project( 'python-mumps', 'cython', 'c', license: 'BSD-2-Clause', license_files: 'LICENSE', meson_version: '>= 1.1.0', default_options: [ 'buildtype=release', 'c_std=c99', ], version: run_command('mumps/', check: true).stdout().strip(), ) py = import('python').find_installation(pure: false) cc = meson.get_compiler('c') tempita = files('') fs = import('fs') incdir_numpy = meson.get_external_property('numpy-include-dir', 'not-given') if incdir_numpy == 'not-given' incdir_numpy = run_command(py, [ '-c', '''import os import numpy as np try: incdir = os.path.relpath(np.get_include()) except Exception: incdir = np.get_include() print(incdir) ''' ], check: true ).stdout().strip() else _incdir_numpy_abs = incdir_numpy endif inc_np = include_directories(incdir_numpy) numpy_nodepr_api = ['-DNPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API=NPY_1_9_API_VERSION'] np_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: inc_np, compile_args: numpy_nodepr_api) mumps_names = get_option('mumps_names') mumps_libs = [] foreach mumps_name : mumps_names if cc.find_library(mumps_name, required: false).found() mumps_libs += cc.find_library(mumps_name) else # Fall back to the name without '_seq'. mumps_libs += cc.find_library(mumps_name.substring(0, -4)) endif endforeach subdir('mumps')