diff --git a/content/install.txt b/content/install.txt
index de3a52e0b70908120faa388d2a76ae1bff91e69e..2aa4a639e36e3c643e9607a04d57bac20819354b 100644
--- a/content/install.txt
+++ b/content/install.txt
@@ -114,87 +114,23 @@ Arch Linux
 To install, follow the `Arch User Repository installation instructions <https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_User_Repository#Installing_packages>`_.
-Mac OS X
-There is a number of different package managers to bring software
-from the Unix/Linux world to Mac OS X. Since the community is quite
-split, we provide Kwant and its dependencies both via the `MacPorts
-<http://www.macports.org>`_ and `Homebrew <http://brew.sh>`_ systems.
-If you are unsure, go for MacPorts, this is the simpler option.
-Mac OS X: MacPorts
-MacPorts is a full-fledged package manager that recreates a whole Linux-like
-environment on your Mac. Beside Kwant, MacPorts gives you access to a wealth of free software which you can install on your computer
-easily (using simple command line instructions). It requires few choices to be made by the user,
-and provides the simplest way to install Kwant.
-In order to install Kwant,
-1. Install a recent version of MacPorts. In order to do that, you first have to install 
-   the prerequisites described below. When this is done, you can proceed with the installation of
-   MacPorts itself, as explained in the `installation instructions of MacPorts
-   <http://www.macports.org/install.php>`_. The prerequisites are,
-  * the Xcode developer tools (compiler suite for Mac OS X) from
-    `<http://developer.apple.com/downloads>`_. You will need an Apple ID to
-    download. Note that if you have one already from using the App store
-    on the Mac/Ipad/Iphone/... you can use that one. You will also need the
-    command line tools: Within Xcode 4, you have to download them by going to
-    `Xcode->Preferences`, click on `Download`, go to `Components`,
-    select `Command Line Tools` and click on `Install`. Alternatively, you can
-    also directly download the command line tools from the
-    Apple developer website.
-  * if you have Mac OS X 10.8 or higher, the X11 server from the
-    `XQuartz project <http://xquartz.macosforge.org>`_.
-2. After the installation, open a terminal and execute ::
-       echo http://downloads.kwant-project.org/macports/ports.tar |\
-       sudo tee -a /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf >/dev/null
-   (this adds the Kwant MacPorts download link
-   `<http://downloads.kwant-project.org/macports/ports.tar>`_ at the end of the
-   ``sources.conf`` file.)
-3. Execute ::
-       sudo port selfupdate
-4. Now, install Kwant and its prerequisites ::
-       sudo port install py27-kwant
-5. Finally, we choose Python 2.7 to be the default Python ::
-       sudo port select --set python python27
-   After that, you will need to close and reopen the terminal to
-   have all changes in effect.
+Mac OSX
-* If you have problems because your institution's firewall blocks MacPorts (more
-  precisely, the `rsync` port), resulting in errors from ``sudo port
-  selfupdate``, follow `these instructions
-  <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/PortTreeTarball>`_.
-* Of course, if you already have MacPorts installed, you can skip step 1
-  and continue with step 2.
+There is a number of different package managers for bringing software from the
+Unix/Linux world to Mac OSX. Since the community is quite split, we provide
+Kwant and its dependencies both via the `homebrew <http://brew.sh>`_ and the
+`MacPorts <http://www.macports.org>`_ systems.
-Mac OS X: Homebrew
+Mac OS X: homebrew
-Homebrew is a recent addition to the package managers on Mac OS X. It is
-more lightweight, tries to be as minimalistic as possible and give the user
-more freedom. Because of that, it requires a little more experience on
-the user side compared to MacPorts. The requirements are moderate though,
-if you know how to add directories to the ``$PATH`` variable for your shell,
-you are safe.
+homebrew is a recent addition to the package managers on Mac OSX. It is
+lightweight, tries to be as minimalistic as possible and give the user
+freedom than Macports. We recommend this option if you have no preferences.
-1. Open a terminal and install Homebrew as described on the `Homebrew
+1. Open a terminal and install homebrew as described on the `homebrew
    homepage <http://brew.sh>`_ (instructions are towards the end of
    the page)
@@ -205,7 +141,7 @@ you are safe.
    and follow its directions. It will ask for a few prerequisites to be
    installed, in particular
-  * the Xcode developer tools (compiler suite for Mac OS X) from
+  * the Xcode developer tools (compiler suite for Mac OSX) from
     `<http://developer.apple.com/downloads>`_. You will need an Apple ID to
     download. Note that if you have one already from using the App store on the
     Mac/Ipad/Iphone/... you can use that one. Downloading the command line
@@ -216,7 +152,7 @@ you are safe.
     click on `Install`.
   * although `brew doctor` might not complain about it right away, while we're
     at it, you should also install the X11 server from the `XQuartz project
-    <http://xquartz.macosforge.org>`_ if you have Mac OS X 10.8 or higher.
+    <http://xquartz.macosforge.org>`_ if you have Mac OSX 10.8 or higher.
 3. Add permanently ``/usr/local/bin`` before ``/usr/bin/`` in the ``$PATH$``
    environment variable of your shell, for example by adding ::
@@ -224,21 +160,21 @@ you are safe.
        export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
    at the end of your ``.bash_profile`` or ``.profile``. Then close
-   the terminal Terminal and reopen it again.
+   the terminal and reopen it again.
 4. Install a few prerequisites ::
-       brew install gcc python
+       brew install gfortran python
 5. Add additional repositories ::
        brew tap homebrew/science
-       brew tap homebrew/python
+       brew tap samueljohn/python
        brew tap michaelwimmer/kwant
 6. Install Kwant and its prerequisites ::
-       pip install nose six
+       pip install nose
        brew install numpy scipy matplotlib
        brew install kwant
@@ -246,11 +182,71 @@ Notes:
 - If something does not work as expected, use ``brew doctor`` for
   instructions (it will find conflicts and things like that).
-- As mentioned, Homebrew allows for quite some freedom. In particular,
+- As mentioned, homebrew allows for quite some freedom. In particular,
   if you are an expert, you don't need necessarily to install
-  numpy/scipy/matplotlib from Homebrew, but can use your own installation.
-  The only prerequisite is that they are importable from Python. (the
+  numpy/scipy/matplotlib from homebrew, but can use your own installation.
+  The only prerequisite is that they are importable from python. (the
   Kwant installation will in any case complain if they are not)
-- In principle, you need not install the Homebrew Python, but could use
-  Apple's already installed Python. Homebrew's Python is more up-to-date,
+- In principle, you need not install the homebrew python, but could use
+  Apple's already installed python. Homebrew's python is more up-to-date,
+Mac OSX: MacPorts
+MacPorts is a full-fledged package manager that recreates a whole Linux-like
+environment on your Mac.
+In order to install Kwant using MacPorts, you have to
+1. Install a recent version of MacPorts, as explained in the
+   `installation instructions of MacPorts
+   <http://www.macports.org/install.php>`_.
+   In particular, as explained there, you will have to install also a
+   few prerequisites, namely
+  * the Xcode developer tools (compiler suite for Mac OSX) from
+    `<http://developer.apple.com/downloads>`_. You will need an Apple ID to
+    download. Note that if you have one already from using the App store
+    on the Mac/Ipad/Iphone/... you can use that one. You will also need the
+    command line tools: Within Xcode 4, you have to download them by going to
+    `Xcode->Preferences`, click on `Download`, go to `Components`,
+    select `Command Line Tools` and click on `Install`. Alternatively, you can
+    also directly download the command line tools from the
+    Apple developer website.
+  * if you have MacOSX 10.8 or higher, the X11 server from the
+    `XQuartz project <http://xquartz.macosforge.org>`_.
+2. After the installation, open a terminal and execute ::
+       echo http://downloads.kwant-project.org/macports/ports.tar |\
+       sudo tee -a /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf >/dev/null
+   (this adds the Kwant MacPorts download link
+   `<http://downloads.kwant-project.org/macports/ports.tar>`_ at the end of the
+   ``sources.conf`` file.)
+3. Execute ::
+       sudo port selfupdate
+4. Now, install Kwant and its prerequisites ::
+       sudo port install py27-kwant
+5. Finally, we choose python 2.7 to be the default python ::
+       sudo port select --set python python27
+   After that, you will need to close and reopen the terminal to
+   have all changes in effect.
+* If you have problems with macports because your institution's firewall
+  blocks macports (more precisely, the `rsync` port), resulting in
+  errors from ``sudo port selfupdate``, follow
+  `these instructions <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/PortTreeTarball>`_.
+* Of course, if you already have macports installed, you can skip step 1
+  and continue with step 2.