diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 32df53c3cf7a758129a106a0586e0808d35ef900..63b293f4a9a9323eb5575d9b7849b193109f6995 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
 Roughly in order of importance.                                     -*-org-*-
-* Fix lattice.neighbors() when lattice has lower dimensionality than the space.
+* Improve lattice.neighbors()
+  to support the following cases:
+  - The lattice has lower dimensionality than the space
+  - Hoppings between sites from two separate lattices
+  The function should be rewritten in a more robust manner using Delaunay
+  tessellation from Scipy/QHull and a proper choice of the set of sites on
+  which to perform the tessellation.
 * Improve error messages by checking for ABCs
   Add a classmethod "ensure_isinstance" that takes an object at makes sure that