@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ We apply a magnetic field $\bf B$ along the $z$-direction to a planar (two-dimen
3. Express the longitudinal resistance $R=V/I$, where $V$ is the voltage difference over the sample along the $x$ direction, in terms of the longitudinal resistivity $ρ_{xx}$. Suppose we extracted $n$ from a measurement of the Hall resistance, what quantity can we extract from a measurement of the longitudinal resistance? Does the result depend on the geometry of the sample?
### Exercise 2: Motion of an electron in a magnetic and an electric field.
We consider an electron in free space experiencing a magnetic field $\mathbf{B}$ pointing in the positive $z$-direction.
Consider an electron in free space experiencing a magnetic field $\mathbf{B}$ along the $z$-direction.
Assume that the electron starts at the origin with a velocity $v_0$ in the positive $x$-direction.
1. Write down the Newton's equation of motion for the electron, compute $\frac{d\mathbf{v}}{{dt}}$.