diff --git a/content/doc/index.txt b/content/doc/index.txt
index e7891ac1ed8fd50979d0bd63f8051fd61ec08a42..6845d5feab404e6c3d3f528ac0cd490fb194d4b2 100644
--- a/content/doc/index.txt
+++ b/content/doc/index.txt
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ Kwant documentation
 The two available resources for learning Kwant are its tutorial, and the paper
 inctroducing Kwant structure and design. The tutorial is hands-on, and mainly
-explains how to use Kwant, and its various features, while the paper presents a
-more general perspective, useful to kwow for extending Kwant functionality.
+explains how to use Kwant and its various features. The paper on the other
+hand presents a more general perspective, that is useful to kwow for extending
+Kwant functionality.
 Kwant tutorial:
diff --git a/content/index.txt b/content/index.txt
index 15b650cdb3464aa566f48f8c4b7335f36f803ddf..9818f74c95cf6d6bee8d344f0cf5247dac79a23c 100644
--- a/content/index.txt
+++ b/content/index.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Kwant is a Python package for numerical calculations on tight-binding models
 with a strong focus on quantum transport.  It is designed to be flexible and
 easy to use.  Thanks to the use of innovative algorithms, Kwant is often faster
 than other available codes, even those entirely written in the low level
-languages FORTRAN and C/C++.
+FORTRAN and C/C++ languages.
 Tight-binding models can describe a vast variety of systems and phenomena in
 quantum physics.  Therefore, Kwant can be used to simulate metals, graphene,
@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@ Examples of Kwant usage
 The following examples are meant to give an overview of what is possible with
-Kwant.  The `tutorial <doc/1.0/tutorial/>`_ and the `Kwant paper`_ each contain
-several pedagogical examples with line-by-line explanations (`zipfile of all
-examples <http://downloads.kwant-project.org/examples/kwant-examples.zip>`_).
+Kwant.  The tutorial section of `Kwant documentation <doc/1.0/>`_ and the
+`Kwant paper`_ each contain several pedagogical examples with line-by-line
+explanations (`zipfile of all examples
 Graphene flake
@@ -57,10 +58,10 @@ is::
     sys[lat.shape(disk, (0, 0))] = 0
     sys[lat.neighbors()] = -1
-Next to the flake itself, the image also shows the wave function of a low energy
-eigenstate. The size of each circle is proportional to the wave function
-probability amplitude on that site.  It can be clearly seen that the wave
-function is peaked near the zigzag segments of the boundary, as `expected
+In addition to the flake itself, the image also shows the wave function of a
+low energy eigenstate. The size of each circle is proportional to the wave
+function probability amplitude on that site.  It can be clearly seen that the
+wave function is peaked near the zigzag segments of the boundary, as `expected
 <http://arxiv.org/abs/1003.4602>`_ for graphene quantum dots.
 Taken from the Kwant `plotting tutorial <doc/1.0/tutorial/tutorial6.html>`_.
diff --git a/content/install.txt b/content/install.txt
index 1d0fdb14464b38ec9f05ecc8781b0e77885bf553..4b117711f11cdf4921893df93596e8aab9e20709 100644
--- a/content/install.txt
+++ b/content/install.txt
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Mac OSX
 There is a number of different package managers to bring software
 from the Unix/Linux world to Mac OS X. Since the community is quite
 split, we provide Kwant and its dependencies both via the `MacPorts
-<http://www.macports.org>`_ and `homebrew <http://brew.sh>`_ systems.
+<http://www.macports.org>`_ and `Homebrew <http://brew.sh>`_ systems.
 If you are unsure, go for MacPorts, this is the simpler option.
 Mac OSX: MacPorts
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ In order to install Kwant,
        sudo port install py27-kwant
-5. Finally, we choose python 2.7 to be the default python ::
+5. Finally, we choose Python 2.7 to be the default Python ::
        sudo port select --set python python27
@@ -173,17 +173,17 @@ Notes:
   and continue with step 2.
-Mac OS X: homebrew
+Mac OS X: Homebrew
-homebrew is a recent addition to the package managers on Mac OSX. It is
+Homebrew is a recent addition to the package managers on Mac OSX. It is
 more lightweight, tries to be as minimalistic as possible and give the user
 more freedom. Because of that, it requires a little more experience on
 the user side compared to MacPorts. The requirements are moderate though,
 if you know how to add directories to the ``$PATH`` variable for your shell,
 you are safe.
-1. Open a terminal and install homebrew as described on the `homebrew
+1. Open a terminal and install Homebrew as described on the `Homebrew
    homepage <http://brew.sh>`_ (instructions are towards the end of
    the page)
@@ -235,11 +235,11 @@ Notes:
 - If something does not work as expected, use ``brew doctor`` for
   instructions (it will find conflicts and things like that).
-- As mentioned, homebrew allows for quite some freedom. In particular,
+- As mentioned, Homebrew allows for quite some freedom. In particular,
   if you are an expert, you don't need necessarily to install
-  numpy/scipy/matplotlib from homebrew, but can use your own installation.
-  The only prerequisite is that they are importable from python. (the
+  numpy/scipy/matplotlib from Homebrew, but can use your own installation.
+  The only prerequisite is that they are importable from Python. (the
   Kwant installation will in any case complain if they are not)
-- In principle, you need not install the homebrew python, but could use
-  Apple's already installed python. Homebrew's python is more up-to-date,
+- In principle, you need not install the Homebrew Python, but could use
+  Apple's already installed Python. Homebrew's Python is more up-to-date,