1st major update to lecture note 4
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@@ -98,30 +98,23 @@ The inner product in quantum mechanics is the analog of the usual scalar product
You can see from the properties of complex algebra that this length must be a real number. A physically valid state $|\psi \rangle$ must be normalized to unity, that is $\langle \psi | \psi \rangle=1$. Note that a state that cannot be normalized to unity does not represent a physically acceptable state.
From all the above conditions we see that a Hilbert space is a so-called *complex inner product space*, which is nothing but a complex vector space equipped with a inner product. All the vectors belonging to a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ have a finite norm, that is they can be normalized to unity. This normalisation condition is essential is we are to apply the probabilistic interpretation of the state vectors described above.