From 072c9945c4c86bd66c66927d3a2b193f4ce86aed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Wimmer <>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 14:52:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] updated Windows installation instructions

 content/install.txt | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/content/install.txt b/content/install.txt
index 1f8d8b0..46d047e 100644
--- a/content/install.txt
+++ b/content/install.txt
@@ -36,16 +36,47 @@ provided by Christoph Gohlke.  To install Kwant on Windows
    64-bit) from the official `Python download site
-3. Download and install ``scipy-stack``, ``tinyarray``, and ``kwant`` for Python
-   2.7 from `Christoph Gohlke's page
-   <>`_.  Once again you should choose
-   the architecture that is appropriate for your system.  ("win32" means 32-bit,
-   "amd64" means 64-bit -- even if you have a processor from Intel.)  If the
-   download from Gohlke's site is slow, try to download from `our mirror
-   <>`_.
-   You may see a warning that says "The publisher could not be verified. Do you
-   want to run this software?". Select "Run".
+3. Open a command prompt, as described in "How do I get a command prompt" at
+   the `Microsoft Windows website <>`_.
+4. In the command prompt window, execute::
+        C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\Tools\Scripts\
+   (Instead of typing this command, you can also just copy it from here and
+   paste it into the command prompt window). If you did not use the default
+   location to install python in step 2, then replace ``C:\Python27`` by the
+   actual location where python is installed.
+5. Reboot your computer
+6. Now open a command prompt with administrator rights, as described in
+   "How do I run a command with elevated permissions" at the
+   `Microsoft Windows website <>`_.
+   In this new command prompt window, execute::
+       pip install -U pip
+       pip install pyreadline
+       pip install --find-links ^
+       --trusted-host --no-index numpy scipy ^
+       matplotlib ipython tornado pyzmq jinja2 nose tinyarray kwant
+   Now you are done!
+If you want to run ipython notebook, open a command prompt (no need for
+Adminstrator rights this time), and type::
+    ipython notebook
+If you wish to install later other python packages form the website of
+`Christoph Gohlke <>`_, download
+the package (with the ending ``.whl``) for your operating system (32 or 64 bit)
+and install it from a command prompt as::
+    pip install filename
+where filename is the name of the downloaded file.
 Ubuntu and derivatives