diff --git a/content/authors.rst b/content/authors.rst
index e98bb58cf82e6008f53fd203b3394d3bed0d0cd3..b01f27d9daccd626c36d9b63b27a9e8f4b5957ff 100644
--- a/content/authors.rst
+++ b/content/authors.rst
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The principal developers of kwant are:
 Kwant authors should be reached via email authors@kwant-project.org. Please use
-the `mailing list </community.html>`_ for any Kwant-related question that can
+the `mailing list </community>`_ for any Kwant-related question that can
 be discussed publicly.
 Other people that have contributed to Kwant include
diff --git a/content/citing.rst b/content/citing.rst
index b771a3be1a51a1eb94a6868301535ecdb4c22350..9a2a7278e4d7b0293cbec8eb8659b25536065e2d 100644
--- a/content/citing.rst
+++ b/content/citing.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Citing Kwant
-We provide Kwant as free software under a `BSD license </license.html>`_ as a
+We provide Kwant as free software under a `BSD license </license>`_ as a
 service to the physics community.  If you have used Kwant for work that has
 lead to a scientific publication, please mention the fact that you used it
 explicitly in the text body.  For example, you may add
diff --git a/content/community.rst b/content/community.rst
index bb657e440284507062bbebad2a3188f2ea5c0eee..f259fc4796bacfa6068b6f244957266fb1072e8b 100644
--- a/content/community.rst
+++ b/content/community.rst
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ fixing/improving the documentation.
 If you have some code that works well with Kwant, or extends it in some useful
 way, please consider sharing it.  Any external contribution will be clearly
 marked as such, and relevant papers will be added to the list of `suggested
-acknowledgements </citing.html>`_.  The complete development history is also
+acknowledgements </citing>`_.  The complete development history is also
 made available through a `web interface <http://git.kwant-project.org/kwant>`_.
 If you plan to contribute, it is best to coordinate with us in advance either
 through the general mailing list kwant-discuss@kwant-project.org, or directly at