diff --git a/kwant/operator.pyx b/kwant/operator.pyx
index 8421ba56df78d8718cf421e71ab0c09a6a1f4744..a10624d1ccf3d7d6a2a175e16d6e00e3126c3bad 100644
--- a/kwant/operator.pyx
+++ b/kwant/operator.pyx
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import cython
 from operator import itemgetter
 import functools as ft
 import collections
+import numbers
 import numpy as np
 import tinyarray as ta
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
 from libc cimport math
 from .graph.core cimport EdgeIterator
+from .graph.core import DisabledFeatureError, NodeDoesNotExistError
 from .graph.defs cimport gint
 from .graph.defs import gint_dtype
 from .system import InfiniteSystem
@@ -159,34 +161,42 @@ def _normalize_site_where(syst, where):
     """Normalize the format of `where` when `where` contains sites.
     If `where` is None, then all sites in the system are returned.
-    If it is a general iterator then it is expanded into an array. If `syst`
-    is a finalized Builder then `where` should contain `Site` objects,
+    If it is a general sequence then it is expanded into an array. If `syst`
+    is a finalized Builder then `where` may contain `Site` objects,
     otherwise it should contain integers.
     if where is None:
-        size = (syst.cell_size
-                if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem) else syst.graph.num_nodes)
-        _where = list(range(size))
+        if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
+            where = list(range(syst.cell_size))
+        else:
+            where = list(range(syst.graph.num_nodes))
     elif callable(where):
-            _where = [syst.id_by_site[a] for a in filter(where, syst.sites)]
+            where = [syst.id_by_site[s] for s in filter(where, syst.sites)]
         except AttributeError:
-            _where = list(filter(where, range(syst.graph.num_nodes)))
+            if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
+                where = [s for s in range(syst.cell_size) if where(s)]
+            else:
+                where = [s for s in range(syst.graph.num_nodes) if where(s)]
-        try:
-            _where = list(syst.id_by_site[s] for s in where)
-        except AttributeError:
-            _where = list(where)
-            if any(w < 0 or w >= syst.graph.num_nodes for w in _where):
-                raise ValueError('`where` contains sites that are not in the '
-                                 'system.')
+        # Cannot check for builder.Site due to circular imports
+        if not isinstance(where[0], numbers.Integral):
+            try:
+                where = [syst.id_by_site[s] for s in where]
+            except AttributeError:
+                raise TypeError("'where' contains Sites, but the system is not "
+                                "a finalized Builder.")
+    where = np.asarray(where, dtype=gint_dtype).reshape(-1, 1)
-    if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
-        if any(w >= syst.cell_size for w in _where):
-            raise ValueError('Only sites in the fundamental domain may be '
-                             'specified using `where`.')
+    if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem) and np.any(where >= syst.cell_size):
+        raise ValueError('Only sites in the fundamental domain may be '
+                         'specified using `where`.')
+    if np.any(np.logical_or(where < 0, where >= syst.graph.num_nodes)):
+        raise ValueError('`where` contains sites that are not in the '
+                         'system.')
-    return np.asarray(_where, dtype=gint_dtype).reshape(len(_where), 1)
+    return where
 def _normalize_hopping_where(syst, where):
@@ -194,7 +204,7 @@ def _normalize_hopping_where(syst, where):
     If `where` is None, then all hoppings in the system are returned.
     If it is a general iterator then it is expanded into an array. If `syst` is
-    a finalized Builder then `where` should contain pairs of `Site` objects,
+    a finalized Builder then `where` may contain pairs of `Site` objects,
     otherwise it should contain pairs of integers.
     if where is None:
@@ -203,33 +213,42 @@ def _normalize_hopping_where(syst, where):
         if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
             raise ValueError('`where` must be provided when calculating '
                              'current in an InfiniteSystem.')
-        _where = list(syst.graph)
+        where = list(syst.graph)
     elif callable(where):
         if hasattr(syst, "sites"):
-            def idx_where(hop):
+            def idxwhere(hop):
                 a, b = hop
                 return where(syst.sites[a], syst.sites[b])
-            _where = list(filter(idx_where, syst.graph))
+            where = list(filter(idxwhere, syst.graph))
-            _where = list(filter(lambda h: where(*h), syst.graph))
+            where = list(filter(lambda h: where(*h), syst.graph))
+        # Cannot check for builder.Site due to circular imports
+        if not isinstance(where[0][0], numbers.Integral):
+            try:
+                where = list((syst.id_by_site[a], syst.id_by_site[b])
+                               for a, b in where)
+            except AttributeError:
+                raise TypeError("'where' contains Sites, but the system is not "
+                                "a finalized Builder.")
+        # NOTE: if we ever have operators that contain elements that are
+        #       not in the system graph, then we should modify this check
-            _where = list((syst.id_by_site[a], syst.id_by_site[b])
-                           for a, b in where)
-        except AttributeError:
-            _where = list(where)
-            # NOTE: if we ever have operators that contain elements that are
-            #       not in the system graph, then we should modify this check
+            error = ValueError('`where` contains hoppings that are not '
+                               'in the system.')
             if any(not syst.graph.has_edge(*w) for w in where):
-                raise ValueError('`where` contains hoppings that are not in the '
-                                 'system.')
+                raise error
+        # If where contains: negative integers, or integers > # of sites
+        except (NodeDoesNotExistError, DisabledFeatureError):
+            raise error
+    where = np.asarray(where, dtype=gint_dtype)
-    if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
-        if any(a > syst.cell_size or b > syst.cell_size for a, b in _where):
-            raise ValueError('Only intra-cell hoppings may be specified '
-                             'using `where`.')
+    if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem) and np.any(where > syst.cell_size):
+        raise ValueError('Only intra-cell hoppings may be specified '
+                         'using `where`.')
-    return np.asarray(_where, dtype=gint_dtype)
+    return where
 ## These two classes are here to avoid using closures, as these will
diff --git a/kwant/tests/test_operator.py b/kwant/tests/test_operator.py
index f6e5271ba658e683ac5a2e02abf3c3ba311de61f..6bb05593f2237ae1599d0ea24d124c9d4ca0efd0 100644
--- a/kwant/tests/test_operator.py
+++ b/kwant/tests/test_operator.py
@@ -128,12 +128,35 @@ def test_operator_construction():
     fwhere = tuple(fsyst.id_by_site[s] for s in where)
     A = ops.Density(fsyst, where=where)
     assert np.all(np.asarray(A.where).reshape(-1) == fwhere)
+    # Test for passing integers as 'where'
+    A = ops.Density(fsyst, where=fwhere)
+    assert np.all(np.asarray(A.where).reshape(-1) == fwhere)
+    # Test passing invalid sites
+    with raises(ValueError):
+        ops.Density(fsyst, where=[lat(100)])
+    with raises(ValueError):
+        ops.Density(fsyst, where=[-1])
+    with raises(ValueError):
+        ops.Density(fsyst, where=[10000])
     where = [(lat(2, 2), lat(1, 2)), (lat(0, 0), lat(0, 1))]
     fwhere = np.asarray([(fsyst.id_by_site[a], fsyst.id_by_site[b])
               for a, b in where])
     A = ops.Current(fsyst, where=where)
     assert np.all(np.asarray(A.where) == fwhere)
+    # Test for passing integers as 'where'
+    A = ops.Current(fsyst, where=fwhere)
+    assert np.all(np.asarray(A.where) == fwhere)
+    # Test passing invalid hoppings
+    with raises(ValueError):
+        ops.Current(fsyst, where=[(lat(2, 2), lat(0, 0))])
+    with raises(ValueError):
+        ops.Current(fsyst, where=[(-1, 1)])
+    with raises(ValueError):
+        ops.Current(fsyst, where=[(len(fsyst.sites), 1)])
+    with raises(ValueError):
+        ops.Current(fsyst, where=[(fsyst.id_by_site[lat(2, 2)],
+                                   fsyst.id_by_site[lat(0, 0)])])
     # test construction with `where` given by a function
     tag_list = [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)]
@@ -304,7 +327,7 @@ def test_opservables_spin():
     down, up = kwant.wave_function(fsyst, energy=1., params=params)(0)
     x_hoppings = kwant.builder.HoppingKind((1,), lat)
-    spin_current_z = ops.Current(fsyst, sigmaz, where=x_hoppings(syst))
+    spin_current_z = ops.Current(fsyst, sigmaz, where=list(x_hoppings(syst)))
     _test(spin_current_z, up, params=params, per_el_val=1)
     _test(spin_current_z, down, params=params, per_el_val=-1)
@@ -366,12 +389,14 @@ def test_opservables_gauged():
                          (Us[i], sigmaz, Us[i].conjugate().transpose()))
     x_hoppings = kwant.builder.HoppingKind((1,), lat)
-    spin_current_gauge = ops.Current(fsyst, M_a, where=x_hoppings(syst))
+    spin_current_gauge = ops.Current(fsyst, M_a,
+                                     where=list(x_hoppings(syst)))
     _test(spin_current_gauge, up, per_el_val=1)
     _test(spin_current_gauge, down, per_el_val=-1)
     # check the reverse is also true
     minus_x_hoppings = kwant.builder.HoppingKind((-1,), lat)
-    spin_current_gauge = ops.Current(fsyst, M_a, where=minus_x_hoppings(syst))
+    spin_current_gauge = ops.Current(fsyst, M_a,
+                                     where=list(minus_x_hoppings(syst)))
     _test(spin_current_gauge, up, per_el_val=-1)
     _test(spin_current_gauge, down, per_el_val=1)