UI for search function
With the search function the user can search for submissions matching certain criteria. For now the criteria we focus on are:
- has a certain feedback
- does not have a certain feedback
- is graded by
- is not graded by
Use cases
A feedback option has been proven to have a mistake and all questions that had this feedback should be revisited for proper grading. The graders search for all questions that have this feedback so they can revise them.
While grading, a discussion between graders arises and a grader realises that for some exams they didn’t give a certain point while they should have. To correct this point, a grader wants to quickly iterate over all the exams graded by them not having that feedback selected.
Between a few graders, it was noticed that some graders gave certain feedback more leniently, so you want to iterate over all exams that got that feedback to double-check if the feedback given was indeed justified.
A course coordinator noticed that a lot of students missed a certain point for a question and would like to see what some students answered that made them miss the point. So the course coordinator specifies they want to iterate through all exams that did not get that certain point to look at the students’ answers.
When a student scores very poorly, a course coordinator might want to go over this student’s exam another time to see if the grading was done correctly or if some mistake has been made in the grading.
Halfway through grading, the course coordinator decides they want to split up certain feedback into two different ones, (e.g. ‘made math mistake’ into ‘made integral mistake’ and ‘made derivation mistake’) the graders want to iterate through all the questions where ‘made math mistake’ was assigned so they can correctly change this feedback.
While grading a course coordinator realises that two feedback options are similar and are almost always given together. They would like to see all the questions that got one of these feedback options to see why someone would have missed one of the feedback options or got both and adjust their grading. They will have to search for questions having either feedback A or feedback B by first searching for all questions with both feedback A and feedback B and adjust their grades, then searching for all questions with feedback A that don't have B and adjusting their grading and then search for all questions with feedback B that don't have A and adjust their grading.
A question has feedbacks: 'wrong integrals’ and ‘minor math mistake’. During grading its discovered that there was some unclarity by the graders when to assign what feedback. The graders want to go over all problems that have either of these feedbacks assigned to double check