diff --git a/pymf/tb/transforms.py b/pymf/tb/transforms.py
index 3a0e99011dfebb7e2546b35d65d6aa9a82bf788f..374526dce3c4c2b0087aff09e3dc471b1153051b 100644
--- a/pymf/tb/transforms.py
+++ b/pymf/tb/transforms.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from pymf.tb.tb import tb_type
 ks_type = Optional[np.ndarray]
-def tb_to_khamvector(tb: tb_type, nk: int, ks: ks_type = None) -> np.ndarray:
+def tb_to_khamvector(tb: tb_type, nk: int) -> np.ndarray:
     """Evaluate a tight-binding dictionary on a k-space grid.
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ def tb_to_khamvector(tb: tb_type, nk: int, ks: ks_type = None) -> np.ndarray:
     nk :
         Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension.
         If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored.
-    ks :
-        Set of points along which to evalaute the k-point grid. Repeated for all dimensions.
-        If not provided, a linear grid is used based on nk.
@@ -27,9 +24,8 @@ def tb_to_khamvector(tb: tb_type, nk: int, ks: ks_type = None) -> np.ndarray:
         Has shape (nk, nk, ..., ndof, ndof), where ndof is number of internal degrees of freedom.
     ndim = len(list(tb)[0])
-    if ks is None:
-        ks = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nk, endpoint=False)
-        ks = np.concatenate((ks[nk // 2 :], ks[: nk // 2]), axis=0)  # shift for ifft
+    ks = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nk, endpoint=False)
+    ks = np.concatenate((ks[nk // 2 :], ks[: nk // 2]), axis=0)  # shift for ifft
     kgrid = np.meshgrid(*([ks] * ndim), indexing="ij")
     num_keys = len(list(tb.keys()))
diff --git a/pymf/tb/utils.py b/pymf/tb/utils.py
index a8d22dda9fe412713298664e3cb18850099dd6dd..e8e80b864bd64ae35c30afdb573b917e4d4b2c46 100644
--- a/pymf/tb/utils.py
+++ b/pymf/tb/utils.py
@@ -78,6 +78,6 @@ def calculate_fermi_energy(tb: tb_type, filling: float, nk: int = 100):
         Fermi energy.
-    kham = tb_to_khamvector(tb, nk, ks=None)
+    kham = tb_to_khamvector(tb, nk)
     vals = np.linalg.eigvalsh(kham)
     return fermi_on_grid(vals, filling)
diff --git a/pymf/tests/test_graphene.py b/pymf/tests/test_graphene.py
index 8657f7d36f16c9bea7c4cea804c61f832b8f27d8..e28f30f273988802f5bfbef3475ee0174952ef4c 100644
--- a/pymf/tests/test_graphene.py
+++ b/pymf/tests/test_graphene.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def compute_gap(tb, fermi_energy=0, nk=100):
      gap : float
      Indirect gap.
-    kham = tb_to_khamvector(tb, nk, ks=None)
+    kham = tb_to_khamvector(tb, nk)
     vals = np.linalg.eigvalsh(kham)
     emax = np.max(vals[vals <= fermi_energy])