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index bfecb208f6b4be307123c9d022961629570614c8..0e80898e8d37804d46a107343450f6ddf99f586f 100644
--- a/conf.py
+++ b/conf.py
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ NAVIGATION_LINKS = {
 # Name of the theme to use.
-THEME = "bootstrap3-jinja"
+THEME = "kwant"
 # Below this point, everything is optional
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ LICENSE = ""
 # A small copyright notice for the page footer (in HTML).
 # (translatable)
-CONTENT_FOOTER = 'Contents &copy; {date}         <a href="mailto:{email}">{author}</a> - Powered by         <a href="https://getnikola.com" rel="nofollow">Nikola</a>         {license}'
+CONTENT_FOOTER = 'Contents &copy; 2013-{date}         <a href="mailto:{email}">{author}</a> - Powered by         <a href="https://getnikola.com" rel="nofollow">Nikola</a>         {license}'
 # Things that will be passed to CONTENT_FOOTER.format().  This is done
 # for translatability, as dicts are not formattable.  Nikola will
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-:Copyright: This stylesheet has been placed in the public domain.
-Default cascading style sheet for the HTML output of Docutils.
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--- a/content/community.txt
+++ b/content/community.txt
@@ -11,18 +11,26 @@ bug reports, discussions, and announcements.  You can use it in various ways:
 - .. raw:: html
-      <p><form id="searchgmane" method="get" action="http://search.gmane.org/">
-      <input type="text" name="query" size=25 value="Your query" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='Your query'}" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your query') {this.value=''}" />
-      <input type="hidden" name="group" value="gmane.comp.science.kwant.user" />
-      <input type="submit" value="Search kwant-discuss" />
-      </form></p>
+    <form class="form-inline" id="searchgmane" method="get" action="http://search.gmane.org/">
+    <div class="input-group col-md-6">
+    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search query" size=25 name="query" />
+    <input type="hidden" name="group" value="gmane.comp.science.kwant.user" />
+    <span class="input-group-btn">
+    <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="Search kwant-discuss" />
+    </span>
+    </div>
+    </form>
 - .. raw:: html
-     <form method=post action="https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/subscribe/kwant-discuss">
-     <input type="text" name="email" size=25 value="Your email address" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='Your email address'}" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your email address') {this.value=''}" />
-     <input type="submit" name="email-button" value="Subscribe to kwant-discuss" />
-     </form>
+    <form class="form-inline" method=post action="https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/subscribe/kwant-discuss">
+    <div class="input-group col-md-6">
+    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Your email address" name="email" size=25 onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='Your email address'}" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your email address') {this.value=''}" />
+    <span class="input-group-btn">
+    <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="email-button" value="Subscribe to kwant-discuss" />
+    </span>
+    </div>
+    </form>
   … and receive new messages with your regular email.  (Use the `kwant-discuss options page <https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/options/kwant-discuss>`_ to unsubscribe.)
@@ -49,18 +57,26 @@ Kwant-devel works in the same way as kwant-discuss:
 - .. raw:: html
-      <p><form id="searchgmane" method="get" action="http://search.gmane.org/">
-      <input type="text" name="query" size=25 value="Your query" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='Your query'}" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your query') {this.value=''}" />
-      <input type="hidden" name="group" value="gmane.comp.science.kwant.devel" />
-      <input type="submit" value="Search kwant-devel" />
-      </form></p>
+    <form class="form-inline" id="searchgmane" method="get" action="http://search.gmane.org/">
+    <div class="input-group col-md-6">
+    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search query" size=25 name="query" />
+    <input type="hidden" name="group" value="gmane.comp.science.kwant.devel" />
+    <span class="input-group-btn">
+    <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="Search kwant-devel" />
+    </span>
+    </div>
+    </form>
 - .. raw:: html
-     <form method=post action="https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/subscribe/kwant-devel">
-     <input type="text" name="email" size=25 value="Your email address" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='Your email address'}" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your email address') {this.value=''}" />
-     <input type="submit" name="email-button" value="Subscribe to kwant-devel" />
-     </form>
+    <form class="form-inline" method=post action="https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/subscribe/kwant-devel">
+    <div class="input-group col-md-6">
+    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Your email address" name="email" size=25 onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='Your email address'}" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your email address') {this.value=''}" />
+    <span class="input-group-btn">
+    <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="email-button" value="Subscribe to kwant-devel" />
+    </span>
+    </div>
+    </form>
   (Use the `kwant-devel options page <https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/options/kwant-devel>`_ to unsubscribe.)
@@ -83,10 +99,14 @@ Kwant.  Only a few messages will be sent per year.  These announcements will be
 - .. raw:: html
-     <form method=post action="https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/subscribe/kwant-announce">
-     <input type="text" name="email" size=25 value="Your email address" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='Your email address'}" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your email address') {this.value=''}" />
-     <input type="submit" name="email-button" value="Subscribe to announcements" />
-     </form>
+    <form method=post class="form-inline" action="https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/subscribe/kwant-announce">
+    <div class="input-group col-md-6">
+    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Your email address" name="email" size=25 onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='Your email address'}" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your email address') {this.value=''}" />
+    <span class="input-group-btn">
+    <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="email-button" value="Subscribe to the announcements" />
+    </span>
+    </div>
+    </form>
   (Use the `kwant-announce options page <https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/options/kwant-announce>`_ to unsubscribe.)
diff --git a/content/harvard-only_trial/index.txt b/content/harvard-only_trial.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from content/harvard-only_trial/index.txt
rename to content/harvard-only_trial.txt
diff --git a/content/index.txt b/content/index.txt
index e6ef7088e9f72e60389baf87345f8f3669dd0d0b..1d5221ed89a282c7a542950efcaf4dead40e1e5d 100644
--- a/content/index.txt
+++ b/content/index.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 Quantum transport simulations made easy
+.. class:: alert alert-info
 **Update 2 June 2015**: Please fill out the `Kwant user survey </2015-survey>`_ and ask other Kwant users you know to do so.  Thank you for your feedback!
 Kwant is a `free (open source) <http://git.kwant-project.org/kwant>`_ Python
@@ -40,120 +43,134 @@ Kwant.  The tutorial section of `Kwant documentation <doc/1.0/>`_ and the
 explanations (`zipfile of all examples
+.. class:: row
 Graphene flake
-.. container:: rightside
+.. raw:: html
-   .. raw:: html
+       <object type="image/svg+xml" class="col-md-4 img-responsive" data="graphene-edgestate.svgz">graphene-edgestate.svgz</object>
+.. container:: col-md-8
-       <object type="image/svg+xml" data="graphene-edgestate.svgz" style="width: 15em;">graphene-edgestate.svgz</object>
+   The complete code that constructs the graphene flake shown on the right side is
-The complete code that constructs the graphene flake shown on the right side
+   .. code:: python
-    def disk(pos):
-        x, y = pos
-        return x**2 + y**2 < 8**2
+       def disk(pos):
+           x, y = pos
+           return x**2 + y**2 < 8**2
-    lat = kwant.lattice.honeycomb()
-    sys = kwant.Builder()
-    sys[lat.shape(disk, (0, 0))] = 0
-    sys[lat.neighbors()] = -1
+       lat = kwant.lattice.honeycomb()
+       sys = kwant.Builder()
+       sys[lat.shape(disk, (0, 0))] = 0
+       sys[lat.neighbors()] = -1
-In addition to the flake itself, the image also shows the wave function of a
-low energy eigenstate. The size of each circle is proportional to the wave
-function probability amplitude on that site.  It can be clearly seen that the
-wave function is peaked near the zigzag segments of the boundary, as `expected
-<http://arxiv.org/abs/1003.4602>`_ for graphene quantum dots.
+   In addition to the flake itself, the image also shows the wave function of a
+   low energy eigenstate. The size of each circle is proportional to the wave
+   function probability amplitude on that site.  It can be clearly seen that the
+   wave function is peaked near the zigzag segments of the boundary, as `expected
+   <http://arxiv.org/abs/1003.4602>`_ for graphene quantum dots.
-Taken from the Kwant `plotting tutorial <doc/1.0/tutorial/tutorial6.html>`_.
+   Taken from the Kwant `plotting tutorial <doc/1.0/tutorial/tutorial6.html>`_.
+.. class:: row
 Quantum Hall effect
-.. container:: rightside
-   .. raw:: html
+.. raw:: html
-       <object type="image/svg+xml" data="qhe-edgestate.svgz" style="width: 15em;">qhe-edgestate.svgz</object>
+       <object type="image/svg+xml" class="col-md-4 img-responsive" data="qhe-edgestate.svgz">qhe-edgestate.svgz</object>
-.. container:: leftside
+.. container:: col-md-4
-   .. raw:: html
+   One of the most common applications of Kwant is to calculate the conductance of
+   a nanoelectronic system.  The plot on the left shows the conductance through a
+   2-d electron gas as a function of magnetic flux.  The quantization of
+   conductance that is visible (plateaus) is the hallmark of the quantum Hall
+   effect.  The third plateau does not develop due to a constriction in the system
+   that leads to backscattering.  The scattering wave function from the left lead
+   at magnetic field strength corresponding to the middle of the third QHE plateau
+   is shown on the right.
-       <object type="image/svg+xml" data="qhe-plateaus.svgz" style="width: 15em;">qhe-plateaus.svgz</object>
+   Taken from example 6 of the `Kwant paper
+   <http://downloads.kwant-project.org/doc/kwant-paper.pdf>`_.
-One of the most common applications of Kwant is to calculate the conductance of
-a nanoelectronic system.  The plot on the left shows the conductance through a
-2-d electron gas as a function of magnetic flux.  The quantization of
-conductance that is visible (plateaus) is the hallmark of the quantum Hall
-effect.  The third plateau does not develop due to a constriction in the system
-that leads to backscattering.  The scattering wave function from the left lead
-at magnetic field strength corresponding to the middle of the third QHE plateau
-is shown on the right.
+.. raw:: html
-Taken from example 6 of the `Kwant paper
+       <object type="image/svg+xml" class="col-md-4 img-responsive" data="qhe-plateaus.svgz">qhe-plateaus.svgz</object>
+.. class:: row
 3-d system: Majorana states
-.. container:: rightside
+.. class:: col-md-4
+.. class:: img-responsive
-   .. image:: quantum-wire.png
+.. image:: quantum-wire.png
-Kwant allows systems of any dimensionality, for example three-dimensional ones.
-This image shows a 3-d model of a semiconducting quantum wire (gray cylinder).
-The red region is a tunnel barrier, used to measure tunneling conductance, the
-blue region is a superconducting electrode.  In this simulated device, a
-Majorana bound state appears close to the superconducting-normal interface.
+.. container:: col-md-8
-Taken from an unpublished work by S. Mi, A. R. Akhmerov, and M. Wimmer.
+   Kwant allows systems of any dimensionality, for example three-dimensional ones.
+   This image shows a 3-d model of a semiconducting quantum wire (gray cylinder).
+   The red region is a tunnel barrier, used to measure tunneling conductance, the
+   blue region is a superconducting electrode.  In this simulated device, a
+   Majorana bound state appears close to the superconducting-normal interface.
+   Taken from an unpublished work by S. Mi, A. R. Akhmerov, and M. Wimmer.
+.. class:: row
 Numerical experiment: flying qubit
-.. container:: rightside
+.. container:: col-md-8
+   Numerical simulations and experimental results for a flying qubit sample made in
+   a GaAs/GaAlAs heterostrucutre. The Kwant simulations were performed with
+   particular attention to a realistic model of the confining potential seen by the
+   electrons.  This allows for rather subtle aspects of the experiment could be
+   reproduced.  Such "numerical experiments" can not only be used to interpret the
+   experimental data but also can help to design the sample geometry and in to
+   choose the right materials.
-   .. image:: flying-qubit.png
+   Taken from an unpublished work by T. Bautze et al.  See Yamamoto et al., `Nature
+   Nanotechnology 7, 247 (2012) <http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1038/nnano.2012.28>`_ for
+   details about the experiment.
-Numerical simulations and experimental results for a flying qubit sample made in
-a GaAs/GaAlAs heterostrucutre. The Kwant simulations were performed with
-particular attention to a realistic model of the confining potential seen by the
-electrons.  This allows for rather subtle aspects of the experiment could be
-reproduced.  Such "numerical experiments" can not only be used to interpret the
-experimental data but also can help to design the sample geometry and in to
-choose the right materials.
+.. class:: col-md-3
-Taken from an unpublished work by T. Bautze et al.  See Yamamoto et al., `Nature
-Nanotechnology 7, 247 (2012) <http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1038/nnano.2012.28>`_ for
-details about the experiment.
+.. class:: img-responsive
+.. image:: flying-qubit.png
+.. class:: row
 Conductance of a Corbino disk in a quantum Hall regime
-.. container:: leftside
    .. raw:: html
-       <object type="image/svg+xml" data="corbino-layout.svgz" style="width: 15em;">corbino-layout.svgz</object>
+       <object type="image/svg+xml" class="col-md-3 img-responsive" data="corbino-layout.svgz">corbino-layout.svgz</object>
+.. container:: col-md-4
+   Transport properties of a Corbino disk across a quantum Hall transition. Left:
+   geometry of the sample consisting of a ring-shaped two-dimensional electron gas
+   (grey) in a perpendicular magnetic field.  Right: conductance across the
+   transition, showing quantized conductance peaks.
-.. container:: rightside
+   Taken from I. C. Fulga, F. Hassler, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker,
+   `Phys. Rev. B 84, 245447 (2011)
+   <http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.84.245447>`_; `arXiv:1110.4280
+   <http://arxiv.org/abs/1110.4280>`_.
-   .. image:: corbino-conductance.png
+.. class:: col-md-3
-Transport properties of a Corbino disk across a quantum Hall transition. Left:
-geometry of the sample consisting of a ring-shaped two-dimensional electron gas
-(grey) in a perpendicular magnetic field.  Right: conductance across the
-transition, showing quantized conductance peaks.
+.. class:: img-responsive
-Taken from I. C. Fulga, F. Hassler, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker,
-`Phys. Rev. B 84, 245447 (2011)
-<http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.84.245447>`_; `arXiv:1110.4280
+.. image:: corbino-conductance.png
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+{#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #}
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+{% import 'annotation_helper.tmpl' as notes with context %}
+{{ set_locale(lang) }}
+{{ base.html_headstart() }}
+{% block extra_head %}
+{#  Leave this block alone. #}
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+{{ template_hooks['extra_head']() }}
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+        <div class="collapse navbar-collapse navbar-ex1-collapse">
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+                {{ search_form }}
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+                {% if translations|length > 1 %}
+                    <li>{{ base.html_translations() }}</li>
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+    moment.locale("{{ momentjs_locales[lang] }}");
+    fancydates({{ date_fanciness }}, {{ js_date_format }});
+    </script>
+    <!-- end fancy dates -->
+    {% block extra_js %}{% endblock %}
+    {% if annotations and post and not post.meta('noannotations') %}
+        {{ notes.code() }}
+    {% elif not annotations and post and post.meta('annotations') %}
+        {{ notes.code() }}
+    {% endif %}
+{{ body_end }}
+{{ template_hooks['body_end']() }}