The following people contributed to making of these lecture notes: * Anton Akhmerov * Bas Nijholt * Iacopo Bertelli * Joana Fraxanet Morales * Kevin Choi * Piotr Benedysiuk * Sander Otte * Sathish Kumar RK * Toeno van der Sar * Hugo Kerstens * Bowy La Riviere * Matthias Flor * Radoica Draškić * Lex Huismans * Gian de Bruin * Lars kleyn Winkel * Kostas Vilkelis * Joris van Winden * Isidora Araya Day * Brennan Undseth * Michael Borst * Umut Kalkan * Hiresh Jadoenathmissier * Bowy La Rivière <!-- Execute git shortlog -s | sed -e "s/^ *[0-9\t ]*//"| xargs -i sh -c 'grep -q "{}" || echo "{}"' To check if any authors are missing from this list. Use git shortlog -se and add contributors to the .mailmap as necessary. -->