"""A package for computing Pfaffians""" import cmath import math import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as la import scipy.sparse as sp def householder_real(x): """(v, tau, alpha) = householder_real(x) Compute a Householder transformation such that (1-tau v v^T) x = alpha e_1 where x and v a real vectors, tau is 0 or 2, and alpha a real number (e_1 is the first unit vector) """ assert x.shape[0] > 0 sigma = x[1:] @ x[1:] if sigma == 0: return (np.zeros(x.shape[0]), 0, x[0]) else: norm_x = math.sqrt(x[0] ** 2 + sigma) v = x.copy() # depending on whether x[0] is positive or negatvie # choose the sign if x[0] <= 0: v[0] -= norm_x alpha = +norm_x else: v[0] += norm_x alpha = -norm_x v /= np.linalg.norm(v) return (v, 2, alpha) def householder_complex(x): """(v, tau, alpha) = householder_real(x) Compute a Householder transformation such that (1-tau v v^T) x = alpha e_1 where x and v a complex vectors, tau is 0 or 2, and alpha a complex number (e_1 is the first unit vector) """ assert x.shape[0] > 0 sigma = np.conj(x[1:]) @ x[1:] if sigma == 0: return (np.zeros(x.shape[0]), 0, x[0]) else: norm_x = cmath.sqrt(x[0].conjugate() * x[0] + sigma) v = x.copy() phase = cmath.exp(1j * math.atan2(x[0].imag, x[0].real)) v[0] += phase * norm_x v /= np.linalg.norm(v) return (v, 2, -phase * norm_x) def skew_tridiagonalize(A, overwrite_a=False, calc_q=True): """ T, Q = skew_tridiagonalize(A, overwrite_a, calc_q=True) or T = skew_tridiagonalize(A, overwrite_a, calc_q=False) Bring a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix (A=-A^T) into tridiagonal form T (with zero diagonal) with a orthogonal (real case) or unitary (complex case) matrix U such that A = Q T Q^T (Note that Q^T and *not* Q^dagger also in the complex case) A is overwritten if overwrite_a=True (default: False), and Q only calculated if calc_q=True (default: True) """ # Check if matrix is square assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1] > 0 # Check if it's skew-symmetric assert abs((A + A.T).max()) < 1e-14 n = A.shape[0] A = np.asarray(A) # the slice views work only properly for arrays # Check if we have a complex data type if np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.complexfloating): householder = householder_complex elif not np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.number): raise TypeError("pfaffian() can only work on numeric input") else: householder = householder_real if not overwrite_a: A = A.copy() if calc_q: Q = np.eye(A.shape[0], dtype=A.dtype) for i in range(A.shape[0] - 2): # Find a Householder vector to eliminate the i-th column v, tau, alpha = householder(A[i + 1 :, i]) A[i + 1, i] = alpha A[i, i + 1] = -alpha A[i + 2 :, i] = 0 A[i, i + 2 :] = 0 # Update the matrix block A(i+1:N,i+1:N) w = tau * A[i + 1 :, i + 1 :] @ v.conj() A[i + 1 :, i + 1 :] += np.outer(v, w) - np.outer(w, v) if calc_q: # Accumulate the individual Householder reflections # Accumulate them in the form P_1*P_2*..., which is # (..*P_2*P_1)^dagger y = tau * Q[:, i + 1 :] @ v Q[:, i + 1 :] -= np.outer(y, v.conj()) if calc_q: return (np.asmatrix(A), np.asmatrix(Q)) else: return np.asmatrix(A) def skew_LTL(A, overwrite_a=False, calc_L=True, calc_P=True): """ T, L, P = skew_LTL(A, overwrite_a, calc_q=True) Bring a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix (A=-A^T) into tridiagonal form T (with zero diagonal) with a lower unit triangular matrix L such that P A P^T= L T L^T A is overwritten if overwrite_a=True (default: False), L and P only calculated if calc_L=True or calc_P=True, respectively (default: True). """ # Check if matrix is square assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1] > 0 # Check if it's skew-symmetric assert abs((A + A.T).max()) < 1e-14 n = A.shape[0] A = np.asarray(A) # the slice views work only properly for arrays if not overwrite_a: A = A.copy() if calc_L: L = np.eye(n, dtype=A.dtype) if calc_P: Pv = np.arange(n) for k in range(n - 2): # First, find the largest entry in A[k+1:,k] and # permute it to A[k+1,k] kp = k + 1 + np.abs(A[k + 1 :, k]).argmax() # Check if we need to pivot if kp != k + 1: # interchange rows k+1 and kp temp = A[k + 1, k:].copy() A[k + 1, k:] = A[kp, k:] A[kp, k:] = temp # Then interchange columns k+1 and kp temp = A[k:, k + 1].copy() A[k:, k + 1] = A[k:, kp] A[k:, kp] = temp if calc_L: # permute L accordingly temp = L[k + 1, 1 : k + 1].copy() L[k + 1, 1 : k + 1] = L[kp, 1 : k + 1] L[kp, 1 : k + 1] = temp if calc_P: # accumulate the permutation matrix temp = Pv[k + 1] Pv[k + 1] = Pv[kp] Pv[kp] = temp # Now form the Gauss vector if A[k + 1, k] != 0.0: tau = A[k + 2 :, k].copy() tau /= A[k + 1, k] # clear eliminated row and column A[k + 2 :, k] = 0.0 A[k, k + 2 :] = 0.0 # Update the matrix block A(k+2:,k+2) A[k + 2 :, k + 2 :] += np.outer(tau, A[k + 2 :, k + 1]) A[k + 2 :, k + 2 :] -= np.outer(A[k + 2 :, k + 1], tau) if calc_L: L[k + 2 :, k + 1] = tau if calc_P: # form the permutation matrix as a sparse matrix P = sp.csr_matrix((np.ones(n), (np.arange(n), Pv))) if calc_L: if calc_P: return (np.asmatrix(A), np.asmatrix(L), P) else: return (np.asmatrix(A), np.asmatrix(L)) else: if calc_P: return (np.asmatrix(A), P) else: return np.asmatrix(A) def pfaffian(A, overwrite_a=False, method="P", sign_only=False): """ pfaffian(A, overwrite_a=False, method='P') Compute the Pfaffian of a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix A (A=-A^T). If overwrite_a=True, the matrix A is overwritten in the process. This function uses either the Parlett-Reid algorithm (method='P', default), or the Householder tridiagonalization (method='H') """ # Check if matrix is square assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1] > 0 # Check if it's skew-symmetric assert abs((A + A.T).max()) < 1e-14, abs((A + A.T).max()) # Check that the method variable is appropriately set assert method == "P" or method == "H" if method == "H" and sign_only: raise Exception("Use `method='P'` when using `sign_only=True`") if method == "P": return pfaffian_LTL(A, overwrite_a, sign_only) else: return pfaffian_householder(A, overwrite_a) def pfaffian_LTL(A, overwrite_a=False, sign_only=False): """ pfaffian_LTL(A, overwrite_a=False) Compute the Pfaffian of a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix A (A=-A^T). If overwrite_a=True, the matrix A is overwritten in the process. This function uses the Parlett-Reid algorithm. """ # Check if matrix is square assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1] > 0 # Check if it's skew-symmetric assert abs((A + A.T).max()) < 1e-14 n = A.shape[0] A = np.asarray(A) # the slice views work only properly for arrays # Quick return if possible if n % 2 == 1: return 0 if not overwrite_a: A = A.copy() pfaffian_val = 1.0 for k in range(0, n - 1, 2): # First, find the largest entry in A[k+1:,k] and # permute it to A[k+1,k] kp = k + 1 + np.abs(A[k + 1 :, k]).argmax() # Check if we need to pivot if kp != k + 1: # interchange rows k+1 and kp temp = A[k + 1, k:].copy() A[k + 1, k:] = A[kp, k:] A[kp, k:] = temp # Then interchange columns k+1 and kp temp = A[k:, k + 1].copy() A[k:, k + 1] = A[k:, kp] A[k:, kp] = temp # every interchange corresponds to a "-" in det(P) pfaffian_val *= -1 # Now form the Gauss vector if A[k + 1, k] != 0.0: tau = A[k, k + 2 :].copy() tau /= A[k, k + 1] if sign_only: pfaffian_val *= np.sign(A[k, k + 1]) else: pfaffian_val *= A[k, k + 1] if k + 2 < n: # Update the matrix block A(k+2:,k+2) A[k + 2 :, k + 2 :] += np.outer(tau, A[k + 2 :, k + 1]) A[k + 2 :, k + 2 :] -= np.outer(A[k + 2 :, k + 1], tau) else: # if we encounter a zero on the super/subdiagonal, the # Pfaffian is 0 return 0.0 return pfaffian_val def pfaffian_householder(A, overwrite_a=False): """ pfaffian(A, overwrite_a=False) Compute the Pfaffian of a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix A (A=-A^T). If overwrite_a=True, the matrix A is overwritten in the process. This function uses the Householder tridiagonalization. Note that the function pfaffian_schur() can also be used in the real case. That function does not make use of the skew-symmetry and is only slightly slower than pfaffian_householder(). """ # Check if matrix is square assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1] > 0 # Check if it's skew-symmetric assert abs((A + A.T).max()) < 1e-14 n = A.shape[0] # Quick return if possible if n % 2 == 1: return 0 # Check if we have a complex data type if np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.complexfloating): householder = householder_complex elif not np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.number): raise TypeError("pfaffian() can only work on numeric input") else: householder = householder_real A = np.asarray(A) # the slice views work only properly for arrays if not overwrite_a: A = A.copy() pfaffian_val = 1.0 for i in range(A.shape[0] - 2): # Find a Householder vector to eliminate the i-th column v, tau, alpha = householder(A[i + 1 :, i]) A[i + 1, i] = alpha A[i, i + 1] = -alpha A[i + 2 :, i] = 0 A[i, i + 2 :] = 0 # Update the matrix block A(i+1:N,i+1:N) w = tau * A[i + 1 :, i + 1 :] @ v.conj() A[i + 1 :, i + 1 :] += np.outer(v, w) - np.outer(w, v) if tau != 0: pfaffian_val *= 1 - tau if i % 2 == 0: pfaffian_val *= -alpha pfaffian_val *= A[n - 2, n - 1] return pfaffian_val def pfaffian_schur(A, overwrite_a=False): """Calculate Pfaffian of a real antisymmetric matrix using the Schur decomposition. (Hessenberg would in principle be faster, but scipy-0.8 messed up the performance for scipy.linalg.hessenberg()). This function does not make use of the skew-symmetry of the matrix A, but uses a LAPACK routine that is coded in FORTRAN and hence faster than python. As a consequence, pfaffian_schur is only slightly slower than pfaffian(). """ assert np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.number) and not np.issubdtype( A.dtype, np.complexfloating ) assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1] > 0 assert abs(A + A.T).max() < 1e-14 # Quick return if possible if A.shape[0] % 2 == 1: return 0 (t, z) = la.schur(A, output="real", overwrite_a=overwrite_a) l = np.diag(t, 1) return np.prod(l[::2]) * la.det(z) def pfaffian_sign(A, overwrite_a=False): """ pfaffian(A, overwrite_a=False, method='P') Compute the Pfaffian of a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix A (A=-A^T). If overwrite_a=True, the matrix A is overwritten in the process. This function uses either the Parlett-Reid algorithm (method='P', default), or the Householder tridiagonalization (method='H') """ # Check if matrix is square assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1] > 0 # Check if it's skew-symmetric assert abs((A + A.T).max()) < 1e-14, abs((A + A.T).max()) return pfaffian_LTL_sign(A, overwrite_a) def pfaffian_LTL_sign(A, overwrite_a=False): """MODIFIED FROM pfaffian_LTL(A, overwrite_a=False) Compute the Pfaffian of a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix A (A=-A^T). If overwrite_a=True, the matrix A is overwritten in the process. This function uses the Parlett-Reid algorithm. """ # Check if matrix is square assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1] > 0 # Check if it's skew-symmetric assert abs((A + A.T).max()) < 1e-14 n = A.shape[0] A = np.asarray(A) # the slice views work only properly for arrays # Quick return if possible if n % 2 == 1: return 0 if not overwrite_a: A = A.copy() pfaffian_val = 1.0 for k in range(0, n - 1, 2): # First, find the largest entry in A[k+1:,k] and # permute it to A[k+1,k] kp = k + 1 + np.abs(A[k + 1 :, k]).argmax() # Check if we need to pivot if kp != k + 1: # interchange rows k+1 and kp temp = A[k + 1, k:].copy() A[k + 1, k:] = A[kp, k:] A[kp, k:] = temp # Then interchange columns k+1 and kp temp = A[k:, k + 1].copy() A[k:, k + 1] = A[k:, kp] A[k:, kp] = temp # every interchange corresponds to a "-" in det(P) pfaffian_val *= -1 # Now form the Gauss vector if A[k + 1, k] != 0.0: tau = A[k, k + 2 :].copy() tau /= A[k, k + 1] pfaffian_val *= A[k, k + 1] if k + 2 < n: # Update the matrix block A(k+2:,k+2) A[k + 2 :, k + 2 :] += np.outer(tau, A[k + 2 :, k + 1]) A[k + 2 :, k + 2 :] -= np.outer(A[k + 2 :, k + 1], tau) else: # if we encounter a zero on the super/subdiagonal, the # Pfaffian is 0 return 0.0 return pfaffian_val