
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    graph : kwant.graph.CGraph
+        The system graph.
+    subgraphs : sequence of tuples
+        Each subgraph has the form '((idx1, idx2), (offsets1, offsets2))'
+        where 'offsets1' and 'offsets2' index sites within the site arrays
+        indexed by 'idx1' and 'idx2'.
+    terms : sequence of tuples
+        Each tuple has the following structure:
+        (subgraph: int, hermitian: bool, parameters: List(str))
+        'subgraph' indexes 'subgraphs' and supplies the to/from sites of this
+        term. 'hermitian' is 'True' if the term needs its Hermitian
+        conjugate to be added when evaluating the Hamiltonian, and 'parameters'
+        contains a list of parameter names used when evaluating this term.
+    site_arrays : sequence of SiteArray
+        The sites of the system.
+    site_ranges : None or Nx3 integer array
+        Has 1 row per site array, plus one extra row.  Each row consists
+        of ``(first_site, norbs, orb_offset)``: the index of the first
+        site in the site array, the number of orbitals on each site in
+        the site array, and the offset of the first orbital of the first
+        site in the site array.  In addition, the final row has the form
+        ``(len(graph.num_nodes), 0, tot_norbs)`` where ``tot_norbs`` is the
+        total number of orbitals in the system.  ``None`` if any site array
+        in 'site_arrays' does not have 'norbs' specified. Note 'site_ranges'
+        is directly computable from 'site_arrays'.
+    parameters : frozenset of strings
+        The names of the parameters on which the system depends. This attribute
+        is provisional and may be changed in a future version of Kwant
+    Notes
+    -----
+    The sites of the system are indexed by integers ranging from 0 to
+    ``self.graph.num_nodes - 1``.
+    Optionally, a class derived from ``System`` can provide a method ``pos`` which
+    is assumed to return the real-space position of a site given its index.
+    """
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def hamiltonian_term(self, term_number, selector=slice(None),
+                         args=(), params=None):
+        """Return the Hamiltonians for hamiltonian term number k.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        term_number : int
+            The number of the term to evaluate.
+        selector : slice or sequence of int, default: slice(None)
+            The elements of the term to evaluate.
+        args : tuple
+            Positional arguments to the term. (Deprecated)
+        params : dict
+            Keyword parameters to the term
+        Returns
+        -------
+        hamiltonian : 3d complex array
+            Has shape ``(N, P, Q)`` where ``N`` is the number of matrix
+            elements in this term (or the number selected by 'selector'
+            if provided), ``P`` and ``Q`` are the number of orbitals in the
+            'to' and 'from' site arrays associated with this term.
+        Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
+        instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
+        """
+    @property
+    @lru_cache(1)
+    def site_ranges(self):
+        site_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [len(arr) for arr in self.site_arrays])
+        norbs = [ for arr in self.site_arrays] + [0]
+        if any(norb is None for norb in norbs):
+            return None
+        orb_offsets = np.cumsum(
+            [0] + [len(arr) * for arr in self.site_arrays]
+        )
+        return np.array([site_offsets, norbs, orb_offsets]).transpose()
+    hamiltonian_submatrix = _system.vectorized_hamiltonian_submatrix
+class FiniteSystemMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
     """Abstract finite low-level system, possibly with leads.
@@ -475,7 +564,15 @@ class FiniteSystem(System, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
         return symmetries.validate(ham)
-class InfiniteSystem(System, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+class FiniteSystem(System, FiniteSystemMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    pass
+class FiniteVectorizedSystem(VectorizedSystem, FiniteSystemMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    pass
+class InfiniteSystemMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
     """Abstract infinite low-level system.
     An infinite system consists of an infinite series of identical cells.
@@ -516,30 +613,10 @@ class InfiniteSystem(System, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
     infinite system.  The other scheme has the numbers of site 0 and 1
     exchanged, as well as of site 3 and 4.
+    Sites in the fundamental domain cell must belong to a different site array
+    than the sites in the previous cell. In the above example this means that
+    sites '(0, 1, 2)' and '(3, 4)' must belong to different site arrays.
-    @deprecate_args
-    def cell_hamiltonian(self, args=(), sparse=False, *, params=None):
-        """Hamiltonian of a single cell of the infinite system.
-        Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
-        instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
-        """
-        cell_sites = range(self.cell_size)
-        return self.hamiltonian_submatrix(args, cell_sites, cell_sites,
-                                          sparse=sparse, params=params)
-    @deprecate_args
-    def inter_cell_hopping(self, args=(), sparse=False, *, params=None):
-        """Hopping Hamiltonian between two cells of the infinite system.
-        Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
-        instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
-        """
-        cell_sites = range(self.cell_size)
-        interface_sites = range(self.cell_size, self.graph.num_nodes)
-        return self.hamiltonian_submatrix(args, cell_sites, interface_sites,
-                                          sparse=sparse, params=params)
     def modes(self, energy=0, args=(), *, params=None):
         """Return mode decomposition of the lead
@@ -623,6 +700,37 @@ class InfiniteSystem(System, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
         return list(broken)
+class InfiniteSystem(System, InfiniteSystemMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    @deprecate_args
+    def cell_hamiltonian(self, args=(), sparse=False, *, params=None):
+        """Hamiltonian of a single cell of the infinite system.
+        Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
+        instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
+        """
+        cell_sites = range(self.cell_size)
+        return self.hamiltonian_submatrix(args, cell_sites, cell_sites,
+                                          sparse=sparse, params=params)
+    @deprecate_args
+    def inter_cell_hopping(self, args=(), sparse=False, *, params=None):
+        """Hopping Hamiltonian between two cells of the infinite system.
+        Providing positional arguments via 'args' is deprecated,
+        instead, provide named parameters as a dictionary via 'params'.
+        """
+        cell_sites = range(self.cell_size)
+        interface_sites = range(self.cell_size, self.graph.num_nodes)
+        return self.hamiltonian_submatrix(args, cell_sites, interface_sites,
+                                          sparse=sparse, params=params)
+class InfiniteVectorizedSystem(VectorizedSystem, InfiniteSystemMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    cell_hamiltonian = _system.vectorized_cell_hamiltonian
+    inter_cell_hopping = _system.vectorized_inter_cell_hopping
 class PrecalculatedLead:
     def __init__(self, modes=None, selfenergy=None):
         """A general lead defined by its self energy.