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Quantum Tinkerer
5 years ago
Bas Nijholt
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6 additions, 491 deletions
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"cells": [
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import inspect\n",
"import operator\n",
"import sys\n",
"from collections import OrderedDict\n",
"from copy import copy, deepcopy\n",
"from functools import wraps\n",
"from itertools import product\n",
"from types import SimpleNamespace\n",
"import kwant\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import scipy.constants\n",
"from kwant.continuum.discretizer import discretize\n",
"from skimage import measure\n",
"import adaptive\n",
"import pfaffian as pf\n",
"assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6), \"Use Python ≥3.6\"\n",
"# Parameters taken from arXiv:1204.2792\n",
"# All constant parameters, mostly fundamental constants, in a SimpleNamespace.\n",
"constants = SimpleNamespace(\n",
" m_eff=0.015 * scipy.constants.m_e, # effective mass in kg\n",
" hbar=scipy.constants.hbar,\n",
" m_e=scipy.constants.m_e,\n",
" eV=scipy.constants.eV,\n",
" e=scipy.constants.e,\n",
" c=1e18 / (scipy.constants.eV * 1e-3), # to get to meV * nm^2\n",
" mu_B=scipy.constants.physical_constants[\"Bohr magneton in eV/T\"][0] * 1e3,\n",
"constants.t = (constants.hbar ** 2 / (2 * constants.m_eff)) * constants.c\n",
"def get_names(sig):\n",
" names = [\n",
" (name, value)\n",
" for name, value in sig.parameters.items()\n",
" if value.kind\n",
" in (inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY)\n",
" ]\n",
" return OrderedDict(names)\n",
"def filter_kwargs(sig, names, kwargs):\n",
" names_in_kwargs = [(name, value) for name, value in kwargs.items() if name in names]\n",
" return OrderedDict(names_in_kwargs)\n",
"def skip_pars(names1, names2, num_skipped):\n",
" skipped_pars1 = list(names1.keys())[:num_skipped]\n",
" skipped_pars2 = list(names2.keys())[:num_skipped]\n",
" if skipped_pars1 == skipped_pars2:\n",
" pars1 = list(names1.values())[num_skipped:]\n",
" pars2 = list(names2.values())[num_skipped:]\n",
" else:\n",
" raise Exception(\"First {} arguments \" \"have to be the same\".format(num_skipped))\n",
" return pars1, pars2\n",
"def combine(f, g, operator, num_skipped=0):\n",
" if not callable(f) or not callable(g):\n",
" raise Exception(\"One of the functions is not a function\")\n",
" sig1 = inspect.signature(f)\n",
" sig2 = inspect.signature(g)\n",
" names1 = get_names(sig1)\n",
" names2 = get_names(sig2)\n",
" pars1, pars2 = skip_pars(names1, names2, num_skipped)\n",
" skipped_pars = list(names1.values())[:num_skipped]\n",
" pars1_names = { for p in pars1}\n",
" pars2 = [p for p in pars2 if not in pars1_names]\n",
" parameters = pars1 + pars2\n",
" kind = inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD\n",
" parameters = [p.replace(kind=kind) for p in parameters]\n",
" parameters = skipped_pars + parameters\n",
" def wrapped(*args):\n",
" d = { arg for arg, p in zip(args, parameters)}\n",
" fval = f(*[d[name] for name in names1.keys()])\n",
" gval = g(*[d[name] for name in names2.keys()])\n",
" return operator(fval, gval)\n",
" wrapped.__signature__ = inspect.Signature(parameters=parameters)\n",
" return wrapped\n",
"def memoize(obj):\n",
" cache = obj.cache = {}\n",
" @wraps(obj)\n",
" def memoizer(*args, **kwargs):\n",
" key = str(args) + str(kwargs)\n",
" if key not in cache:\n",
" cache[key] = obj(*args, **kwargs)\n",
" return cache[key]\n",
" return memoizer\n",
"def discretized_hamiltonian(a, which_lead=None):\n",
" ham = (\n",
" \"(0.5 * hbar**2 * (k_x**2 + k_y**2 + k_z**2) / m_eff * c - mu + V) * kron(sigma_0, sigma_z) + \"\n",
" \"alpha * (k_y * kron(sigma_x, sigma_z) - k_x * kron(sigma_y, sigma_z)) + \"\n",
" \"0.5 * g * mu_B * (B_x * kron(sigma_x, sigma_0) + B_y * kron(sigma_y, sigma_0) + B_z * kron(sigma_z, sigma_0)) + \"\n",
" \"Delta * kron(sigma_0, sigma_x)\"\n",
" )\n",
" subst_sm = {\"Delta\": 0}\n",
" if which_lead is not None:\n",
" subst_sm[\"V\"] = f\"V_{which_lead}(z, V_0, V_r, V_l, x0, sigma, r1)\"\n",
" subst_sm[\"mu\"] = f\"mu_{which_lead}(x0, sigma, mu_lead, mu_wire)\"\n",
" else:\n",
" subst_sm[\"V\"] = \"V(x, z, V_0, V_r, V_l, x0, sigma, r1)\"\n",
" subst_sm[\"mu\"] = \"mu(x, x0, sigma, mu_lead, mu_wire)\"\n",
" subst_sc = {\"g\": 0, \"alpha\": 0, \"mu\": \"mu_sc\", \"V\": 0}\n",
" subst_interface = {\"c\": \"c * c_tunnel\", \"alpha\": 0, \"V\": 0}\n",
" templ_sm = discretize(ham, locals=subst_sm, grid_spacing=a)\n",
" templ_sc = discretize(ham, locals=subst_sc, grid_spacing=a)\n",
" templ_interface = discretize(ham, locals=subst_interface, grid_spacing=a)\n",
" return templ_sm, templ_sc, templ_interface\n",
"def cylinder_sector(r_out, r_in=0, L=1, L0=0, coverage_angle=360, angle=0, a=10):\n",
" \"\"\"Returns the shape function and start coords for a wire with\n",
" as cylindrical cross section.\n",
" Parameters\n",
" ----------\n",
" r_out : int\n",
" Outer radius in nm.\n",
" r_in : int, optional\n",
" Inner radius in nm.\n",
" L : int, optional\n",
" Length of wire from L0 in nm, -1 if infinite in x-direction.\n",
" L0 : int, optional\n",
" Start position in x.\n",
" coverage_angle : int, optional\n",
" Coverage angle in degrees.\n",
" angle : int, optional\n",
" Angle of tilting from top in degrees.\n",
" a : int, optional\n",
" Discretization constant in nm.\n",
" Returns\n",
" -------\n",
" (shape_func, *(start_coords))\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" coverage_angle *= np.pi / 360\n",
" angle *= np.pi / 180\n",
" r_out_sq, r_in_sq = r_out ** 2, r_in ** 2\n",
" def shape(site):\n",
" try:\n",
" x, y, z = site.pos\n",
" except AttributeError:\n",
" x, y, z = site\n",
" n = (y + 1j * z) * np.exp(1j * angle)\n",
" y, z = n.real, n.imag\n",
" rsq = y ** 2 + z ** 2\n",
" shape_yz = r_in_sq <= rsq < r_out_sq and z >= np.cos(coverage_angle) * np.sqrt(\n",
" rsq\n",
" )\n",
" return (shape_yz and L0 <= x < L) if L > 0 else shape_yz\n",
" r_mid = (r_out + r_in) / 2\n",
" start_coords = np.array([L - a, r_mid * np.sin(angle), r_mid * np.cos(angle)])\n",
" return shape, start_coords\n",
"def is_antisymmetric(H):\n",
" return np.allclose(-H, H.T)\n",
"def cell_mats(lead, params, bias=0):\n",
" h = lead.cell_hamiltonian(params=params)\n",
" h -= bias * np.identity(len(h))\n",
" t = lead.inter_cell_hopping(params=params)\n",
" return h, t\n",
"def get_h_k(lead, params):\n",
" h, t = cell_mats(lead, params)\n",
" def h_k(k):\n",
" return h + t * np.exp(1j * k) + t.T.conj() * np.exp(-1j * k)\n",
" return h_k\n",
"def make_skew_symmetric(ham):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Makes a skew symmetric matrix by a matrix multiplication of a unitary\n",
" matrix U. This unitary matrix is taken from the Topology MOOC 0D, but\n",
" that is in a different basis. To get to the right basis one multiplies\n",
" by [[np.eye(2), 0], [0, sigma_y]].\n",
" Parameters:\n",
" -----------\n",
" ham : numpy.ndarray\n",
" Hamiltonian matrix gotten from sys.cell_hamiltonian()\n",
" Returns:\n",
" --------\n",
" skew_ham : numpy.ndarray\n",
" Skew symmetrized Hamiltonian\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" W = ham.shape[0] // 4\n",
" I = np.eye(2, dtype=complex)\n",
" sigma_y = np.array([[0, 1j], [-1j, 0]], dtype=complex)\n",
" U_1 = np.bmat([[I, I], [1j * I, -1j * I]])\n",
" U_2 = np.bmat([[I, 0 * I], [0 * I, sigma_y]])\n",
" U = U_1 @ U_2\n",
" U = np.kron(np.eye(W, dtype=complex), U)\n",
" skew_ham = U @ ham @ U.H\n",
" assert is_antisymmetric(skew_ham)\n",
" return skew_ham\n",
"def calculate_pfaffian(lead, params):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Calculates the Pfaffian for the infinite system by computing it at k = 0\n",
" and k = pi.\n",
" Parameters:\n",
" -----------\n",
" lead : kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem object\n",
" The finalized system.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" h_k = get_h_k(lead, params)\n",
" skew_h0 = make_skew_symmetric(h_k(0))\n",
" skew_h_pi = make_skew_symmetric(h_k(np.pi))\n",
" pf_0 = np.sign(pf.pfaffian(1j * skew_h0, sign_only=True).real)\n",
" pf_pi = np.sign(pf.pfaffian(1j * skew_h_pi, sign_only=True).real)\n",
" pfaf = pf_0 * pf_pi\n",
" return pfaf\n",
"def at_interface(site1, site2, shape1, shape2):\n",
" return (shape1[0](site1) and shape2[0](site2)) or (\n",
" shape2[0](site1) and shape1[0](site2)\n",
" )\n",
"def change_hopping_at_interface(syst, template, shape1, shape2):\n",
" for (site1, site2), hop in syst.hopping_value_pairs():\n",
" if at_interface(site1, site2, shape1, shape2):\n",
" syst[site1, site2] = template[site1, site2]\n",
" return syst\n",
"def make_lead(a, r1, r2, coverage_angle, angle, with_shell, which_lead):\n",
" \"\"\"Create an infinite cylindrical 3D wire partially covered with a\n",
" superconducting (SC) shell.\n",
" Parameters\n",
" ----------\n",
" a : int\n",
" Discretization constant in nm.\n",
" r1 : int\n",
" Radius of normal part of wire in nm.\n",
" r2 : int\n",
" Radius of superconductor in nm.\n",
" coverage_angle : int\n",
" Coverage angle of superconductor in degrees.\n",
" angle : int\n",
" Angle of tilting of superconductor from top in degrees.\n",
" with_shell : bool\n",
" Adds shell to the scattering area. If False no SC shell is added and\n",
" only a cylindrical wire will be created.\n",
" which_lead : str\n",
" Name of the potential function of the lead, e.g. `which_lead = 'left'` will\n",
" require a function `V_left(z, V_0)` and\n",
" `mu_left(mu_func(x, x0, sigma, mu_lead, mu_wire)`.\n",
" Returns\n",
" -------\n",
" syst : kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem\n",
" The finilized kwant system.\n",
" Examples\n",
" --------\n",
" This doesn't use default parameters because the variables need to be saved,\n",
" to a file. So I create a dictionary that is passed to the function.\n",
" >>> syst_params = dict(a=10, angle=0, coverage_angle=185, r1=50,\n",
" ... r2=70, with_shell=True)\n",
" >>> syst, hopping = make_lead(**syst_params)\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" shape_normal_lead = cylinder_sector(r_out=r1, angle=angle, L=-1, a=a)\n",
" shape_sc_lead = cylinder_sector(\n",
" r_out=r2, r_in=r1, coverage_angle=coverage_angle, angle=angle, L=-1, a=a\n",
" )\n",
" sz = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])\n",
" cons_law = np.kron(np.eye(2), -sz)\n",
" symmetry = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((a, 0, 0))\n",
" lead = kwant.Builder(\n",
" symmetry, conservation_law=cons_law if not with_shell else None\n",
" )\n",
" templ_sm, templ_sc, templ_interface = discretized_hamiltonian(\n",
" a, which_lead=which_lead\n",
" )\n",
" templ_sm = apply_peierls_to_template(templ_sm)\n",
" lead.fill(templ_sm, *shape_normal_lead)\n",
" if with_shell:\n",
" lat = templ_sc.lattice\n",
" shape_sc = cylinder_sector(\n",
" r_out=r2, r_in=r1, coverage_angle=coverage_angle, angle=angle, L=a, a=a\n",
" )\n",
" xyz_offset = get_offset(*shape_sc, lat)\n",
" templ_sc = apply_peierls_to_template(templ_sc, xyz_offset=xyz_offset)\n",
" templ_interface = apply_peierls_to_template(templ_interface)\n",
" lead.fill(templ_sc, *shape_sc_lead)\n",
" # Adding a tunnel barrier between SM and SC\n",
" lead = change_hopping_at_interface(\n",
" lead, templ_interface, shape_normal_lead, shape_sc_lead\n",
" )\n",
" return lead\n",
"def apply_peierls_to_template(template, xyz_offset=(0, 0, 0)):\n",
" \"\"\"Adds p.orbital argument to the hopping functions.\"\"\"\n",
" template = deepcopy(template) # Needed because kwant.Builder is mutable\n",
" x0, y0, z0 = xyz_offset\n",
" lat = template.lattice\n",
" a = np.max(lat.prim_vecs) # lattice contant\n",
" def phase(site1, site2, B_x, B_y, B_z, orbital, e, hbar):\n",
" if orbital:\n",
" x, y, z = site1.tag\n",
" direction = site1.tag - site2.tag\n",
" A = [B_y * (z - z0) - B_z * (y - y0), 0, B_x * (y - y0)]\n",
" A =, direction) * a ** 2 * 1e-18 * e / hbar\n",
" phase = np.exp(-1j * A)\n",
" if lat.norbs == 2: # No PH degrees of freedom\n",
" return phase\n",
" elif lat.norbs == 4:\n",
" return np.array(\n",
" [phase, phase.conj(), phase, phase.conj()], dtype=\"complex128\"\n",
" )\n",
" else: # No orbital phase\n",
" return 1\n",
" for (site1, site2), hop in template.hopping_value_pairs():\n",
" template[site1, site2] = combine(hop, phase, operator.mul, 2)\n",
" return template\n",
"def get_offset(shape, start, lat):\n",
" a = np.max(lat.prim_vecs)\n",
" coords = [site.pos for site in lat.shape(shape, start)()]\n",
" xyz_offset = np.mean(coords, axis=0)\n",
" return xyz_offset\n",
"def translation_ev(h, t, tol=1e6):\n",
" \"\"\"Compute the eigenvalues of the translation operator of a lead.\n",
" Adapted from kwant.physics.leads.modes.\n",
" Parameters\n",
" ----------\n",
" h : numpy array, real or complex, shape (N, N) The unit cell\n",
" Hamiltonian of the lead unit cell.\n",
" t : numpy array, real or complex, shape (N, M)\n",
" The hopping matrix from a lead cell to the one on which self-energy\n",
" has to be calculated (and any other hopping in the same direction).\n",
" tol : float\n",
" Numbers and differences are considered zero when they are smaller\n",
" than `tol` times the machine precision.\n",
" Returns\n",
" -------\n",
" ev : numpy array\n",
" Eigenvalues of the translation operator in the form lambda=r*exp(i*k),\n",
" for |r|=1 they are propagating modes.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" a, b = kwant.physics.leads.setup_linsys(h, t, tol, None).eigenproblem\n",
" ev = kwant.physics.leads.unified_eigenproblem(a, b, tol=tol)[0]\n",
" return ev\n",
"def gap_minimizer(lead, params, energy):\n",
" \"\"\"Function that minimizes a function to find the band gap.\n",
" This objective function checks if there are progagating modes at a\n",
" certain energy. Returns zero if there is a propagating mode.\n",
" Parameters\n",
" ----------\n",
" lead : kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem object\n",
" The finalized infinite system.\n",
" params : dict\n",
" A dict that is used to store Hamiltonian parameters.\n",
" energy : float\n",
" Energy at which this function checks for propagating modes.\n",
" Returns\n",
" -------\n",
" minimized_scalar : float\n",
" Value that is zero when there is a propagating mode.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" h, t = cell_mats(lead, params, bias=energy)\n",
" ev = translation_ev(h, t)\n",
" norm = (ev * ev.conj()).real\n",
" return np.min(np.abs(norm - 1))\n",
"def gap_from_modes(lead, params, tol=1e-6):\n",
" \"\"\"Finds the gapsize by peforming a binary search of the modes with a\n",
" tolarance of tol.\n",
" Parameters\n",
" ----------\n",
" lead : kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem object\n",
" The finalized infinite system.\n",
" params : dict\n",
" A dict that is used to store Hamiltonian parameters.\n",
" tol : float\n",
" The precision of the binary search.\n",
" Returns\n",
" -------\n",
" gap : float\n",
" Size of the gap.\n",
" Notes\n",
" -----\n",
" For use with `lead = funcs.make_lead()`.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Es = kwant.physics.Bands(lead, params=params)(k=0)\n",
" lim = [0, np.abs(Es).min()]\n",
" if gap_minimizer(lead, params, energy=0) < 1e-15:\n",
" # No band gap\n",
" gap = 0\n",
" else:\n",
" while lim[1] - lim[0] > tol:\n",
" energy = sum(lim) / 2\n",
" par = gap_minimizer(lead, params, energy)\n",
" if par < 1e-10:\n",
" lim[1] = energy\n",
" else:\n",
" lim[0] = energy\n",
" gap = sum(lim) / 2\n",
" return gap"
"cell_type": "code",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"execution_count": null,
@@ -497,11 +16,10 @@
@@ -497,11 +16,10 @@
"metadata": {},
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"source": [
"import phase_diagram as funcs\n",
"import phase_diagram as funcs\n",
"lead_pars = dict(\n",
"lead_pars = dict(\n",
" a=10, r1=50, r2=70, coverage_angle=135, angle=45, with_shell=True, which_lead=
" a=10, r1=50, r2=70, coverage_angle=135, angle=45, with_shell=True, which_lead=
"params = dict(\n",
"params = dict(\n",
@@ -528,19 +46,23 @@
@@ -528,19 +46,23 @@
" **funcs.constants.__dict__\n",
" **funcs.constants.__dict__\n",
"def pf(xy, params=params, lead_pars=lead_pars):\n",
"def pf(xy, params=params, lead_pars=lead_pars):\n",
" import phase_diagram as funcs\n",
" import phase_diagram as funcs\n",
" params[\"B_x\"], params[\"mu_lead\"] = xy\n",
" params[\"B_x\"], params[\"mu_lead\"] = xy\n",
" lead = funcs.make_lead(**lead_pars).finalized()\n",
" lead = funcs.make_lead(**lead_pars).finalized()\n",
" return funcs.calculate_pfaffian(lead, params)\n",
" return funcs.calculate_pfaffian(lead, params)\n",
"def smallest_gap(xy, params=params, lead_pars=lead_pars):\n",
"def smallest_gap(xy, params=params, lead_pars=lead_pars):\n",
" import phase_diagram as funcs\n",
" import phase_diagram as funcs\n",
" params[\"B_x\"], params[\"mu_lead\"] = xy\n",
" params[\"B_x\"], params[\"mu_lead\"] = xy\n",
" lead = funcs.make_lead(**lead_pars).finalized()\n",
" lead = funcs.make_lead(**lead_pars).finalized()\n",
" pf = funcs.calculate_pfaffian(lead, params)\n",
" pf = funcs.calculate_pfaffian(lead, params)\n",
" gap = funcs.gap_from_modes(lead, params)\n",
" gap = funcs.gap_from_modes(lead, params)\n",
" return pf * gap
" return pf * gap"
@@ -571,13 +93,6 @@
@@ -571,13 +93,6 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"execution_count": null,
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
import inspect
import operator
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from functools import wraps
from itertools import product
from types import SimpleNamespace
import kwant
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants
from kwant.continuum.discretizer import discretize
from skimage import measure
import adaptive
import pfaffian as pf
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6), "Use Python ≥3.6"
# Parameters taken from arXiv:1204.2792
# All constant parameters, mostly fundamental constants, in a SimpleNamespace.
constants = SimpleNamespace(
m_eff=0.015 * scipy.constants.m_e, # effective mass in kg
c=1e18 / (scipy.constants.eV * 1e-3), # to get to meV * nm^2
mu_B=scipy.constants.physical_constants["Bohr magneton in eV/T"][0] * 1e3,
constants.t = (constants.hbar ** 2 / (2 * constants.m_eff)) * constants.c
def get_names(sig):
names = [
(name, value)
for name, value in sig.parameters.items()
if value.kind
in (inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY)
return OrderedDict(names)
def filter_kwargs(sig, names, kwargs):
names_in_kwargs = [(name, value) for name, value in kwargs.items() if name in names]
return OrderedDict(names_in_kwargs)
def skip_pars(names1, names2, num_skipped):
skipped_pars1 = list(names1.keys())[:num_skipped]
skipped_pars2 = list(names2.keys())[:num_skipped]
if skipped_pars1 == skipped_pars2:
pars1 = list(names1.values())[num_skipped:]
pars2 = list(names2.values())[num_skipped:]
raise Exception("First {} arguments " "have to be the same".format(num_skipped))
return pars1, pars2
def combine(f, g, operator, num_skipped=0):
if not callable(f) or not callable(g):
raise Exception("One of the functions is not a function")
sig1 = inspect.signature(f)
sig2 = inspect.signature(g)
names1 = get_names(sig1)
names2 = get_names(sig2)
pars1, pars2 = skip_pars(names1, names2, num_skipped)
skipped_pars = list(names1.values())[:num_skipped]
pars1_names = { for p in pars1}
pars2 = [p for p in pars2 if not in pars1_names]
parameters = pars1 + pars2
kind = inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
parameters = [p.replace(kind=kind) for p in parameters]
parameters = skipped_pars + parameters
def wrapped(*args):
d = { arg for arg, p in zip(args, parameters)}
fval = f(*[d[name] for name in names1.keys()])
gval = g(*[d[name] for name in names2.keys()])
return operator(fval, gval)
wrapped.__signature__ = inspect.Signature(parameters=parameters)
return wrapped
def memoize(obj):
cache = obj.cache = {}
def memoizer(*args, **kwargs):
key = str(args) + str(kwargs)
if key not in cache:
cache[key] = obj(*args, **kwargs)
return cache[key]
return memoizer
def discretized_hamiltonian(a, which_lead=None):
ham = (
"(0.5 * hbar**2 * (k_x**2 + k_y**2 + k_z**2) / m_eff * c - mu + V) * kron(sigma_0, sigma_z) + "
"alpha * (k_y * kron(sigma_x, sigma_z) - k_x * kron(sigma_y, sigma_z)) + "
"0.5 * g * mu_B * (B_x * kron(sigma_x, sigma_0) + B_y * kron(sigma_y, sigma_0) + B_z * kron(sigma_z, sigma_0)) + "
"Delta * kron(sigma_0, sigma_x)"
subst_sm = {"Delta": 0}
if which_lead is not None:
subst_sm["V"] = f"V_{which_lead}(z, V_0, V_r, V_l, x0, sigma, r1)"
subst_sm["mu"] = f"mu_{which_lead}(x0, sigma, mu_lead, mu_wire)"
subst_sm["V"] = "V(x, z, V_0, V_r, V_l, x0, sigma, r1)"
subst_sm["mu"] = "mu(x, x0, sigma, mu_lead, mu_wire)"
subst_sc = {"g": 0, "alpha": 0, "mu": "mu_sc", "V": 0}
subst_interface = {"c": "c * c_tunnel", "alpha": 0, "V": 0}
templ_sm = discretize(ham, locals=subst_sm, grid_spacing=a)
templ_sc = discretize(ham, locals=subst_sc, grid_spacing=a)
templ_interface = discretize(ham, locals=subst_interface, grid_spacing=a)
return templ_sm, templ_sc, templ_interface
def cylinder_sector(r_out, r_in=0, L=1, L0=0, coverage_angle=360, angle=0, a=10):
"""Returns the shape function and start coords for a wire with
as cylindrical cross section.
r_out : int
Outer radius in nm.
r_in : int, optional
Inner radius in nm.
L : int, optional
Length of wire from L0 in nm, -1 if infinite in x-direction.
L0 : int, optional
Start position in x.
coverage_angle : int, optional
Coverage angle in degrees.
angle : int, optional
Angle of tilting from top in degrees.
a : int, optional
Discretization constant in nm.
(shape_func, *(start_coords))
coverage_angle *= np.pi / 360
angle *= np.pi / 180
r_out_sq, r_in_sq = r_out ** 2, r_in ** 2
def shape(site):
x, y, z = site.pos
except AttributeError:
x, y, z = site
n = (y + 1j * z) * np.exp(1j * angle)
y, z = n.real, n.imag
rsq = y ** 2 + z ** 2
shape_yz = r_in_sq <= rsq < r_out_sq and z >= np.cos(coverage_angle) * np.sqrt(
return (shape_yz and L0 <= x < L) if L > 0 else shape_yz
r_mid = (r_out + r_in) / 2
start_coords = np.array([L - a, r_mid * np.sin(angle), r_mid * np.cos(angle)])
return shape, start_coords
def is_antisymmetric(H):
return np.allclose(-H, H.T)
def cell_mats(lead, params, bias=0):
h = lead.cell_hamiltonian(params=params)
h -= bias * np.identity(len(h))
t = lead.inter_cell_hopping(params=params)
return h, t
def get_h_k(lead, params):
h, t = cell_mats(lead, params)
def h_k(k):
return h + t * np.exp(1j * k) + t.T.conj() * np.exp(-1j * k)
return h_k
def make_skew_symmetric(ham):
Makes a skew symmetric matrix by a matrix multiplication of a unitary
matrix U. This unitary matrix is taken from the Topology MOOC 0D, but
that is in a different basis. To get to the right basis one multiplies
by [[np.eye(2), 0], [0, sigma_y]].
ham : numpy.ndarray
Hamiltonian matrix gotten from sys.cell_hamiltonian()
skew_ham : numpy.ndarray
Skew symmetrized Hamiltonian
W = ham.shape[0] // 4
I = np.eye(2, dtype=complex)
sigma_y = np.array([[0, 1j], [-1j, 0]], dtype=complex)
U_1 = np.bmat([[I, I], [1j * I, -1j * I]])
U_2 = np.bmat([[I, 0 * I], [0 * I, sigma_y]])
U = U_1 @ U_2
U = np.kron(np.eye(W, dtype=complex), U)
skew_ham = U @ ham @ U.H
assert is_antisymmetric(skew_ham)
return skew_ham
def calculate_pfaffian(lead, params):
Calculates the Pfaffian for the infinite system by computing it at k = 0
and k = pi.
lead : kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem object
The finalized system.
h_k = get_h_k(lead, params)
skew_h0 = make_skew_symmetric(h_k(0))
skew_h_pi = make_skew_symmetric(h_k(np.pi))
pf_0 = np.sign(pf.pfaffian(1j * skew_h0, sign_only=True).real)
pf_pi = np.sign(pf.pfaffian(1j * skew_h_pi, sign_only=True).real)
pfaf = pf_0 * pf_pi
return pfaf
def at_interface(site1, site2, shape1, shape2):
return (shape1[0](site1) and shape2[0](site2)) or (
shape2[0](site1) and shape1[0](site2)
def change_hopping_at_interface(syst, template, shape1, shape2):
for (site1, site2), hop in syst.hopping_value_pairs():
if at_interface(site1, site2, shape1, shape2):
syst[site1, site2] = template[site1, site2]
return syst
def make_lead(a, r1, r2, coverage_angle, angle, with_shell, which_lead):
"""Create an infinite cylindrical 3D wire partially covered with a
superconducting (SC) shell.
a : int
Discretization constant in nm.
r1 : int
Radius of normal part of wire in nm.
r2 : int
Radius of superconductor in nm.
coverage_angle : int
Coverage angle of superconductor in degrees.
angle : int
Angle of tilting of superconductor from top in degrees.
with_shell : bool
Adds shell to the scattering area. If False no SC shell is added and
only a cylindrical wire will be created.
which_lead : str
Name of the potential function of the lead, e.g. `which_lead = 'left'` will
require a function `V_left(z, V_0)` and
`mu_left(mu_func(x, x0, sigma, mu_lead, mu_wire)`.
syst : kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem
The finilized kwant system.
This doesn't use default parameters because the variables need to be saved,
to a file. So I create a dictionary that is passed to the function.
>>> syst_params = dict(a=10, angle=0, coverage_angle=185, r1=50,
... r2=70, with_shell=True)
>>> syst, hopping = make_lead(**syst_params)
shape_normal_lead = cylinder_sector(r_out=r1, angle=angle, L=-1, a=a)
shape_sc_lead = cylinder_sector(
r_out=r2, r_in=r1, coverage_angle=coverage_angle, angle=angle, L=-1, a=a
sz = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
cons_law = np.kron(np.eye(2), -sz)
symmetry = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((a, 0, 0))
lead = kwant.Builder(
symmetry, conservation_law=cons_law if not with_shell else None
templ_sm, templ_sc, templ_interface = discretized_hamiltonian(
a, which_lead=which_lead
templ_sm = apply_peierls_to_template(templ_sm)
lead.fill(templ_sm, *shape_normal_lead)
if with_shell:
lat = templ_sc.lattice
shape_sc = cylinder_sector(
r_out=r2, r_in=r1, coverage_angle=coverage_angle, angle=angle, L=a, a=a
xyz_offset = get_offset(*shape_sc, lat)
templ_sc = apply_peierls_to_template(templ_sc, xyz_offset=xyz_offset)
templ_interface = apply_peierls_to_template(templ_interface)
lead.fill(templ_sc, *shape_sc_lead)
# Adding a tunnel barrier between SM and SC
lead = change_hopping_at_interface(
lead, templ_interface, shape_normal_lead, shape_sc_lead
return lead
def apply_peierls_to_template(template, xyz_offset=(0, 0, 0)):
"""Adds p.orbital argument to the hopping functions."""
template = deepcopy(template) # Needed because kwant.Builder is mutable
x0, y0, z0 = xyz_offset
lat = template.lattice
a = np.max(lat.prim_vecs) # lattice contant
def phase(site1, site2, B_x, B_y, B_z, orbital, e, hbar):
if orbital:
x, y, z = site1.tag
direction = site1.tag - site2.tag
A = [B_y * (z - z0) - B_z * (y - y0), 0, B_x * (y - y0)]
A =, direction) * a ** 2 * 1e-18 * e / hbar
phase = np.exp(-1j * A)
if lat.norbs == 2: # No PH degrees of freedom
return phase
elif lat.norbs == 4:
return np.array(
[phase, phase.conj(), phase, phase.conj()], dtype="complex128"
else: # No orbital phase
return 1
for (site1, site2), hop in template.hopping_value_pairs():
template[site1, site2] = combine(hop, phase, operator.mul, 2)
return template
def get_offset(shape, start, lat):
a = np.max(lat.prim_vecs)
coords = [site.pos for site in lat.shape(shape, start)()]
xyz_offset = np.mean(coords, axis=0)
return xyz_offset
def translation_ev(h, t, tol=1e6):
"""Compute the eigenvalues of the translation operator of a lead.
Adapted from kwant.physics.leads.modes.
h : numpy array, real or complex, shape (N, N) The unit cell
Hamiltonian of the lead unit cell.
t : numpy array, real or complex, shape (N, M)
The hopping matrix from a lead cell to the one on which self-energy
has to be calculated (and any other hopping in the same direction).
tol : float
Numbers and differences are considered zero when they are smaller
than `tol` times the machine precision.
ev : numpy array
Eigenvalues of the translation operator in the form lambda=r*exp(i*k),
for |r|=1 they are propagating modes.
a, b = kwant.physics.leads.setup_linsys(h, t, tol, None).eigenproblem
ev = kwant.physics.leads.unified_eigenproblem(a, b, tol=tol)[0]
return ev
def gap_minimizer(lead, params, energy):
"""Function that minimizes a function to find the band gap.
This objective function checks if there are progagating modes at a
certain energy. Returns zero if there is a propagating mode.
lead : kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem object
The finalized infinite system.
params : dict
A dict that is used to store Hamiltonian parameters.
energy : float
Energy at which this function checks for propagating modes.
minimized_scalar : float
Value that is zero when there is a propagating mode.
h, t = cell_mats(lead, params, bias=energy)
ev = translation_ev(h, t)
norm = (ev * ev.conj()).real
return np.min(np.abs(norm - 1))
def gap_from_modes(lead, params, tol=1e-6):
"""Finds the gapsize by peforming a binary search of the modes with a
tolarance of tol.
lead : kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem object
The finalized infinite system.
params : dict
A dict that is used to store Hamiltonian parameters.
tol : float
The precision of the binary search.
gap : float
Size of the gap.
For use with `lead = funcs.make_lead()`.
Es = kwant.physics.Bands(lead, params=params)(k=0)
lim = [0, np.abs(Es).min()]
if gap_minimizer(lead, params, energy=0) < 1e-15:
# No band gap
gap = 0
while lim[1] - lim[0] > tol:
energy = sum(lim) / 2
par = gap_minimizer(lead, params, energy)
if par < 1e-10:
lim[1] = energy
lim[0] = energy
gap = sum(lim) / 2
return gap
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
import adaptive
import adaptive
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
import phase_diagram as funcs
import phase_diagram as funcs
lead_pars = dict(
lead_pars = dict(
a=10, r1=50, r2=70, coverage_angle=135, angle=45, with_shell=True, which_lead=
a=10, r1=50, r2=70, coverage_angle=135, angle=45, with_shell=True, which_lead=
params = dict(
params = dict(
c_tunnel=3 / 4,
c_tunnel=3 / 4,
mu_=lambda x0, sigma, mu_lead, mu_wire: mu_lead,
mu_=lambda x0, sigma, mu_lead, mu_wire: mu_lead,
V_=lambda z, V_0, V_r, V_l, x0, sigma, r1: 0,
V_=lambda z, V_0, V_r, V_l, x0, sigma, r1: 0,
def pf(xy, params=params, lead_pars=lead_pars):
def pf(xy, params=params, lead_pars=lead_pars):
import phase_diagram as funcs
import phase_diagram as funcs
params["B_x"], params["mu_lead"] = xy
params["B_x"], params["mu_lead"] = xy
lead = funcs.make_lead(**lead_pars).finalized()
lead = funcs.make_lead(**lead_pars).finalized()
return funcs.calculate_pfaffian(lead, params)
return funcs.calculate_pfaffian(lead, params)
def smallest_gap(xy, params=params, lead_pars=lead_pars):
def smallest_gap(xy, params=params, lead_pars=lead_pars):
import phase_diagram as funcs
import phase_diagram as funcs
params["B_x"], params["mu_lead"] = xy
params["B_x"], params["mu_lead"] = xy
lead = funcs.make_lead(**lead_pars).finalized()
lead = funcs.make_lead(**lead_pars).finalized()
pf = funcs.calculate_pfaffian(lead, params)
pf = funcs.calculate_pfaffian(lead, params)
gap = funcs.gap_from_modes(lead, params)
gap = funcs.gap_from_modes(lead, params)
return pf * gap
return pf * gap
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
learner = adaptive.Learner2D(smallest_gap, bounds=[(0, 2), (0, 35)])
learner = adaptive.Learner2D(smallest_gap, bounds=[(0, 2), (0, 35)])
# learner.load('phase_diagram.pickle')
# learner.load('phase_diagram.pickle')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
runner = adaptive.Runner(learner, goal=lambda l: l.npoints > 60000)
runner = adaptive.Runner(learner, goal=lambda l: l.npoints > 60000)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
%%output size=100
%%output size=100
learner.plot(tri_alpha=0.4, n=None)
learner.plot(tri_alpha=0.4, n=None)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
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