diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ba94c807d204266b925eb7c25a92bc57bfe42971..5f53200b7e9a1ab828bc6a22ad7a23645c989fc3 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
@@ -16,3 +17,4 @@
diff --git a/AUTHORS.rst b/AUTHORS.rst
index 6b1bf2b7b2918eb817f08d1460c2e322b723769f..07b31efed8e4582ac647c8a44330742f1e65bcb1 100644
--- a/AUTHORS.rst
+++ b/AUTHORS.rst
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Contributors to Kwant include
 * Mathieu Istas (CEA Grenoble)
 * Daniel Jaschke (CEA Grenoble)
 * Thomas Kloss (CEA Grenoble)
+* Kelvin Loh (TNO)
 * Bas Nijholt (TU Delft)
 * Michał Nowak (TU Delft)
 * Viacheslav Ostroukh (Leiden University)
diff --git a/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/1.5.rst b/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/1.5.rst
index 2e89d74791d9afa5739ecf2b32d11ec5216d0722..17b7b3bc2163e567d8cf4dff7732188148d38b96 100644
--- a/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/1.5.rst
+++ b/doc/source/pre/whatsnew/1.5.rst
@@ -65,6 +65,33 @@ rather than::
+Plotly for plots
+Kwant can now use the `Plotly <https://plot.ly/>`_ library when plotting,
+though matplotlib is still used by default. Using plotly empowers Kwant
+to produce high-quality interactive plots, as well as true 3D support:
+.. jupyter-execute::
+    :hide-code:
+    import kwant
+    import kwant.plotter
+.. jupyter-execute::
+    lat = kwant.lattice.cubic(norbs=1)
+    syst = kwant.Builder()
+    def disk(r):
+        x, y, z = r
+        return -2 <= z < 2 and 10**2 < x**2 + y**2 < 20**2
+    syst[lat.shape(disk, (15, 0, 0))] = 4
+    kwant.plotter.set_engine("plotly")
+    kwant.plot(syst);
 Automatic addition of Peierls phase terms to Builders
 Kwant 1.4 introduced `kwant.physics.magnetic_gauge` for computing Peierls
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorial/plotting.rst b/doc/source/tutorial/plotting.rst
index 48b6ed4796251b64aa9de10922ce911cd3aade86..b30237bc912176464698b2b8f50fc5e83ecc6616 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorial/plotting.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorial/plotting.rst
@@ -292,6 +292,29 @@ arbitrarily, allowing for a good inspection of the geometry from all sides.
     does not properly honor the corresponding arguments. By resizing the plot
     window however one can manually adjust the aspect ratio.
+If you also have plotly installed, you can now use the plotly engine for all
+the plotting functions within Kwant (except streamplots). The way you would do
+it is simple, just set the plotter engine to ``plotly`` and then call the
+plotting function as you would do with some minor changes (See note below). For
+example, from the previous plot, you would need to just do this:
+.. jupyter-execute::
+    kwant.plotter.set_engine('plotly') # Set to plotly engine
+    kwant.plot(syst)
+    kwant.plotter.get_engine() # Get the current engine
+    kwant.plotter.set_engine('matplotlib') # Set to matplotlib engine
+.. note::
+    By default, the engine would be set to matplotlib if both matplotlib and
+    plotly are installed, and if either are installed, then, the default would
+    be the one available in your system. Certain attributes such as dpi or
+    fig_size or ax are not supported.
 Also for 3D it is possible to customize the plot. For example, we
 can explicitly plot the hoppings as lines, and color sites differently
 depending on the sublattice:
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.debian b/docker/Dockerfile.debian
index 12ab7d7e42eb7eb032a3ce37b0f20078157e7337..ad235f066518144ebf33c28dd567c46f892acc3b 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.debian
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.debian
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ RUN echo "deb http://downloads.kwant-project.org/debian/ stable main" >> /etc/ap
         # all the hard Python dependencies
         python3-all-dev python3-setuptools python3-pip python3-tk python3-wheel \
         python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-sympy python3-tinyarray \
+        python3-plotly \
         # Additional tools for running CI
         file rsync openssh-client \
     && apt-get clean && \
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.ubuntu b/docker/Dockerfile.ubuntu
index f1c54772ea69224788ff73268ddb0773708888fb..39789a7724ac9570d39a5ba94462eac635a5b4d8 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.ubuntu
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.ubuntu
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ RUN apt-add-repository -s ppa:kwant-project/ppa && \
         # all the hard Python dependencies
         python3-all-dev python3-setuptools python3-pip python3-tk python3-wheel \
         python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-sympy python3-tinyarray \
+        python3-plotly \
         # Additional tools for running CI
         file rsync openssh-client \
     && apt-get clean && \
diff --git a/docker/kwant-latest.yml b/docker/kwant-latest.yml
index 72de14af9dfb4a5535109954cd7fe517d2fd34bb..6a6283fbe618c48a27cee07edb09ff5db57d8321 100644
--- a/docker/kwant-latest.yml
+++ b/docker/kwant-latest.yml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ dependencies:
     - sympy
     - matplotlib
     - qsymm
+    - plotly
     # Linear algebra libraraies
     - mumps
     - blas #=1.1 openblas
diff --git a/docker/kwant-stable.yml b/docker/kwant-stable.yml
index 93decc70dc27de7192a8f4af6548207e8322c1e7..bd676136d040f192e372dad731dbc9aee5ca5bab 100644
--- a/docker/kwant-stable.yml
+++ b/docker/kwant-stable.yml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ dependencies:
     - sympy=1.1.1
     - matplotlib=2.1.1
     - qsymm=1.2.6
+    - plotly=2.2.2
     # Linear algebra libraraies
     - mumps
     - blas #=1.1 openblas
diff --git a/kwant/_colormaps.py b/kwant/_colormaps.py
index 86b11cb52ba83023b68b500fce58aaa5aa1adfe1..d92e4ebf2682d8fa5ae4110ff68ce531b19ffe6a 100644
--- a/kwant/_colormaps.py
+++ b/kwant/_colormaps.py
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
 # http://kwant-project.org/authors.
 import numpy as np
-from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
 kr_data = [[ 0.98916316, 0.98474381, 0.99210697],
            [ 0.98723538, 0.98138853, 0.98740721],
@@ -271,4 +269,4 @@ kr_data = [[ 0.98916316, 0.98474381, 0.99210697],
 kr_data = np.array(kr_data)
 kr_data = np.clip(kr_data / kr_data[0], 0, 1)
-kwant_red = ListedColormap(kr_data, name="kwant red")
+kwant_red = kr_data
diff --git a/kwant/_plotter.py b/kwant/_plotter.py
index 991fed41473f8ac045b39387c4fd490ce24f7869..ce778424d2bb284520b7edbe0bff201a53538cdf 100644
--- a/kwant/_plotter.py
+++ b/kwant/_plotter.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2011-2018 Kwant authors.
+# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
 # This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
 # LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -18,6 +18,19 @@
 import warnings
 from math import sqrt, pi
 import numpy as np
+from enum import Enum
+    __IPYTHON__
+    is_ipython_kernel = True
+except NameError:
+    is_ipython_kernel = False
+global mpl_available
+global plotly_available
+mpl_available = False
+plotly_available = False
     import matplotlib
@@ -26,7 +39,10 @@ try:
     from matplotlib.figure import Figure
     from matplotlib import collections
     from . import _colormaps
+    from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
     mpl_available = True
+    kwant_red_matplotlib = ListedColormap(_colormaps.kwant_red,
+                                          name="kwant red")
         from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
         has3d = True
@@ -34,9 +50,41 @@ try:
         warnings.warn("3D plotting not available.", RuntimeWarning)
         has3d = False
 except ImportError:
-    warnings.warn("matplotlib is not available, only iterator-providing "
-                  "functions will work.", RuntimeWarning)
-    mpl_available = False
+    warnings.warn("matplotlib is not available, if other engines are "
+                  "unavailable, only iterator-providing functions will work",
+                  RuntimeWarning)
+    import plotly.offline as plotly_module
+    import plotly.graph_objs as plotly_graph_objs
+    init_notebook_mode_set = False
+    from . import _colormaps
+    plotly_available = True
+    _cmap_plotly = 255 * _colormaps.kwant_red
+    _cmap_levels = np.linspace(0, 1, len(_cmap_plotly))
+    kwant_red_plotly = [(level, 'rgb({},{},{})'.format(*rgb))
+                        for level, rgb in zip(_cmap_levels, _cmap_plotly)]
+except ImportError:
+    warnings.warn("plotly is not available, if other engines are unavailable,"
+                  " only iterator-providing functions will work",
+                  RuntimeWarning)
+Engines = []
+if plotly_available:
+    Engines.append("plotly")
+    engine = "plotly"
+if mpl_available:
+    Engines.append("matplotlib")
+    engine = "matplotlib"
+if not ((mpl_available) or (plotly_available)):
+    engine = None
+Engines = frozenset(Engines)
 # Collections that allow for symbols and linewiths to be given in data space
@@ -52,6 +100,113 @@ def nparray_if_array(var):
     return np.asarray(var) if isarray(var) else var
+if plotly_available:
+    # The converter_map and converter_map_3d converts the common marker symbols
+    # of matplotlib to the symbols of plotly
+    converter_map = {
+        "o": 0,
+        "v": 6,
+        "^": 5,
+        "<": 7,
+        ">": 8,
+        "s": 1,
+        "+": 3,
+        "x": 4,
+        "*": 17,
+        "d": 2,
+        "h": 14,
+        "no symbol": -1
+    }
+    converter_map_3d = {
+        "o": "circle",
+        "s": "square",
+        "+": "cross",
+        "x": "x",
+        "d": "diamond",
+    }
+    def error_string(symbol_input, supported):
+        return 'Input symbol/s \'{}\' not supported. Only the following characters are supported: {}'.format(symbol_input, supported)
+    def convert_symbol_mpl_plotly(mpl_symbol):
+        if isarray(mpl_symbol):
+            try:
+                converted_symbol = [converter_map.get(i) for i in mpl_symbol]
+            except KeyError:
+                raise RuntimeError( error_string(mpl_symbol, list(converter_map)) )
+        else:
+            try:
+                converted_symbol = converter_map.get(mpl_symbol)
+            except KeyError:
+                raise RuntimeError( error_string(mpl_symbol, list(converter_map)) )
+        return converted_symbol
+    def convert_symbol_mpl_plotly_3d(mpl_symbol):
+        if isarray(mpl_symbol):
+            try:
+                converted_symbol = [converter_map_3d.get(i) for i in mpl_symbol]
+            except KeyError:
+                raise RuntimeError( error_string(mpl_symbol, list(converter_map_3d)) )
+        else:
+            try:
+                converted_symbol = converter_map_3d.get(mpl_symbol)
+            except KeyError:
+                raise RuntimeError( error_string(mpl_symbol, list(converter_map_3d)) )
+        return converted_symbol
+    def convert_site_size_mpl_plotly(mpl_site_size, plotly_ref_px):
+        # The conversion is such that we assume matplotlib's marker size is in
+        # square points (https://matplotlib.org/devdocs/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.html)
+        # and we need to convert the points to pixels for plotly.
+        # Hence, 1 pixel = (96.0)/(72.0) point
+        return np.sqrt(mpl_site_size)*(96.0/72.0)*plotly_ref_px
+    def convert_colormap_mpl_plotly(mpl_rgba):
+        _cmap_plotly = 255 * np.array(mpl_rgba)
+        return 'rgba({},{},{},{})'.format(*_cmap_plotly[0:-1],
+                                          _cmap_plotly[-1]/255)
+    def convert_cmap_list_mpl_plotly(mpl_cmap_name, N=255):
+        if isinstance(mpl_cmap_name, str):
+            cmap_mpl = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap(mpl_cmap_name)
+            cmap_mpl_arr = matplotlib.colors.makeMappingArray(N, cmap_mpl)
+            level = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
+            cmap_plotly_linear = [(level, convert_colormap_mpl_plotly(cmap_mpl))
+                                    for level, cmap_mpl in zip(level,
+                                                                cmap_mpl_arr)]
+        else:
+            assert(isinstance(mpl_cmap_name, list))
+            # Do not do any conversion if it's already a list
+            cmap_plotly_linear = mpl_cmap_name
+        return cmap_plotly_linear
+    def convert_lead_cmap_mpl_plotly(mpl_lead_cmap_init, mpl_lead_cmap_end,
+                                     N=255):
+        r_levels = np.linspace(mpl_lead_cmap_init[0],
+                               mpl_lead_cmap_end[0], N) * 255
+        g_levels = np.linspace(mpl_lead_cmap_init[1],
+                               mpl_lead_cmap_end[1], N) * 255
+        b_levels = np.linspace(mpl_lead_cmap_init[2],
+                               mpl_lead_cmap_end[2], N) * 255
+        a_levels = np.linspace(mpl_lead_cmap_init[3],
+                               mpl_lead_cmap_end[3], N)
+        level = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
+        cmap_plotly_linear = [(level, 'rgba({},{},{},{})'.format(*rgba))
+                                for level, rgba in zip(level,
+                                                        zip(r_levels, g_levels,
+                                                            b_levels, a_levels
+                                                            ))]
+        return cmap_plotly_linear
 if mpl_available:
     class LineCollection(collections.LineCollection):
         def __init__(self, segments, reflen=None, **kwargs):
@@ -321,3 +476,14 @@ if mpl_available:
                     self.set_linewidths(self.linewidths_orig2 * factor)
+if plotly_available:
+    def matplotlib_to_plotly_cmap(cmap, pl_entries):
+        h = 1.0/(pl_entries-1)
+        pl_colorscale = []
+        for k in range(pl_entries):
+            C = map(np.uint8, np.array(cmap(k*h)[:3])*255)
+            pl_colorscale.append([k*h, 'rgb'+str((C[0], C[1], C[2]))])
+        return pl_colorscale
diff --git a/kwant/plotter.py b/kwant/plotter.py
index 31a0aba6658b18eb3c79fccc3c0ffcdb2804bedf..021cf22a6a466727eaf1b5f4144dc7bb24192a23 100644
--- a/kwant/plotter.py
+++ b/kwant/plotter.py
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ from . import system, builder, _common
 from ._common import deprecate_args
-__all__ = ['plot', 'map', 'bands', 'spectrum', 'current', 'density',
+__all__ = ['set_engine', 'get_engine',
+           'plot', 'map', 'bands', 'spectrum', 'current', 'density',
            'interpolate_current', 'interpolate_density',
            'streamplot', 'scalarplot',
            'sys_leads_sites', 'sys_leads_hoppings', 'sys_leads_pos',
@@ -41,6 +42,50 @@ __all__ = ['plot', 'map', 'bands', 'spectrum', 'current', 'density',
 _p = _common.lazy_import('_plotter')
+def set_engine(engine):
+    """Set the plotting engine to use.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    engine : str
+        Options are: 'matplotlib', 'plotly'.
+    """
+    if ((_p.mpl_available) or (_p.plotly_available)):
+        try:
+            assert(engine in _p.Engines)
+            _p.engine = engine
+        except:
+            error_message = "Tried to set an unknown engine \'{}\'.".format(
+                                                                       engine)
+            error_message += " Supported engines are {}".format(
+                                                       [e for e in _p.Engines])
+            raise RuntimeError(error_message)
+    else:
+        warnings.warn("Tried to set \'{}\' but is not "
+                      "available.".format(engine), RuntimeWarning)
+    if ((_p.engine == "plotly") and
+        (not _p.init_notebook_mode_set)):
+        if (_p.is_ipython_kernel):
+            _p.init_notebook_mode_set = True
+            _p.plotly_module.init_notebook_mode(connected=True)
+def get_engine():
+    return _p.engine
+def _check_incompatible_args_plotly(dpi, fig_size, ax):
+    assert(_p.engine == "plotly")
+    if(dpi or fig_size or ax):
+        raise RuntimeError(
+            "Plotly engine does not support setting 'dpi', 'fig_size' "
+            "or 'ax', either leave these parameters unspecified, or "
+            "select the matplotlib engine with"
+            "'kwant.plotter.set_engine(\"matplotlib\")'")
 def _sample_array(array, n_samples, rng=None):
     rng = _common.ensure_rng(rng)
     la = len(array)
@@ -106,13 +151,24 @@ def _maybe_output_fig(fig, file=None, show=True):
     if fig is None:
-    if file is not None:
-        fig.canvas.print_figure(file, dpi=fig.dpi)
-    elif show:
-        # If there was no file provided, pyplot should already be available and
-        # we can import it safely without additional warnings.
-        from matplotlib import pyplot
-        pyplot.show()
+    if _p.engine == "matplotlib":
+        if file is not None:
+            fig.canvas.print_figure(file, dpi=fig.dpi)
+        elif show:
+            # If there was no file provided, pyplot should already be available
+            # and we can import it safely without additional warnings.
+            from matplotlib import pyplot
+            pyplot.show()
+    elif _p.engine == "plotly":
+        if file is not None:
+            _p.plotly_module.plot(fig, show_link=False, filename=file, auto_open=False)
+        if show:
+            if (_p.is_ipython_kernel):
+                _p.plotly_module.iplot(fig)
+            else:
+                raise RuntimeError('show flag using the plotly engine can '
+                                   'only be True if and only if called from a '
+                                   'jupyter/ipython environment.')
 def set_colors(color, collection, cmap, norm=None):
@@ -664,9 +720,13 @@ def sys_leads_hopping_pos(sys, hop_lead_nr):
 # Useful plot functions (to be extended).
+# The default plotly symbol size is a 6 px
+# The keys of 2, and 3 represent the dimension of the system.
+# e.g. the default for site_size for kwant system of dim=2 is 0.25, and
+# dim=3 is 0.5
 defaults = {'site_symbol': {2: 'o', 3: 'o'},
             'site_size': {2: 0.25, 3: 0.5},
+            'plotly_site_size_reference': 6,
             'site_color': {2: 'black', 3: 'white'},
             'site_edgecolor': {2: 'black', 3: 'black'},
             'site_lw': {2: 0, 3: 0.1},
@@ -675,7 +735,7 @@ defaults = {'site_symbol': {2: 'o', 3: 'o'},
             'lead_color': {2: 'red', 3: 'red'}}
-def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
+def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit=None,
          site_symbol=None, site_size=None,
          site_color=None, site_edgecolor=None, site_lw=None,
          hop_color=None, hop_lw=None,
@@ -721,13 +781,13 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
         - ``('p', nvert, angle)``: regular polygon with ``nvert`` vertices,
           rotated by ``angle``. ``angle`` is given in degrees, and ``angle=0``
           corresponds to one edge of the polygon pointing upward. The
-          radius of the inner circle is 1 unit.
-        - 'no symbol': no symbol is plotted.
+          radius of the inner circle is 1 unit. [Unsupported by plotly engine]
+        - 'no symbol': no symbol is plotted. [Unsupported by plotly engine]
         - 'S', `('P', nvert, angle)`: as the lower-case variants described
           above, but with an area equal to a circle of radius 1. (Makes
           the visual size of the symbol equal to the size of a circle with
-          radius 1).
-        - matplotlib.path.Path instance.
+          radius 1). [Unsupported by plotly engine]
+        - matplotlib.path.Path instance. [Unsupported by plotly engine]
         Instead of a single symbol, different symbols can be specified
         for different sites by passing a function that returns a valid
@@ -827,9 +887,101 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
       its aspect ratio.
-    if not _p.mpl_available:
-        raise RuntimeError("matplotlib was not found, but is required "
-                           "for plot()")
+    # Provide default unit if user did not specify
+    if _p.engine == "matplotlib":
+        fig = _plot_matplotlib(sys, num_lead_cells, unit,
+                        site_symbol, site_size,
+                        site_color, site_edgecolor, site_lw,
+                        hop_color, hop_lw,
+                        lead_site_symbol, lead_site_size, lead_color,
+                        lead_site_edgecolor, lead_site_lw,
+                        lead_hop_lw, pos_transform,
+                        cmap, colorbar, file,
+                        show, dpi, fig_size, ax)
+    elif _p.engine == "plotly":
+        _check_incompatible_args_plotly(dpi, fig_size, ax)
+        fig = _plot_plotly(sys, num_lead_cells, unit,
+                        site_symbol, site_size,
+                        site_color, site_edgecolor, site_lw,
+                        hop_color, hop_lw,
+                        lead_site_symbol, lead_site_size, lead_color,
+                        lead_site_edgecolor, lead_site_lw,
+                        lead_hop_lw, pos_transform,
+                        cmap, colorbar, file,
+                        show)
+    elif _p.engine == None:
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot use plot() without a plotting lib installed")
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError("plot() does not support engine '{}'".format(_p.engine))
+    _maybe_output_fig(fig, file=file, show=show)
+    return fig
+def _resize_to_dim(array, dim):
+    if array.shape[1] != dim:
+        ar = np.zeros((len(array), dim), dtype=float)
+        ar[:, : min(dim, array.shape[1])] = array[
+            :, : min(dim, array.shape[1])]
+        return ar
+    else:
+        return array
+def _check_length(name, loc):
+    value = loc[name]
+    if name in ('site_size', 'site_lw') and isinstance(value, tuple):
+        raise TypeError('{0} may not be a tuple, use list or '
+                        'array instead.'.format(name))
+    if isinstance(value, (str, tuple)):
+        return
+    try:
+        if len(value) != loc['n_syst_sites']:
+            raise ValueError('Length of {0} is not equal to number of '
+                             'system sites.'.format(name))
+    except TypeError:
+        pass
+# make all specs proper: either constant or lists/np.arrays:
+def _make_proper_site_spec(spec_name,  spec, syst, sites, fancy_indexing=False):
+    if _p.isarray(spec) and isinstance(syst, builder.Builder):
+        raise TypeError('{} cannot be an array when plotting'
+                        ' a Builder; use a function instead.'
+                        .format(spec_name))
+    if callable(spec):
+        spec = [spec(i[0]) for i in sites if i[1] is None]
+    if (fancy_indexing and _p.isarray(spec)
+        and not isinstance(spec, np.ndarray)):
+        try:
+            spec = np.asarray(spec)
+        except:
+            spec = np.asarray(spec, dtype='object')
+    return spec
+def _make_proper_hop_spec(spec, hops, fancy_indexing=False):
+    if callable(spec):
+        spec = [spec(*i[0]) for i in hops if i[1] is None]
+    if (fancy_indexing and _p.isarray(spec)
+        and not isinstance(spec, np.ndarray)):
+        try:
+            spec = np.asarray(spec)
+        except:
+            spec = np.asarray(spec, dtype='object')
+    return spec
+def _plot_plotly(sys, num_lead_cells, unit,
+         site_symbol, site_size,
+         site_color, site_edgecolor, site_lw,
+         hop_color, hop_lw,
+         lead_site_symbol, lead_site_size, lead_color,
+         lead_site_edgecolor, lead_site_lw,
+         lead_hop_lw, pos_transform,
+         cmap, colorbar, file,
+         show, fig=None):
+    if unit == None:
+        unit = 'pt'
     syst = sys  # for naming consistency inside function bodies
     # Generate data.
@@ -840,35 +992,338 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
     n_syst_hops = sum(i[1] is None for i in hops)
     end_pos, start_pos = sys_leads_hopping_pos(syst, hops)
-    # Choose plot type.
-    def resize_to_dim(array):
-        if array.shape[1] != dim:
-            ar = np.zeros((len(array), dim), dtype=float)
-            ar[:, : min(dim, array.shape[1])] = array[
-                :, : min(dim, array.shape[1])]
-            return ar
+    loc = locals()
+    for name in ['site_symbol', 'site_size', 'site_color', 'site_edgecolor',
+                 'site_lw']:
+        _check_length(name, loc)
+    # Apply transformations to the data
+    if pos_transform is not None:
+        sites_pos = np.apply_along_axis(pos_transform, 1, sites_pos)
+        end_pos = np.apply_along_axis(pos_transform, 1, end_pos)
+        start_pos = np.apply_along_axis(pos_transform, 1, start_pos)
+    dim = 3 if (sites_pos.shape[1] == 3) else 2
+    sites_pos = _resize_to_dim(sites_pos, dim)
+    end_pos = _resize_to_dim(end_pos, dim)
+    start_pos = _resize_to_dim(start_pos, dim)
+    # Determine the reference length.
+    if unit != 'pt':
+        raise RuntimeError('Plotly engine currently only supports '
+                         'the pt symbol size unit')
+    site_symbol = _make_proper_site_spec('site_symbol', site_symbol, syst, sites)
+    if site_symbol is None: site_symbol = defaults['site_symbol'][dim]
+    # separate different symbols (not done in 3D, the separation
+    # would mess up sorting)
+    if (_p.isarray(site_symbol) and dim != 3 and
+        (len(site_symbol) != 3 or site_symbol[0] not in ('p', 'P'))):
+        symbol_dict = defaultdict(list)
+        for i, symbol in enumerate(site_symbol):
+            symbol_dict[symbol].append(i)
+        symbol_slcs = []
+        for symbol, indx in symbol_dict.items():
+            symbol_slcs.append((symbol, np.array(indx)))
+        fancy_indexing = True
+    else:
+        symbol_slcs = [(site_symbol, slice(n_syst_sites))]
+        fancy_indexing = False
+    if site_color is None:
+        cycle = _color_cycle()
+        if isinstance(syst, (builder.FiniteSystem, builder.InfiniteSystem)):
+            # Skipping the leads for brevity.
+            families = sorted({site.family for site in syst.sites})
+            color_mapping = dict(zip(families, cycle))
+            def site_color(site):
+                return color_mapping[syst.sites[site].family]
+        elif isinstance(syst, builder.Builder):
+            families = sorted({site[0].family for site in sites})
+            color_mapping = dict(zip(families, cycle))
+            def site_color(site):
+                return color_mapping[site.family]
-            return array
+            # Unknown finalized system, no sites access.
+            site_color = defaults['site_color'][dim]
-    loc = locals()
+    site_size = _make_proper_site_spec('site_size',site_size, syst, sites, fancy_indexing)
+    site_color = _make_proper_site_spec('site_color',site_color, syst, sites, fancy_indexing)
+    site_edgecolor = _make_proper_site_spec('site_edgecolor',site_edgecolor, syst, sites,
+                                            fancy_indexing)
+    site_lw = _make_proper_site_spec('site_lw',site_lw, syst, sites, fancy_indexing)
+    hop_color = _make_proper_hop_spec(hop_color, hops)
+    hop_lw = _make_proper_hop_spec(hop_lw, hops)
+    # Choose defaults depending on dimension, if None was given
+    if site_size is None: site_size = defaults['site_size'][dim]
+    if site_edgecolor is None:
+        site_edgecolor = defaults['site_edgecolor'][dim]
+    if site_lw is None: site_lw = defaults['site_lw'][dim]
+    if hop_color is None: hop_color = defaults['hop_color'][dim]
+    if hop_lw is None: hop_lw = defaults['hop_lw'][dim]
+    if len(symbol_slcs) > 1:
+        try:
+            if site_color.ndim == 1 and len(site_color) == n_syst_sites:
+                site_color = np.asarray(site_color, dtype=float)
+        except:
+            pass
+    # take spec also for lead, if it's not a list/array, default, otherwise
+    if lead_site_symbol is None:
+        lead_site_symbol = (site_symbol if not _p.isarray(site_symbol)
+                            else defaults['site_symbol'][dim])
+    if lead_site_size is None:
+        lead_site_size = (site_size if not _p.isarray(site_size)
+                          else defaults['site_size'][dim])
+    if lead_color is None:
+        lead_color = defaults['lead_color'][dim]
+    lead_color = _p.matplotlib.colors.colorConverter.to_rgba(lead_color)
+    if lead_site_edgecolor is None:
+        lead_site_edgecolor = (site_edgecolor if not _p.isarray(site_edgecolor)
+                               else defaults['site_edgecolor'][dim])
+    if lead_site_lw is None:
+        lead_site_lw = (site_lw if not _p.isarray(site_lw)
+                        else defaults['site_lw'][dim])
+    if lead_hop_lw is None:
+        lead_hop_lw = (hop_lw if not _p.isarray(hop_lw)
+                       else defaults['hop_lw'][dim])
-    def check_length(name):
-        value = loc[name]
-        if name in ('site_size', 'site_lw') and isinstance(value, tuple):
-            raise TypeError('{0} may not be a tuple, use list or '
-                            'array instead.'.format(name))
-        if isinstance(value, (str, tuple)):
-            return
+    hop_cmap = None
+    if not isinstance(cmap, str):
-            if len(value) != n_syst_sites:
-                raise ValueError('Length of {0} is not equal to number of '
-                                 'system sites.'.format(name))
+            cmap, hop_cmap = cmap
         except TypeError:
+    # Plot system sites and hoppings
+    # First plot the nodes (sites) of the graph
+    assert dim == 2 or dim == 3
+    site_node_trace, site_edge_trace = [], []
+    for symbol, slc in symbol_slcs:
+        site_symbol_plotly = _p.convert_symbol_mpl_plotly(symbol)
+        if site_symbol_plotly == -1:
+            # The kwant documentation supports no symbol as a string argument for site_symbol
+            # If it evaluates to -1, then the user has specified "no symbol" as the input.
+            # https://kwant-project.org/doc/1/reference/generated/kwant.plotter.plot
+            continue
+        size = site_size[slc] if _p.isarray(site_size) else site_size
+        col = site_color[slc] if _p.isarray(site_color) else site_color
+        if _p.isarray(site_edgecolor) or _p.isarray(site_lw):
+            raise RuntimeError("Plotly engine not currently support an array "
+                               "of linecolors or linewidths. Please restrict "
+                               "to only a constant (i.e. no function or array)"
+                               " site_edgecolor and site_lw property "
+                               "for the entire plot.")
+        else:
+            edgecol = site_edgecolor if not isinstance(site_edgecolor, tuple) \
+                           else _p.convert_colormap_mpl_plotly(site_edgecolor)
+            lw = site_lw
+        if dim == 3:
+            x, y, z = sites_pos[slc].transpose()
+            site_node_trace_elem = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Scatter3d(x=x, y=y,
+                                                                  z=z)
+            site_node_trace_elem.marker.symbol = _p.convert_symbol_mpl_plotly_3d(
+                                                                        symbol)
+        else:
+            x, y = sites_pos[slc].transpose()
+            site_node_trace_elem = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Scatter(x=x, y=y)
+            site_node_trace_elem.marker.symbol = _p.convert_symbol_mpl_plotly(
+                                                                        symbol)
+        site_node_trace_elem.mode = 'markers'
+        site_node_trace_elem.hoverinfo = 'none'
+        site_node_trace_elem.marker.showscale = False
+        site_node_trace_elem.marker.colorscale = \
+                                          _p.convert_cmap_list_mpl_plotly(cmap)
+        site_node_trace_elem.marker.reversescale = False
+        marker_color = col if not isinstance(col, tuple) \
+                           else _p.convert_colormap_mpl_plotly(col)
+        site_node_trace_elem.marker.color = marker_color
+        site_node_trace_elem.marker.size = \
+                                _p.convert_site_size_mpl_plotly(size,
+                                        defaults['plotly_site_size_reference'])
+        site_node_trace_elem.line.width = lw
+        site_node_trace_elem.line.color = edgecol
+        site_node_trace_elem.showlegend = False
+        site_node_trace.append(site_node_trace_elem)
+    # Now plot the edges (hops) of the graph
+    end, start = end_pos[: n_syst_hops], start_pos[: n_syst_hops]
+    if dim == 3:
+        x0, y0, z0 = end.transpose()
+        x1, y1, z1 = start.transpose()
+        nones = [None] * len(x0)
+        site_edge_trace_elem = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Scatter3d(
+                                    x=np.array([x0, x1, nones]).transpose().flatten(),
+                                    y=np.array([y0, y1, nones]).transpose().flatten(),
+                                    z=np.array([z0, z1, nones]).transpose().flatten()
+                                )
+    else:
+        x0, y0 = end.transpose()
+        x1, y1 = start.transpose()
+        nones = [None] * len(x0)
+        site_edge_trace_elem = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Scatter(
+                                    x=np.array([x0, x1, nones]).transpose().flatten(),
+                                    y=np.array([y0, y1, nones]).transpose().flatten()
+                                )
+    if _p.isarray(hop_color) or _p.isarray(hop_lw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Plotly engine not currently support an array "
+                               "of linecolors or linewidths. Please restrict "
+                               "to only a constant (i.e. no function or array)"
+                               " hop_color and hop_lw property "
+                               "for the entire plot.")
+    site_edge_trace_elem.line.width = hop_lw
+    site_edge_trace_elem.line.color = hop_color
+    site_edge_trace_elem.hoverinfo = 'none'
+    site_edge_trace_elem.showlegend = False
+    site_edge_trace_elem.mode = 'lines'
+    site_edge_trace.append(site_edge_trace_elem)
+    # Plot lead sites and edges
+    lead_node_trace, lead_edge_trace = [], []
+    for sites_slc, hops_slc in zip(lead_sites_slcs, lead_hops_slcs):
+        lead_site_colors = np.array([i[2] for i in sites[sites_slc]],
+                                    dtype=float)
+        if dim == 3:
+            x, y, z = sites_pos[sites_slc].transpose()
+            lead_node_trace_elem = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Scatter3d(x=x, y=y,
+                                                                  z=z)
+            lead_node_trace_elem.marker.symbol = \
+                              _p.convert_symbol_mpl_plotly_3d(lead_site_symbol)
+        else:
+            x, y = sites_pos[sites_slc].transpose()
+            lead_node_trace_elem = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Scatter(x=x, y=y)
+            lead_site_symbol_plotly = _p.convert_symbol_mpl_plotly(lead_site_symbol)
+            if lead_site_symbol_plotly == -1:
+                # The kwant documentation supports no symbol as a string argument for site_symbol
+                # If it evaluates to -1, then the user has specified "no symbol" as the input.
+                # https://kwant-project.org/doc/1/reference/generated/kwant.plotter.plot
+                continue
+            lead_node_trace_elem.marker.symbol = lead_site_symbol_plotly
+        lead_node_trace_elem.mode = 'markers'
+        lead_node_trace_elem.hoverinfo = 'none'
+        lead_node_trace_elem.showlegend = False
+        lead_node_trace_elem.marker.showscale = False
+        lead_node_trace_elem.marker.reversescale = False
+        lead_node_trace_elem.marker.color = lead_site_colors
+        lead_node_trace_elem.marker.colorscale = \
+                                    _p.convert_lead_cmap_mpl_plotly(lead_color,
+                                                      [1, 1, 1, lead_color[3]])
+        lead_node_trace_elem.marker.size = _p.convert_site_size_mpl_plotly(
+                                        lead_site_size,
+                                        defaults['plotly_site_size_reference'])
+        if _p.isarray(lead_site_lw) or _p.isarray(lead_site_edgecolor):
+            raise RuntimeError("Plotly engine not currently support an array "
+                               "of linecolors or linewidths. Please restrict "
+                               "to only a constant (i.e. no function or array) "
+                               "lead_site_lw and lead_site_edgecolor property "
+                               "for the entire plot.")
+        lead_node_trace_elem.line.width = lead_site_lw
+        lead_node_trace_elem.line.color = lead_site_edgecolor
+        if lead_node_trace_elem:
+            lead_node_trace.append(lead_node_trace_elem)
+        lead_hop_colors = np.array([i[2] for i in hops[hops_slc]], dtype=float)
+        end, start = end_pos[hops_slc], start_pos[hops_slc]
+        if dim == 3:
+            x0, y0, z0 = end.transpose()
+            x1, y1, z1 = start.transpose()
+            nones = [None] * len(x0)
+            lead_edge_trace_elem = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Scatter3d(
+                                        x=np.array([x0, x1, nones]).transpose().flatten(),
+                                        y=np.array([y0, y1, nones]).transpose().flatten(),
+                                        z=np.array([z0, z1, nones]).transpose().flatten()
+                                    )
+        else:
+            x0, y0 = end.transpose()
+            x1, y1 = start.transpose()
+            nones = [None] * len(x0)
+            lead_edge_trace_elem = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Scatter(
+                                        x=np.array([x0, x1, nones]).transpose().flatten(),
+                                        y=np.array([y0, y1, nones]).transpose().flatten()
+                                    )
+        lead_edge_trace_elem.line.width = lead_hop_lw
+        lead_edge_trace_elem.line.color = _p.convert_colormap_mpl_plotly(
+                                                        lead_color)
+        lead_edge_trace_elem.hoverinfo = 'none'
+        lead_edge_trace_elem.mode = 'lines'
+        lead_edge_trace_elem.showlegend = False
+        lead_edge_trace.append(lead_edge_trace_elem)
+    layout = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Layout(
+                                showlegend=False,
+                                hovermode='closest',
+                                xaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False,
+                                           showticklabels=True),
+                                yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False,
+                                           showticklabels=True))
+    if fig == None:
+        full_trace = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([site_edge_trace,
+                                            site_node_trace, lead_edge_trace,
+                                            lead_node_trace]))
+        fig = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Figure(data=full_trace,
+                                          layout=layout)
+    else:
+        full_trace = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([lead_edge_trace,
+                                            lead_node_trace]))
+        for trace in full_trace:
+            try:
+                fig.add_trace(trace)
+            except TypeError:
+                fig.data += [trace]
+    return fig
+def _plot_matplotlib(sys, num_lead_cells, unit,
+         site_symbol, site_size,
+         site_color, site_edgecolor, site_lw,
+         hop_color, hop_lw,
+         lead_site_symbol, lead_site_size, lead_color,
+         lead_site_edgecolor, lead_site_lw,
+         lead_hop_lw, pos_transform,
+         cmap, colorbar, file,
+         show, dpi, fig_size, ax):
+    if unit == None:
+        unit = 'nn'
+    syst = sys  # for naming consistency inside function bodies
+    # Generate data.
+    sites, lead_sites_slcs = sys_leads_sites(syst, num_lead_cells)
+    n_syst_sites = sum(i[1] is None for i in sites)
+    sites_pos = sys_leads_pos(syst, sites)
+    hops, lead_hops_slcs = sys_leads_hoppings(syst, num_lead_cells)
+    n_syst_hops = sum(i[1] is None for i in hops)
+    end_pos, start_pos = sys_leads_hopping_pos(syst, hops)
+    loc = locals()
     for name in ['site_symbol', 'site_size', 'site_color', 'site_edgecolor',
-        check_length(name)
+        _check_length(name, loc)
     # Apply transformations to the data
     if pos_transform is not None:
@@ -879,9 +1334,9 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
     dim = 3 if (sites_pos.shape[1] == 3) else 2
     if dim == 3 and not _p.has3d:
         raise RuntimeError("Installed matplotlib does not support 3d plotting")
-    sites_pos = resize_to_dim(sites_pos)
-    end_pos = resize_to_dim(end_pos)
-    start_pos = resize_to_dim(start_pos)
+    sites_pos = _resize_to_dim(sites_pos, dim)
+    end_pos = _resize_to_dim(end_pos, dim)
+    start_pos = _resize_to_dim(start_pos, dim)
     # Determine the reference length.
     if unit == 'pt':
@@ -914,35 +1369,7 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
             raise ValueError('Invalid value of unit argument.')
-    # make all specs proper: either constant or lists/np.arrays:
-    def make_proper_site_spec(spec_name,  spec, fancy_indexing=False):
-        if _p.isarray(spec) and isinstance(syst, builder.Builder):
-            raise TypeError('{} cannot be an array when plotting'
-                            ' a Builder; use a function instead.'
-                            .format(spec_name))
-        if callable(spec):
-            spec = [spec(i[0]) for i in sites if i[1] is None]
-        if (fancy_indexing and _p.isarray(spec)
-            and not isinstance(spec, np.ndarray)):
-            try:
-                spec = np.asarray(spec)
-            except:
-                spec = np.asarray(spec, dtype='object')
-        return spec
-    def make_proper_hop_spec(spec, fancy_indexing=False):
-        if callable(spec):
-            spec = [spec(*i[0]) for i in hops if i[1] is None]
-        if (fancy_indexing and _p.isarray(spec)
-            and not isinstance(spec, np.ndarray)):
-            try:
-                spec = np.asarray(spec)
-            except:
-                spec = np.asarray(spec, dtype='object')
-        return spec
-    site_symbol = make_proper_site_spec('site_symbol', site_symbol)
+    site_symbol = _make_proper_site_spec('site_symbol', site_symbol, syst, sites)
     if site_symbol is None: site_symbol = defaults['site_symbol'][dim]
     # separate different symbols (not done in 3D, the separation
     # would mess up sorting)
@@ -976,13 +1403,13 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
             # Unknown finalized system, no sites access.
             site_color = defaults['site_color'][dim]
-    site_size = make_proper_site_spec('site_size', site_size, fancy_indexing)
-    site_color = make_proper_site_spec('site_color', site_color, fancy_indexing)
-    site_edgecolor = make_proper_site_spec('site_edgecolor', site_edgecolor, fancy_indexing)
-    site_lw = make_proper_site_spec('site_lw', site_lw, fancy_indexing)
+    site_size = _make_proper_site_spec('site_size', site_size, syst, sites, fancy_indexing)
+    site_color = _make_proper_site_spec('site_color', site_color, syst, sites, fancy_indexing)
+    site_edgecolor = _make_proper_site_spec('site_edgecolor', site_edgecolor, syst, sites, fancy_indexing)
+    site_lw = _make_proper_site_spec('site_lw', site_lw, syst, sites, fancy_indexing)
-    hop_color = make_proper_hop_spec(hop_color)
-    hop_lw = make_proper_hop_spec(hop_lw)
+    hop_color = _make_proper_hop_spec(hop_color, hops)
+    hop_lw = _make_proper_hop_spec(hop_lw, hops)
     # Choose defaults depending on dimension, if None was given
     if site_size is None: site_size = defaults['site_size'][dim]
@@ -1111,8 +1538,6 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
     if line_coll.get_array() is not None and colorbar and fig is not None:
-    _maybe_output_fig(fig, file=file, show=show)
     return fig
@@ -1187,6 +1612,7 @@ def mask_interpolate(coords, values, a=None, method='nearest', oversampling=3):
     grid = tuple(np.ogrid[dims])
     img = interpolate.griddata(coords, values, grid, method)
+    img = img.astype(np.float_)
     mask = np.mgrid[dims].reshape(len(cmin), -1).T
     # The numerical values in the following line are optimized for the common
     # case of a square lattice:
@@ -1195,7 +1621,17 @@ def mask_interpolate(coords, values, a=None, method='nearest', oversampling=3):
     # * 0.4 (which is just below sqrt(2) - 1) makes tree.query() exact.
     mask = tree.query(mask, eps=0.4)[0] > 0.99 * a
-    return np.ma.masked_array(img, mask), cmin, cmax
+    masked_result_array = np.ma.masked_array(img, mask)
+    try:
+        if _p.engine != "matplotlib":
+            result_array = masked_result_array.filled(np.NaN)
+        else:
+            result_array = masked_result_array
+    except AttributeError:
+        result_array = masked_result_array
+    return result_array, img, cmin, cmax
 def map(sys, value, colorbar=True, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, a=None,
@@ -1274,7 +1710,7 @@ def map(sys, value, colorbar=True, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, a=None,
-    if not _p.mpl_available:
+    if not (_p.mpl_available or _p.plotly_available):
         raise RuntimeError("matplotlib was not found, but is required "
                            "for map()")
@@ -1296,22 +1732,15 @@ def map(sys, value, colorbar=True, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, a=None,
                              'for finalized systems.')
     value = np.array(value)
     with _common.reraise_warnings():
-        img, min, max = mask_interpolate(coords, value, a, method, oversampling)
-    border = 0.5 * (max - min) / (np.asarray(img.shape) - 1)
-    min -= border
-    max += border
-    if ax is None:
-        fig = _make_figure(dpi, fig_size, use_pyplot=(file is None))
-        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal')
-    else:
-        fig = None
-    if cmap is None:
-        cmap = _p._colormaps.kwant_red
+        img, unmasked_data, _min, _max = mask_interpolate(coords, value,
+                                                       a, method, oversampling)
     # Calculate the min/max bounds for the colormap.
     # User-provided values take precedence.
-    unmasked_data = img[~img.mask].data.flatten()
+    if _p.engine != "matplotlib":
+        unmasked_data = img.ravel()
+    else:
+        unmasked_data = img[~img.mask].data.flatten()
     unmasked_data = unmasked_data[~np.isnan(unmasked_data)]
     new_vmin, new_vmax = percentile_bound(unmasked_data, vmin, vmax)
     overflow_pct = 100 * np.sum(unmasked_data > new_vmax) / len(unmasked_data)
@@ -1330,9 +1759,85 @@ def map(sys, value, colorbar=True, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, a=None,
         warnings.warn(''.join(msg), RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
     vmin, vmax = new_vmin, new_vmax
+    if _p.engine == "matplotlib":
+        fig = _map_matplotlib(syst, img, colorbar, _max, _min,  vmin, vmax,
+                        overflow_pct, underflow_pct, cmap, num_lead_cells,
+                        background, dpi, fig_size, ax, file)
+    elif _p.engine == "plotly":
+        fig = _map_plotly(syst, img, colorbar, _max, _min,  vmin, vmax,
+                          overflow_pct, underflow_pct, cmap, num_lead_cells,
+                          background)
+    elif _p.engine == None:
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot use map() without a plotting lib installed")
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError("map() does not support engine '{}'".format(_p.engine))
+    _maybe_output_fig(fig, file=file, show=show)
+    return fig
+def _map_plotly(syst, img, colorbar, _max, _min,  vmin, vmax, overflow_pct,
+                underflow_pct, cmap, num_lead_cells, background):
+    border = 0.5 * (_max - _min) / (np.asarray(img.shape) - 1)
+    _min -= border
+    _max += border
+    if cmap is None:
+        cmap = _p.kwant_red_plotly
+    img = img.T
+    contour_object = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Heatmap()
+    contour_object.z = img
+    contour_object.x = np.linspace(_min[0],_max[0],img.shape[0])
+    contour_object.y = np.linspace(_min[1],_max[1],img.shape[1])
+    contour_object.zsmooth = False
+    contour_object.connectgaps = False
+    cmap = _p.convert_cmap_list_mpl_plotly(cmap)
+    contour_object.colorscale = cmap
+    contour_object.zmax = vmax
+    contour_object.zmin = vmin
+    contour_object.hoverinfo = 'none'
+    contour_object.showscale = colorbar
+    fig = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Figure(data=[contour_object])
+    fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = background
+    fig.layout.showlegend = False
+    if num_lead_cells:
+        fig = _plot_plotly(syst, num_lead_cells, site_symbol='no symbol',
+                           hop_lw=0, lead_site_symbol='s',
+                           lead_site_size=0.501, lead_site_lw=0,lead_hop_lw=0,
+                           lead_color='black', colorbar=False, show=False,
+                           fig=fig, unit='pt', site_size=None, site_color=None,
+                           site_edgecolor=None, site_lw=0, hop_color=None,
+                           lead_site_edgecolor=None,pos_transform=None,
+                           cmap=None, file=None)
+    return fig
+def _map_matplotlib(syst, img, colorbar, _max, _min,  vmin, vmax,
+                    overflow_pct, underflow_pct, cmap, num_lead_cells,
+                    background, dpi, fig_size, ax, file):
+    border = 0.5 * (_max - _min) / (np.asarray(img.shape) - 1)
+    _min -= border
+    _max += border
+    if ax is None:
+        fig = _make_figure(dpi, fig_size, use_pyplot=(file is None))
+        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal')
+    else:
+        fig = None
+    if cmap is None:
+        cmap = _p.kwant_red_matplotlib
     # Note that we tell imshow to show the array created by mask_interpolate
     # faithfully and not to interpolate by itself another time.
-    image = ax.imshow(img.T, extent=(min[0], max[0], min[1], max[1]),
+    image = ax.imshow(img.T, extent=(_min[0], _max[0], _min[1], _max[1]),
                       origin='lower', interpolation='none', cmap=cmap,
                       vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
     if num_lead_cells:
@@ -1353,8 +1858,6 @@ def map(sys, value, colorbar=True, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, a=None,
             extend = 'max'
         fig.colorbar(image, extend=extend)
-    _maybe_output_fig(fig, file=file, show=show)
     return fig
@@ -1374,27 +1877,37 @@ def bands(sys, args=(), momenta=65, file=None, show=True, dpi=None,
         Either a number of sampling points on the interval [-pi, pi], or an
         array of points at which the band structure has to be evaluated.
     file : string or file object or `None`
-        The output file.  If `None`, output will be shown instead.
+        The output file.  If `None`, output will be shown instead. If plotly is
+        selected as the engine, the filename has to end with a html extension.
     show : bool
-        Whether ``matplotlib.pyplot.show()`` is to be called, and the output is
-        to be shown immediately.  Defaults to `True`.
+        For matplotlib engine, whether ``matplotlib.pyplot.show()`` is to be
+        called, and the output is to be shown immediately.
+        For the plotly engine, a call to ``iplot(fig)`` is made if
+        show is True.
+        Defaults to `True` for both engines.
     dpi : float
         Number of pixels per inch.  If not set the ``matplotlib`` default is
+        Only for matplotlib engine. If the plotly engine is selected and
+        this argument is not None, then a RuntimeError will be triggered.
     fig_size : tuple
         Figure size `(width, height)` in inches.  If not set, the default
         ``matplotlib`` value is used.
+        Only for matplotlib engine. If the plotly engine is selected and
+        this argument is not None, then a RuntimeError will be triggered.
     ax : ``matplotlib.axes.Axes`` instance or `None`
         If `ax` is not `None`, no new figure is created, but the plot is done
         within the existing Axes `ax`. in this case, `file`, `show`, `dpi`
         and `fig_size` are ignored.
+        Only for matplotlib engine. If the plotly engine is selected and
+        this argument is not None, then a RuntimeError will be triggered.
     params : dict, optional
         Dictionary of parameter names and their values. Mutually exclusive
         with 'args'.
-    fig : matplotlib figure
+    fig : matplotlib figure or plotly Figure object
         A figure with the output if `ax` is not set, else None.
@@ -1402,11 +1915,13 @@ def bands(sys, args=(), momenta=65, file=None, show=True, dpi=None,
     See `~kwant.physics.Bands` for the calculation of dispersion without plotting.
-    if not _p.mpl_available:
-        raise RuntimeError("matplotlib was not found, but is required "
-                           "for bands()")
     syst = sys  # for naming consistency inside function bodies
+    if _p.plotly_available:
+        if _p.engine == "plotly":
+            _check_incompatible_args_plotly(dpi, fig_size, ax)
     _common.ensure_isinstance(syst, (system.InfiniteSystem, system.InfiniteVectorizedSystem))
     momenta = np.array(momenta)
@@ -1435,7 +1950,10 @@ def bands(sys, args=(), momenta=65, file=None, show=True, dpi=None,
 def spectrum(syst, x, y=None, params=None, mask=None, file=None,
              show=True, dpi=None, fig_size=None, ax=None):
-    """Plot the spectrum of a Hamiltonian as a function of 1 or 2 parameters
+    """Plot the spectrum of a Hamiltonian as a function of 1 or 2 parameters.
+    This function requires either matplotlib or plotly to be installed.
+    The default engine uses matplotlib for plotting.
@@ -1456,32 +1974,69 @@ def spectrum(syst, x, y=None, params=None, mask=None, file=None,
         if the spectrum should not be calculated for the given parameter
     file : string or file object or `None`
-        The output file.  If `None`, output will be shown instead.
+        The output file.  If `None`, output will be shown instead. If plotly is
+        selected as the engine, the filename has to end with a html extension.
     show : bool
-        Whether ``matplotlib.pyplot.show()`` is to be called, and the output is
-        to be shown immediately.  Defaults to `True`.
+        For matplotlib engine, whether ``matplotlib.pyplot.show()`` is to be
+        called, and the output is to be shown immediately.
+        For the plotly engine, a call to ``iplot(fig)`` is made if
+        show is True.
+        Defaults to `True` for both engines.
     dpi : float
         Number of pixels per inch.  If not set the ``matplotlib`` default is
+        Only for matplotlib engine. If the plotly engine is selected and
+        this argument is not None, then a RuntimeError will be triggered.
     fig_size : tuple
         Figure size `(width, height)` in inches.  If not set, the default
         ``matplotlib`` value is used.
+        Only for matplotlib engine. If the plotly engine is selected and
+        this argument is not None, then a RuntimeError will be triggered.
     ax : ``matplotlib.axes.Axes`` instance or `None`
         If `ax` is not `None`, no new figure is created, but the plot is done
         within the existing Axes `ax`. in this case, `file`, `show`, `dpi`
         and `fig_size` are ignored.
+        Only for matplotlib engine. If the plotly engine is selected and
+        this argument is not None, then a RuntimeError will be triggered.
-    fig : matplotlib figure
-        A figure with the output if `ax` is not set, else None.
+    fig : matplotlib figure or plotly Figure object
-    if not _p.mpl_available:
-        raise RuntimeError("matplotlib was not found, but is required "
-                           "for plot_spectrum()")
-    if y is not None and not _p.has3d:
-        raise RuntimeError("Installed matplotlib does not support 3d plotting")
+    params = params or dict()
+    if _p.engine == "matplotlib":
+        return _spectrum_matplotlib(syst, x, y, params, mask, file,
+                                    show, dpi, fig_size, ax)
+    elif _p.engine == "plotly":
+        _check_incompatible_args_plotly(dpi, fig_size, ax)
+        return _spectrum_plotly(syst, x, y, params, mask, file, show)
+    elif _p.engine == None:
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot use spectrum() without a plotting lib installed")
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError("spectrum() does not support engine '{}'".format(_p.engine))
+def _generate_spectrum(syst, params, mask, x, y):
+    """Generates the spectrum dataset for the internal plotting
+    functions of spectrum().
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    See spectrum(...) documentation.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    spectrum : Numpy array
+         The energies of the system calculated at each coordinate.
+    planar : bool
+         True if y is None
+    array_values : tuple
+         The coordinates of x, y values of the dataset for plotting.
+    keys : tuple
+         Labels for the x and y axes.
+    """
     if system.is_finite(syst):
         def ham(**kwargs):
@@ -1492,9 +2047,9 @@ def spectrum(syst, x, y=None, params=None, mask=None, file=None,
         raise TypeError("Expected 'syst' to be a finite Kwant system "
                         "or a function.")
-    params = params or dict()
-    keys = (x[0],) if y is None else (x[0], y[0])
-    array_values = (x[1],) if y is None else (x[1], y[1])
+    planar = y is None
+    keys = (x[0],) if planar else (x[0], y[0])
+    array_values = (x[1],) if planar else (x[1], y[1])
     # calculate spectrum on the grid of points
     spectrum = []
@@ -1514,10 +2069,84 @@ def spectrum(syst, x, y=None, params=None, mask=None, file=None,
     new_shape = [len(v) for v in array_values] + [-1]
     spectrum = np.array(spectrum).reshape(new_shape)
+    return spectrum, planar, array_values, keys
+def _spectrum_plotly(syst, x, y=None, params=None, mask=None,
+                     file=None, show=True):
+    """Plot the spectrum of a Hamiltonian as a function of 1 or 2 parameters
+    using the plotly engine.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    See spectrum(...) documentation.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    fig : plotly Figure / dict
+    """
+    spectrum, planar, array_values, keys = _generate_spectrum(syst, params,
+                                                              mask, x, y)
+    if planar:
+        fig = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Figure(data=[
+          _p.plotly_graph_objs.Scatter(
+                 x=array_values[0],
+                 y=energies,
+          ) for energies in spectrum.T
+        ])
+        fig.layout.xaxis.title = keys[0]
+        fig.layout.yaxis.title = 'Energy'
+        fig.layout.showlegend = False
+    else:
+        fig = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Figure(data=[
+          _p.plotly_graph_objs.Surface(
+                 x=array_values[0],
+                 y=array_values[1],
+                 z=energies,
+                 cmax=np.max(spectrum),
+                 cmin=np.min(spectrum),
+          ) for energies in spectrum.T
+        ])
+        fig.layout.scene.xaxis.title = keys[0]
+        fig.layout.scene.yaxis.title = keys[1]
+        fig.layout.scene.zaxis.title = 'Energy'
+    fig.layout.title = (
+        ', '.join('{} = {}'.format(*kv) for kv in params.items())
+    )
+    _maybe_output_fig(fig, file=file, show=show)
+    return fig
+def _spectrum_matplotlib(syst, x, y=None, params=None, mask=None, file=None,
+                         show=True, dpi=None, fig_size=None, ax=None):
+    """Plot the spectrum of a Hamiltonian as a function of 1 or 2 parameters
+    using the matplotlib engine.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    See spectrum(...) documentation.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    fig : matplotlib figure
+        A figure with the output if `ax` is not set, else None.
+    """
+    if y is not None and not _p.has3d:
+        raise RuntimeError("Installed matplotlib does not support 3d plotting")
+    spectrum, planar, array_values, keys = _generate_spectrum(syst, params,
+                                                              mask, x, y)
     # set up axes
     if ax is None:
         fig = _make_figure(dpi, fig_size, use_pyplot=(file is None))
-        if y is None:
+        if planar:
             ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
@@ -1525,7 +2154,7 @@ def spectrum(syst, x, y=None, params=None, mask=None, file=None,
             ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
-        if y is None:
+        if planar:
@@ -1541,7 +2170,7 @@ def spectrum(syst, x, y=None, params=None, mask=None, file=None,
         fig = None
     # actually do the plot
-    if y is None:
+    if planar:
         ax.plot(array_values[0], spectrum)
         if not hasattr(ax, 'plot_surface'):
@@ -1922,6 +2551,31 @@ def streamplot(field, box, cmap=None, bgcolor=None, linecolor='k',
                colorbar=True, file=None,
                show=True, dpi=None, fig_size=None, ax=None,
+    if _p.engine == "matplotlib":
+        fig = _streamplot_matplotlib(field, box, cmap, bgcolor, linecolor,
+               max_linewidth, min_linewidth, density, colorbar, file,
+               show, dpi, fig_size, ax, vmax)
+    elif _p.engine == "plotly":
+        _check_incompatible_args_plotly(dpi, fig_size, ax)
+        fig = _streamplot_plotly(field, box, cmap, bgcolor, linecolor,
+                               max_linewidth, min_linewidth, density,
+                               colorbar, file, show, vmax)
+    elif _p.engine == None:
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot use streamplot() without a plotting lib installed")
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError("streamplot() does not support engine '{}'".format(_p.engine))
+    _maybe_output_fig(fig, file=file, show=show)
+def _streamplot_plotly(field, box, cmap, bgcolor, linecolor,
+                               max_linewidth, min_linewidth, density,
+                               colorbar, file, show, vmax):
+    raise RuntimeError("Streamplot() for plotly engine not implemented yet due to bug from plotly")
+def _streamplot_matplotlib(field, box, cmap, bgcolor, linecolor,
+               max_linewidth, min_linewidth, density, colorbar, file,
+               show, dpi, fig_size, ax, vmax):
     """Draw streamlines of a flow field in Kwant style
     Solid colored streamlines are drawn, superimposed on a color plot of
@@ -1930,7 +2584,7 @@ def streamplot(field, box, cmap=None, bgcolor=None, linecolor='k',
     would be thinner than `min_linewidth` are blended in a perceptually
     correct way into the background color in order to create the
     illusion of arbitrarily thin lines.  (This is done because some plot
-    backends like PDF do not support lines of arbitrarily thin width.)
+    engines like PDF do not support lines of arbitrarily thin width.)
     Internally, this routine uses matplotlib's streamplot.
@@ -1983,9 +2637,6 @@ def streamplot(field, box, cmap=None, bgcolor=None, linecolor='k',
     fig : matplotlib figure
         A figure with the output if `ax` is not set, else None.
-    if not _p.mpl_available:
-        raise RuntimeError("matplotlib was not found, but is required "
-                           "for current()")
     # Matplotlib's "density" is in units of 30 streamlines...
     density *= 1 / 30 * ta.array(field.shape[:2], int)
@@ -1999,7 +2650,7 @@ def streamplot(field, box, cmap=None, bgcolor=None, linecolor='k',
     if bgcolor is None:
         if cmap is None:
-            cmap = _p._colormaps.kwant_red
+            cmap = _p.kwant_red_matplotlib
         cmap = _p.matplotlib.cm.get_cmap(cmap)
         bgcolor = cmap(0)[:3]
     elif cmap is not None:
@@ -2096,20 +2747,66 @@ def scalarplot(field, box,
     fig : matplotlib figure
         A figure with the output if ``ax`` is not set, else None.
-    if not _p.mpl_available:
-        raise RuntimeError("matplotlib was not found, but is required "
-                           "for current()")
     # Matplotlib plots images like matrices: image[y, x].  We use the opposite
     # convention: image[x, y].  Hence, it is necessary to transpose.
     # Also squeeze out the last axis as it is just a scalar field
     field = field.squeeze(axis=-1).transpose()
     if field.ndim != 2:
         raise ValueError("Only 2D field can be plotted.")
+    if vmin is None:
+        vmin = np.min(field)
+    if vmax is None:
+        vmax = np.max(field)
+    if _p.engine == "matplotlib":
+        fig = _scalarplot_matplotlib(field, box, cmap, colorbar,
+                                     file, show, dpi, fig_size, ax,
+                                     vmin, vmax, background)
+    elif _p.engine == "plotly":
+        _check_incompatible_args_plotly(dpi, fig_size, ax)
+        fig = _scalarplot_plotly(field, box, cmap, colorbar, file,
+                                 show, vmin, vmax, background)
+    elif _p.engine == None:
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot use scalarplot() without a plotting lib installed")
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError("scalarplot() does not support engine '{}'".format(_p.engine))
+    _maybe_output_fig(fig, file=file, show=show)
+    return fig
+def _scalarplot_plotly(field, box, cmap, colorbar, file,
+                       show, vmin, vmax, background):
     if cmap is None:
-        cmap = _p._colormaps.kwant_red
+        cmap = _p.kwant_red_plotly
+    contour_object = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Heatmap()
+    contour_object.z = field
+    contour_object.x = np.linspace(*box[0],field.shape[0])
+    contour_object.y = np.linspace(*box[1],field.shape[1])
+    contour_object.zsmooth = 'best'
+    contour_object.colorscale = cmap
+    contour_object.zmax = vmax
+    contour_object.zmin = vmin
+    contour_object.showscale = colorbar
+    fig = _p.plotly_graph_objs.Figure(data=[contour_object])
+    fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = background
+    return fig
+def _scalarplot_matplotlib(field, box, cmap, colorbar, file, show, dpi,
+                           fig_size, ax, vmin, vmax, background):
+    if cmap is None:
+        cmap = _p.kwant_red_matplotlib
     cmap = _p.matplotlib.cm.get_cmap(cmap)
     if ax is None:
@@ -2118,11 +2815,6 @@ def scalarplot(field, box,
         fig = None
-    if vmin is None:
-        vmin = np.min(field)
-    if vmax is None:
-        vmax = np.max(field)
     image = ax.imshow(field, cmap=cmap,
                       extent=[e for c in box for e in c],
@@ -2135,8 +2827,6 @@ def scalarplot(field, box,
     if colorbar and cmap and fig is not None:
-    _maybe_output_fig(fig, file=file, show=show)
     return fig
diff --git a/kwant/tests/test_plotter.py b/kwant/tests/test_plotter.py
index 9edc902748c20d14372a881dda0093a68ac27a20..9b2955e5d942ba4f9415dca158889fbc761759eb 100644
--- a/kwant/tests/test_plotter.py
+++ b/kwant/tests/test_plotter.py
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def test_matplotlib_backend_unset():
     assert matplotlib_backend_chosen is False
-def test_importable_without_matplotlib():
+def test_importable_without_backends():
     prefix, sep, suffix = _plotter.__file__.rpartition('.')
     if suffix in ['pyc', 'pyo']:
         suffix = 'py'
@@ -55,13 +55,16 @@ def test_importable_without_matplotlib():
         code = f.read()
     code = code.replace(b'from . import', b'from kwant import')
     code = code.replace(b'matplotlib', b'totalblimp')
+    code = code.replace(b'plotly', b'plylot')
     with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
         exec(code)               # Trigger the warning.
-        assert len(w) == 1
+        assert len(w) == 2
         assert issubclass(w[0].category, RuntimeWarning)
-        assert "only iterator-providing functions" in str(w[0].message)
+        assert issubclass(w[1].category, RuntimeWarning)
+        assert "totalblimp is not available" in str(w[0].message)
+        assert "plylot is not available" in str(w[1].message)
 def syst_2d(W=3, r1=3, r2=8):
@@ -113,18 +116,31 @@ def syst_3d(W=3, r1=2, r2=4, a=1, t=1.0):
     return syst
+def plotter_file_suffix(engine):
+    # We need this function so that we can add a .html suffix to the output filename.
+    # This is required because plotly will throw an error if filename is without the suffix.
+    if engine == "plotly":
+        return ".html"
+    else:
+        return None
 @pytest.mark.skipif(not _plotter.mpl_available, reason="Matplotlib unavailable.")
-def test_plot():
+def test_matplotlib_plot():
+    plotter.set_engine('matplotlib')
     plot = plotter.plot
     syst2d = syst_2d()
     syst3d = syst_3d()
     color_opts = ['k', (lambda site: site.tag[0]),
                   lambda site: (abs(site.tag[0] / 100),
                                 abs(site.tag[1] / 100), 0)]
-    with tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+b') as out:
+    engine = plotter.get_engine()
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+b', suffix=plotter_file_suffix(engine)) as out:
+        out_filename = out.name
         for color in color_opts:
             for syst in (syst2d, syst3d):
-                fig = plot(syst, site_color=color, cmap='binary', file=out)
+                fig = plot(syst, site_color=color, cmap='binary', file=out_filename)
                 if (color != 'k' and
                     isinstance(color(next(iter(syst2d.sites()))), float)):
                     assert fig.axes[0].collections[0].get_array() is not None
@@ -134,30 +150,66 @@ def test_plot():
                                            abs(site.tag[1] / 100), 0)]
         for color in color_opts:
             for syst in (syst2d, syst3d):
-                fig = plot(syst2d, hop_color=color, cmap='binary', file=out,
+                fig = plot(syst2d, hop_color=color, cmap='binary', file=out_filename,
                            fig_size=(2, 10), dpi=30)
                 if color != 'k' and isinstance(color(next(iter(syst2d.sites())),
                                                           None), float):
                     assert fig.axes[0].collections[1].get_array() is not None
-        assert isinstance(plot(syst3d, file=out).axes[0], mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D)
+        assert isinstance(plot(syst3d, file=out_filename).axes[0], mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D)
         syst2d.leads = []
-        plot(syst2d, file=out)
+        plot(syst2d, file=out_filename)
         del syst2d[list(syst2d.hoppings())]
-        plot(syst2d, file=out)
+        plot(syst2d, file=out_filename)
-        plot(syst3d, file=out)
+        plot(syst3d, file=out_filename)
         with warnings.catch_warnings():
-            plot(syst2d.finalized(), file=out)
+            plot(syst2d.finalized(), file=out_filename)
         # test 2D projections of 3D systems
-        plot(syst3d, file=out, pos_transform=lambda pos: pos[:2])
+        plot(syst3d, file=out_filename, pos_transform=lambda pos: pos[:2])
+@pytest.mark.skipif(not _plotter.plotly_available, reason="Plotly unavailable.")
+def test_plotly_plot():
+    plotter.set_engine('plotly')
+    plot = plotter.plot
+    syst2d = syst_2d()
+    syst3d = syst_3d()
+    color_opts = ['black', (lambda site: site.tag[0]),
+                  lambda site: (abs(site.tag[0] / 100),
+                                abs(site.tag[1] / 100), 0)]
+    engine = plotter.get_engine()
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+b', suffix=plotter_file_suffix(engine)) as out:
+        out_filename = out.name
+        for color in color_opts:
+            for syst in (syst2d, syst3d):
+                plot(syst, site_color=color, cmap='binary', file=out_filename, show=False)
+        color_opts = ['black', (lambda site, site2: site.tag[0]),
+                      lambda site, site2: (abs(site.tag[0] / 100),
+                                           abs(site.tag[1] / 100), 0)]
+        syst2d.leads = []
+        plot(syst2d, file=out_filename, show=False)
+        del syst2d[list(syst2d.hoppings())]
+        plot(syst2d, file=out_filename, show=False)
+        plot(syst3d, file=out_filename, show=False)
+        with warnings.catch_warnings():
+            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+            plot(syst2d.finalized(), file=out_filename, show=False)
+        # test 2D projections of 3D systems
+        plot(syst3d, file=out_filename, pos_transform=lambda pos: pos[:2], show=False)
 @pytest.mark.skipif(not _plotter.mpl_available, reason="Matplotlib unavailable.")
-def test_plot_more_site_families_than_colors():
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("engine", ["plotly", "matplotlib"])
+def test_plot_more_site_families_than_colors(engine):
     # test against regression reported in
     # https://gitlab.kwant-project.org/kwant/kwant/issues/257
     ncolors = len(pyplot.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'])
@@ -166,17 +218,23 @@ def test_plot_more_site_families_than_colors():
                 for i in range(ncolors + 1)]
     for i, lat in enumerate(lattices):
         syst[lat(i, 0)] = None
-    with tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+b') as out:
-        plotter.plot(syst, file=out)
+    plotter.set_engine(engine)
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+b', suffix=plotter_file_suffix(engine)) as out:
+        out_filename = out.name
+        print(out)
+        plotter.plot(syst, file=out_filename, show=False)
 @pytest.mark.skipif(not _plotter.mpl_available, reason="Matplotlib unavailable.")
-def test_plot_raises_on_bad_site_spec():
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("engine", ["plotly", "matplotlib"])
+def test_plot_raises_on_bad_site_spec(engine):
     syst = kwant.Builder()
     lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
     syst[(lat(i, j) for i in range(5) for j in range(5))] = None
     # Cannot provide site_size as an array when syst is a Builder
+    plotter.set_engine(engine)
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         plotter.plot(syst, site_size=[1] * 25)
@@ -194,20 +252,24 @@ def bad_transform(pos):
     return x, y, 0
 @pytest.mark.skipif(not _plotter.mpl_available, reason="Matplotlib unavailable.")
-def test_map():
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("engine", ["plotly", "matplotlib"])
+def test_map(engine):
+    plotter.set_engine(engine)
     syst = syst_2d()
-    with tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+b') as out:
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+b', suffix=plotter_file_suffix(engine)) as out:
+        out_filename = out.name
         plotter.map(syst, lambda site: site.tag[0], pos_transform=good_transform,
-                    file=out, method='linear', a=4, oversampling=4, cmap='flag')
+                    file=out_filename, method='linear', a=4, oversampling=4, cmap='flag', show=False)
         pytest.raises(ValueError, plotter.map, syst,
                       lambda site: site.tag[0],
-                      pos_transform=bad_transform, file=out)
+                      pos_transform=bad_transform, file=out_filename)
         with warnings.catch_warnings():
             plotter.map(syst.finalized(), range(len(syst.sites())),
-                        file=out)
+                        file=out_filename, show=False)
         pytest.raises(ValueError, plotter.map, syst,
-                      range(len(syst.sites())), file=out)
+                      range(len(syst.sites())), file=out_filename)
 def test_mask_interpolate():
@@ -230,22 +292,32 @@ def test_mask_interpolate():
 @pytest.mark.skipif(not _plotter.mpl_available, reason="Matplotlib unavailable.")
-def test_bands():
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("engine", ["plotly", "matplotlib"])
+def test_bands(engine):
+    plotter.set_engine(engine)
     syst = syst_2d().finalized().leads[0]
-    with tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+b') as out:
-        plotter.bands(syst, file=out)
-        plotter.bands(syst, fig_size=(10, 10), file=out)
-        plotter.bands(syst, momenta=np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi), file=out)
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+b', suffix=plotter_file_suffix(engine)) as out:
+        out_filename = out.name
+        plotter.bands(syst, show=False, file=out_filename)
+        plotter.bands(syst, show=False, momenta=np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi), file=out_filename)
+        if engine == 'matplotlib':
+            plotter.bands(syst, show=False, fig_size=(10, 10), file=out_filename)
+            fig = pyplot.Figure()
+            ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+            plotter.bands(syst, show=False, ax=ax, file=out_filename)
-        fig = pyplot.Figure()
-        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
-        plotter.bands(syst, ax=ax, file=out)
 @pytest.mark.skipif(not _plotter.mpl_available, reason="Matplotlib unavailable.")
-def test_spectrum():
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("engine", ["plotly", "matplotlib"])
+def test_spectrum(engine):
+    plotter.set_engine(engine)
     def ham_1d(a, b, c):
         return a**2 + b**2 + c**2
@@ -261,38 +333,43 @@ def test_spectrum():
     vals = np.linspace(0, 1, 3)
-    with tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+b') as out:
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+b', suffix=plotter_file_suffix(engine)) as out:
+        out_filename = out.name
         for ham in (ham_1d, ham_2d, fsyst):
-            plotter.spectrum(ham, ('a', vals), params=dict(b=1, c=1), file=out)
-            # test with explicit figsize
-            plotter.spectrum(ham, ('a', vals), params=dict(b=1, c=1),
-                             fig_size=(10, 10), file=out)
+            plotter.spectrum(ham, ('a', vals), params=dict(b=1, c=1), file=out_filename, show=False)
+            if engine == 'matplotlib':
+                # test with explicit figsize
+                plotter.spectrum(ham, ('a', vals), params=dict(b=1, c=1),
+                                 fig_size=(10, 10), file=out_filename, show=False)
         for ham in (ham_1d, ham_2d, fsyst):
             plotter.spectrum(ham, ('a', vals), ('b', 2 * vals),
-                             params=dict(c=1), file=out)
-            # test with explicit figsize
-            plotter.spectrum(ham, ('a', vals), ('b', 2 * vals),
-                             params=dict(c=1), fig_size=(10, 10), file=out)
-        # test 2D plot and explicitly passing axis
-        fig = pyplot.figure()
-        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
-        plotter.spectrum(ham_1d, ('a', vals), ('b', 2 * vals),
-                         params=dict(c=1), ax=ax, file=out)
-        # explicitly pass axis without 3D support
-        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
-        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+                             params=dict(c=1), file=out_filename, show=False)
+            if engine == 'matplotlib':
+                # test with explicit figsize
+                plotter.spectrum(ham, ('a', vals), ('b', 2 * vals),
+                                 params=dict(c=1), fig_size=(10, 10), file=out_filename, show=False)
+        if engine == 'matplotlib':
+            # test 2D plot and explicitly passing axis
+            fig = pyplot.figure()
+            ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
             plotter.spectrum(ham_1d, ('a', vals), ('b', 2 * vals),
-                             params=dict(c=1), ax=ax, file=out)
+                             params=dict(c=1), ax=ax, file=out_filename, show=False)
+            # explicitly pass axis without 3D support
+            ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+                plotter.spectrum(ham_1d, ('a', vals), ('b', 2 * vals),
+                                 params=dict(c=1), ax=ax, file=out_filename, show=False)
     def mask(a, b):
         return a > 0.5
-    with tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+b') as out:
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+b', suffix=plotter_file_suffix(engine)) as out:
+        out_filename = out.name
         plotter.spectrum(ham, ('a', vals), ('b', 2 * vals), params=dict(c=1),
-                         mask=mask, file=out)
+                         mask=mask, file=out_filename, show=False)
 def syst_rect(lat, salt, W=3, L=50):
@@ -552,7 +629,7 @@ def test_current():
     current = J(kwant.wave_function(syst, energy=1)(1)[0])
     # Test good codepath
-    with tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+b') as out:
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+b') as out:
         plotter.current(syst, current, file=out)
         fig = pyplot.Figure()
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 85cb54eb613e7de06db60ee17bb27647749a8d38..e97b4a80f07f4bfbc61a96327db72588d61aadf1 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -585,7 +585,8 @@ def main():
                             'tinyarray >= 1.2'],
               # The oldest versions between: Debian stable, Ubuntu LTS
-              'plotting': 'matplotlib >= 2.1.1',
+              'plotting': ['matplotlib >= 2.1.1',
+                           'plotly >= 2.2.2'],
               'continuum': 'sympy >= 1.1.1',
               # qsymm is only packaged on PyPI
               'qsymm': 'qsymm >= 1.2.6',