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  • kwant/kwant
  • jbweston/kwant
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33 results
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with 312 additions and 186 deletions
......@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
"""Functionality for graphs"""
# Merge the public interface of all submodules.
__all__ = []
for module in ['core', 'defs']:
exec('from . import {0}'.format(module))
exec('from .{0} import *'.format(module))
from .core import *
from .defs import *
__all__ = [core.__all__ + defs.__all__]
......@@ -731,23 +731,25 @@ class Correlator:
g_kernel[0] /= 2
mu_kernel = np.outer(g_kernel, g_kernel) * self.moments_matrix
e = (self.energies - self._b) / self._a
e_scaled = (self.energies - self._b) / self._a
# arrays for faster calculation
sqrt_e = np.sqrt(1 - e ** 2)
arccos_e = np.arccos(e)
m_array = np.arange(n_moments)
def _integral_factor(e):
# arrays for faster calculation
sqrt_e = np.sqrt(1 - e ** 2)
arccos_e = np.arccos(e)
exp_n = np.exp(1j * np.outer(arccos_e, np.arange(n_moments)))
t_n = np.real(exp_n)
exp_n = np.exp(1j * arccos_e * m_array)
t_n = np.real(exp_n)
e_plus = (np.outer(e, np.ones(n_moments)) -
1j * np.outer(sqrt_e, np.arange(n_moments)))
e_plus = e_plus * exp_n
e_plus = (e - 1j * sqrt_e * m_array)
e_plus = e_plus * exp_n
big_gamma = e_plus[:, None, :] * t_n[:, :, None]
big_gamma += big_gamma.conj().swapaxes(1, 2)
self._integral_factor = np.tensordot(mu_kernel, big_gamma.T)
big_gamma = e_plus[None, :] * t_n[:, None]
big_gamma += big_gamma.conj().T
return np.tensordot(mu_kernel, big_gamma.T)
self._integral_factor = np.array([_integral_factor(e)
for e in e_scaled]).T
def conductivity(hamiltonian, alpha='x', beta='x', positions=None, **kwargs):
......@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@ __all__ = ['lapack']
from . import lapack
# Merge the public interface of the other submodules.
for module in ['decomp_lu', 'decomp_ev', 'decomp_schur']:
exec('from . import {0}'.format(module))
exec('from .{0} import *'.format(module))
from .decomp_lu import *
from .decomp_schur import *
from .decomp_ev import *
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def test_schur_complement_with_dense():
def test_error_minus_9(r=10):
"""Test if MUMPSError -9 is properly caught by increasing memory"""
graphene = honeycomb()
graphene = honeycomb(norbs=1)
a, b = graphene.sublattices
def circle(pos):
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import cython
from operator import itemgetter
import functools as ft
import collections
import numbers
import numpy as np
import tinyarray as ta
......@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from libc cimport math
from .graph.core cimport EdgeIterator
from .graph.core import DisabledFeatureError, NodeDoesNotExistError
from .graph.defs cimport gint
from .graph.defs import gint_dtype
from .system import InfiniteSystem
......@@ -159,34 +161,42 @@ def _normalize_site_where(syst, where):
"""Normalize the format of `where` when `where` contains sites.
If `where` is None, then all sites in the system are returned.
If it is a general iterator then it is expanded into an array. If `syst`
is a finalized Builder then `where` should contain `Site` objects,
If it is a general sequence then it is expanded into an array. If `syst`
is a finalized Builder then `where` may contain `Site` objects,
otherwise it should contain integers.
if where is None:
size = (syst.cell_size
if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem) else syst.graph.num_nodes)
_where = list(range(size))
if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
where = list(range(syst.cell_size))
where = list(range(syst.graph.num_nodes))
elif callable(where):
_where = [syst.id_by_site[a] for a in filter(where, syst.sites)]
where = [syst.id_by_site[s] for s in filter(where, syst.sites)]
except AttributeError:
_where = list(filter(where, range(syst.graph.num_nodes)))
if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
where = [s for s in range(syst.cell_size) if where(s)]
where = [s for s in range(syst.graph.num_nodes) if where(s)]
_where = list(syst.id_by_site[s] for s in where)
except AttributeError:
_where = list(where)
if any(w < 0 or w >= syst.graph.num_nodes for w in _where):
raise ValueError('`where` contains sites that are not in the '
# Cannot check for builder.Site due to circular imports
if not isinstance(where[0], numbers.Integral):
where = [syst.id_by_site[s] for s in where]
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError("'where' contains Sites, but the system is not "
"a finalized Builder.")
where = np.asarray(where, dtype=gint_dtype).reshape(-1, 1)
if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
if any(w >= syst.cell_size for w in _where):
raise ValueError('Only sites in the fundamental domain may be '
'specified using `where`.')
if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem) and np.any(where >= syst.cell_size):
raise ValueError('Only sites in the fundamental domain may be '
'specified using `where`.')
if np.any(np.logical_or(where < 0, where >= syst.graph.num_nodes)):
raise ValueError('`where` contains sites that are not in the '
return np.asarray(_where, dtype=gint_dtype).reshape(len(_where), 1)
return where
def _normalize_hopping_where(syst, where):
......@@ -194,7 +204,7 @@ def _normalize_hopping_where(syst, where):
If `where` is None, then all hoppings in the system are returned.
If it is a general iterator then it is expanded into an array. If `syst` is
a finalized Builder then `where` should contain pairs of `Site` objects,
a finalized Builder then `where` may contain pairs of `Site` objects,
otherwise it should contain pairs of integers.
if where is None:
......@@ -203,33 +213,42 @@ def _normalize_hopping_where(syst, where):
if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
raise ValueError('`where` must be provided when calculating '
'current in an InfiniteSystem.')
_where = list(syst.graph)
where = list(syst.graph)
elif callable(where):
if hasattr(syst, "sites"):
def idx_where(hop):
def idxwhere(hop):
a, b = hop
return where(syst.sites[a], syst.sites[b])
_where = list(filter(idx_where, syst.graph))
where = list(filter(idxwhere, syst.graph))
_where = list(filter(lambda h: where(*h), syst.graph))
where = list(filter(lambda h: where(*h), syst.graph))
# Cannot check for builder.Site due to circular imports
if not isinstance(where[0][0], numbers.Integral):
where = list((syst.id_by_site[a], syst.id_by_site[b])
for a, b in where)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError("'where' contains Sites, but the system is not "
"a finalized Builder.")
# NOTE: if we ever have operators that contain elements that are
# not in the system graph, then we should modify this check
_where = list((syst.id_by_site[a], syst.id_by_site[b])
for a, b in where)
except AttributeError:
_where = list(where)
# NOTE: if we ever have operators that contain elements that are
# not in the system graph, then we should modify this check
error = ValueError('`where` contains hoppings that are not '
'in the system.')
if any(not syst.graph.has_edge(*w) for w in where):
raise ValueError('`where` contains hoppings that are not in the '
raise error
# If where contains: negative integers, or integers > # of sites
except (NodeDoesNotExistError, DisabledFeatureError):
raise error
where = np.asarray(where, dtype=gint_dtype)
if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem):
if any(a > syst.cell_size or b > syst.cell_size for a, b in _where):
raise ValueError('Only intra-cell hoppings may be specified '
'using `where`.')
if isinstance(syst, InfiniteSystem) and np.any(where > syst.cell_size):
raise ValueError('Only intra-cell hoppings may be specified '
'using `where`.')
return np.asarray(_where, dtype=gint_dtype)
return where
## These two classes are here to avoid using closures, as these will
......@@ -8,8 +8,14 @@
"""Physics-related algorithms"""
# Merge the public interface of all submodules.
__all__ = []
for module in ['leads', 'dispersion', 'noise', 'symmetry', 'gauge']:
exec('from . import {0}'.format(module))
exec('from .{0} import *'.format(module))
from .leads import *
from .dispersion import *
from .noise import *
from .symmetry import *
from .gauge import *
__all__ = [leads.__all__
+ dispersion.__all__
+ noise.__all__
+ symmetry.__all__
+ gauge.__all__]
......@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ class StabilizedModes:
Translation eigenvectors divided by the corresponding eigenvalues.
nmodes : int
Number of left-moving (or right-moving) modes.
sqrt_hop : numpy array or None
Part of the SVD of `h_hop`, or None if the latter is invertible.
sqrt_hop : numpy array
Part of the SVD of `h_hop`.
def __init__(self, vecs, vecslmbdainv, nmodes, sqrt_hop=None):
def __init__(self, vecs, vecslmbdainv, nmodes, sqrt_hop):
kwargs = locals()
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from math import pi, cos, sin
def make_lead():
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)))
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst[[lat(0, 0), lat(0, 1)]] = 3
syst[lat(0, 1), lat(0, 0)] = -1
syst[((lat(1, y), lat(0, y)) for y in range(2))] = -1
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def test_band_energies(N=5):
def test_same_as_lead():
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)))
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
syst[lat(0)] = 0
syst[lat(0), lat(1)] = complex(cos(0.2), sin(0.2))
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def test_same_as_lead():
def test_raise_nonhermitian():
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)))
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
syst[lat(0)] = 1j
syst[lat(0), lat(1)] = complex(cos(0.2), sin(0.2))
syst = syst.finalized()
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def test_raise_nonhermitian():
def test_band_velocities():
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)))
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst[lat(0, 0)] = 1
syst[lat(0, 1)] = 3
syst[lat(1, 0), lat(0, 0)] = -1
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def test_band_velocities():
def test_band_velocity_derivative():
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)))
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst[lat(0, 0)] = 1
syst[lat(0, 1)] = 3
syst[lat(1, 0), lat(0, 0)] = -1
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ def test_modes():
def test_modes_bearded_ribbon():
# Check if bearded graphene ribbons work.
lat = kwant.lattice.honeycomb()
lat = kwant.lattice.honeycomb(norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((1, 0)))
syst[lat.shape((lambda pos: -20 < pos[1] < 20),
(0, 0))] = 0.3
......@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ def test_zero_hopping():
def make_clean_lead(W, E, t):
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((1, 0)))
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst[(lat(0, j) for j in range(W))] = E
syst[lat.neighbors()] = -t
return syst.finalized()
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from kwant.physics import two_terminal_shotnoise
from kwant._common import ensure_rng
n = 5
chain = kwant.lattice.chain()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=n)
def twoterminal_system():
rng = ensure_rng(11)
......@@ -735,17 +735,21 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
symbols specifications (only for kwant.system.FiniteSystem).
site_size : number, function, array, or `None`
Relative (linear) size of the site symbol.
An array may not be used when 'syst' is a kwant.Builder.
site_color : ``matplotlib`` color description, function, array, or `None`
A color used for plotting a site in the system. If a colormap is used,
it should be a function returning single floats or a one-dimensional
array of floats. By default sites are colored by their site family,
using the current matplotlib color cycle.
An array of colors may not be used when 'syst' is a kwant.Builder.
site_edgecolor : ``matplotlib`` color description, function, array, or `None`
Color used for plotting the edges of the site symbols. Only
valid matplotlib color descriptions are allowed (and no
combination of floats and colormap as for site_color).
An array of colors may not be used when 'syst' is a kwant.Builder.
site_lw : number, function, array, or `None`
Linewidth of the site symbol edges.
An array may not be used when 'syst' is a kwant.Builder.
hop_color : ``matplotlib`` color description or a function
Same as `site_color`, but for hoppings. A function is passed two sites
in this case. (arrays are not allowed in this case).
......@@ -911,7 +915,11 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
raise ValueError('Invalid value of unit argument.')
# make all specs proper: either constant or lists/np.arrays:
def make_proper_site_spec(spec, fancy_indexing=False):
def make_proper_site_spec(spec_name, spec, fancy_indexing=False):
if _p.isarray(spec) and isinstance(syst, builder.Builder):
raise TypeError('{} cannot be an array when plotting'
' a Builder; use a function instead.'
if callable(spec):
spec = [spec(i[0]) for i in sites if i[1] is None]
if (fancy_indexing and _p.isarray(spec)
......@@ -933,7 +941,8 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
spec = np.asarray(spec, dtype='object')
return spec
site_symbol = make_proper_site_spec(site_symbol)
site_symbol = make_proper_site_spec('site_symbol', site_symbol)
if site_symbol is None: site_symbol = defaults['site_symbol'][dim]
# separate different symbols (not done in 3D, the separation
# would mess up sorting)
......@@ -967,10 +976,10 @@ def plot(sys, num_lead_cells=2, unit='nn',
# Unknown finalized system, no sites access.
site_color = defaults['site_color'][dim]
site_size = make_proper_site_spec(site_size, fancy_indexing)
site_color = make_proper_site_spec(site_color, fancy_indexing)
site_edgecolor = make_proper_site_spec(site_edgecolor, fancy_indexing)
site_lw = make_proper_site_spec(site_lw, fancy_indexing)
site_size = make_proper_site_spec('site_size', site_size, fancy_indexing)
site_color = make_proper_site_spec('site_color', site_color, fancy_indexing)
site_edgecolor = make_proper_site_spec('site_edgecolor', site_edgecolor, fancy_indexing)
site_lw = make_proper_site_spec('site_lw', site_lw, fancy_indexing)
hop_color = make_proper_hop_spec(hop_color)
hop_lw = make_proper_hop_spec(hop_lw)
......@@ -210,8 +210,7 @@ class SparseSolver(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
iface_orbs = np.r_[tuple(slice(offsets[i], offsets[i + 1])
for i in interface)]
n_lead_orbs = (svd_v.shape[0] if svd_v is not None
else u_out.shape[0])
n_lead_orbs = svd_v.shape[0]
if n_lead_orbs != len(iface_orbs):
msg = ('Lead {0} has hopping with dimensions '
'incompatible with its interface dimension.')
......@@ -221,25 +220,17 @@ class SparseSolver(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
transf = sp.csc_matrix((np.ones(len(iface_orbs)), coords),
shape=(iface_orbs.size, lhs.shape[0]))
if svd_v is not None:
v_sp = sp.csc_matrix(svd_v.T.conj()) * transf
vdaguout_sp = (transf.T *
sp.csc_matrix(, u_out)))
lead_mat = - ulinv_out
v_sp = transf
vdaguout_sp = transf.T * sp.csc_matrix(u_out)
lead_mat = - ulinv_out
v_sp = sp.csc_matrix(svd_v.T.conj()) * transf
vdaguout_sp = (transf.T *
sp.csc_matrix(, u_out)))
lead_mat = - ulinv_out
lhs = sp.bmat([[lhs, vdaguout_sp], [v_sp, lead_mat]],
if leadnum in in_leads and nprop > 0:
if svd_v is not None:
vdaguin_sp = transf.T * sp.csc_matrix(, u_in))
vdaguin_sp = transf.T * sp.csc_matrix(-u_in)
vdaguin_sp = transf.T * sp.csc_matrix(, u_in))
# defer formation of the real matrix until the proper
# system size is known
......@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ import kwant
from kwant._common import ensure_rng
n = 5
chain = kwant.lattice.chain()
sq = square = kwant.lattice.square()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=n)
sq = square = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=n)
class LeadWithOnlySelfEnergy:
......@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ def test_one_lead(smatrix):
# Test that a system with one lead with no propagating modes has a
# 0x0 S-matrix.
def test_smatrix_shape(smatrix):
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
system = kwant.Builder()
lead0 = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)))
lead1 = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((1,)))
......@@ -264,6 +266,8 @@ def test_singular_graph_system(smatrix):
# zero eigenvalues than the lead hopping matrix. Older version of the
# sparse solver failed here.
def test_tricky_singular_hopping(smatrix):
sq = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
system = kwant.Builder()
lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((4, 0)))
......@@ -294,6 +298,7 @@ def test_tricky_singular_hopping(smatrix):
# Test the consistency of transmission and conductance_matrix for a four-lead
# system without time-reversal symmetry.
def test_many_leads(*factories):
sq = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
......@@ -428,7 +433,7 @@ def test_selfenergy_reflection(greens_function, smatrix):
def test_very_singular_leads(smatrix):
syst = kwant.Builder()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=2)
left_lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)))
right_lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((1,)))
syst[chain(0)] = left_lead[chain(0)] = right_lead[chain(0)] = np.identity(2)
......@@ -443,7 +448,7 @@ def test_very_singular_leads(smatrix):
def test_ldos(ldos):
syst = kwant.Builder()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(chain.vec((1,))))
syst[chain(0)] = syst[chain(1)] = lead[chain(0)] = 0
syst[chain(0), chain(1)] = lead[chain(0), chain(1)] = 1
......@@ -512,6 +517,7 @@ def test_arg_passing(wave_function, ldos, smatrix):
def hopping(site1, site2, a, b):
return b - a
square = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
W = 3
L = 4
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def test_bad_keys():
def setitem(key):
syst[key] = None
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
syst = builder.Builder()
failures = [
......@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ def test_bad_keys():
def test_site_families():
syst = builder.Builder()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
ofam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
yafam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily('another_name')
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
ofam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
yafam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily('another_name', norbs=1)
syst[fam(0)] = 7
assert syst[fam(0)] == 7
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class VerySimpleSymmetry(builder.Symmetry):
# made.
def check_construction_and_indexing(sites, sites_fd, hoppings, hoppings_fd,
unknown_hoppings, sym=None):
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
syst = builder.Builder(sym)
t, V = 1.0j, 0.0
syst[sites] = V
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ def check_construction_and_indexing(sites, sites_fd, hoppings, hoppings_fd,
def test_construction_and_indexing():
# Without symmetry
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
sites = [fam(0, 0), fam(0, 1), fam(1, 0)]
hoppings = [(fam(0, 0), fam(0, 1)),
(fam(0, 1), fam(1, 0)),
......@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ def test_hermitian_conjugation():
raise ValueError
syst = builder.Builder()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
syst[fam(0)] = syst[fam(1)] = ta.identity(2)
syst[fam(0), fam(1)] = f
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ def test_hermitian_conjugation():
def test_value_equality_and_identity():
m = ta.array([[1, 2], [3j, 4j]])
syst = builder.Builder()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
syst[fam(0)] = m
syst[fam(1)] = m
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ def test_finalization():
# Build scattering region from blueprint and test it.
syst = builder.Builder()
fam = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(2))
fam = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(2), norbs=1)
for site, value in sr_sites.items():
syst[fam(*site)] = value
for hop, value in sr_hops.items():
......@@ -488,8 +488,11 @@ def test_site_ranges():
ranges = syst.finalized().site_ranges
expected = [(0, lat.norbs, 0), (10, 0, 10 * lat.norbs)]
assert ranges == expected
# poison system with a single site with no norbs defined
syst[kwant.lattice.chain()(0)] = 1
# poison system with a single site with no norbs defined.
# Also catch the deprecation warning.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
syst[kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=None)(0)] = 1
ranges = syst.finalized().site_ranges
assert ranges == None
......@@ -506,7 +509,7 @@ def test_hamiltonian_evaluation():
edges = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 2)]
syst = builder.Builder()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
sites = [fam(*tag) for tag in tags]
syst[(fam(*tag) for tag in tags)] = f_onsite
syst[((fam(*tags[i]), fam(*tags[j])) for (i, j) in edges)] = f_hopping
......@@ -570,7 +573,7 @@ def test_dangling():
# / \
# 3-0---2-4-5 6-7 8
syst = builder.Builder()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
syst[(fam(i) for i in range(9))] = None
syst[[(fam(0), fam(1)), (fam(1), fam(2)), (fam(2), fam(0))]] = None
syst[[(fam(0), fam(3)), (fam(2), fam(4)), (fam(4), fam(5))]] = None
......@@ -596,7 +599,7 @@ def test_dangling():
def test_builder_with_symmetry():
g = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(3))
g = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(3), norbs=1)
sym = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((0, 0, 3), (0, 2, 0))
syst = builder.Builder(sym)
......@@ -642,7 +645,7 @@ def test_builder_with_symmetry():
def test_fill():
g = kwant.lattice.square()
g = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
sym_x = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0))
sym_xy = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0), (0, 1))
......@@ -658,7 +661,7 @@ def test_fill():
lambda pos: True),
lambda pos:, pos) < 17)]:
cubic = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(3))
cubic = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(3), norbs=1)
# Make a weird system.
orig = kwant.Builder(sym)
......@@ -769,7 +772,7 @@ def test_fill():
assert sorted(target.hoppings()) == sorted(should_be_syst.hoppings())
## test that 'fill' respects the symmetry of the target builder
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(a=1)
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(a=1, norbs=1)
template = builder.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)))
template[lat(0)] = 2
template[lat.neighbors()] = -1
......@@ -796,7 +799,7 @@ def test_fill():
target.fill(template, lambda x: True, lat(0))
# Test for warning when one of the starting sites is outside the template
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
template = builder.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)))
template[lat(0, 0)] = None
template[lat.neighbors()] = None
......@@ -811,7 +814,7 @@ def test_fill_sticky():
# Generate model template.
lat = kwant.lattice.kagome()
lat = kwant.lattice.kagome(norbs=1)
template = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(
lat.vec((1, 0)), lat.vec((0, 1))))
for i, sl in enumerate(lat.sublattices):
......@@ -844,7 +847,7 @@ def test_fill_sticky():
def test_attach_lead():
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
fam_noncommensurate = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(name='other')
fam_noncommensurate = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(name='other', norbs=1)
syst = builder.Builder()
syst[fam(1)] = 0
......@@ -901,7 +904,7 @@ def test_attach_lead():
def test_attach_lead_incomplete_unit_cell():
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder()
lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((2,)))
syst[lat(1)] = lead[lat(0)] = lead[lat(1)] = 0
......@@ -912,7 +915,7 @@ def test_attach_lead_incomplete_unit_cell():
def test_neighbors_not_in_single_domain():
sr = builder.Builder()
lead = builder.Builder(VerySimpleSymmetry(-1))
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
fam = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
sr[(fam(x, y) for x in range(3) for y in range(3) if x >= y)] = 0
sr[builder.HoppingKind((1, 0), fam)] = 1
sr[builder.HoppingKind((0, 1), fam)] = 1
......@@ -935,7 +938,7 @@ def test_closest():
rng = ensure_rng(10)
for sym_dim in range(1, 4):
for space_dim in range(sym_dim, 4):
lat = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(space_dim))
lat = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(space_dim), norbs=1)
# Choose random periods.
while True:
......@@ -967,7 +970,7 @@ def test_closest():
def test_update():
lat = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
lat = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
syst = builder.Builder()
syst[[lat(0,), lat(1,)]] = 1
......@@ -1006,8 +1009,8 @@ def test_update():
# ghgh hhgh
def test_HoppingKind():
g = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(3), name='some_lattice')
h = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(3), name='another_lattice')
g = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(3), name='some_lattice', norbs=1)
h = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(3), name='another_lattice', norbs=1)
sym = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((0, 2, 0))
syst = builder.Builder(sym)
syst[((h if max(x, y, z) % 2 else g)(x, y, z)
......@@ -1047,8 +1050,8 @@ def test_HoppingKind():
def test_invalid_HoppingKind():
g = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(3))
h = kwant.lattice.general(np.identity(3)[:-1]) # 2D lattice in 3D
g = kwant.lattice.general(ta.identity(3), norbs=1)
h = kwant.lattice.general(np.identity(3)[:-1], norbs=1) # 2D lattice in 3D
delta = (1, 0, 0)
......@@ -1062,7 +1065,7 @@ def test_invalid_HoppingKind():
def test_ModesLead_and_SelfEnergyLead():
lat = builder.SimpleSiteFamily()
lat = builder.SimpleSiteFamily(norbs=1)
hoppings = [builder.HoppingKind((1, 0), lat),
builder.HoppingKind((0, 1), lat)]
rng = Random(123)
......@@ -1139,7 +1142,7 @@ def test_ModesLead_and_SelfEnergyLead():
def test_site_pickle():
site = kwant.lattice.square()(0, 0)
site = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)(0, 0)
assert pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(site)) == site
......@@ -1202,7 +1205,7 @@ def test_discrete_symmetries():
# all the deprecation warnings in the test logs
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:.*'args' parameter")
def test_argument_passing():
chain = kwant.lattice.chain()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
# Test for passing parameters to hamiltonian matrix elements
def onsite(site, p1, p2):
......@@ -1336,7 +1339,7 @@ def test_subs():
salt = str(b) + str(c)
return kwant.digest.uniform(ta.array((sitea.tag, siteb.tag)), salt=salt)
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
def make_system(sym=kwant.builder.NoSymmetry(), n=3):
syst = kwant.Builder(sym)
......@@ -1389,7 +1392,7 @@ def test_subs():
assert lead.parameters == {'lead_a', 'lead_b', 'lead_c'}
def test_attach_stores_padding():
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder()
syst[lat(0)] = 0
lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(lat.prim_vecs[0]))
......@@ -1400,7 +1403,7 @@ def test_attach_stores_padding():
def test_finalization_preserves_padding():
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder()
for i in range(10):
syst[lat(i)] = 0
......@@ -1416,3 +1419,28 @@ def test_finalization_preserves_padding():
syst = syst.finalized()
# The order is guaranteed because the paddings are sorted.
assert [syst.sites[i] for i in syst.lead_paddings[0]] == padding[:-1]
def test_add_peierls_phase():
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder()
syst[(lat(i, j) for i in range(5) for j in range(5))] = 4
syst[lat.neighbors()] = lambda a, b, t: -t
lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)))
lead[(lat(0, j) for j in range(5))] = 4
lead[lat.neighbors()] = -1
syst, phase = builder.add_peierls_phase(syst)
assert isinstance(syst, builder.FiniteSystem)
params = phase(1, 0, 0)
assert all(p in params for p in ('phi', 'phi_lead0', 'phi_lead1'))
kwant.smatrix(syst, energy=0.1, params=dict(t=-1, **params))
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def test_qhe(W=16, L=8):
x, y = pos
return -L < x < L and abs(y) < W - 5.5 * math.exp(-x**2 / 5**2)
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder()
syst[lat.shape(central_region, (0, 0))] = onsite
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# the file AUTHORS.rst at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
import warnings
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
import tinyarray as ta
......@@ -17,40 +18,42 @@ import pytest
def test_closest():
rng = ensure_rng(4)
lat = lattice.general(((1, 0), (0.5, sqrt(3)/2)))
lat = lattice.general(((1, 0), (0.5, sqrt(3)/2)), norbs=1)
for i in range(50):
point = 20 * rng.random_sample(2)
closest = lat(*lat.closest(point)).pos
assert np.linalg.norm(point - closest) <= 1 / sqrt(3)
lat = lattice.general(rng.randn(3, 3))
lat = lattice.general(rng.randn(3, 3), norbs=1)
for i in range(50):
tag = rng.randint(10, size=(3,))
assert lat.closest(lat(*tag).pos) == tag
def test_general():
for lat in (lattice.general(((1, 0), (0.5, 0.5))),
for lat in (lattice.general(((1, 0), (0.5, 0.5)), norbs=1),
lattice.general(((1, 0), (0.5, sqrt(3)/2)),
((0, 0), (0, 1/sqrt(3))))):
((0, 0), (0, 1/sqrt(3))),
for sl in lat.sublattices:
tag = (-5, 33)
site = sl(*tag)
assert tag == sl.closest(site.pos)
# Test 2D lattice with 1 vector.
lat = lattice.general([[1, 0]])
lat = lattice.general([[1, 0]], norbs=1)
site = lat(0)
raises(ValueError, lat, 0, 1)
def test_neighbors():
lat = lattice.honeycomb(1e-10)
lat = lattice.honeycomb(1e-10, norbs=1)
num_nth_nearest = [len(lat.neighbors(n)) for n in range(5)]
assert num_nth_nearest == [2, 3, 6, 3, 6]
lat = lattice.general([(0, 1e8, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1e8, 0)])
lat = lattice.general([(0, 1e8, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1e8, 0)], norbs=1)
num_nth_nearest = [len(lat.neighbors(n)) for n in range(5)]
assert num_nth_nearest == [1, 2, 2, 2, 4]
lat = lattice.chain(1e-10)
lat = lattice.chain(1e-10, norbs=1)
num_nth_nearest = [len(lat.neighbors(n)) for n in range(5)]
assert num_nth_nearest == 5 * [1]
......@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ def test_shape():
def in_circle(pos):
return pos[0] ** 2 + pos[1] ** 2 < 3
lat = lattice.honeycomb()
lat = lattice.honeycomb(norbs=1)
sites = list(lat.shape(in_circle, (0, 0))())
sites_alt = list()
sl0, sl1 = lat.sublattices
......@@ -88,7 +91,7 @@ def test_wire():
vecs = rng.randn(3, 3)
vecs[0] = [1, 0, 0]
center = rng.randn(3)
lat = lattice.general(vecs, rng.randn(4, 3))
lat = lattice.general(vecs, rng.randn(4, 3), norbs=1)
syst = builder.Builder(lattice.TranslationalSymmetry((2, 0, 0)))
def wire_shape(pos):
pos = np.array(pos)
......@@ -103,8 +106,8 @@ def test_wire():
def test_translational_symmetry():
ts = lattice.TranslationalSymmetry
f2 = lattice.general(np.identity(2))
f3 = lattice.general(np.identity(3))
f2 = lattice.general(np.identity(2), norbs=1)
f3 = lattice.general(np.identity(3), norbs=1)
shifted = lambda site, delta:*ta.add(site.tag, delta))
raises(ValueError, ts, (0, 0, 4), (0, 5, 0), (0, 0, 2))
......@@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ def test_translational_symmetry():
raises(ValueError, sym.add_site_family, f2)
# Test lattices with dimension smaller than dimension of space.
f2in3 = lattice.general([[4, 4, 0], [4, -4, 0]])
f2in3 = lattice.general([[4, 4, 0], [4, -4, 0]], norbs=1)
sym = ts((8, 0, 0))
sym = ts((8, 0, 1))
......@@ -150,7 +153,7 @@ def test_translational_symmetry():
(site, shifted(site, hop)))
# Test act for hoppings belonging to different lattices.
f2p = lattice.general(2 * np.identity(2))
f2p = lattice.general(2 * np.identity(2), norbs=1)
sym = ts(*(2 * np.identity(2)))
assert sym.act((1, 1), f2(0, 0), f2p(0, 0)) == (f2(2, 2), f2p(1, 1))
assert sym.act((1, 1), f2p(0, 0), f2(0, 0)) == (f2p(1, 1), f2(2, 2))
......@@ -160,7 +163,7 @@ def test_translational_symmetry():
# generated symmetry with proper vectors.
rng = ensure_rng(30)
vec = rng.randn(3, 5)
lat = lattice.general(vec)
lat = lattice.general(vec, norbs=1)
total = 0
for k in range(1, 4):
for i in range(10):
......@@ -176,7 +179,7 @@ def test_translational_symmetry():
def test_translational_symmetry_reversed():
rng = ensure_rng(30)
lat = lattice.general(np.identity(3))
lat = lattice.general(np.identity(3), norbs=1)
sites = [lat(i, j, k) for i in range(-2, 6) for j in range(-2, 6)
for k in range(-2, 6)]
for i in range(4):
......@@ -194,9 +197,9 @@ def test_translational_symmetry_reversed():
def test_monatomic_lattice():
lat = lattice.square()
lat2 = lattice.general(np.identity(2))
lat3 = lattice.square(name='no')
lat = lattice.square(norbs=1)
lat2 = lattice.general(np.identity(2), norbs=1)
lat3 = lattice.square(name='no', norbs=1)
assert len(set([lat, lat2, lat3, lat(0, 0), lat2(0, 0), lat3(0, 0)])) == 4
@pytest.mark.parametrize('prim_vecs, basis', [
......@@ -210,16 +213,22 @@ def test_monatomic_lattice():
def test_lattice_constraints(prim_vecs, basis):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
lattice.general(prim_vecs, basis)
lattice.general(prim_vecs, basis, norbs=1)
def test_norbs():
id_mat = np.identity(2)
# Monatomic lattices
assert lattice.general(id_mat).norbs == None
# Catch deprecation warning
with warnings.catch_warnings():
assert lattice.general(id_mat).norbs == None
assert lattice.general(id_mat, norbs=2).norbs == 2
# Polyatomic lattices
lat = lattice.general(id_mat, basis=id_mat, norbs=None)
# Catch deprecation warning
with warnings.catch_warnings():
lat = lattice.general(id_mat, basis=id_mat, norbs=None)
for l in lat.sublattices:
assert l.norbs == None
lat = lattice.general(id_mat, basis=id_mat, norbs=2)
......@@ -237,8 +246,14 @@ def test_norbs():
raises(ValueError, lattice.general, id_mat, norbs=1.5)
raises(ValueError, lattice.general, id_mat, id_mat, norbs=1.5)
raises(ValueError, lattice.general, id_mat, id_mat, norbs=[1.5, 1.5])
# should raise ValueError if norbs is <= 0
raises(ValueError, lattice.general, id_mat, norbs=0)
raises(ValueError, lattice.general, id_mat, norbs=-1)
# test that lattices with different norbs are compared `not equal`
lat = lattice.general(id_mat, basis=id_mat, norbs=None)
# Catch deprecation warning
with warnings.catch_warnings():
lat = lattice.general(id_mat, basis=id_mat, norbs=None)
lat1 = lattice.general(id_mat, basis=id_mat, norbs=1)
lat2 = lattice.general(id_mat, basis=id_mat, norbs=2)
assert lat != lat1
......@@ -247,7 +262,7 @@ def test_norbs():
def test_symmetry_act():
lat = lattice.square()
lat = lattice.square(norbs=1)
sym = lattice.TranslationalSymmetry((1, 0), (0, 1))
site = lat(0, 0)
hopping = (lat(0, 0), lat(1, 0))
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# the file AUTHORS.rst at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
import warnings
import functools as ft
from collections import deque
import pickle
......@@ -59,7 +60,10 @@ def test_operator_construction():
N = len(fsyst.sites)
# test construction failure if norbs not given
latnone = kwant.lattice.chain()
# Catch deprecation warning
with warnings.catch_warnings():
latnone = kwant.lattice.chain()
syst[latnone(0)] = 1
for A in opservables:
raises(ValueError, A, syst.finalized())
......@@ -128,12 +132,35 @@ def test_operator_construction():
fwhere = tuple(fsyst.id_by_site[s] for s in where)
A = ops.Density(fsyst, where=where)
assert np.all(np.asarray(A.where).reshape(-1) == fwhere)
# Test for passing integers as 'where'
A = ops.Density(fsyst, where=fwhere)
assert np.all(np.asarray(A.where).reshape(-1) == fwhere)
# Test passing invalid sites
with raises(ValueError):
ops.Density(fsyst, where=[lat(100)])
with raises(ValueError):
ops.Density(fsyst, where=[-1])
with raises(ValueError):
ops.Density(fsyst, where=[10000])
where = [(lat(2, 2), lat(1, 2)), (lat(0, 0), lat(0, 1))]
fwhere = np.asarray([(fsyst.id_by_site[a], fsyst.id_by_site[b])
for a, b in where])
A = ops.Current(fsyst, where=where)
assert np.all(np.asarray(A.where) == fwhere)
# Test for passing integers as 'where'
A = ops.Current(fsyst, where=fwhere)
assert np.all(np.asarray(A.where) == fwhere)
# Test passing invalid hoppings
with raises(ValueError):
ops.Current(fsyst, where=[(lat(2, 2), lat(0, 0))])
with raises(ValueError):
ops.Current(fsyst, where=[(-1, 1)])
with raises(ValueError):
ops.Current(fsyst, where=[(len(fsyst.sites), 1)])
with raises(ValueError):
ops.Current(fsyst, where=[(fsyst.id_by_site[lat(2, 2)],
fsyst.id_by_site[lat(0, 0)])])
# test construction with `where` given by a function
tag_list = [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)]
......@@ -304,7 +331,7 @@ def test_opservables_spin():
down, up = kwant.wave_function(fsyst, energy=1., params=params)(0)
x_hoppings = kwant.builder.HoppingKind((1,), lat)
spin_current_z = ops.Current(fsyst, sigmaz, where=x_hoppings(syst))
spin_current_z = ops.Current(fsyst, sigmaz, where=list(x_hoppings(syst)))
_test(spin_current_z, up, params=params, per_el_val=1)
_test(spin_current_z, down, params=params, per_el_val=-1)
......@@ -366,12 +393,14 @@ def test_opservables_gauged():
(Us[i], sigmaz, Us[i].conjugate().transpose()))
x_hoppings = kwant.builder.HoppingKind((1,), lat)
spin_current_gauge = ops.Current(fsyst, M_a, where=x_hoppings(syst))
spin_current_gauge = ops.Current(fsyst, M_a,
_test(spin_current_gauge, up, per_el_val=1)
_test(spin_current_gauge, down, per_el_val=-1)
# check the reverse is also true
minus_x_hoppings = kwant.builder.HoppingKind((-1,), lat)
spin_current_gauge = ops.Current(fsyst, M_a, where=minus_x_hoppings(syst))
spin_current_gauge = ops.Current(fsyst, M_a,
_test(spin_current_gauge, up, per_el_val=-1)
_test(spin_current_gauge, down, per_el_val=1)
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ def syst_2d(W=3, r1=3, r2=8):
def syst_3d(W=3, r1=2, r2=4, a=1, t=1.0):
lat = kwant.lattice.general(((a, 0, 0), (0, a, 0), (0, 0, a)))
lat = kwant.lattice.general(((a, 0, 0), (0, a, 0), (0, 0, a)), norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder()
def ring(pos):
......@@ -162,13 +162,29 @@ def test_plot_more_site_families_than_colors():
ncolors = len(pyplot.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'])
syst = kwant.Builder()
lattices = [kwant.lattice.square(name=i) for i in range(ncolors + 1)]
lattices = [kwant.lattice.square(name=i, norbs=1)
for i in range(ncolors + 1)]
for i, lat in enumerate(lattices):
syst[lat(i, 0)] = None
with tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+b') as out:
plotter.plot(syst, file=out)
@pytest.mark.skipif(not _plotter.mpl_available, reason="Matplotlib unavailable.")
def test_plot_raises_on_bad_site_spec():
syst = kwant.Builder()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst[(lat(i, j) for i in range(5) for j in range(5))] = None
# Cannot provide site_size as an array when syst is a Builder
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
plotter.plot(syst, site_size=[1] * 25)
# Cannot provide site_size as an array when syst is a Builder
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
plotter.plot(syst, site_symbol=['o'] * 25)
def good_transform(pos):
x, y = pos
return y, x
......@@ -237,7 +253,7 @@ def test_spectrum():
def ham_2d(a, b, c):
return np.eye(2) * (a**2 + b**2 + c**2)
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder()
syst[(lat(i) for i in range(3))] = lambda site, a, b: a + b
syst[lat.neighbors()] = lambda site1, site2, c: c
......@@ -361,7 +377,7 @@ def _border_is_0(field):
def _test_border_0(interpolator):
## Test that current is always identically zero at box boundaries
syst = kwant.Builder()
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst[[lat(0, 0), lat(1, 0)]] = None
syst[(lat(0, 0), lat(1, 0))] = None
syst = syst.finalized()
......@@ -488,7 +504,7 @@ def test_current_interpolation():
### Tests on a divergence-free current (closed system)
lat = kwant.lattice.general([(1, 0), (0.5, np.sqrt(3) / 2)])
lat = kwant.lattice.general([(1, 0), (0.5, np.sqrt(3) / 2)], norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder()
sites = [lat(0, 0), lat(1, 0), lat(0, 1), lat(2, 2)]
syst[sites] = None
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from kwant._common import ensure_rng
def test_hamiltonian_submatrix():
syst = kwant.Builder()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
for i in range(3):
syst[chain(i)] = 0.5 * i
for i in range(2):
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def test_hamiltonian_submatrix():
def test_pickling():
syst = kwant.Builder()
lead = kwant.Builder(symmetry=kwant.TranslationalSymmetry([1.]))
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
syst[lat(0)] = syst[lat(1)] = 0
syst[lat(0), lat(1)] = 1
lead[lat(0)] = syst[lat(1)] = 0
......@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ def _simple_syst(lat, E=0, t=1+1j, sym=None):
def test_consistence_with_bands(kx=1.9, nkys=31):
kys = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nkys)
for lat in [kwant.lattice.honeycomb(), kwant.lattice.square()]:
for lat in [kwant.lattice.honeycomb(norbs=1),
syst = _simple_syst(lat)
wa_keep_1 = wraparound(syst, keep=1).finalized()
wa_keep_none = wraparound(syst).finalized()
......@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ def test_consistence_with_bands(kx=1.9, nkys=31):
def test_opposite_hoppings():
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
for val in [1j, lambda a, b: 1j]:
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((1, 1)))
......@@ -74,7 +75,8 @@ def test_opposite_hoppings():
def test_value_types(k=(-1.1, 0.5), E=2, t=1):
k = dict(zip(('k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z'), k))
sym_extents = [1, 2, 3]
lattices = [kwant.lattice.honeycomb(), kwant.lattice.square()]
lattices = [kwant.lattice.honeycomb(norbs=1),
lat_syms = [
(lat, kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(lat.vec((n, 0)), lat.vec((0, n))))
for n, lat in itertools.product(sym_extents, lattices)
......@@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ def test_value_types(k=(-1.1, 0.5), E=2, t=1):
def test_signatures():
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-3, 0), (0, 1)))
# onsites and hoppings that will be bound as sites
syst[lat(-2, 0)] = 4
......@@ -162,7 +164,7 @@ def test_signatures():
def test_symmetry():
syst = _simple_syst(kwant.lattice.square())
syst = _simple_syst(kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1))
matrices = [np.random.rand(2, 2) for i in range(4)]
laws = (matrices, [(lambda a: m) for m in matrices])
......@@ -190,10 +192,10 @@ def test_symmetry():
@pytest.mark.skipif(not _plotter.mpl_available, reason="Matplotlib unavailable.")
def test_plot_2d_bands():
chain = kwant.lattice.chain()
square = kwant.lattice.square()
cube = kwant.lattice.general([(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)])
hc = kwant.lattice.honeycomb()
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)
square = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=1)
cube = kwant.lattice.general([(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)], norbs=1)
hc = kwant.lattice.honeycomb(norbs=1)
syst_1d = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(*chain._prim_vecs))
syst_1d[chain(0)] = 2
......@@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ def test_fd_mismatch():
# around in all directions, but could not be wrapped around when 'keep' is
# provided.
sqrt3 = np.sqrt(3)
lat = kwant.lattice.general([(sqrt3, 0), (-sqrt3/2, 1.5)])
lat = kwant.lattice.general([(sqrt3, 0), (-sqrt3/2, 1.5)], norbs=1)
T = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((sqrt3, 0), (0, 3))
syst1 = kwant.Builder(T)
......@@ -269,7 +271,8 @@ def test_fd_mismatch():
## Test that spectrum of non-trivial system (including above cases)
## is the same, regardless of the way in which it is wrapped around
lat = kwant.lattice.general([(sqrt3, 0), (-sqrt3/2, 1.5)],
[(sqrt3 / 2, 0.5), (0, 1)])
[(sqrt3 / 2, 0.5), (0, 1)],
a, b = lat.sublattices
T = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((3 * sqrt3, 0), (0, 3))
syst = kwant.Builder(T)
......@@ -302,7 +305,7 @@ def test_fd_mismatch():
assert all(np.allclose(E, E[0]) for E in E_k)
# Test square lattice with oblique unit cell
lat = kwant.lattice.general(np.eye(2))
lat = kwant.lattice.general(np.eye(2), norbs=1)
translations = kwant.lattice.TranslationalSymmetry([2, 2], [0, 2])
syst = kwant.Builder(symmetry=translations)
syst[lat.shape(lambda site: True, [0, 0])] = 1
......@@ -314,7 +317,7 @@ def test_fd_mismatch():
# Test Rocksalt structure
# cubic lattice that contains both sublattices
lat = kwant.lattice.general(np.eye(3))
lat = kwant.lattice.general(np.eye(3), norbs=1)
# Builder with FCC translational symmetries.
translations = kwant.lattice.TranslationalSymmetry([1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1])
syst = kwant.Builder(symmetry=translations)
......@@ -341,7 +344,7 @@ def test_fd_mismatch():
def shape(site):
return abs(site.tag[2]) < 4
lat = kwant.lattice.general(np.eye(3))
lat = kwant.lattice.general(np.eye(3), norbs=1)
# First choice: primitive UC
translations = kwant.lattice.TranslationalSymmetry([1, 1, 0], [1, -1, 0], [1, 0, 1])
syst = kwant.Builder(symmetry=translations)