@@ -336,11 +336,11 @@ Kwant can be built and installed following the `usual Python conventions
<http://docs.python.org/install/index.html>`_ by running the following commands
in the root directory of the Kwant distribution. ::
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
pip install .
Depending on your system, you might have to run the second command with
administrator privileges (e.g. prefixing it with ``sudo``).
administrator privileges (e.g. prefixing it with ``sudo``). If you use Python
older than 2.7.9, see `pip installation instructions <https://docs.python.org/2/installing/#install-pip-in-versions-of-python-prior-to-python-2-7-9>`_.
After installation, tests can be run with::
@@ -366,31 +366,15 @@ root.
2. Unpack Tinyarray, enter its directory. To build and install, run ::
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install
sudo pip install .
3. Inside the Kwant source distribution's root directory run ::
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install
By default the package will be installed under ``/usr/local``. You can
change this using the ``--prefix`` option, e.g.::
sudo python setup.py install --prefix=/opt
If you would like to install Kwant into your home directory only you can use ::
python setup.py install --home=~
This does not require root privileges. If you install Kwant in this way
be sure to tell python where to find it. This can be done by setting the
``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable::
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/lib/python
sudo pip install .
You can make this setting permanent by adding this line to the file
``.bashrc`` (or equivalent) in your home directory.
By default the package will be installed under ``/usr/local``. Type ``pip help
install`` for installation options and see `pip documentation
<https://pip.readthedocs.org>`_ for a detailed description of ``pip``.