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Fix pipeline, docker and package version issues

Taico Aerts requested to merge t.v.aerts/zesje:fix-pipeline into master

Pillow - pyssim 0.6 does not support pillow >= 10.x. They fixed the issue in their repo already, but haven't made a new version release yet.

Linter issue - Not sure if it was already present or if a newer linter rule, but simple fix.

Missing babel packages - The functions are now supported in ECMAScript, so these packages are no longer part of the defaults.

Flask - Flask 3.0.0 was released recently, and we don't support that, so fix the version to < 3.0.0

Micromamba - Best not to use an Ubuntu version that is not LTS (like was done in the past) because of their short support periods. This short support window was also what broke all docker functionality.

Kaniko - Updated to latest debug image

Edited by Taico Aerts

Merge request reports
