issue a warning instead of raising an exception
I am running into this problem when I am working in the notebook and use a ipyparallel.Client
within a zmq.Context()
For context, I want to run many more learners than a runner can handle.
For example, say 10000 learners on 200 cores, that means that if generating a new point is 50 ms, a learner can only ask for a new point every 10 seconds. If it's done quicker, the cores are waiting for new points.
The way I do that now is something along the lines of:
def run_all_the_things(learners_params):
import ipyparallel
import zmq
import adaptive
import toolz
client = ipyparallel.Client(context=zmq.Context())
learners = [adaptive.Learner2D(**p) for p in learners_params]
learner = adaptive.BalancingLearner(learners)
runner = adaptive.Runner(learner, goal=lambda learner: all(l.n > 100 for l in learner.learners))
return [ for l in learner.learners]
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
ex = ProcessPoolExecutor(len(i_learners))
futs = [ex.submit(run_all_the_things, i_learner) for i_learner in i_learners]
when doing this, this error is raised:
if in_ipynb() and not self.ioloop.is_running():
raise RuntimeError('Run adaptive.notebook_extension() to use '
'the Runner in a Jupyter notebook.')
Edited by Bas Nijholt