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Fix docker deployment on macOS

Réouven ASSOULY requested to merge reouvenassouly/zesje:fix-docker-macos into master

I encountered 3 problems when trying to run zesje in docker on macOS Big Sur:

  • zesje was crashing when importing opencv because of a missing openGL library so I changed the dependency to the headless version (as advised here)
  • zesje was crashing when creating the mysql database because myinit.sql was created in the read-only /app instead of the read-write /app/data-dev
  • Even after fixing the 2 previous issues, I couldn't connect to the server with my browser because I had forgotten to forward the port in Virtualbox so I edited the README to mention it.

I also noticed that after shutting down the container, I can't restart it unless I delete the mysql folder in the docker volume, is that expected?

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