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  • kwant/website
  • jbweston/website
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APS March meeting 2016 tutorial
This page collects materials for the APS March meeting 2016 tutorial “Introduction to Computational Quantum Nanoelectronics” (`announcement <>`_).
The tutorial consists of a set of `Jupyter <>`_ notebooks that combine demonstrations and explainations with exercises. These materials are made available under a `simplified BSD license <>`_.
* `Run the tutorial directly in your web browser <>`_. The Python environment and Kwant will run on a server provided by the `Binder service <>`_.
* `Download everything <>`_ as a single zip archive. Kwant 1.2 or newer is required to execute the notebooks.
* `Browse the git repository <>`_.
File moved
This page has been moved to
This page has been moved to
# Use for building and deploying Kwant website
FROM ubuntu:16.04
MAINTAINER Kwant authors <>
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y python3-pip git libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
RUN pip3 install nikola jinja2 webassets feedparser
No preview for this file type
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......@@ -30,4 +30,18 @@ RewriteRule ^(.*[^/])$ /$1.html [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [R=301,L]
Redirect 302 /2015-survey/
Redirect 302 /contact /doc/latest/pre/authors
Redirect 302 /authors /doc/latest/pre/authors
Redirect 302 /citing /doc/latest/pre/citing
Redirect 302 /cite /doc/latest/pre/citing
Redirect 302 /license /doc/latest/pre/license
Redirect 302 /download /install
# Redirect old tutorial URLs to new ones.
# The tutorial numbers refer to the tutorial enumeration in Kwant 1.2.x
Redirect 302 /doc/1/tutorial/tutorial1 /doc/1/tutorial/first_steps
Redirect 302 /doc/1/tutorial/tutorial2 /doc/1/tutorial/spin_potential_shape
Redirect 302 /doc/1/tutorial/tutorial3 /doc/1/tutorial/spectrum
Redirect 302 /doc/1/tutorial/tutorial4 /doc/1/tutorial/graphene
Redirect 302 /doc/1/tutorial/tutorial5 /doc/1/tutorial/superconductor
Redirect 302 /doc/1/tutorial/tutorial6 /doc/1/tutorial/plotting
.. title: Improved web interface for the mailing list
.. slug: improved-interface-for-mailing-list
.. date: 2020-05-28 20:00:00 UTC
.. category:
.. type: text
The Kwant mailing list has been migrated to a new server that provides a much-improved web interface.
In May 2020, thanks to the friendly people at,
kwant-discuss was migrated to a server running Mailman 3.
The list remains a mailing list (existing subscriptions continue),
but now also offers a modern web interface that is similar to a web forum.
The complete archives were migrated and are now searchable.
Please see the `“community” section </community>`_ of this site for usage information.
The `old address of the list <>`_ remains usable: any messages are simply redirected to the new one.
.. title: List of Kwant extensions added to website
.. slug: kwant-extensions
.. date: 2018-03-28 11:56:55 UTC
.. tags:
.. category:
.. link:
.. description:
.. type: text
We have added a `new section to the website </extensions.html>`_
that showcases useful extensions to Kwant that have been made by members of the
While we welcome contributions to the core Kwant package, we realize that
it can be a lot of work to implement something that is both robust enough
and of sufficiently general interest to be added to Kwant directly.
Nevertheless there is a body of existing software that extends Kwant in ways
that could be useful to others in the Kwant community. We hope that providing
a central place for listing these extensions will make them more discoverable
by others.
If you have extended Kwant in some way, please get in touch via the
`kwant-devel <>`_ mailing list!
Happy Kwanting,
Kwant team
.. title: Kwant adds an FAQ to the documentation
.. slug: kwant-faq-intro
.. date: 2017-06-29 07:07:23 UTC
.. tags:
.. category:
.. link:
.. description:
.. type: text
The Kwant team in Grenoble is currently hosting a masters student, Paul Clisson,
who has taken the initiative and written a "Frequently Asked
Questions" (FAQ) section to complement the existing Kwant tutorial; thanks Paul!
A preliminary version of of the FAQ is already available
`here <>`_. Any and all
user feedback is valuable to us, so tell us what you think! You can either join
the `discussion on the mailing
list <>`_
or comment on the open `merge
request <>`_ on
the Kwant gitlab.
Happy Kwanting,
Kwant team
.. title: Release of Kwant 1.3
.. slug: release-of-kwant-13
.. date: 2017-05-24 21:17:10 UTC
.. category: release-announcement
.. type: text
After more than one year of development, we are extremely pleased to announce the release of Kwant 1.3.
Kwant 1.3 supports
* discretizing of continuum Hamiltonians,
* calculating and displaying local densities and currents,
* declaring and using symmetries and conservation laws,
* calculating bulk properties using the kernel polynomial method,
* finalizing builders with multiple translational symmetries,
and has many other improvements that are detailed in the `what's new in Kwant 1.3 </doc/1/pre/whatsnew/1.3>`_ document.
The `installation instructions </install.html>`_ have been updated to explain how to install Kwant 1.3 on computers running GNU/Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. Note that thanks to the package manager Conda it is now much easier to install Kwant under Mac OS and on Unix accounts without root privileges.
The new version is practically 100% backwards-compatible with scripts written for previous versions of Kwant 1.x.
The Kwant team is happy to welcome Joseph Weston as a member. We are also grateful to the many contributors without whom this release would not be nearly as good:
* Jörg Behrmann
* Bas Nijholt
* Michał Nowak
* Viacheslav Ostroukh
* Pablo Pérez Piskunow
* Tómas Örn Rosdahl
* Sebastian Rubbert
* Rafał Skolasiński
* Adrien Sorgniard
We would like to hear your feedback at
.. title: Release of Kwant 1.4
.. slug: release-of-kwant-14
.. date: 2019-03-06 11:46:18 UTC
.. category: release-announcement
.. type: text
We are pleased to announce the release of Kwant 1.4, the result of a year and a half of development.
Highlights of the new release:
* Adding magnetic field to systems, even in complicated cases, is now specially supported.
* The KPM module can now calculate conductivities.
* The `Qsymm library <>`_ for Hamiltonian symmetry analysis has been integrated.
* The handling of system parameters has been improved and optimized.
* Plotting has been improved, most notably through the addition of a routine that plots densities with interpolation.
* Installing Kwant on Windows is now much easier thanks to Conda packages.
All these and other improvements that are detailed in the `what's new in Kwant 1.4 </doc/1/pre/whatsnew/1.4>`_ document. The new version is practically 100% backwards-compatible with scripts written for previous versions of Kwant 1.x.
The following people contributed code to this release:
* Anton Akhmerov
* Paul Clisson
* Christoph Groth
* Thomas Kloss
* Bas Nijholt
* Pablo Pérez Piskunow
* Tómas Örn Rosdahl
* Rafał Skolasiński
* Dániel Varjas
* Joseph Weston
We would like to hear your feedback at
.. title: Release of TKwant 1.0
.. slug: release-of-tkwant-1-0
.. date: 2020-09-08 15:00:00 UTC
.. category: release-announcement
.. type: text
We are pleased to announce the first release of TKwant,
a Kwant extension for time-resolved quantum transport.
A system is defined in TKwant in the same way as in Kwant except that some terms in the Hamiltonian may depend on the time parameter. Any system that can be studied in Kwant can be studied with TKwant as well. Typical problems where TKwant can be used include the propagation of voltage pulses, spectroscopy of interferometers, Floquet topological insulators, time resolved Andreev reflection and more.
An introduction to TKwant can be found in `TKwant paper <>`_. The software itself and
its tutorials are available on the `TKwant website <>`_.
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