1st major update to lecture note 4
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@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ The lecture on vector spaces in quantum mechanics consists of the following part
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The contents of this lecture are summarised in the following **videos**:
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ This vector space is known as the *state space* of the system.
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ The set of all possible state vectors describing a given physical system forms a
The minimum number of vectors needed to form a complete set of basis states is known as the *dimensionality* of the state space. In quantum mechanis you will encounter systems whose Hilbert spaces have very different dimensionality, from the spin-1/2 particle (a $n=2$ vector space) to the free particle (whose state vectors live in an infinite vector space).
The minimum number of vectors needed to form a complete set of basis states is known as the *dimensionality* of the state space. In quantum mechanics you will encounter systems whose Hilbert spaces have very different dimensionality, from the spin-1/2 particle (a $n=2$ vector space) to the free particle (whose state vectors live in an infinite vector space).
@@ -95,101 +95,77 @@ between them, $\langle{\psi}|{\phi}\rangle$, as follows.
You can see from the properties of complex algebra that this length must be a real number. A physically valid state $|\psi \rangle$ must be normalized to unity, that is $\langle \psi | \psi \rangle=1$. Note that a state that cannot be normalized to unity does not represent a physically acceptable state.
From all the above conditions we see that a Hilbert space is a so-called *complex inner product space*, which is nothing but a complex vector space equipped with a inner product. All the vectors belonging to a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ have a finite norm, that is they can be normalized to unity. This normalisation condition is essential is we are to apply the probabilistic interpretation of the state vectors described above.
From all the above conditions, we see that a Hilbert space is a so-called *complex inner product space*, which is nothing else but a complex vector space equipped with a inner product. All the vectors belonging to a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ have a finite norm, which means that they can be normalized to unity. This normalisation condition is essential is we are to apply the probabilistic interpretation of the state vectors described above.
By analogy with the Euclidean case, we can understand the coefficients $\psi_i$ as the *components* of the state vector $ |\psi\rangle$ along the $n$ directions spanned by the basis vectors. Here, note also that in this notation $\psi_i$ is an *scalar* (just a number) and not a vector. Furthermore, note that, as opposed to the Euclidean space, the coefficients $\psi_i$ will generally be complex numbers.
As a practical example to illustrate the basic ideas of vector spaces applied to quantum physics presented above, we will consider a quantum system which is fundamental for quantum mechanics and its applications. This system corresponds to the possible states that the intrinsic angular momentum of an electron, known as *spin*, can occupy. As you will see in following courses, the Hilbert space for the electron spin has dimension $n=2$, meaning that we can found an electron *pointing* either in the up direction, denoted by $|+\rangle$, or the down direction, denoted by $|-\rangle$.
@@ -228,11 +204,13 @@ $$
@@ -243,29 +221,30 @@ $$|{\Psi}\rangle= \left( \begin{array}{c}2 \\ 5 \end{array} \right) \, , \qquad