From 638e3e66f7a3106810fb3b0982547a60d9112924 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christoph Groth <>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 21:46:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] add harvard trial stuff

 content/harvard-only_trial/index.txt | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 content/harvard-only_trial/index.txt

diff --git a/content/harvard-only_trial/index.txt b/content/harvard-only_trial/index.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4e743d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/harvard-only_trial/index.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+__template__: home.mako
+Harvard-only trial pre-release of kwant
+kwant is made available as a special preview **exclusively** to the audience of
+the 30 April 2013 presentation at Harvard University by Anton Akhmerov.  Please
+do not spread the link to this page.  Instead, you are welcome show the link to
+the `kwant website <>`_.
+You may use kwant for your personal evaluation.  Any other use, **explicitly
+including further distribution**, is not allowed.  Please wait for the release
+of the final version that we expect to occur very soon.
+So far, kwant is running on the following platforms: GNU/Linux, Mac OS, and
+Windows.  The usage experience on GNU/Linux is best (this is the platform
+recommended by the authors of kwant), followed by Mac OS.  Support for Windows
+is highly experimental (help wanted).
+Installation from source
+This method of installation is described in the documentation.  It is extremely
+easy on Debian-based GNU/Linux distributions (e.g. Ubuntu).  On Mac OS and
+Windows it is more involved, but documented as well.  Please download the files
+and follow the `installation instructions </docs/install.html>`_.
+* kwant: `tar-gz-archive <kwant-0.3pre2.tar.gz>`__, `zip-archive <>`__
+* tinyarray (needed by kwant): `tar-gz-archive <tinyarray-0.0.tar.gz>`__, `zip-archive <>`__
+Binary installation instructions for Windows (win32)
+**Warning:** These packages are highly experimental and likely not to work
+fully.  In a test with Windows XP, most tutorial examples ran.  In another test
+with Windows 7, most did not.  We would appreciate the help of people
+experienced with the Windows platform.
+**Important note**: The provided binary packages are compiled for 32-bit
+Microsoft Windows.  They can be installed on a 64-bit Windows as well, but for
+them to work all the other required packages (like Python itself) have to be
+present in their win32 versions.
+1. Install the official Python 2.7 distribution from the official `Python
+   download page <>`_. Bear in mind the note above:
+   Choose "Python 2.7.x Windows Installer", not the 64 bit version.
+2. Install the Python packages required by kwant (NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib).  An
+   easy way to do so is to install the `scipy-stack package
+   <>`_ (win32-py2.7)
+   kindly provided by Christoph Gohlke.  Please also note the instructions
+   at the top of that page.
+3. Download and execute the `tinyarray installer <tinyarray-0.0.win32-py2.7.exe>`__.
+4. Download and execute the `kwant installer <kwant-0.3pre2.win32-py2.7.exe>`__.
+5. kwant and tinyarray require four libraries (DLLs) that can be downloaded
+   `here <>`__.  For these libraries to be found by kwant, they
+   have either to be in the current directory, or in a directory that belongs to
+   ``PATH``, or in ``C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32``.  You have the following alternative
+   possibilities:
+   (a) Unpack the 4 files into some directory and launch all your kwant Python
+       scripts from the same directory.
+   (b) Like (a), but add that directory to the ``PATH`` environment variable
+       (The Web knows how to do that.).  Now you should be able to launch kwant
+       scripts from everywhere.
+   (c) Copy the four DLL files directly to ``C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32``.
+Please note that the kwant binary packages do not include any kwant examples or
+documentation.  Use the `online documentation </docs/>`_.