@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ What are the new onsite energies of the two orbitals?
#### Question 3.
Diagonalize the modified LCAO Hamiltonian. Find the ground state wavefunction $ψ$. Note: for simplicity assume that the electric field is small, such that $\gamma \ll t$, with $\gamma = e d \mathcal{E}/2$.
#### Question 4.
Find the polarization $P$ of the molecule in the ground state. Check if your answer makes sense for $\matthcal{E}=0$.
Find the polarization $P$ of the molecule in the ground state. Check if your answer makes sense when you set the electric field to zero.
??? hint "Reminder: polarization"
The polarization $P$ of a molecule with $n\leq 2$ electrons at its ground state $|ψ⟩$ is: