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import inspect
import operator
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
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from copy import deepcopy
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from functools import wraps
from types import SimpleNamespace

import kwant
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants
from kwant.continuum.discretizer import discretize

import pfaffian as pf

assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6), "Use Python ≥3.6"

# Parameters taken from arXiv:1204.2792
# All constant parameters, mostly fundamental constants, in a SimpleNamespace.
constants = SimpleNamespace(
    m_eff=0.015 * scipy.constants.m_e,  # effective mass in kg
    c=1e18 / (scipy.constants.eV * 1e-3),  # to get to meV * nm^2
    mu_B=scipy.constants.physical_constants["Bohr magneton in eV/T"][0] * 1e3,

constants.t = (constants.hbar ** 2 / (2 * constants.m_eff)) * constants.c

def get_names(sig):
    names = [
        (name, value)
        for name, value in sig.parameters.items()
        if value.kind
        in (inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY)
    return OrderedDict(names)

def filter_kwargs(sig, names, kwargs):
    names_in_kwargs = [(name, value) for name, value in kwargs.items() if name in names]
    return OrderedDict(names_in_kwargs)

def skip_pars(names1, names2, num_skipped):
    skipped_pars1 = list(names1.keys())[:num_skipped]
    skipped_pars2 = list(names2.keys())[:num_skipped]
    if skipped_pars1 == skipped_pars2:
        pars1 = list(names1.values())[num_skipped:]
        pars2 = list(names2.values())[num_skipped:]
        raise Exception("First {} arguments " "have to be the same".format(num_skipped))
    return pars1, pars2

def combine(f, g, operator, num_skipped=0):
    if not callable(f) or not callable(g):
        raise Exception("One of the functions is not a function")

    sig1 = inspect.signature(f)
    sig2 = inspect.signature(g)

    names1 = get_names(sig1)
    names2 = get_names(sig2)

    pars1, pars2 = skip_pars(names1, names2, num_skipped)
    skipped_pars = list(names1.values())[:num_skipped]

    pars1_names = { for p in pars1}
    pars2 = [p for p in pars2 if not in pars1_names]

    parameters = pars1 + pars2
    kind = inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
    parameters = [p.replace(kind=kind) for p in parameters]
    parameters = skipped_pars + parameters

    def wrapped(*args):
        d = { arg for arg, p in zip(args, parameters)}
        fval = f(*[d[name] for name in names1.keys()])
        gval = g(*[d[name] for name in names2.keys()])
        return operator(fval, gval)

    wrapped.__signature__ = inspect.Signature(parameters=parameters)
    return wrapped

def memoize(obj):
    cache = obj.cache = {}

    def memoizer(*args, **kwargs):
        key = str(args) + str(kwargs)
        if key not in cache:
            cache[key] = obj(*args, **kwargs)
        return cache[key]

    return memoizer

def discretized_hamiltonian(a, which_lead=None):
    ham = (
        "(0.5 * hbar**2 * (k_x**2 + k_y**2 + k_z**2) / m_eff * c - mu + V) * kron(sigma_0, sigma_z) + "
        "alpha * (k_y * kron(sigma_x, sigma_z) - k_x * kron(sigma_y, sigma_z)) + "
        "0.5 * g * mu_B * (B_x * kron(sigma_x, sigma_0) + B_y * kron(sigma_y, sigma_0) + B_z * kron(sigma_z, sigma_0)) + "
        "Delta * kron(sigma_0, sigma_x)"

    subst_sm = {"Delta": 0}

    if which_lead is not None:
        subst_sm["V"] = f"V_{which_lead}(z, V_0, V_r, V_l, x0, sigma, r1)"
        subst_sm["mu"] = f"mu_{which_lead}(x0, sigma, mu_lead, mu_wire)"
        subst_sm["V"] = "V(x, z, V_0, V_r, V_l, x0, sigma, r1)"
        subst_sm["mu"] = "mu(x, x0, sigma, mu_lead, mu_wire)"

    subst_sc = {"g": 0, "alpha": 0, "mu": "mu_sc", "V": 0}
    subst_interface = {"c": "c * c_tunnel", "alpha": 0, "V": 0}

    templ_sm = discretize(ham, locals=subst_sm, grid_spacing=a)
    templ_sc = discretize(ham, locals=subst_sc, grid_spacing=a)
    templ_interface = discretize(ham, locals=subst_interface, grid_spacing=a)

    return templ_sm, templ_sc, templ_interface

def cylinder_sector(r_out, r_in=0, L=1, L0=0, coverage_angle=360, angle=0, a=10):
    """Returns the shape function and start coords for a wire with
    as cylindrical cross section.

    r_out : int
        Outer radius in nm.
    r_in : int, optional
        Inner radius in nm.
    L : int, optional
        Length of wire from L0 in nm, -1 if infinite in x-direction.
    L0 : int, optional
        Start position in x.
    coverage_angle : int, optional
        Coverage angle in degrees.
    angle : int, optional
        Angle of tilting from top in degrees.
    a : int, optional
        Discretization constant in nm.

    (shape_func, *(start_coords))
    coverage_angle *= np.pi / 360
    angle *= np.pi / 180
    r_out_sq, r_in_sq = r_out ** 2, r_in ** 2

    def shape(site):
            x, y, z = site.pos
        except AttributeError:
            x, y, z = site
        n = (y + 1j * z) * np.exp(1j * angle)
        y, z = n.real, n.imag
        rsq = y ** 2 + z ** 2
        shape_yz = r_in_sq <= rsq < r_out_sq and z >= np.cos(coverage_angle) * np.sqrt(
        return (shape_yz and L0 <= x < L) if L > 0 else shape_yz

    r_mid = (r_out + r_in) / 2
    start_coords = np.array([L - a, r_mid * np.sin(angle), r_mid * np.cos(angle)])

    return shape, start_coords

def is_antisymmetric(H):
    return np.allclose(-H, H.T)

def cell_mats(lead, params, bias=0):
    h = lead.cell_hamiltonian(params=params)
    h -= bias * np.identity(len(h))
    t = lead.inter_cell_hopping(params=params)
    return h, t

def get_h_k(lead, params):
    h, t = cell_mats(lead, params)

    def h_k(k):
        return h + t * np.exp(1j * k) + t.T.conj() * np.exp(-1j * k)

    return h_k

def make_skew_symmetric(ham):
    Makes a skew symmetric matrix by a matrix multiplication of a unitary
    matrix U. This unitary matrix is taken from the Topology MOOC 0D, but
    that is in a different basis. To get to the right basis one multiplies
    by [[np.eye(2), 0], [0, sigma_y]].

    ham : numpy.ndarray
        Hamiltonian matrix gotten from sys.cell_hamiltonian()

    skew_ham : numpy.ndarray
        Skew symmetrized Hamiltonian
    W = ham.shape[0] // 4
    I = np.eye(2, dtype=complex)
    sigma_y = np.array([[0, 1j], [-1j, 0]], dtype=complex)
    U_1 = np.bmat([[I, I], [1j * I, -1j * I]])
    U_2 = np.bmat([[I, 0 * I], [0 * I, sigma_y]])
    U = U_1 @ U_2
    U = np.kron(np.eye(W, dtype=complex), U)
    skew_ham = U @ ham @ U.H

    assert is_antisymmetric(skew_ham)

    return skew_ham

def calculate_pfaffian(lead, params):
    Calculates the Pfaffian for the infinite system by computing it at k = 0
    and k = pi.

    lead : kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem object
          The finalized system.

    h_k = get_h_k(lead, params)

    skew_h0 = make_skew_symmetric(h_k(0))
    skew_h_pi = make_skew_symmetric(h_k(np.pi))

    pf_0 = np.sign(pf.pfaffian(1j * skew_h0, sign_only=True).real)
    pf_pi = np.sign(pf.pfaffian(1j * skew_h_pi, sign_only=True).real)
    pfaf = pf_0 * pf_pi

    return pfaf

def at_interface(site1, site2, shape1, shape2):
    return (shape1[0](site1) and shape2[0](site2)) or (
        shape2[0](site1) and shape1[0](site2)

def change_hopping_at_interface(syst, template, shape1, shape2):
    for (site1, site2), hop in syst.hopping_value_pairs():
        if at_interface(site1, site2, shape1, shape2):
            syst[site1, site2] = template[site1, site2]
    return syst

def make_lead(a, r1, r2, coverage_angle, angle, with_shell, which_lead):
    """Create an infinite cylindrical 3D wire partially covered with a
    superconducting (SC) shell.

    a : int
        Discretization constant in nm.
    r1 : int
        Radius of normal part of wire in nm.
    r2 : int
        Radius of superconductor in nm.
    coverage_angle : int
        Coverage angle of superconductor in degrees.
    angle : int
        Angle of tilting of superconductor from top in degrees.
    with_shell : bool
        Adds shell to the scattering area. If False no SC shell is added and
        only a cylindrical wire will be created.
    which_lead : str
        Name of the potential function of the lead, e.g. `which_lead = 'left'` will
        require a function `V_left(z, V_0)` and
        `mu_left(mu_func(x, x0, sigma, mu_lead, mu_wire)`.

    syst : kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem
        The finilized kwant system.

    This doesn't use default parameters because the variables need to be saved,
    to a file. So I create a dictionary that is passed to the function.

    >>> syst_params = dict(a=10, angle=0, coverage_angle=185, r1=50,
    ...                    r2=70, with_shell=True)
    >>> syst, hopping = make_lead(**syst_params)

    shape_normal_lead = cylinder_sector(r_out=r1, angle=angle, L=-1, a=a)
    shape_sc_lead = cylinder_sector(
        r_out=r2, r_in=r1, coverage_angle=coverage_angle, angle=angle, L=-1, a=a

    sz = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
    cons_law = np.kron(np.eye(2), -sz)
    symmetry = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((a, 0, 0))
    lead = kwant.Builder(
        symmetry, conservation_law=cons_law if not with_shell else None

    templ_sm, templ_sc, templ_interface = discretized_hamiltonian(
        a, which_lead=which_lead
    templ_sm = apply_peierls_to_template(templ_sm)
    lead.fill(templ_sm, *shape_normal_lead)

    if with_shell:
        lat = templ_sc.lattice
        shape_sc = cylinder_sector(
            r_out=r2, r_in=r1, coverage_angle=coverage_angle, angle=angle, L=a, a=a

        xyz_offset = get_offset(*shape_sc, lat)

        templ_sc = apply_peierls_to_template(templ_sc, xyz_offset=xyz_offset)
        templ_interface = apply_peierls_to_template(templ_interface)
        lead.fill(templ_sc, *shape_sc_lead)

        # Adding a tunnel barrier between SM and SC
        lead = change_hopping_at_interface(
            lead, templ_interface, shape_normal_lead, shape_sc_lead

    return lead

def apply_peierls_to_template(template, xyz_offset=(0, 0, 0)):
    """Adds p.orbital argument to the hopping functions."""
    template = deepcopy(template)  # Needed because kwant.Builder is mutable
    x0, y0, z0 = xyz_offset
    lat = template.lattice
    a = np.max(lat.prim_vecs)  # lattice contant

    def phase(site1, site2, B_x, B_y, B_z, orbital, e, hbar):
        if orbital:
            x, y, z = site1.tag
            direction = site1.tag - site2.tag
            A = [B_y * (z - z0) - B_z * (y - y0), 0, B_x * (y - y0)]
            A =, direction) * a ** 2 * 1e-18 * e / hbar
            phase = np.exp(-1j * A)
            if lat.norbs == 2:  # No PH degrees of freedom
                return phase
            elif lat.norbs == 4:
                return np.array(
                    [phase, phase.conj(), phase, phase.conj()], dtype="complex128"
        else:  # No orbital phase
            return 1

    for (site1, site2), hop in template.hopping_value_pairs():
        template[site1, site2] = combine(hop, phase, operator.mul, 2)
    return template

def get_offset(shape, start, lat):
    coords = [site.pos for site in lat.shape(shape, start)()]
    xyz_offset = np.mean(coords, axis=0)
    return xyz_offset

def translation_ev(h, t, tol=1e6):
    """Compute the eigenvalues of the translation operator of a lead.

    Adapted from kwant.physics.leads.modes.

    h : numpy array, real or complex, shape (N, N) The unit cell
        Hamiltonian of the lead unit cell.
    t : numpy array, real or complex, shape (N, M)
        The hopping matrix from a lead cell to the one on which self-energy
        has to be calculated (and any other hopping in the same direction).
    tol : float
        Numbers and differences are considered zero when they are smaller
        than `tol` times the machine precision.

    ev : numpy array
        Eigenvalues of the translation operator in the form lambda=r*exp(i*k),
        for |r|=1 they are propagating modes.
    a, b = kwant.physics.leads.setup_linsys(h, t, tol, None).eigenproblem
    ev = kwant.physics.leads.unified_eigenproblem(a, b, tol=tol)[0]
    return ev

def gap_minimizer(lead, params, energy):
    """Function that minimizes a function to find the band gap.
    This objective function checks if there are progagating modes at a
    certain energy. Returns zero if there is a propagating mode.

    lead : kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem object
        The finalized infinite system.
    params : dict
        A dict that is used to store Hamiltonian parameters.
    energy : float
        Energy at which this function checks for propagating modes.

    minimized_scalar : float
        Value that is zero when there is a propagating mode.
    h, t = cell_mats(lead, params, bias=energy)
    ev = translation_ev(h, t)
    norm = (ev * ev.conj()).real
    return np.min(np.abs(norm - 1))

def gap_from_modes(lead, params, tol=1e-6):
    """Finds the gapsize by peforming a binary search of the modes with a
    tolarance of tol.

    lead : kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem object
        The finalized infinite system.
    params : dict
        A dict that is used to store Hamiltonian parameters.
    tol : float
        The precision of the binary search.

    gap : float
        Size of the gap.

    For use with `lead = funcs.make_lead()`.
    Es = kwant.physics.Bands(lead, params=params)(k=0)
    lim = [0, np.abs(Es).min()]
    if gap_minimizer(lead, params, energy=0) < 1e-15:
        # No band gap
        gap = 0
        while lim[1] - lim[0] > tol:
            energy = sum(lim) / 2
            par = gap_minimizer(lead, params, energy)
            if par < 1e-10:
                lim[1] = energy
                lim[0] = energy
        gap = sum(lim) / 2
    return gap