@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ Quantum transport simulations made easy
**Update 15 Dec 2014**: Kwant is going to be one of the main tools in a massive open online course on `topology in condensed matter <http://tiny.cc/topocm>`_. The course will start in February, sign up!
Kwant is a `free (open source) </license.html>`_ Python package for numerical
calculations on tight-binding models with a strong focus on quantum transport.
It is designed to be flexible and easy to use. Thanks to the use of innovative
algorithms, Kwant is often faster than other available codes, even those
entirely written in the low level FORTRAN and C/C++ languages.
Kwant is a `free (open source) <http://git.kwant-project.org/kwant>`_ Python
package for numerical calculations on tight-binding models with a strong focus
on quantum transport. It is designed to be flexible and easy to use. Thanks to
the use of innovative algorithms, Kwant is often faster than other available
codes, even those entirely written in the low level FORTRAN and C/C++ languages.
Tight-binding models can describe a vast variety of systems and phenomena in
quantum physics. Therefore, Kwant can be used to simulate metals, graphene,