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# Filename:
# Description:  Contains 'Learner1D' object, a learner for 1D data.
#               TODO:
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import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
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import heapq

class Learner1D(object):
    """ Learns and predicts a 1D function.

    Answers questions like:
    * "How much data do you need to get 2% accuracy?"
    * "What is the current status?"
    * "If I give you n data points, which ones would you like?"
    (initialise/request/promise/put/describe current state)


    def __init__(self, xdata=None, ydata=None):
        """Initialize the learner.

        data :
           Possibly empty list of float-like tuples, describing the initial

        # Set internal variables

        # A dict storing the loss function for each interval x_n.
        self._losses = {}

        # A dict {x_n: [x_{n-1}, x_{n+1}]} for quick checking of local
        # properties.
        self._neighbors = {}
        # A dict {x_n: y_n} for quick checking of local
        # properties.
        self._ydata = {}

        # Bounding box [[minx, maxx], [miny, maxy]].
        self._bbox = [[np.inf, -np.inf], [np.inf, -np.inf]]
        # Data scale (maxx - minx), (maxy - miny)
        self._scale = [0, 0]
        self._oldscale = [0, 0]

        # Add initial data if provided
        if xdata is not None:
            self.add_data(xdata, ydata)

    def loss(self, x_i, x_f):
        """Calculate loss in the interval x_i, x_f.

        Currently returns the rescaled length of the interval. If one of the
        y-values is missing, returns 0 (so the intervals with missing data are
        never touched. This behavior should be improved later.
        assert x_i < x_f and self._neighbors[x_i][1] == x_f
            return sqrt(((x_f - x_i) / self._scale[0])**2 +
                        ((self._ydata[x_f] - self._ydata[x_i])
                         / self._scale[1])**2)
        except TypeError:  # One of y-values is None.
            return 0

    def add_data(self, xvalues, yvalues):
        """Add data to the intervals.

        xvalues : iterable of numbers
            Values of the x coordinate.
        yvalues : iterable of numbers and None
            Values of the y coordinate. `None` means that the value will be
            provided later.
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        for x, y in zip(xvalues, yvalues):
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            self.add_point(x, y)

    def add_point(self, x, y):
        # Update the data
        self._ydata[x] = y

        # Update the neighbors.
        if x not in self._neighbors:  # The point is new
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            xvals = np.sort(list(self._neighbors.keys()))
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            pos = np.searchsorted(xvals, x)
            self._neighbors[None] = [None, None]  # To reduce the number of
                                                  # condititons.
            x_lower = xvals[pos-1] if pos != 0 else None
            x_upper = xvals[pos] if pos != len(xvals) else None
            # print x_lower, x_upper, x
            self._neighbors[x] = [x_lower, x_upper]
            self._neighbors[x_lower][1] = x
            self._neighbors[x_upper][0] = x
            del self._neighbors[None]

        # Update the scale.
        self._bbox[0][0] = min(self._bbox[0][0], x)
        self._bbox[0][1] = max(self._bbox[0][1], x)
        if y is not None:
            self._bbox[1][0] = min(self._bbox[1][0], y)
            self._bbox[1][1] = max(self._bbox[1][1], y)
        self._scale = [self._bbox[0][1] - self._bbox[0][0],
                       self._bbox[1][1] - self._bbox[1][0]]

        # Update the losses.
        x_lower, x_upper = self._neighbors[x]
        if x_lower is not None:
            self._losses[x_lower, x] = self.loss(x_lower, x)
        if x_upper is not None:
            self._losses[x, x_upper] = self.loss(x, x_upper)
            del self._losses[x_lower, x_upper]
        except KeyError:

        # If the scale has doubled, recompute all losses.
        if self._scale > self._oldscale * 2:
            self._losses = {key: self.loss(*key) for key in self._losses}
            self._oldscale = self._scale

    def choose_points(self, n=10):
        """Return n points that are expected to maximally reduce the loss."""
        # Find out how to divide the n points over the intervals
        # by finding  positive integer n_i that minimize max(L_i / n_i) subject
        # to a constraint that sum(n_i) = n + N, with N the total number of
        # intervals.

        # Return equally spaced points within each interval to which points
        # will be added.
        points = lambda x, n: list(np.linspace(x[0], x[1], n,

        # Calculate how many points belong to each interval.
        quals = [(-loss, x_i, 1) for (x_i, loss) in
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        for point_number in range(n):
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            quality, x, n = quals[0]
            heapq.heapreplace(quals, (quality * n / (n+1), x, n + 1))

        return sum((points(x, n) for quality, x, n in quals), [])

    def get_status(self):
        """ Report current status.
        So far just returns some internal variables [losses, intervals and
        return self._losses, self._neighbors, self._ydata