Open Solid State Notes
!!! summary "Learning goals"
After following this course you will be able to:
- Formulate the main models of solid state physics
- Given a description of a solid state physics problem, write down the corresponding equations
- Identify the relevant approximations and apply them to solve this problem
In these notes our aim is to provide learning materials which are:
- self-contained
- easy to modify and remix, so we provide the full source, including the code
- open for reuse: see the license below.
The course is heavily inspired by the book Oxford Solid State Basics by Steve Simon (referred to as the book in the materials). We invite all the readers to read the book for a more detailed overview and view his lecture recordings.
Whether you are a student taking this course, or an instructor reusing the materials, we welcome all contributions, so check out the course repository, especially do let us know if you see a typo!