where $I_0$ is the current flowing through a diode in reverse biased condition which is nearly independent of applied bias voltage but varies as a function of temperature.
where $J_s(T)$ is the current flowing through a diode when it is reverse biased i.e. the positive terminal of battery is connected to n-type semiconductor and the negative terminal to p-type. $I_0$ is nearly independent of the applied bias voltage (V) but varies as a function of temperature (T).
Display the I-V plot of a conventional pn diode
1. Write down two possible scenarios by which pn diode generates current in reverse biased condition.
1. Write down two possible scenarios by which a pn diode generates current in reverse biased condition.
2. How does the temperature affect the diode performance in the two scenarios written in 3.1.
3. Sketch a plot of saturation current as a function of temperature
4. Explain the dominant contribution to current in forward biased situation.