Solid state lectures
Lecture notes and teaching material used for the Delft University of Technology course Solid State Physics (Vaste Stof Fysica, TN2844).
The compiled materials are available at
How to compile
To compile it is advised to use a separate environment. We use miniconda for environment management, which can be found at
First create a new conda environment named lectures
with Python 3.6 and activate it. You can also use another environment manager of your choice.
conda create -n lectures python=3.6
conda activate lectures
Clone this repository and enter the directory.
git clone
cd lectures
Install the required packages from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
And finally run
to prepare the source files for mkdocs
Now that all the files are where they should be, you can either run a development server or build the files for deployment using mkdocs
. The commands to achieve this are:
mkdocs serve # Run a development server
mkdocs build # Build for deployment