@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ Even though it is suboptimal, one usually resorts to sampling $X$ on a homogeneo
#### Choosing new points based on existing data improves the simulation efficiency.
<!-- This should convey the point that it is advantageous to do this. -->
A better alternative which improves the simulation efficiency is to choose new, potentially interesting points in $X$ based on existing data. [@gramacy2004parameter; @de1995adaptive; @castro2008active; @chen2017intelligent] <!-- cite i.e., hydrodynamics-->
Bayesian optimization works well for high-cost simulations where one needs to find a minimum (or maximum). [@@takhtaganov2018adaptive]
If the goal of the simulation is to approximate a continuous function using the fewest points, the continuity of the approximation is achieved by a greedy algorithm that samples mid-points of intervals with the largest distance or curvature[@mathematica_adaptive], see Fig. @fig:algo.
Such a sampling strategy would trivially speedup many simulations.
One of the most significant complications here is to parallelize this algorithm, as it requires a lot of bookkeeping and planning ahead.
An alternative, that improves the simulation efficiency is to choose new, potentially interesting points in $X$ based on existing data[@gramacy2004parameter; @de1995adaptive; @castro2008active; @chen2017intelligent].<!-- cite i.e., hydrodynamics-->
Bayesian optimization works well for high-cost simulations where one needs to find a minimum (or maximum) [@@takhtaganov2018adaptive].
However, if the goal of the simulation is to approximate a continuous function using the fewest points, the continuity of the approximation is achieved by a greedy algorithm that samples mid-points of intervals with the largest distance or curvature[@mathematica_adaptive].
Such a sampling strategy (i.e., in Fig. @fig:algo) would trivially speedup many simulations.
Here, the complexity arises when parallelizing this algorithm, because this requires a lot of bookkeeping and planning.
#### We describe a class of algorithms relying on local criteria for sampling, which allow for easy parallelization and have a low overhead.
To facilitate parallelization, the algorithm should be local, meaning that the information updates are only in a region around the newly calculated point.
Additionally, the algorithm should also be fast in order to handle many parallel workers that calculate the function and request new points.
To handle many parallel workers that calculate the function values and request new points, the algorithm needs to have a low computational overhead.
Requiring that, when a new point has been calculated, that the information updates are local (only in a region around the newly calculated point), will reduce the time complexity of the algorithm.
A simple example is greedily optimizing continuity of the sampling by selecting points according to the distance to the largest gaps in the function values, as in Fig. @fig:algo.
For a one-dimensional function with three points known (its boundary points and a point in the center), such a simple algorithm would consist of the following steps:
For a one-dimensional function with three points known (its boundary points and a point in the center), such a simple algorithm consists of the following steps:
(1) keep all points $x$ sorted, where two consecutive points define an interval,
(2) calculate the distance for each interval $L_{i, i+1}=\sqrt{(x_{i+1}-x_{i})^{2}+(y_{i+1}-y_{i})^{2}}$,
(3) pick a new point $x_\textrm{new}$ in the middle of the interval with the largest $L$, creating two new intervals around that point,
(4) calculate $f(x_\textrm{new})$,
(5) repeat the previous steps, without redoing calculations for unchanged intervals.
In this paper, we describe a class of algorithms that rely on local criteria for sampling, such as in the former example.
Here we associate a *local loss* to each of the*candidate points*within an interval, and choose the points with the largest loss.
In the case of the integration algorithm, the loss is the error estimate.
The most significant advantage of these *local* algorithms is that they allow for easy parallelization and have a low computational overhead.
Here we associate a *local loss* to each interval and pick a*candidate point*inside the interval with the largest loss.
For example, in the case of the integration algorithm, the loss is the error estimate.
The advantage of these *local* algorithms is that they allow for easy parallelization and have a low computational overhead.
![Comparison of homogeneous sampling (top) with adaptive sampling (bottom) for different one-dimensional functions (red) where the number of points in each column is identical.
We see that when the function has a distinct feature---such as with the peak and tanh---adaptive sampling performs much better.