diff --git a/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial1.rst b/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial1.rst
index ee5abb58381f5968a241e81807dbaaa2f3c82b05..8461e8970063558a793162bf2704a3a63048afe7 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial1.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial1.rst
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ The remainder of this section demonstrates how to realize the discretized
 Hamiltonian in Kwant and how to perform transmission calculations.  For
 simplicity, we choose to work in such units that :math:`t = a = 1`.
+.. _tutorial_quantum_wire:
 Transport through a quantum wire
@@ -416,16 +418,16 @@ And one ``main`` function.
 Finally, we use the following standard Python construct [#]_ to execute
 ``main`` if the program is used as a script (i.e. executed as
-``python tutorial1b.py``):
+``python quantum_wire_revisited.py``):
 .. literalinclude:: quantum_wire_revisited.py
     :start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_ypbj
     :end-before: #HIDDEN_END_ypbj
-If the example, however, is imported inside Python using ``import tutorial1b``,
-``main`` is not executed automatically.  Instead, you can execute it
-manually using ``tutorial1b.main()``.  On the other hand, you also
-have access to the other functions, ``make_system`` and
+If the example, however, is imported inside Python using ``import
+quantum_wire_revisted as qw``, ``main`` is not executed automatically.
+Instead, you can execute it manually using ``qw.main()``.  On the other
+hand, you also have access to the other functions, ``make_system`` and
 ``plot_conductance``, and can thus play with the parameters.
 The result of the example should be identical to the previous one.
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial2.rst b/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial2.rst
index 8cede1b9d8860e342259eeeaaaf818d07689ff02..a8ec4e6c270910eab6e8360a985200d71e3b3d66 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial2.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial2.rst
@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ case of a position-dependent potential:
     H = \frac{\hbar^2}{2 m} (\partial_x^2+\partial_y^2) + V(x, y)
-The position-dependent potential enters in the onsite energies.
-One possibility would be to again set the onsite matrix elements
-of each lattice point individually (as in tutorial1a.py). However,
+The position-dependent potential enters in the onsite energies. One
+possibility would be to again set the onsite matrix elements of each
+lattice point individually (as in :ref:`tutorial_quantum_wire`). However,
 changing the potential then implies the need to build up the system again.
 Instead, we use a python *function* to define the onsite energies. We
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial3.rst b/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial3.rst
index e357942f3d33109cb85675fcf4a084a44ae4aa34..ba5ed7c8d79733bbf90582fa7c9a76bb89949326 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial3.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial3.rst
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ invariant system needed for band structure calculations.
 In the previous examples `~kwant.builder.Builder` instances like the one
 created above were attached as leads to the ``Builder`` instance of the
 scattering region and the latter was finalized.  The thus created system
-contained implicitly finalized versions of the attached leads.  But now we are
-working with a single lead and there is no scattering region.  So we have to
-finalized the ``Builder`` of our sole lead explicitly.
+contained implicitly finalized versions of the attached leads. However, now
+we are working with a single lead and there is no scattering region. Hence, we
+have to finalize the ``Builder`` of our sole lead explicitly.
-That finalized lead is then passed to `~kwant.plotter.bands`.  This function
+That finalized lead is then passed to `~kwant.plotter.bands`. This function
 calculates energies of various bands at a range of momenta and plots the
 calculated energies. It is really a convenience function, and if one needs to
 do something more profound with the dispersion relation these energies may be
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ In this example, we compute the wave functions of a closed circular quantum dot
 and its spectrum as a function of magnetic field (Fock-Darwin spectrum).
 To compute the eigenenergies and eigenstates, we will make use of the sparse
-linear algebra functionality of `scipy <http://www.scipy.org>`_, which
+linear algebra functionality of `SciPy <http://www.scipy.org>`_, which
 interfaces the ARPACK package:
 .. literalinclude:: closed_system.py
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial4.rst b/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial4.rst
index 19850d48018ff94ec78172bb20fc5014e173fe04..ce2e45714d234034fe9bc2e3d82eff97b21d5e2a 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial4.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorial/tutorial4.rst
@@ -84,8 +84,9 @@ The leads are defined almost as before:
 Note the method `~kwant.lattice.Polyatomic.vec` used in calculating the
 parameter for `~kwant.lattice.TranslationalSymmetry`.  The latter expects a
 real-space symmetry vector, but for many lattices symmetry vectors are more
-easily expressed in the natural coordinate system of the lattice.  The ``vec``
-method of lattices maps a lattice vector to a real-space vector.
+easily expressed in the natural coordinate system of the lattice. The
+`~kwant.attices.Polyatomic.vec`-method is thus used to map a lattice vector
+to a real-space vector.
 Observe also that the translational vectors ``graphene.vec((-1, 0))`` and
 ``graphene.vec((0, 1))`` are *not* orthogonal any more as they would have been
@@ -108,10 +109,7 @@ in the following piece of code:
     :end-before: #HIDDEN_END_zydk
 Here we use in contrast to the previous example a sparse matrix and
-the sparse linear algebra functionality of SciPy (this requires
-SciPy version >= 0.9.0; since the remaining part of the example does not
-depend on this eigenenergy calculation, a ``try``-block simply skips this
-calculation if a lower SciPy version is installed.)
+the sparse linear algebra functionality of SciPy.
 The code for computing the band structure and the conductance is identical
 to the previous examples, and needs not be further explained here.