Repository graph
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Select Git revision
- Branches 18
- 120--learnernd-curvature
- 133-use-a-itemsorteddict-for-the-loss-in-the-learnernd
- 134-learner1d-load-throws-exception-when-file-is-empty
- 74--add-anisotropicity-to-learnerND
- AverageLearner2D
- bugfix/suppress
- ci_benchmarks
- cython
- function_in_runner
- make_notebook_with_content
- master default
- no_overlay_plotting
- private_methods_learnernd
- refactor/triangulating-learner
- renorm_2d
- rst_readme
- rtol_integrator
- stable-0.7
- Tags 16
- v0.7.2
- v0.8.0-dev
- v0.7.0
- v0.7.0-dev
- v0.6.0
- v0.5.0
- v0.4.1
- v0.5.0-dev
- v0.4.0
- v0.4.0-dev
- v0.3.0
- v0.2.1
- v0.3.0-dev
- v0.2.0
- v0.2.0-dev
- v0.1.0