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33 results
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with 955 additions and 165 deletions
......@@ -10,11 +10,12 @@ try:
from .discretizer import discretize, discretize_symbolic, build_discretized
from ._common import sympify, lambdify
from ._common import momentum_operators, position_operators
from .landau_levels import to_landau_basis, discretize_landau, LandauLattice
except ImportError as error:
msg = ("'kwant.continuum' is not available because one or more of its "
"dependencies is not installed.")
raise ImportError(msg) from error
__all__ = ['discretize', 'discretize_symbolic', 'build_discretized',
'to_landau_basis', 'discretize_landau', 'LandauLattice',
'sympify', 'lambdify', 'momentum_operators', 'position_operators']
# Copyright 2011-2017 Kwant authors.
# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
# This file is part of Kwant. It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from sympy.printing.lambdarepr import LambdaPrinter
from sympy.printing.precedence import precedence
from sympy.core.function import AppliedUndef
from .. import builder, lattice
from .. import builder, lattice, system
from .. import KwantDeprecationWarning
from .._common import reraise_warnings
from ._common import (sympify, gcd, position_operators, momentum_operators,
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class _DiscretizedBuilder(builder.Builder):
for key, val in itertools.chain(self.site_value_pairs(),
if isinstance(key, builder.Site):
if isinstance(key, system.Site):
result.append("# Onsite element:\n")
a, b = key
# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
# This file is part of Kwant. It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# A list of Kwant authors can be found in
# the file AUTHORS.rst at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
from keyword import iskeyword
import functools
import operator
import collections
from math import sqrt
import tinyarray as ta
import numpy as np
import sympy
import kwant.lattice
import kwant.builder
import kwant.continuum
import kwant.continuum._common
import kwant.continuum.discretizer
from kwant.continuum import momentum_operators, position_operators
__all__ = ["to_landau_basis", "discretize_landau"]
coordinate_vectors = dict(zip("xyz", np.eye(3)))
ladder_lower, ladder_raise = sympy.symbols(r"a a^\dagger", commutative=False)
def to_landau_basis(hamiltonian, momenta=None):
r"""Replace two momenta by Landau level ladder operators.
k_0 -> sqrt(B/2) * (a + a^\dagger)
k_1 -> 1j * sqrt(B/2) * (a - a^\dagger)
hamiltonian : str or sympy expression
The Hamiltonian to which to apply the Landau level transformation.
momenta : sequence of str (optional)
The momenta to replace with Landau level ladder operators. If not
provided, 'k_x' and 'k_y' are used
hamiltonian : sympy expression
momenta : sequence of sympy atoms
The momentum operators that have been replaced by ladder operators.
normal_coordinate : sympy atom
The remaining position coordinate. May or may not be present
in 'hamiltonian'.
hamiltonian = kwant.continuum.sympify(hamiltonian)
momenta = _normalize_momenta(momenta)
normal_coordinate = _find_normal_coordinate(hamiltonian, momenta)
# Substitute ladder operators for Landau level momenta
B = sympy.symbols("B")
hamiltonian = hamiltonian.subs(
momenta[0]: sympy.sqrt(abs(B) / 2) * (ladder_raise + ladder_lower),
momenta[1]: sympy.I
* sympy.sqrt(abs(B) / 2)
* (ladder_lower - ladder_raise),
return hamiltonian, momenta, normal_coordinate
def discretize_landau(hamiltonian, N, momenta=None, grid_spacing=1):
"""Discretize a Hamiltonian in a basis of Landau levels.
hamiltonian : str or sympy expression
N : positive integer
The number of Landau levels in the basis.
momenta : sequence of str (optional)
The momenta defining the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field.
If not provided, "k_x" and "k_y" are used.
grid_spacing : float, default: 1
The grid spacing to use when discretizing the normal direction
(parallel to the magnetic field).
builder : `~kwant.builder.Builder`
'hamiltonian' discretized in a basis of Landau levels in the plane
defined by 'momenta'. If a third coordinate is present in 'hamiltonian',
then this also has a translational symmetry in that coordinate direction.
The builder has a parameter 'B' in addition to any other parameters
present in the provided 'hamiltonian'.
The units of magnetic field are :math:`ϕ₀ / 2 π a²` with :math:`ϕ₀ = h/e`
the magnetic flux quantum and :math:`a` the unit length.
if N <= 0:
raise ValueError("N must be positive")
hamiltonian, momenta, normal_coordinate = to_landau_basis(hamiltonian, momenta)
# Discretize in normal direction and split terms for onsites/hoppings into
# monomials in ladder operators.
tb_hamiltonian, _ = kwant.continuum.discretize_symbolic(
hamiltonian, coords=[]
tb_hamiltonian = {
key: kwant.continuum._common.monomials(value, gens=(ladder_lower, ladder_raise))
for key, value in tb_hamiltonian.items()
# Replace ladder operator monomials by tuple of integers:
# e.g. a^\dagger a^2 -> (+1, -2).
tb_hamiltonian = {
outer_key: {
_ladder_term(inner_key): inner_value
for inner_key, inner_value in outer_value.items()
for outer_key, outer_value in tb_hamiltonian.items()
# Construct map from LandauLattice HoppingKinds to a sequence of pairs
# that encode the ladder operators and multiplying expression.
tb_hoppings = collections.defaultdict(list)
for outer_key, outer_value in tb_hamiltonian.items():
for inner_key, inner_value in outer_value.items():
tb_hoppings[(*outer_key, sum(inner_key))] += [(inner_key, inner_value)]
# Extract the number of orbitals on each site/hopping
random_element = next(iter(tb_hoppings.values()))[0][1]
norbs = 1 if isinstance(random_element, sympy.Expr) else random_element.shape[0]
tb_onsite = tb_hoppings.pop((0, 0), None)
# Construct Builder
if _has_coordinate(normal_coordinate, hamiltonian):
sym = kwant.lattice.TranslationalSymmetry([grid_spacing, 0])
sym = kwant.builder.NoSymmetry()
lat = LandauLattice(grid_spacing, norbs=norbs)
syst = kwant.Builder(sym)
# Add onsites
landau_sites = (lat(0, j) for j in range(N))
if tb_onsite is None:
syst[landau_sites] = ta.zeros((norbs, norbs))
syst[landau_sites] = _builder_value(
tb_onsite,, grid_spacing, is_onsite=True
# Add zero hoppings between adjacent Landau levels.
# Necessary to be able to use the Landau level builder
# to populate another builder using builder.fill().
syst[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0, 1), lat)] = ta.zeros((norbs, norbs))
# Add the hoppings from the Hamiltonian
for hopping, parts in tb_hoppings.items():
syst[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(hopping, lat)] = _builder_value(
parts,, grid_spacing, is_onsite=False
return syst
# This has to subclass lattice so that it will work with TranslationalSymmetry.
class LandauLattice(kwant.lattice.Monatomic):
A `~kwant.lattice.Monatomic` lattice with a Landau level index per site.
Site tags (see `~kwant.system.SiteFamily`) are pairs of integers, where
the first integer describes the real space position and the second the
Landau level index.
The real space Bravais lattice is one dimensional, oriented parallel
to the magnetic field. The Landau level index represents the harmonic
oscillator basis states used for the Landau quantization in the plane
normal to the field.
grid_spacing : float
Real space lattice spacing (parallel to the magnetic field).
offset : float (optional)
Displacement of the lattice origin from the real space
coordinates origin.
def __init__(self, grid_spacing, offset=None, name="", norbs=None):
if offset is not None:
offset = [offset, 0]
# The second vector and second coordinate do not matter (they are
# not used in pos())
super().__init__([[grid_spacing, 0], [0, 1]], offset, name, norbs)
def pos(self, tag):
return ta.array((self.prim_vecs[0, 0] * tag[0] + self.offset[0],))
def landau_index(self, tag):
return tag[-1]
def _builder_value(terms, normal_coordinate, grid_spacing, is_onsite):
"""Construct an onsite/hopping value function from a list of terms
terms : list
Each element is a pair (ladder_term, sympy expression/matrix).
ladder_term is a tuple of integers that encodes a string of
Landau raising/lowering operators and the sympy expression
is the rest
normal_coordinate : str
grid_spacing : float
The grid spacing in the normal direction
is_onsite : bool
True if we are constructing an onsite value function
ladder_term_symbols = [sympy.Symbol(_ladder_term_name(lt)) for lt, _ in terms]
# Construct a single expression from the terms, multiplying each part
# by the placeholder that represents the prefactor from the ladder operator term.
(ladder, (_, part)), *rest = zip(ladder_term_symbols, terms)
expr = ladder * part
for ladder, (_, part) in rest:
expr += ladder * part
expr = expr.subs(
{kwant.continuum.discretizer._displacements[normal_coordinate]: grid_spacing}
# Construct the return string and temporary variable names
# for function calls.
return_string, map_func_calls, const_symbols, _cache = kwant.continuum.discretizer._return_string(
expr, coords=[normal_coordinate]
# Remove the ladder term placeholders, as these are not parameters
const_symbols = set(const_symbols)
for ladder_term in ladder_term_symbols:
# Construct the argument part of signature. Arguments
# consist of any constants and functions in the return string.
arg_names = set.union(
{ for s in const_symbols}, {str(k.func) for k in map_func_calls}
arg_names.discard("Abs") # Abs function is not a parameter
for arg_name in arg_names:
if not (arg_name.isidentifier() and not iskeyword(arg_name)):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid name in used symbols: {}\n"
"Names of symbols used in Hamiltonian "
"must be valid Python identifiers and "
"may not be keywords".format(arg_name)
arg_names = ", ".join(sorted(arg_names))
# Construct site part of the function signature
site_string = "from_site" if is_onsite else "to_site, from_site"
# Construct function signature
if arg_names:
function_header = "def _({}, {}):".format(site_string, arg_names)
function_header = "def _({}):".format(site_string)
# Construct function body
function_body = []
if "B" not in arg_names:
# B is not a parameter for terms with no ladder operators but we still
# need something to pass to _evaluate_ladder_term
function_body.append("B = +1")
"{}, = from_site.pos".format(normal_coordinate),
"_ll_index =",
# To get the correct hopping if B < 0, we need to set the Hermitian
# conjugate of the ladder operator matrix element, which swaps the
# from_site and to_site Landau level indices.
if not is_onsite:
["if B < 0:",
" _ll_index ="
"{} = _evaluate_ladder_term({}, _ll_index, B)".format(, lt)
for symb, (lt, _) in zip(ladder_term_symbols, terms)
"{} = {}".format(v, kwant.continuum.discretizer._print_sympy(k))
for k, v in map_func_calls.items()
func_code = "\n ".join([function_header] + function_body)
# Add "I" to namespace just in case sympy again would miss to replace it
# with Python's 1j as it was the case with SymPy 1.2 when "I" was argument
# of some function.
namespace = {
"pi": np.pi,
"I": 1j,
"_evaluate_ladder_term": _evaluate_ladder_term,
"Abs": abs,
# Construct full source, including cached arrays
source = []
for k, v in _cache.items():
source.append("{} = (\n{})\n".format(k, repr(np.array(v))))
exec(func_code, namespace)
f = namespace["_"]
f._source = "".join(source)
return f
def _ladder_term(operator_string):
r"""Return a tuple of integers representing a string of ladder operators
operator_string : Sympy expression
Monomial in ladder operators, e.g. a^\dagger a^2 a^\dagger.
ladder_term : tuple of int
e.g. a^\dagger a^2 -> (+1, -2)
ret = []
for factor in operator_string.as_ordered_factors():
ladder_op, exponent = factor.as_base_exp()
if ladder_op == ladder_lower:
sign = -1
elif ladder_op == ladder_raise:
sign = +1
sign = 0
ret.append(sign * int(exponent))
return tuple(ret)
def _ladder_term_name(ladder_term):
ladder_term : tuple of int
ladder_term_name : str
def ns(i):
if i >= 0:
return str(i)
return "_" + str(-i)
return "_ladder_{}".format("_".join(map(ns, ladder_term)))
def _evaluate_ladder_term(ladder_term, n, B):
r"""Evaluates the prefactor for a ladder operator on a landau level.
Example: a^\dagger a^2 -> (n - 1) * sqrt(n)
ladder_term : tuple of int
Represents a string of ladder operators. Positive
integers represent powers of the raising operator,
negative integers powers of the lowering operator.
n : non-negative int
Landau level index on which to act with ladder_term.
B : float
Magnetic field with sign
ladder_term_prefactor : float
assert n >= 0
# For negative B we swap a and a^\dagger.
if B < 0:
ladder_term = tuple(-i for i in ladder_term)
ret = 1
for m in reversed(ladder_term):
if m > 0:
factors = range(n + 1, n + m + 1)
elif m < 0:
factors = range(n + m + 1, n + 1)
if n == 0:
return 0 # a|0> = 0
factors = (1,)
ret *= sqrt(functools.reduce(operator.mul, factors))
n += m
return ret
def _normalize_momenta(momenta=None):
"""Return Landau level momenta as Sympy atoms
momenta : None or pair of int or pair of str
The momenta to choose. If None then 'k_x' and 'k_y'
are chosen. If integers, then these are the indices
of the momenta: 0 → k_x, 1 → k_y, 2 → k_z. If strings,
then these name the momenta.
The specified momenta as sympy atoms.
# Specify which momenta to substitute for the Landau level basis.
if momenta is None:
# Use k_x and k_y by default
momenta = momentum_operators[:2]
if len(momenta) != 2:
raise ValueError("Two momenta must be specified.")
k_names = [ for k in momentum_operators]
if all([type(i) is int for i in momenta]) and all(
[i >= 0 and i < 3 for i in momenta]
momenta = [momentum_operators[i] for i in momenta]
elif all([isinstance(momentum, str) for momentum in momenta]) and all(
[momentum in k_names for momentum in momenta]
momenta = [
momentum_operators[k_names.index(momentum)] for momentum in momenta
raise ValueError("Momenta must all be integers or strings.")
return tuple(momenta)
def _find_normal_coordinate(hamiltonian, momenta):
discrete_momentum = next(
momentum for momentum in momentum_operators if momentum not in momenta
normal_coordinate = position_operators[momentum_operators.index(discrete_momentum)]
return normal_coordinate
def _has_coordinate(coord, expr):
momentum = momentum_operators[position_operators.index(coord)]
atoms = set(expr.atoms())
return coord in atoms or momentum in atoms
......@@ -548,14 +548,14 @@ def test_grid(ham, grid_spacing, grid):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ham, grid_offset, offset, norbs', [
('k_x', None, 0, None),
('k_x', None, 0, 1),
('k_x', None, 0, 1),
('k_x * eye(2)', None, 0, 2),
('k_x', (0,), 0, None),
('k_x', (1,), 1, None),
('k_x + k_y', None, (0, 0), None),
('k_x + k_y', (0, 0), (0, 0), None),
('k_x + k_y', (1, 2), (1, 2), None),
('k_x', (0,), 0, 1),
('k_x', (1,), 1, 1),
('k_x + k_y', None, (0, 0), 1),
('k_x + k_y', (0, 0), (0, 0), 1),
('k_x + k_y', (1, 2), (1, 2), 1),
def test_grid_input(ham, grid_offset, offset, norbs):
# build appriopriate grid
......@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ def test_grid_input(ham, grid_offset, offset, norbs):
def test_grid_offset_passed_to_functions():
V = lambda x: x
grid = Monatomic([[1, ]], offset=[0.5, ])
grid = Monatomic([[1, ]], offset=[0.5, ], norbs=1)
tb = discretize('V(x)', 'x', grid=grid)
onsite = tb[tb.lattice(0)]
bools = [np.allclose(onsite(tb.lattice(i), V), V(tb.lattice(i).pos))
......@@ -588,11 +588,11 @@ def test_grid_offset_passed_to_functions():
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ham, coords, grid", [
("k_x", None, Monatomic([[1, 0]])),
("k_x", 'xy', Monatomic([[1, 0]])),
("k_x", None, Monatomic([[1, 0]], norbs=1)),
("k_x", 'xy', Monatomic([[1, 0]], norbs=1)),
("k_x", None, Monatomic([[1, ]], norbs=2)),
("k_x * eye(2)", None, Monatomic([[1, ]], norbs=1)),
("k_x+k_y", None, Monatomic([[1, 0], [1, 1]])),
("k_x+k_y", None, Monatomic([[1, 0], [1, 1]], norbs=1)),
def test_grid_constraints(ham, coords, grid):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
......@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ def test_check_symbol_names(name):
def test_rectangular_grid():
lat = Monatomic([[1, 0], [0, 2]])
lat = Monatomic([[1, 0], [0, 2]], norbs=1)
tb = discretize("V(x, y)", 'xy', grid=lat)
assert np.allclose(tb[lat(0, 0)](lat(1, 0), lambda x, y: x), 1)
# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
# This file is part of Kwant. It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# A list of Kwant authors can be found in
# the file AUTHORS.rst at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
import sympy
import pytest
import itertools
import kwant.builder
import kwant.lattice
from .._common import position_operators, momentum_operators, sympify
from ..landau_levels import (
x, y, z = position_operators
k_x, k_y, k_z = momentum_operators
B = sympy.symbols("B")
V = sympy.symbols("V", cls=sympy.Function)
a, a_dag = ladder_lower, ladder_raise
def test_ladder_term():
assert _ladder_term(a ** 2 * a_dag) == (-2, 1)
assert _ladder_term(a_dag ** 5 * a ** 3 * a_dag) == (5, -3, 1)
# non-ladder operators give a shift of 0
assert _ladder_term(B * a ** 2) == (0, -2)
def test_evaluate_ladder_term():
assert np.isclose(_evaluate_ladder_term((+1, -1), 1, +1), 1)
assert np.isclose(_evaluate_ladder_term((+1, -1), 2, +1), 2)
assert np.isclose(_evaluate_ladder_term((-2, +3, -2), 5, +1), 4 * 5 * 6 * sqrt(5))
# annihilating |0> is always 0
assert _evaluate_ladder_term((-1,), 0, +1) == 0
assert _evaluate_ladder_term((-2,), 1, +1) == 0
assert _evaluate_ladder_term((-3,), 1, +1) == 0
assert _evaluate_ladder_term((+3, -2), 1, +1) == 0
assert _evaluate_ladder_term((-3, -2, +3), 1, +1) == 0
# negative B swaps creation and annihilation operators
assert _evaluate_ladder_term((+1, -1), 2, +1) == _evaluate_ladder_term(
(-1, +1), 2, -1
assert _evaluate_ladder_term((-2, +3, -2), 5, +1) == _evaluate_ladder_term(
(+2, -3, +2), 5, -1
def test_to_landau_basis():
# test basic usage
ham, momenta, normal_coord = to_landau_basis("k_x**2 + k_y**2")
assert sympy.expand(ham) == abs(B) * a * a_dag + abs(B) * a_dag * a
assert momenta == (k_x, k_y)
assert normal_coord == z
# test that hamiltonian can be specified as a sympy expression
ham, momenta, normal_coord = to_landau_basis(sympify("k_x**2 + k_y**2"))
assert sympy.expand(ham) == abs(B) * a * a_dag + abs(B) * a_dag * a
assert momenta == (k_x, k_y)
assert normal_coord == z
# test that
ham, momenta, normal_coord = to_landau_basis("k_x**2 + k_y**2 + k_z**2 + V(z)")
assert sympy.expand(ham) == (
abs(B) * a * a_dag + abs(B) * a_dag * a + k_z ** 2 + V(z)
assert momenta == (k_x, k_y)
assert normal_coord == z
# test for momenta explicitly specified
ham, momenta, normal_coord = to_landau_basis(
"k_x**2 + k_y**2 + k_z**2 + k_x*k_y", momenta=("k_z", "k_y")
assert sympy.expand(ham) == (
abs(B) * a * a_dag
+ abs(B) * a_dag * a
+ k_x ** 2
+ sympy.I * sympy.sqrt(abs(B) / 2) * k_x * a
- sympy.I * sympy.sqrt(abs(B) / 2) * k_x * a_dag
assert momenta == (k_z, k_y)
assert normal_coord == x
def test_discretize_landau():
n_levels = 10
magnetic_field = 1 / 3 # a suitably arbitrary value
# Ensure that we can handle products of ladder operators by truncating
# several levels higher than the number of levels we actually want.
a = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.arange(1, n_levels + 5)), k=1)
a_dag = a.conjugate().transpose()
k_x = sqrt(magnetic_field / 2) * (a + a_dag)
k_y = 1j * sqrt(magnetic_field / 2) * (a - a_dag)
sigma_0 = np.eye(2)
sigma_x = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
sigma_y = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
# test that errors are raised on invalid input
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
discretize_landau("k_x**2 + k_y**2", N=0)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
discretize_landau("k_x**2 + k_y**2", N=-1)
# test a basic Hamiltonian with no normal coordinate dependence
syst = discretize_landau("k_x**2 + k_y**2", N=n_levels)
lat = LandauLattice(1, norbs=1)
assert isinstance(syst.symmetry, kwant.builder.NoSymmetry)
syst = syst.finalized()
assert set(syst.sites) == {lat(0, j) for j in range(n_levels)}
assert np.allclose(
syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=dict(B=0)), np.zeros((n_levels, n_levels))
should_be = k_x @ k_x + k_y @ k_y
assert np.allclose(
should_be[:n_levels, :n_levels],
# test negative magnetic field
assert np.allclose(
should_be[:n_levels, :n_levels],
# test hamiltonian with no onsite elements
syst = discretize_landau("k_x", N=n_levels)
syst = syst.finalized()
assert np.allclose(
k_x[:n_levels, :n_levels],
# test a basic Hamiltonian with normal coordinate dependence
grid = 1 / 7 # a suitably arbitrary value
syst = discretize_landau(
"k_x**2 + k_y**2 + k_z**2 + V(z)", N=n_levels, grid_spacing=grid
assert isinstance(syst.symmetry, kwant.lattice.TranslationalSymmetry)
syst = syst.finalized()
zero_potential = syst.cell_hamiltonian(params=dict(B=magnetic_field, V=lambda z: 0))
with_potential = syst.cell_hamiltonian(params=dict(B=magnetic_field, V=lambda z: 1))
# extra +2/grid**2 from onsite kinetic energy
assert np.allclose(
should_be[:n_levels, :n_levels] + (2 / grid ** 2) * np.eye(n_levels),
# V(z) just adds the same energy to each onsite
assert np.allclose(with_potential - zero_potential, np.eye(n_levels))
# hopping matrix does not exchange landau levels
assert np.allclose(
syst.inter_cell_hopping(params=dict(B=magnetic_field, V=lambda z: 0)),
-np.eye(n_levels) / grid ** 2,
# test a Hamiltonian with mixing between Landau levels
# and spatial degrees of freedom.
syst = discretize_landau("k_x**2 + k_y**2 + k_x*k_z", N=n_levels)
syst = syst.finalized()
assert np.allclose(
-1j * k_x[:n_levels, :n_levels] / 2,
# test a Hamiltonian with extra degrees of freedom
syst = discretize_landau("sigma_0 * k_x**2 + sigma_x * k_y**2", N=n_levels)
syst = syst.finalized()
assert syst.sites[0].family.norbs == 2
should_be = np.kron(k_x @ k_x, sigma_0) + np.kron(k_y @ k_y, sigma_x)
assert np.allclose(
should_be[: 2 * n_levels, : 2 * n_levels],
# test a linear Hamiltonian
syst = discretize_landau("sigma_y * k_x - sigma_x * k_y", N=n_levels)
syst = syst.finalized()
should_be = np.kron(k_x, sigma_y) - np.kron(k_y, sigma_x)
assert np.allclose(
should_be[: 2 * n_levels, : 2 * n_levels],
assert np.allclose(
def test_analytical_spectrum():
hamiltonian = """(k_x**2 + k_y**2) * sigma_0 +
alpha * (k_x * sigma_y - k_y * sigma_x) +
g * B * sigma_z"""
def exact_Es(n, B, alpha, g):
# See e.g. R. Winkler (2003), section 8.4.1
sign_B = np.sign(B)
B = np.abs(B)
Ep = 2*B*(n+1) - 0.5*np.sqrt((2*B - sign_B*2*g*B)**2 + 8*B*alpha**2*(n+1))
Em = 2*B*n + 0.5*np.sqrt((2*B - sign_B*2*g*B)**2 + 8*B*alpha**2*n)
return Ep, Em
N = 20
syst = discretize_landau(hamiltonian, N)
syst = syst.finalized()
params = dict(alpha=0.07, g=0.04)
for _ in range(5):
B = 0.01 + np.random.rand()*3
params['B'] = B
exact = [exact_Es(n, B, params['alpha'], params['g']) for n in range(N)]
# We only check the first N levels - the SOI couples adjacent levels,
# so the higher ones are not necessarily determined accurately in the
# discretization
exact = np.sort([energy for energies in exact for energy in energies])[:N]
ll_spect = np.linalg.eigvalsh(syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=params))[:len(exact)]
assert np.allclose(ll_spect, exact)
def test_fill():
def shape(site, lower, upper):
(z, )= site.pos
return lower <= z < upper
hamiltonian = "k_x**2 + k_y**2 + k_z**2"
N = 6
template = discretize_landau(hamiltonian, N)
syst = kwant.Builder()
width = 4
syst.fill(template, lambda site: shape(site, 0, width), (0, ));
correct_tags = [(coordinate, ll_index) for coordinate, ll_index
in itertools.product(range(width), range(N))]
syst_tags = [site.tag for site in syst.sites()]
assert len(syst_tags) == len(correct_tags)
assert all(tag in correct_tags for tag in syst_tags)
......@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
"""Functionality for graphs"""
# Merge the public interface of all submodules.
__all__ = []
for module in ['core', 'defs']:
exec('from . import {0}'.format(module))
exec('from .{0} import *'.format(module))
from .core import *
from .defs import *
__all__ = [core.__all__ + defs.__all__]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2011-2016 Kwant authors.
# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
# This file is part of Kwant. It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
......@@ -731,23 +731,25 @@ class Correlator:
g_kernel[0] /= 2
mu_kernel = np.outer(g_kernel, g_kernel) * self.moments_matrix
e = (self.energies - self._b) / self._a
e_scaled = (self.energies - self._b) / self._a
# arrays for faster calculation
sqrt_e = np.sqrt(1 - e ** 2)
arccos_e = np.arccos(e)
m_array = np.arange(n_moments)
def _integral_factor(e):
# arrays for faster calculation
sqrt_e = np.sqrt(1 - e ** 2)
arccos_e = np.arccos(e)
exp_n = np.exp(1j * np.outer(arccos_e, np.arange(n_moments)))
t_n = np.real(exp_n)
exp_n = np.exp(1j * arccos_e * m_array)
t_n = np.real(exp_n)
e_plus = (np.outer(e, np.ones(n_moments)) -
1j * np.outer(sqrt_e, np.arange(n_moments)))
e_plus = e_plus * exp_n
e_plus = (e - 1j * sqrt_e * m_array)
e_plus = e_plus * exp_n
big_gamma = e_plus[:, None, :] * t_n[:, :, None]
big_gamma += big_gamma.conj().swapaxes(1, 2)
self._integral_factor = np.tensordot(mu_kernel, big_gamma.T)
big_gamma = e_plus[None, :] * t_n[:, None]
big_gamma += big_gamma.conj().T
return np.tensordot(mu_kernel, big_gamma.T)
self._integral_factor = np.array([_integral_factor(e)
for e in e_scaled]).T
def conductivity(hamiltonian, alpha='x', beta='x', positions=None, **kwargs):
......@@ -926,7 +928,7 @@ def RandomVectors(syst, where=None, rng=None):
syst : `~kwant.system.FiniteSystem` or matrix Hamiltonian
If a system is passed, it should contain no leads.
where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site`, or callable, optional
where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.system.Site`, or callable, optional
Spatial range of the vectors produced. If ``syst`` is a
`~kwant.system.FiniteSystem`, where behaves as in
`~kwant.operator.Density`. If ``syst`` is a matrix, ``where``
......@@ -948,7 +950,7 @@ class LocalVectors:
syst : `~kwant.system.FiniteSystem` or matrix Hamiltonian
If a system is passed, it should contain no leads.
where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site`, or callable, optional
where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.system.Site`, or callable, optional
Spatial range of the vectors produced. If ``syst`` is a
`~kwant.system.FiniteSystem`, where behaves as in
`~kwant.operator.Density`. If ``syst`` is a matrix, ``where``
# Copyright 2011-2013 Kwant authors.
# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
# This file is part of Kwant. It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from math import sqrt
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import tinyarray as ta
from . import builder
from . import builder, system
from .linalg import lll
from ._common import ensure_isinstance
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class Polyatomic:
A Bravais lattice with an arbitrary number of sites in the basis.
Contains `Monatomic` sublattices. Note that an instance of ``Polyatomic`` is
not itself a `~kwant.builder.SiteFamily`, only its sublattices are.
not itself a `~kwant.system.SiteFamily`, only its sublattices are.
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class Polyatomic:
>>> syst[lat.neighbors()] = 1
def shape_sites(symmetry=None):
Site = builder.Site
Site = system.Site
if symmetry is None:
symmetry = builder.NoSymmetry()
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ class Polyatomic:
# This algorithm is not designed to be fast and can be improved,
# however there is no real need.
Site = builder.Site
Site = system.Site
sls = self.sublattices
shortest_hopping = sls[0].n_closest(
sls[0].pos(([0] * sls[0].lattice_dim)), 2)[-1]
......@@ -396,12 +396,12 @@ def short_array_str(array):
return full[1 : -1]
class Monatomic(builder.SiteFamily, Polyatomic):
class Monatomic(system.SiteFamily, Polyatomic):
A Bravais lattice with a single site in the basis.
Instances of this class provide the `~kwant.builder.SiteFamily` interface.
Site tags (see `~kwant.builder.SiteFamily`) are sequences of integers and
Instances of this class provide the `~kwant.system.SiteFamily` interface.
Site tags (see `~kwant.system.SiteFamily`) are sequences of integers and
describe the lattice coordinates of a site.
``Monatomic`` instances are used as site families on their own or as
......@@ -470,6 +470,13 @@ class Monatomic(builder.SiteFamily, Polyatomic):
def __str__(self):
return self.cached_str
def normalize_tags(self, tags):
tags = np.asarray(tags, int)
tags.flags.writeable = False
if tags.shape[1] != self.lattice_dim:
raise ValueError("Dimensionality mismatch.")
return tags
def normalize_tag(self, tag):
tag = ta.array(tag, int)
if len(tag) != self.lattice_dim:
......@@ -495,6 +502,10 @@ class Monatomic(builder.SiteFamily, Polyatomic):
return ta.array(self.n_closest(pos)[0])
def positions(self, tags):
"""Return the real-space positions of the sites with the given tags."""
return tags @ self._prim_vecs + self.offset
def pos(self, tag):
"""Return the real-space position of the site with a given tag."""
return, self._prim_vecs) + self.offset
......@@ -687,26 +698,48 @@ class TranslationalSymmetry(builder.Symmetry):
def which(self, site):
det_x_inv_m_part, det_m = self._get_site_family_data([-2:]
result =, site.tag) // det_m
if isinstance(site, system.Site):
result =, site.tag) // det_m
elif isinstance(site, system.SiteArray):
result =, site.tags.transpose()) // det_m
raise TypeError("'site' must be a Site or a SiteArray")
return -result if self.is_reversed else result
def act(self, element, a, b=None):
element = ta.array(element)
if element.dtype is not int:
is_site = isinstance(a, system.Site)
# Tinyarray for small arrays (single site) else numpy
array_mod = ta if is_site else np
element = array_mod.array(element)
if not np.issubdtype(element.dtype, np.integer):
raise ValueError("group element must be a tuple of integers")
if (len(element.shape) == 2 and is_site):
raise ValueError("must provide a single group element when "
"acting on single sites.")
if (len(element.shape) == 1 and not is_site):
raise ValueError("must provide a sequence of group elements "
"when acting on site arrays.")
m_part = self._get_site_family_data([0]
delta =, element)
delta =, element)
except ValueError:
msg = 'Expecting a {0}-tuple group element, but got `{1}` instead.'
raise ValueError(msg.format(self.num_directions, element))
if self.is_reversed:
delta = -delta
if b is None:
return builder.Site(, a.tag + delta, True)
if is_site:
return system.Site(, a.tag + delta, True)
return system.SiteArray(, a.tags + delta.transpose())
elif ==
return (builder.Site(, a.tag + delta, True),
builder.Site(, b.tag + delta, True))
if is_site:
return (system.Site(, a.tag + delta, True),
system.Site(, b.tag + delta, True))
return (system.SiteArray(, a.tags + delta.transpose()),
system.SiteArray(, b.tags + delta.transpose()))
m_part = self._get_site_family_data([0]
......@@ -717,8 +750,12 @@ class TranslationalSymmetry(builder.Symmetry):
raise ValueError(msg.format(self.num_directions, element))
if self.is_reversed:
delta2 = -delta2
return (builder.Site(, a.tag + delta, True),
builder.Site(, b.tag + delta2, True))
if is_site:
return (system.Site(, a.tag + delta, True),
system.Site(, b.tag + delta2, True))
return (system.SiteArray(, a.tags + delta.transpose()),
system.SiteArray(, b.tags + delta2.transpose()))
def reversed(self):
"""Return a reversed copy of the symmetry.
......@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@ __all__ = ['lapack']
from . import lapack
# Merge the public interface of the other submodules.
for module in ['decomp_lu', 'decomp_ev', 'decomp_schur']:
exec('from . import {0}'.format(module))
exec('from .{0} import *'.format(module))
from .decomp_lu import *
from .decomp_schur import *
from .decomp_ev import *
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def test_schur_complement_with_dense():
def test_error_minus_9(r=10):
"""Test if MUMPSError -9 is properly caught by increasing memory"""
graphene = honeycomb()
graphene = honeycomb(norbs=1)
a, b = graphene.sublattices
def circle(pos):
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import cython
from operator import itemgetter
import functools as ft
import collections
import warnings
import numpy as np
import tinyarray as ta
......@@ -21,10 +22,13 @@ from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from libc cimport math
from .graph.core cimport EdgeIterator
from .graph.core import DisabledFeatureError, NodeDoesNotExistError
from .graph.defs cimport gint
from .graph.defs import gint_dtype
from .system import InfiniteSystem
from ._common import UserCodeError, get_parameters, deprecate_args
from .system import is_infinite, Site
from ._common import (
UserCodeError, KwantDeprecationWarning, get_parameters, deprecate_args
################ Generic Utility functions
......@@ -148,7 +152,7 @@ def _get_all_orbs(gint[:, :] where, gint[:, :] site_ranges):
def _get_tot_norbs(syst):
cdef gint _unused, tot_norbs
is_infinite_system = isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem)
is_infinite_system = is_infinite(syst)
n_sites = syst.cell_size if is_infinite_system else syst.graph.num_nodes
_get_orbs(np.asarray(syst.site_ranges, dtype=gint_dtype),
n_sites, &tot_norbs, &_unused)
......@@ -159,34 +163,41 @@ def _normalize_site_where(syst, where):
"""Normalize the format of `where` when `where` contains sites.
If `where` is None, then all sites in the system are returned.
If it is a general iterator then it is expanded into an array. If `syst`
is a finalized Builder then `where` should contain `Site` objects,
If it is a general sequence then it is expanded into an array. If `syst`
is a finalized Builder then `where` may contain `Site` objects,
otherwise it should contain integers.
if where is None:
size = (syst.cell_size
if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem) else syst.graph.num_nodes)
_where = list(range(size))
if is_infinite(syst):
where = list(range(syst.cell_size))
where = list(range(syst.graph.num_nodes))
elif callable(where):
_where = [syst.id_by_site[a] for a in filter(where, syst.sites)]
where = [syst.id_by_site[s] for s in filter(where, syst.sites)]
except AttributeError:
_where = list(filter(where, range(syst.graph.num_nodes)))
if is_infinite(syst):
where = [s for s in range(syst.cell_size) if where(s)]
where = [s for s in range(syst.graph.num_nodes) if where(s)]
_where = list(syst.id_by_site[s] for s in where)
except AttributeError:
_where = list(where)
if any(w < 0 or w >= syst.graph.num_nodes for w in _where):
raise ValueError('`where` contains sites that are not in the '
if isinstance(where[0], Site):
where = [syst.id_by_site[s] for s in where]
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError("'where' contains Sites, but the system is not "
"a finalized Builder.")
if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
if any(w >= syst.cell_size for w in _where):
raise ValueError('Only sites in the fundamental domain may be '
'specified using `where`.')
where = np.asarray(where, dtype=gint_dtype).reshape(-1, 1)
return np.asarray(_where, dtype=gint_dtype).reshape(len(_where), 1)
if is_infinite(syst) and np.any(where >= syst.cell_size):
raise ValueError('Only sites in the fundamental domain may be '
'specified using `where`.')
if np.any(np.logical_or(where < 0, where >= syst.graph.num_nodes)):
raise ValueError('`where` contains sites that are not in the '
return where
def _normalize_hopping_where(syst, where):
......@@ -194,42 +205,50 @@ def _normalize_hopping_where(syst, where):
If `where` is None, then all hoppings in the system are returned.
If it is a general iterator then it is expanded into an array. If `syst` is
a finalized Builder then `where` should contain pairs of `Site` objects,
a finalized Builder then `where` may contain pairs of `Site` objects,
otherwise it should contain pairs of integers.
if where is None:
# we cannot extract the hoppings in the same order as they are in the
# graph while simultaneously excluding all inter-cell hoppings
if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
if is_infinite(syst):
raise ValueError('`where` must be provided when calculating '
'current in an InfiniteSystem.')
_where = list(syst.graph)
where = list(syst.graph)
elif callable(where):
if hasattr(syst, "sites"):
def idx_where(hop):
def idxwhere(hop):
a, b = hop
return where(syst.sites[a], syst.sites[b])
_where = list(filter(idx_where, syst.graph))
where = list(filter(idxwhere, syst.graph))
_where = list(filter(lambda h: where(*h), syst.graph))
where = list(filter(lambda h: where(*h), syst.graph))
if isinstance(where[0][0], Site):
where = list((syst.id_by_site[a], syst.id_by_site[b])
for a, b in where)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError("'where' contains Sites, but the system is not "
"a finalized Builder.")
# NOTE: if we ever have operators that contain elements that are
# not in the system graph, then we should modify this check
_where = list((syst.id_by_site[a], syst.id_by_site[b])
for a, b in where)
except AttributeError:
_where = list(where)
# NOTE: if we ever have operators that contain elements that are
# not in the system graph, then we should modify this check
error = ValueError('`where` contains hoppings that are not '
'in the system.')
if any(not syst.graph.has_edge(*w) for w in where):
raise ValueError('`where` contains hoppings that are not in the '
raise error
# If where contains: negative integers, or integers > # of sites
except (NodeDoesNotExistError, DisabledFeatureError):
raise error
where = np.asarray(where, dtype=gint_dtype)
if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
if any(a > syst.cell_size or b > syst.cell_size for a, b in _where):
raise ValueError('Only intra-cell hoppings may be specified '
'using `where`.')
if is_infinite(syst) and np.any(where > syst.cell_size):
raise ValueError('Only intra-cell hoppings may be specified '
'using `where`.')
return np.asarray(_where, dtype=gint_dtype)
return where
## These two classes are here to avoid using closures, as these will
......@@ -683,7 +702,11 @@ cdef class _LocalOperator:
return mat
offsets, norbs = _get_all_orbs(self.where, self._site_ranges)
return BlockSparseMatrix(self.where, offsets, norbs, get_ham)
# TODO: update operators to use 'hamiltonian_term' rather than
# 'hamiltonian'.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=KwantDeprecationWarning)
return BlockSparseMatrix(self.where, offsets, norbs, get_ham)
def __getstate__(self):
return (
......@@ -716,10 +739,10 @@ cdef class Density(_LocalOperator):
maps from site families to square matrices. If a function is given it
must take the same arguments as the onsite Hamiltonian functions of the
where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site`, or callable, optional
where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.system.Site`, or callable, optional
Where to evaluate the operator. If ``syst`` is not a finalized Builder,
then this should be a sequence of integers. If a function is provided,
it should take a single `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site` (if ``syst`` is
it should take a single `int` or `~kwant.system.Site` (if ``syst`` is
a finalized builder) and return True or False. If not provided, the
operator will be calculated over all sites in the system.
check_hermiticity: bool
......@@ -865,11 +888,11 @@ cdef class Current(_LocalOperator):
matrices (scalars are allowed if the site family has 1 orbital per
site). If a function is given it must take the same arguments as the
onsite Hamiltonian functions of the system.
where : sequence of pairs of `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site`, or callable, optional
where : sequence of pairs of `int` or `~kwant.system.Site`, or callable, optional
Where to evaluate the operator. If ``syst`` is not a finalized Builder,
then this should be a sequence of pairs of integers. If a function is
provided, it should take a pair of integers or a pair of
`~kwant.builder.Site` (if ``syst`` is a finalized builder) and return
`~kwant.system.Site` (if ``syst`` is a finalized builder) and return
True or False. If not provided, the operator will be calculated over
all hoppings in the system.
check_hermiticity : bool
......@@ -997,10 +1020,10 @@ cdef class Source(_LocalOperator):
matrices (scalars are allowed if the site family has 1 orbital per
site). If a function is given it must take the same arguments as the
onsite Hamiltonian functions of the system.
where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site`, or callable, optional
where : sequence of `int` or `~kwant.system.Site`, or callable, optional
Where to evaluate the operator. If ``syst`` is not a finalized Builder,
then this should be a sequence of integers. If a function is provided,
it should take a single `int` or `~kwant.builder.Site` (if ``syst`` is
it should take a single `int` or `~kwant.system.Site` (if ``syst`` is
a finalized builder) and return True or False. If not provided, the
operator will be calculated over all sites in the system.
check_hermiticity : bool
......@@ -8,8 +8,14 @@
"""Physics-related algorithms"""
# Merge the public interface of all submodules.
__all__ = []
for module in ['leads', 'dispersion', 'noise', 'symmetry', 'gauge']:
exec('from . import {0}'.format(module))
exec('from .{0} import *'.format(module))
from .leads import *
from .dispersion import *
from .noise import *
from .symmetry import *
from .gauge import *
__all__ = [leads.__all__
+ dispersion.__all__
+ noise.__all__
+ symmetry.__all__
+ gauge.__all__]
# Copyright 2011-2018 Kwant authors.
# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
# This file is part of Kwant. It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
......@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ def _loops_in_infinite(syst):
extended_sites : callable : int -> Site
Given a site index in the extended system consisting of
two unit cells, returns the associated high-level
assert isinstance(syst, system.InfiniteSystem)
......@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ def _loops_in_composite(syst):
-1 if the site is part of the reduced scattering region (see notes).
extended_sites : callable : int -> Site
Given a site index in the extended scattering region (see notes),
returns the associated high-level `kwant.builder.Site`.
returns the associated high-level `kwant.system.Site`.
......@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ def _loops_in_composite(syst):
# Get distance matrix for the extended scattering region,
# a function that maps sites to their lead patches (-1 for sites
# in the reduced scattering region), and a function that maps sites
# to high-level 'kwant.builder.Site' objects.
# to high-level 'kwant.system.Site' objects.
distance_matrix, which_patch, extended_sites =\
......@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ def _extended_scattering_region(syst):
-1 if the site is part of the reduced scattering region.
extended_sites : callable : int -> Site
Given a site index in the extended scattering region, returns
the associated high-level `kwant.builder.Site`.
the associated high-level `kwant.system.Site`.
......@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ class magnetic_gauge:
The first callable computes the Peierls phase in the scattering
region and the remaining callables compute the Peierls phases
in each of the leads. Each callable takes a pair of
`~kwant.builder.Site` (a hopping) and returns a unit complex
`~kwant.system.Site` (a hopping) and returns a unit complex
number (Peierls phase) that multiplies that hopping.
return self._peierls(syst_field, *lead_fields, tol=tol, average=False)
......@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ class StabilizedModes:
Translation eigenvectors divided by the corresponding eigenvalues.
nmodes : int
Number of left-moving (or right-moving) modes.
sqrt_hop : numpy array or None
Part of the SVD of `h_hop`, or None if the latter is invertible.
sqrt_hop : numpy array
Part of the SVD of `h_hop`.
def __init__(self, vecs, vecslmbdainv, nmodes, sqrt_hop=None):
def __init__(self, vecs, vecslmbdainv, nmodes, sqrt_hop):
kwargs = locals()
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from math import pi, cos, sin
def make_lead():
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)))
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst[[lat(0, 0), lat(0, 1)]] = 3
syst[lat(0, 1), lat(0, 0)] = -1
syst[((lat(1, y), lat(0, y)) for y in range(2))] = -1
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def test_band_energies(N=5):
def test_same_as_lead():
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)))
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
syst[lat(0)] = 0
syst[lat(0), lat(1)] = complex(cos(0.2), sin(0.2))
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def test_same_as_lead():
def test_raise_nonhermitian():
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)))
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
syst[lat(0)] = 1j
syst[lat(0), lat(1)] = complex(cos(0.2), sin(0.2))
syst = syst.finalized()
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def test_raise_nonhermitian():
def test_band_velocities():
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)))
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst[lat(0, 0)] = 1
syst[lat(0, 1)] = 3
syst[lat(1, 0), lat(0, 0)] = -1
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def test_band_velocities():
def test_band_velocity_derivative():
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)))
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst[lat(0, 0)] = 1
syst[lat(0, 1)] = 3
syst[lat(1, 0), lat(0, 0)] = -1
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ def test_modes():
def test_modes_bearded_ribbon():
# Check if bearded graphene ribbons work.
lat = kwant.lattice.honeycomb()
lat = kwant.lattice.honeycomb(norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((1, 0)))
syst[lat.shape((lambda pos: -20 < pos[1] < 20),
(0, 0))] = 0.3
......@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ def test_zero_hopping():
def make_clean_lead(W, E, t):
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((1, 0)))
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst[(lat(0, j) for j in range(W))] = E
syst[lat.neighbors()] = -t
return syst.finalized()
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from kwant.physics import two_terminal_shotnoise
from kwant._common import ensure_rng
n = 5
chain = kwant.lattice.chain()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=n)
def twoterminal_system():
rng = ensure_rng(11)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2011-2018 Kwant authors.
# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
# This file is part of Kwant. It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
......@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ def sys_leads_sites(sys, num_lead_cells=2):
sites : list of (site, lead_number, copy_number) tuples
A site is a `~kwant.builder.Site` instance if the system is not finalized,
A site is a `~kwant.system.Site` instance if the system is not finalized,
and an integer otherwise. For system sites `lead_number` is `None` and
`copy_number` is `0`, for leads both are integers.
lead_cells : list of slices
......@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ def sys_leads_sites(sys, num_lead_cells=2):
lead.builder.sites() for i in
lead_cells.append(slice(start, len(sites)))
elif isinstance(syst, system.FiniteSystem):
elif system.is_finite(syst):
sites = [(i, None, 0) for i in range(syst.graph.num_nodes)]
for leadnr, lead in enumerate(syst.leads):
start = len(sites)
......@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ def sys_leads_hoppings(sys, num_lead_cells=2):
hoppings : list of (hopping, lead_number, copy_number) tuples
A site is a `~kwant.builder.Site` instance if the system is not finalized,
A site is a `~kwant.system.Site` instance if the system is not finalized,
and an integer otherwise. For system sites `lead_number` is `None` and
`copy_number` is `0`, for leads both are integers.
lead_cells : list of slices
......@@ -735,17 +735,21 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
symbols specifications (only for kwant.system.FiniteSystem).
site_size : number, function, array, or `None`
Relative (linear) size of the site symbol.
An array may not be used when 'syst' is a kwant.Builder.
site_color : ``matplotlib`` color description, function, array, or `None`
A color used for plotting a site in the system. If a colormap is used,
it should be a function returning single floats or a one-dimensional
array of floats. By default sites are colored by their site family,
using the current matplotlib color cycle.
An array of colors may not be used when 'syst' is a kwant.Builder.
site_edgecolor : ``matplotlib`` color description, function, array, or `None`
Color used for plotting the edges of the site symbols. Only
valid matplotlib color descriptions are allowed (and no
combination of floats and colormap as for site_color).
An array of colors may not be used when 'syst' is a kwant.Builder.
site_lw : number, function, array, or `None`
Linewidth of the site symbol edges.
An array may not be used when 'syst' is a kwant.Builder.
hop_color : ``matplotlib`` color description or a function
Same as `site_color`, but for hoppings. A function is passed two sites
in this case. (arrays are not allowed in this case).
......@@ -808,7 +812,7 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
- The meaning of "site" depends on whether the system to be plotted is a
builder or a low level system. For builders, a site is a
kwant.builder.Site object. For low level systems, a site is an integer
kwant.system.Site object. For low level systems, a site is an integer
-- the site number.
- color and symbol definitions may be tuples, but not lists or arrays.
......@@ -911,7 +915,11 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
raise ValueError('Invalid value of unit argument.')
# make all specs proper: either constant or lists/np.arrays:
def make_proper_site_spec(spec, fancy_indexing=False):
def make_proper_site_spec(spec_name, spec, fancy_indexing=False):
if _p.isarray(spec) and isinstance(syst, builder.Builder):
raise TypeError('{} cannot be an array when plotting'
' a Builder; use a function instead.'
if callable(spec):
spec = [spec(i[0]) for i in sites if i[1] is None]
if (fancy_indexing and _p.isarray(spec)
......@@ -933,7 +941,8 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
spec = np.asarray(spec, dtype='object')
return spec
site_symbol = make_proper_site_spec(site_symbol)
site_symbol = make_proper_site_spec('site_symbol', site_symbol)
if site_symbol is None: site_symbol = defaults['site_symbol'][dim]
# separate different symbols (not done in 3D, the separation
# would mess up sorting)
......@@ -952,7 +961,7 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
if site_color is None:
cycle = _color_cycle()
if isinstance(syst, (builder.FiniteSystem, builder.InfiniteSystem)):
if builder.is_system(syst):
# Skipping the leads for brevity.
families = sorted({ for site in syst.sites})
color_mapping = dict(zip(families, cycle))
......@@ -967,10 +976,10 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
# Unknown finalized system, no sites access.
site_color = defaults['site_color'][dim]
site_size = make_proper_site_spec(site_size, fancy_indexing)
site_color = make_proper_site_spec(site_color, fancy_indexing)
site_edgecolor = make_proper_site_spec(site_edgecolor, fancy_indexing)
site_lw = make_proper_site_spec(site_lw, fancy_indexing)
site_size = make_proper_site_spec('site_size', site_size, fancy_indexing)
site_color = make_proper_site_spec('site_color', site_color, fancy_indexing)
site_edgecolor = make_proper_site_spec('site_edgecolor', site_edgecolor, fancy_indexing)
site_lw = make_proper_site_spec('site_lw', site_lw, fancy_indexing)
hop_color = make_proper_hop_spec(hop_color)
hop_lw = make_proper_hop_spec(hop_lw)
......@@ -1282,7 +1291,7 @@ def map(sys, value, colorbar=True, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, a=None,
if callable(value):
value = [value(site[0]) for site in sites]
if not isinstance(syst, system.FiniteSystem):
if not system.is_finite(syst):
raise ValueError('List of values is only allowed as input '
'for finalized systems.')
value = np.array(value)
......@@ -1398,7 +1407,7 @@ def bands(sys, args=(), momenta=65, file=None, show=True, dpi=None,
"for bands()")
syst = sys # for naming consistency inside function bodies
_common.ensure_isinstance(syst, system.InfiniteSystem)
_common.ensure_isinstance(syst, (system.InfiniteSystem, system.InfiniteVectorizedSystem))
momenta = np.array(momenta)
if momenta.ndim != 1:
......@@ -1474,7 +1483,7 @@ def spectrum(syst, x, y=None, params=None, mask=None, file=None,
if y is not None and not _p.has3d:
raise RuntimeError("Installed matplotlib does not support 3d plotting")
if isinstance(syst, system.FiniteSystem):
if system.is_finite(syst):
def ham(**kwargs):
return syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=kwargs, sparse=False)
elif callable(syst):
......@@ -1742,7 +1751,7 @@ def interpolate_current(syst, current, relwidth=None, abswidth=None, n=9):
the extents of `field`: ((x0, x1), (y0, y1), ...)
if not isinstance(syst, builder.FiniteSystem):
if not builder.is_finite_system(syst):
raise TypeError("The system needs to be finalized.")
if len(current) != syst.graph.num_edges:
......@@ -1835,7 +1844,7 @@ def interpolate_density(syst, density, relwidth=None, abswidth=None, n=9,
the extents of ``field``: ((x0, x1), (y0, y1), ...)
if not isinstance(syst, builder.FiniteSystem):
if not builder.is_finite_system(syst):
raise TypeError("The system needs to be finalized.")
if len(density) != len(syst.sites):
......@@ -210,8 +210,7 @@ class SparseSolver(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
iface_orbs = np.r_[tuple(slice(offsets[i], offsets[i + 1])
for i in interface)]
n_lead_orbs = (svd_v.shape[0] if svd_v is not None
else u_out.shape[0])
n_lead_orbs = svd_v.shape[0]
if n_lead_orbs != len(iface_orbs):
msg = ('Lead {0} has hopping with dimensions '
'incompatible with its interface dimension.')
......@@ -221,25 +220,17 @@ class SparseSolver(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
transf = sp.csc_matrix((np.ones(len(iface_orbs)), coords),
shape=(iface_orbs.size, lhs.shape[0]))
if svd_v is not None:
v_sp = sp.csc_matrix(svd_v.T.conj()) * transf
vdaguout_sp = (transf.T *
sp.csc_matrix(, u_out)))
lead_mat = - ulinv_out
v_sp = transf
vdaguout_sp = transf.T * sp.csc_matrix(u_out)
lead_mat = - ulinv_out
v_sp = sp.csc_matrix(svd_v.T.conj()) * transf
vdaguout_sp = (transf.T *
sp.csc_matrix(, u_out)))
lead_mat = - ulinv_out
lhs = sp.bmat([[lhs, vdaguout_sp], [v_sp, lead_mat]],
if leadnum in in_leads and nprop > 0:
if svd_v is not None:
vdaguin_sp = transf.T * sp.csc_matrix(, u_in))
vdaguin_sp = transf.T * sp.csc_matrix(-u_in)
vdaguin_sp = transf.T * sp.csc_matrix(, u_in))
# defer formation of the real matrix until the proper
# system size is known
......@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ import kwant
from kwant._common import ensure_rng
n = 5
chain = kwant.lattice.chain()
sq = square = kwant.lattice.square()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=n)
sq = square = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=n)
class LeadWithOnlySelfEnergy:
......@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ def test_one_lead(smatrix):
# Test that a system with one lead with no propagating modes has a
# 0x0 S-matrix.
def test_smatrix_shape(smatrix):
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
system = kwant.Builder()
lead0 = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)))
lead1 = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((1,)))
......@@ -264,6 +266,8 @@ def test_singular_graph_system(smatrix):
# zero eigenvalues than the lead hopping matrix. Older version of the
# sparse solver failed here.
def test_tricky_singular_hopping(smatrix):
sq = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
system = kwant.Builder()
lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((4, 0)))
......@@ -294,6 +298,7 @@ def test_tricky_singular_hopping(smatrix):
# Test the consistency of transmission and conductance_matrix for a four-lead
# system without time-reversal symmetry.
def test_many_leads(*factories):
sq = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
......@@ -428,7 +433,7 @@ def test_selfenergy_reflection(greens_function, smatrix):
def test_very_singular_leads(smatrix):
syst = kwant.Builder()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=2)
left_lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)))
right_lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((1,)))
syst[chain(0)] = left_lead[chain(0)] = right_lead[chain(0)] = np.identity(2)
......@@ -443,7 +448,7 @@ def test_very_singular_leads(smatrix):
def test_ldos(ldos):
syst = kwant.Builder()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(chain.vec((1,))))
syst[chain(0)] = syst[chain(1)] = lead[chain(0)] = 0
syst[chain(0), chain(1)] = lead[chain(0), chain(1)] = 1
......@@ -512,6 +517,7 @@ def test_arg_passing(wave_function, ldos, smatrix):
def hopping(site1, site2, a, b):
return b - a
square = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
W = 3
L = 4