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Commit 4c1b6d75 authored by Tómas's avatar Tómas Committed by Joseph Weston
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add kwant.qsymm module

Co-authored-by: default avatarDaniel Varjas <>
parent 438201d9
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# Copyright 2011-2018 Kwant authors.
# This file is part of Kwant. It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# A list of Kwant authors can be found in
# the file AUTHORS.rst at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
__all__ = ['builder_to_model', 'model_to_builder', 'find_builder_symmetries']
import itertools as it
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import numpy as np
import tinyarray as ta
import scipy.linalg as la
import sympy
import qsymm
from qsymm.model import Model, BlochModel, BlochCoeff
from qsymm.groups import PointGroupElement, ContinuousGroupGenerator
from qsymm.symmetry_finder import bravais_point_group
from qsymm.linalg import allclose
from qsymm.hamiltonian_generator import hamiltonian_from_family
except ImportError as error:
msg = ("'kwant.qsymm' is not available because one or more of its "
"dependencies is not installed.")
raise ImportError(msg) from error
from kwant import lattice, builder
from kwant._common import get_parameters
def builder_to_model(syst, momenta=None, real_space=True,
"""Make a qsymm.BlochModel out of a Builder.
syst: kwant.Builder
May have translational symmetries.
momenta: list of strings or None
Names of momentum variables. If None, 'k_x', 'k_y', ... is used.
real_space: bool (default True)
If False, use the unit cell convention for Bloch basis, the
exponential has the difference in the unit cell coordinates and
k is expressed in the reciprocal lattice basis. This is consistent
with kwant.wraparound.
If True, the difference in the real space coordinates is used
and k is given in an absolute basis.
Only the default choice guarantees that qsymm is able to find
nonsymmorphic symmetries.
params: dict, optional
Dictionary of parameter names and their values; used when
evaluating the Hamiltonian matrix elements.
Model representing the tight-binding Hamiltonian.
The sites in the the builder are in lexicographical order, i.e. ordered
first by their family and then by their tag. This is the same ordering that
is used in finalized kwant systems.
def term_to_model(d, par, matrix):
if np.allclose(matrix, 0):
result = BlochModel({})
result = BlochModel({BlochCoeff(d, qsymm.sympify(par)): matrix},
return result
def hopping_to_model(hop, value, proj, params):
site1, site2 = hop
if real_space:
d = proj @ np.array(site2.pos - site1.pos)
# site in the FD
d = np.array(syst.symmetry.which(site2))
slice1, slice2 = slices[to_fd(site1)], slices[to_fd(site2)]
if callable(value):
return sum(term_to_model(d, par, set_block(slice1, slice2, val))
for par, val in function_to_terms(hop, value, params))
matrix = set_block(slice1, slice2, value)
return term_to_model(d, '1', matrix)
def onsite_to_model(site, value, params):
d = np.zeros((dim, ))
slice1 = slices[to_fd(site)]
if callable(value):
return sum(term_to_model(d, par, set_block(slice1, slice1, val))
for par, val in function_to_terms(site, value, params))
return term_to_model(d, '1', set_block(slice1, slice1, value))
def function_to_terms(site_or_hop, value, fixed_params):
assert callable(value)
parameters = get_parameters(value)
# remove site or site1, site2 parameters
if isinstance(site_or_hop, builder.Site):
parameters = parameters[1:]
site_or_hop = (site_or_hop,)
parameters = parameters[2:]
free_parameters = (par for par in parameters
if par not in fixed_params.keys())
# first set all free parameters to 0
args = ((fixed_params[par] if par in fixed_params.keys() else 0)
for par in parameters)
h_0 = value(*site_or_hop, *args)
# set one of the free parameters to 1 at a time, the rest 0
terms = []
for p in free_parameters:
args = ((fixed_params[par] if par in fixed_params.keys() else
(1 if par == p else 0)) for par in parameters)
terms.append((p, value(*site_or_hop, *args) - h_0))
return terms + [('1', h_0)]
def orbital_slices(syst):
orbital_slices = {}
start_orb = 0
for site in sorted(syst.sites()):
n =
if n is None:
raise ValueError('norbs must be provided for every lattice.')
orbital_slices[site] = slice(start_orb, start_orb + n)
start_orb += n
return orbital_slices, start_orb
def set_block(slice1, slice2, val):
matrix = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=complex)
matrix[slice1, slice2] = val
return matrix
if params is None:
params = dict()
periods = np.array(syst.symmetry.periods)
dim = len(periods)
to_fd = syst.symmetry.to_fd
if momenta is None:
momenta = ['k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z'][:dim]
# If the system is higher dimensional than the number of translation
# vectors, we need to project onto the subspace spanned by the
# translation vectors.
if dim == 0:
proj = np.empty((0, len(list(syst.sites())[0].pos)))
elif dim < len(list(syst.sites())[0].pos):
proj, r = la.qr(np.array(periods).T, mode='economic')
sign = np.diag(np.diag(np.sign(r)))
proj = sign @ proj.T
proj = np.eye(dim)
slices, N = orbital_slices(syst)
one_way_hoppings = [hopping_to_model(hop, value, proj, params)
for hop, value in syst.hopping_value_pairs()]
other_way_hoppings = [term.T().conj() for term in one_way_hoppings]
hoppings = one_way_hoppings + other_way_hoppings
onsites = [onsite_to_model(site, value, params)
for site, value in syst.site_value_pairs()]
result = sum(onsites) + sum(hoppings)
return result
def model_to_builder(model, norbs, lat_vecs, atom_coords, *, coeffs=None):
"""Make a Builder out of qsymm.Models or qsymm.BlochModels.
model: qsymm.model.Model, qsymm.model.BlochModel, or an iterable thereof
The Hamiltonian (or terms of the Hamiltonian) to convert to a
norbs: OrderedDict or sequence of pairs
Maps sites to the number of orbitals per site in a unit cell.
lat_vecs: list of arrays
Lattice vectors of the underlying tight binding lattice.
atom_coords: list of arrays
Positions of the sites (or atoms) within a unit cell.
The ordering of the atoms is the same as in norbs.
coeffs: list of sympy.Symbol, default None.
Constant prefactors for the individual terms in model, if model
is a list of multiple objects. If model is a single Model or BlochModel
object, this argument is ignored. By default assigns the coefficient
c_n to element model[n].
syst: kwant.Builder
The unfinalized Kwant system representing the qsymm Model(s).
Onsite terms that are not provided in the input model are set
to zero by default.
The input Model(s) representing the tight binding Hamiltonian in
Bloch form should follow the convention where the difference in the real
space atomic positions appear in the Bloch factors.
def make_int(R):
# If close to an integer array convert to integer tinyarray, else
# return None
R_int = ta.array(np.round(R), int)
if qsymm.linalg.allclose(R, R_int):
return R_int
return None
def term_onsite(onsites_dict, hopping_dict, hop_mat, atoms,
sublattices, coords_dict):
"""Find the Kwant onsites and hoppings in a qsymm.BlochModel term
that has no lattice translation in the Bloch factor.
for atom1, atom2 in it.product(atoms, atoms):
# Subblock within the same sublattice is onsite
hop = hop_mat[ranges[atom1], ranges[atom2]]
if sublattices[atom1] == sublattices[atom2]:
onsites_dict[atom1] += Model({coeff: hop}, momenta=momenta)
# Blocks between sublattices are hoppings between sublattices
# at the same position.
# Only include nonzero hoppings
elif not allclose(hop, 0):
if not allclose(np.array(coords_dict[atom1]),
raise ValueError(
"Position of sites not compatible with qsymm model.")
lat_basis = np.array(zer)
hop = Model({coeff: hop}, momenta=momenta)
hop_dir = builder.HoppingKind(-lat_basis, sublattices[atom1],
hopping_dict[hop_dir] += hop
return onsites_dict, hopping_dict
def term_hopping(hopping_dict, hop_mat, atoms,
sublattices, coords_dict):
"""Find Kwant hoppings in a qsymm.BlochModel term that has a lattice
translation in the Bloch factor.
# Iterate over combinations of atoms, set hoppings between each
for atom1, atom2 in it.product(atoms, atoms):
# Take the block from atom1 to atom2
hop = hop_mat[ranges[atom1], ranges[atom2]]
# Only include nonzero hoppings
if allclose(hop, 0):
# Adjust hopping vector to Bloch form basis
r_lattice = (
+ np.array(coords_dict[atom1])
- np.array(coords_dict[atom2])
# Bring vector to basis of lattice vectors
lat_basis = np.linalg.solve(np.vstack(lat_vecs).T, r_lattice)
lat_basis = make_int(lat_basis)
# Should only have hoppings that are integer multiples of
# lattice vectors
if lat_basis is not None:
hop_dir = builder.HoppingKind(-lat_basis,
# Set the hopping as the matrix times the hopping amplitude
hopping_dict[hop_dir] += Model({coeff: hop}, momenta=momenta)
raise RuntimeError('A nonzero hopping not matching a '
'lattice vector was found.')
return hopping_dict
# Disambiguate single model instances from iterables thereof. Because
# Model is itself iterable (subclasses dict) this is a bit cumbersome.
if isinstance(model, Model):
# BlochModel can't yet handle getting a Blochmodel as input
if not isinstance(model, BlochModel):
model = BlochModel(model)
model = BlochModel(hamiltonian_from_family(
model, coeffs=coeffs, nsimplify=False, tosympy=False))
# 'momentum' and 'zer' are used in the closures defined above, so don't
# move these declarations down.
momenta = model.momenta
if len(momenta) != len(lat_vecs):
raise ValueError("Dimension of the lattice and number of "
"momenta do not match.")
zer = [0] * len(momenta)
# Subblocks of the Hamiltonian for different atoms.
N = 0
if not any([isinstance(norbs, OrderedDict), isinstance(norbs, list),
isinstance(norbs, tuple)]):
raise ValueError('norbs must be OrderedDict, tuple, or list.')
norbs = OrderedDict(norbs)
ranges = dict()
for a, n in norbs.items():
ranges[a] = slice(N, N + n)
N += n
# Extract atoms and number of orbitals per atom,
# store the position of each atom
atoms, orbs = zip(*norbs.items())
coords_dict = dict(zip(atoms, atom_coords))
# Make the kwant lattice
lat = lattice.general(lat_vecs, atom_coords, norbs=orbs)
# Store sublattices by name
sublattices = dict(zip(atoms, lat.sublattices))
# Keep track of the hoppings and onsites by storing those
# which have already been set.
hopping_dict = defaultdict(dict)
onsites_dict = defaultdict(dict)
# Iterate over all terms in the model.
for key, hop_mat in model.items():
# Determine whether this term is an onsite or a hopping, extract
# overall symbolic coefficient if any, extract the exponential
# part describing the hopping if present.
r_vec, coeff = key
# Onsite term; modifies onsites_dict and hopping_dict in-place
if allclose(r_vec, 0):
onsites_dict, hopping_dict, hop_mat,
atoms, sublattices, coords_dict)
# Hopping term; modifies hopping_dict in-place
term_hopping(hopping_dict, hop_mat, atoms,
sublattices, coords_dict)
# If some onsite terms are not set, we set them to zero.
for atom in atoms:
if atom not in onsites_dict:
onsites_dict[atom] = Model(
{sympy.numbers.One(): np.zeros((norbs[atom], norbs[atom]))},
# Make the Kwant system, and set all onsites and hoppings.
sym = lattice.TranslationalSymmetry(*lat_vecs)
syst = builder.Builder(sym)
# Iterate over all onsites and set them
for atom, onsite in onsites_dict.items():
syst[sublattices[atom](*zer)] = onsite.lambdify(onsite=True)
# Finally, iterate over all the hoppings and set them
for direction, hopping in hopping_dict.items():
syst[direction] = hopping.lambdify(hopping=True)
return syst
# This may be useful in the future, so we'll keep it as internal for now,
# and can make it part of the API in the future if we wish.
def _get_builder_symmetries(builder):
"""Extract the declared symmetries of a Kwant builder.
builder: kwant.Builder
builder_symmetries: dict
Dictionary of the discrete symmetries that the builder has.
The symmetries can be particle-hole, time-reversal or chiral,
which are returned as qsymm.PointGroupElements, or
a conservation law, which is returned as a
dim = len(np.array(builder.symmetry.periods))
symmetry_names = ['time_reversal', 'particle_hole', 'chiral',
builder_symmetries = {name: getattr(builder, name)
for name in symmetry_names
if getattr(builder, name) is not None}
for name, symmetry in builder_symmetries.items():
if name == 'time_reversal':
builder_symmetries[name] = PointGroupElement(np.eye(dim),
True, False, symmetry)
elif name == 'particle_hole':
builder_symmetries[name] = PointGroupElement(np.eye(dim),
True, True, symmetry)
elif name == 'chiral':
builder_symmetries[name] = PointGroupElement(np.eye(dim),
False, True, symmetry)
elif name == 'conservation_law':
builder_symmetries[name] = ContinuousGroupGenerator(R=None,
raise ValueError("Invalid symmetry name.")
return builder_symmetries
def find_builder_symmetries(builder, momenta=None, params=None,
spatial_symmetries=True, prettify=True):
"""Finds the symmetries of a Kwant system using qsymm.
builder: kwant.Builder
momenta: list of strings or None
Names of momentum variables, if None 'k_x', 'k_y', ... is used.
params: dict, optional
Dictionary of parameter names and their values; used when
evaluating the Hamiltonian matrix elements.
spatial_symmetries: bool (default True)
If True, search for all symmetries.
If False, only searches for the symmetries that are declarable in
kwant.Builder objects, i.e. time-reversal symmetry, particle-hole
symmetry, chiral symmetry, or conservation laws. This can save
computation time.
prettify : bool (default True)
Whether to carry out sparsification of the continuous symmetry
generators, in general an arbitrary linear combination of the
symmetry generators is returned.
symmetries: list of qsymm.PointGroupElements and/or
The symmetries of the Kwant system.
if params is None:
params = dict()
ham = builder_to_model(builder, momenta=momenta,
real_space=False, params=params)
dim = len(np.array(builder.symmetry.periods))
if spatial_symmetries:
candidates = bravais_point_group(builder.symmetry.periods, tr=True,
ph=True, generators=False,
candidates = [
qsymm.PointGroupElement(np.eye(dim), True, False, None), # T
qsymm.PointGroupElement(np.eye(dim), True, True, None), # P
qsymm.PointGroupElement(np.eye(dim), False, True, None)] # C
sg, cg = qsymm.symmetries(ham, candidates, prettify=prettify,
return list(sg) + list(cg)
# Copyright 2011-2018 Kwant authors.
# This file is part of Kwant. It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# A list of Kwant authors can be found in
# the file AUTHORS.rst at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import sympy
import qsymm
from qsymm.symmetry_finder import symmetries
from qsymm.hamiltonian_generator import bloch_family, hamiltonian_from_family
from qsymm.groups import (hexagonal, PointGroupElement, spin_matrices,
spin_rotation, ContinuousGroupGenerator)
from qsymm.model import Model, e, I, _commutative_momenta
from qsymm.linalg import allclose
import kwant
from kwant._common import ensure_rng
from kwant.lattice import TranslationalSymmetry
from kwant.qsymm import (builder_to_model, model_to_builder,
_get_builder_symmetries, find_builder_symmetries)
def test_honeycomb():
lat = kwant.lattice.honeycomb(norbs=1)
# Test simple honeycomb model with constant terms
# Add discrete symmetries to the kwant builder as well, to check that they are
# returned as well.
syst = kwant.Builder(symmetry=TranslationalSymmetry(*lat.prim_vecs))
syst[lat.a(0, 0)] = 1
syst[lat.b(0, 0)] = 1
syst[lat.neighbors(1)] = -1
H = builder_to_model(syst)
sg, cs = symmetries(H, hexagonal(sympy_R=False), prettify=True)
assert len(sg) == 24
assert len(cs) == 0
# Test simple honeycomb model with value functions
syst = kwant.Builder(symmetry=TranslationalSymmetry(*lat.prim_vecs))
syst[lat.a(0, 0)] = lambda site, ma: ma
syst[lat.b(0, 0)] = lambda site, mb: mb
syst[lat.neighbors(1)] = lambda site1, site2, t: t
H = builder_to_model(syst)
sg, cs = symmetries(H, hexagonal(sympy_R=False), prettify=True)
assert len(sg) == 12
assert len(cs) == 0
def test_get_builder_symmetries():
syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((1, 0), (0, 1)),
builder_symmetries = _get_builder_symmetries(syst)
assert len(builder_symmetries) == 2
P = builder_symmetries['particle_hole']
assert isinstance(P, PointGroupElement)
assert allclose(P.U, np.eye(2))
assert P.conjugate and P.antisymmetry
assert allclose(P.R, np.eye(2))
cons = builder_symmetries['conservation_law']
assert isinstance(cons, ContinuousGroupGenerator)
assert allclose(cons.U, 2*np.eye(2))
assert cons.R is None
syst = kwant.Builder()
builder_symmetries = _get_builder_symmetries(syst)
assert len(builder_symmetries) == 0
def test_higher_dim():
# Test 0D finite system
lat = kwant.lattice.cubic(norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder()
syst[lat(0, 0, 0)] = 1
syst[lat(1, 1, 0)] = 1
syst[lat(0, 1, 1)] = 1
syst[lat(1, 0, -1)] = 1
syst[lat(0, 0, 0), lat(1, 1, 0)] = -1
syst[lat(0, 0, 0), lat(0, 1, 1)] = -1
syst[lat(0, 0, 0), lat(1, 0, -1)] = -1
H = builder_to_model(syst)
sg, cs = symmetries(H, prettify=True)
assert len(sg) == 2
assert len(cs) == 5
# Test triangular lattice system embedded in 3D
sym = TranslationalSymmetry([1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1])
lat = kwant.lattice.cubic(norbs=1)
syst = kwant.Builder(symmetry=sym)
syst[lat(0, 0, 0)] = 1
syst[lat(0, 0, 0), lat(1, 1, 0)] = -1
syst[lat(0, 0, 0), lat(0, 1, 1)] = -1
syst[lat(0, 0, 0), lat(1, 0, -1)] = -1
H = builder_to_model(syst)
sg, cs = symmetries(H, hexagonal(sympy_R=False), prettify=True)
assert len(sg) == 24
assert len(cs) == 0
def test_graphene_to_kwant():
norbs = OrderedDict([('A', 1), ('B', 1)]) # A and B atom per unit cell, one orbital each
hopping_vectors = [('A', 'B', [1, 0])] # Hopping between neighbouring A and B atoms
# Atomic coordinates within the unit cell
atom_coords = [(0, 0), (1, 0)]
# We set the interatom distance to 1, so the lattice vectors have length sqrt(3)
lat_vecs = [(3/2, np.sqrt(3)/2), (3/2, -np.sqrt(3)/2)]
# Time reversal
TR = PointGroupElement(sympy.eye(2), True, False, np.eye(2))
# Chiral symmetry
C = PointGroupElement(sympy.eye(2), False, True, np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]]))
# Atom A rotates into A, B into B.
sphi = 2*sympy.pi/3
RC3 = sympy.Matrix([[sympy.cos(sphi), -sympy.sin(sphi)],
[sympy.sin(sphi), sympy.cos(sphi)]])
C3 = PointGroupElement(RC3, False, False, np.eye(2))
# Generate graphene Hamiltonian in Kwant from qsymm
symmetries = [C, TR, C3]
# Generate using a family
family = bloch_family(hopping_vectors, symmetries, norbs)
syst_from_family = model_to_builder(family, norbs, lat_vecs, atom_coords, coeffs=None)
# Generate using a single Model object
g = sympy.Symbol('g', real=True)
ham = hamiltonian_from_family(family, coeffs=[g])
ham = Model(hamiltonian=ham, momenta=family[0].momenta)
syst_from_model = model_to_builder(ham, norbs, lat_vecs, atom_coords)
# Make the graphene Hamiltonian using kwant only
atoms, orbs = zip(*[(atom, norb) for atom, norb in
# Make the kwant lattice
lat = kwant.lattice.general(lat_vecs,
# Store sublattices by name
sublattices = {atom: sublat for atom, sublat in
zip(atoms, lat.sublattices)}
sym = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(*lat_vecs)
bulk = kwant.Builder(sym)
bulk[ [sublattices['A'](0, 0), sublattices['B'](0, 0)] ] = 0
def hop(site1, site2, c0):
return c0
bulk[lat.neighbors()] = hop
fsyst_family = kwant.wraparound.wraparound(syst_from_family).finalized()
fsyst_model = kwant.wraparound.wraparound(syst_from_model).finalized()
fsyst_kwant = kwant.wraparound.wraparound(bulk).finalized()
# Check that the energies are identical at random points in the Brillouin zone
coeff = 0.5 + np.random.rand()
for _ in range(20):
kx, ky = 3*np.pi*(np.random.rand(2) - 0.5)
params = dict(c0=coeff, k_x=kx, k_y=ky)
hamiltonian1 = fsyst_kwant.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=params, sparse=False)
hamiltonian2 = fsyst_family.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=params, sparse=False)
assert allclose(hamiltonian1, hamiltonian2)
params = dict(g=coeff, k_x=kx, k_y=ky)
hamiltonian3 = fsyst_model.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=params, sparse=False)
assert allclose(hamiltonian2, hamiltonian3)
# Include random onsites as well
one = sympy.numbers.One()
onsites = [Model({one: np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])}, momenta=family[0].momenta),
Model({one: np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])}, momenta=family[0].momenta)]
family = family + onsites
syst_from_family = model_to_builder(family, norbs, lat_vecs, atom_coords, coeffs=None)
gs = list(sympy.symbols('g0:%d'%3, real=True))
ham = hamiltonian_from_family(family, coeffs=gs)
ham = Model(hamiltonian=ham, momenta=family[0].momenta)
syst_from_model = model_to_builder(ham, norbs, lat_vecs, atom_coords)
def onsite_A(site, c1):
return c1
def onsite_B(site, c2):
return c2
bulk[[sublattices['A'](0, 0)]] = onsite_A
bulk[[sublattices['B'](0, 0)]] = onsite_B
fsyst_family = kwant.wraparound.wraparound(syst_from_family).finalized()
fsyst_model = kwant.wraparound.wraparound(syst_from_model).finalized()
fsyst_kwant = kwant.wraparound.wraparound(bulk).finalized()
# Check equivalence of the Hamiltonian at random points in the BZ
coeffs = 0.5 + np.random.rand(3)
for _ in range(20):
kx, ky = 3*np.pi*(np.random.rand(2) - 0.5)
params = dict(c0=coeffs[0], c1=coeffs[1], c2=coeffs[2], k_x=kx, k_y=ky)
hamiltonian1 = fsyst_kwant.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=params, sparse=False)
hamiltonian2 = fsyst_family.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=params, sparse=False)
assert allclose(hamiltonian1, hamiltonian2)
params = dict(g0=coeffs[0], g1=coeffs[1], g2=coeffs[2], k_x=kx, k_y=ky)
hamiltonian3 = fsyst_model.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=params, sparse=False)
assert allclose(hamiltonian2, hamiltonian3)
def test_wraparound_convention():
# Test that it matches exactly kwant.wraparound convention
# Make the graphene Hamiltonian using kwant only
norbs = OrderedDict([('A', 1), ('B', 1)]) # A and B atom per unit cell, one orbital each
atoms, orbs = zip(*[(atom, norb) for atom, norb in
# Atomic coordinates within the unit cell
atom_coords = [(0, 0), (1, 0)]
# We set the interatom distance to 1, so the lattice vectors have length sqrt(3)
lat_vecs = [(3/2, np.sqrt(3)/2), (3/2, -np.sqrt(3)/2)]
# Make the kwant lattice
lat = kwant.lattice.general(lat_vecs,
# Store sublattices by name
sublattices = {atom: sublat for atom, sublat in
zip(atoms, lat.sublattices)}
sym = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(*lat_vecs)
bulk = kwant.Builder(sym)
bulk[ [sublattices['A'](0, 0), sublattices['B'](0, 0)] ] = 0
def hop(site1, site2, c0):
return c0
bulk[lat.neighbors()] = hop
wrapped = kwant.wraparound.wraparound(bulk).finalized()
ham2 = builder_to_model(bulk, real_space=False)
# Check that the Hamiltonians are identical at random points in the Brillouin zone
H1 = wrapped.hamiltonian_submatrix
H2 = ham2.lambdify()
coeffs = 0.5 + np.random.rand(1)
for _ in range(20):
kx, ky = 3*np.pi*(np.random.rand(2) - 0.5)
params = dict(c0=coeffs[0], k_x=kx, k_y=ky)
h1, h2 = H1(params=params), H2(**params)
assert allclose(h1, h2), (h1, h2)
def test_inverse_transform():
# Define family on square lattice
s = spin_matrices(1/2)
# Time reversal
TR = PointGroupElement(np.eye(2), True, False,
spin_rotation(2 * np.pi * np.array([0, 1/2, 0]), s))
# Mirror symmetry
Mx = PointGroupElement(np.array([[-1, 0], [0, 1]]), False, False,
spin_rotation(2 * np.pi * np.array([1/2, 0, 0]), s))
# Fourfold
C4 = PointGroupElement(np.array([[0, 1], [-1, 0]]), False, False,
spin_rotation(2 * np.pi * np.array([0, 0, 1/4]), s))
symmetries = [TR, Mx, C4]
# One site per unit cell
norbs = OrderedDict([('A', 2)])
# Hopping to a neighbouring atom one primitive lattice vector away
hopping_vectors = [('A', 'A', [1, 0])]
# Make family
family = bloch_family(hopping_vectors, symmetries, norbs)
fam = hamiltonian_from_family(family, tosympy=False)
# Atomic coordinates within the unit cell
atom_coords = [(0, 0)]
lat_vecs = [(1, 0), (0, 1)]
syst = model_to_builder(fam, norbs, lat_vecs, atom_coords)
# Convert it back
ham2 = builder_to_model(syst).tomodel(nsimplify=True)
# Check that it's the same as the original
assert fam == ham2
# Check that the Hamiltonians are identical at random points in the Brillouin zone
sysw = kwant.wraparound.wraparound(syst).finalized()
H1 = sysw.hamiltonian_submatrix
H2 = ham2.lambdify()
H3 = fam.lambdify()
coeffs = 0.5 + np.random.rand(3)
for _ in range(20):
kx, ky = 3*np.pi*(np.random.rand(2) - 0.5)
params = dict(c0=coeffs[0], c1=coeffs[1], c2=coeffs[2], k_x=kx, k_y=ky)
assert allclose(H1(params=params), H2(**params))
assert allclose(H1(params=params), H3(**params))
def test_consistency_kwant():
"""Make a random 1D Model, convert it to a builder, and compare
the Bloch representation of the Model with that which Kwant uses
in wraparound and in Bands. Then, convert the builder back to a Model
and compare with the original Model.
For comparison, we also make the system using Kwant only.
orbs = 4
T = np.random.rand(2*orbs, 2*orbs) + 1j*np.random.rand(2*orbs, 2*orbs)
H = np.random.rand(2*orbs, 2*orbs) + 1j*np.random.rand(2*orbs, 2*orbs)
H += H.T.conj()
# Make the 1D Model manually using only qsymm features.
c0, c1 = sympy.symbols('c0 c1', real=True)
kx = _commutative_momenta[0]
Ham = Model({c0 * e**(-I*kx): T}, momenta=[0])
Ham += Ham.T().conj()
Ham += Model({c1: H}, momenta=[0])
# Two superimposed atoms, same number of orbitals on each
norbs = OrderedDict([('A', orbs), ('B', orbs)])
atom_coords = [(0.3, ), (0.3, )]
lat_vecs = [(1, )] # Lattice vector
# Make a Kwant builder out of the qsymm Model
model_syst = model_to_builder(Ham, norbs, lat_vecs, atom_coords)
fmodel_syst = model_syst.finalized()
# Make the same system manually using only Kwant features.
lat = kwant.lattice.general(np.array([[1.]]),
[(0., )],
kwant_syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(*lat.prim_vecs))
def onsite(site, c1):
return c1*H
def hopping(site1, site2, c0):
return c0*T
sublat = lat.sublattices[0]
kwant_syst[sublat(0,)] = onsite
hopp = kwant.builder.HoppingKind((1, ), sublat)
kwant_syst[hopp] = hopping
fkwant_syst = kwant_syst.finalized()
# Make sure we are consistent with bands calculations in kwant
# The Bloch Hamiltonian used in Kwant for the bands computation
# is h(k) = exp(-i*k)*hop + onsite + exp(i*k)*hop.T.conj.
# We also check that all is consistent with wraparound
coeffs = (0.7, 1.2)
params = dict(c0 = coeffs[0], c1 = coeffs[1])
kwant_hop = fkwant_syst.inter_cell_hopping(params=params)
kwant_onsite = fkwant_syst.cell_hamiltonian(params=params)
model_kwant_hop = fmodel_syst.inter_cell_hopping(params=params)
model_kwant_onsite = fmodel_syst.cell_hamiltonian(params=params)
assert allclose(model_kwant_hop, coeffs[0]*T)
assert allclose(model_kwant_hop, kwant_hop)
assert allclose(model_kwant_onsite, kwant_onsite)
h_model_kwant = (lambda k: np.exp(-1j*k)*model_kwant_hop + model_kwant_onsite +
np.exp(1j*k)*model_kwant_hop.T.conj()) # As in kwant.Bands
h_model = Ham.lambdify()
wsyst = kwant.wraparound.wraparound(model_syst).finalized()
for _ in range(20):
k = (np.random.rand() - 0.5)*2*np.pi
assert allclose(h_model_kwant(k), h_model(coeffs[0], coeffs[1], k))
params['k_x'] = k
h_wrap = wsyst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=params)
assert allclose(h_model(coeffs[0], coeffs[1], k), h_wrap)
# Get the model back from the builder
# From the Kwant builder based on original Model
Ham1 = builder_to_model(model_syst, momenta=Ham.momenta).tomodel(nsimplify=True)
# From the pure Kwant builder
Ham2 = builder_to_model(kwant_syst, momenta=Ham.momenta).tomodel(nsimplify=True)
assert Ham == Ham1
assert Ham == Ham2
def test_find_builder_discrete_symmetries():
symm_class = ['AI', 'D', 'AIII', 'BDI']
class_dict = {'AI': ['time_reversal'],
'D': ['particle_hole'],
'AIII': ['chiral'],
'BDI': ['time_reversal', 'particle_hole', 'chiral']}
sym_dict = {'time_reversal': qsymm.PointGroupElement(np.eye(2), True, False, None),
'particle_hole': qsymm.PointGroupElement(np.eye(2), True, True, None),
'chiral': qsymm.PointGroupElement(np.eye(2), False, True, None)}
n = 4
rng = 11
for sym in symm_class:
# Random Hamiltonian in the symmetry class
h_ons = kwant.rmt.gaussian(n, sym, rng=rng)
h_hop = 10 * kwant.rmt.gaussian(2*n, sym, rng=rng)[:n, n:]
# Make a Kwant builder in the symmetry class and find its symmetries
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=n)
bulk = kwant.Builder(TranslationalSymmetry([1, 0], [0, 1]))
bulk[lat(0, 0)] = h_ons
bulk[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((1, 0), lat)] = h_hop
bulk[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0, 1), lat)] = h_hop
builder_symmetries = find_builder_symmetries(bulk, spatial_symmetries=True, prettify=True)
# Equality of symmetries ignores unitary part
fourfold_rotation = qsymm.PointGroupElement(np.array([[0, 1],[1, 0]]), False, False, None)
assert fourfold_rotation in builder_symmetries
class_symmetries = class_dict[sym]
for class_symmetry in class_symmetries:
assert sym_dict[class_symmetry] in builder_symmetries
def random_onsite_hop(n, rng=0):
rng = ensure_rng(rng)
onsite = rng.randn(n, n) + 1j * rng.randn(n, n)
onsite = onsite + onsite.T.conj()
hop = rng.rand(n, n) + 1j * rng.rand(n, n)
return onsite, hop
def test_find_cons_law():
sy = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
n = 3
lat = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=2*n)
syst = kwant.Builder()
rng = 1337
ons, hop = random_onsite_hop(n, rng=rng)
syst[lat(0)] = np.kron(sy, ons)
syst[lat(1)] = np.kron(sy, ons)
syst[lat(1), lat(0)] = np.kron(sy, hop)
builder_symmetries = find_builder_symmetries(syst, spatial_symmetries=False, prettify=True)
onsites = [symm for symm in builder_symmetries if
isinstance(symm, qsymm.ContinuousGroupGenerator) and symm.R is None]
mham = builder_to_model(syst)
assert not any([len(symm.apply(mham)) for symm in onsites])
def test_basis_ordering():
symm_class = ['AI', 'D', 'AIII', 'BDI']
n = 2
rng = 12
for sym in symm_class:
# Make a small finite system in the symmetry class, finalize it and check
# that the basis is consistent.
h_ons = kwant.rmt.gaussian(n, sym, rng=rng)
h_hop = 10 * kwant.rmt.gaussian(2*n, sym, rng=rng)[:n, n:]
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=n)
bulk = kwant.Builder(TranslationalSymmetry([1, 0], [0, 1]))
bulk[lat(0, 0)] = h_ons
bulk[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((1, 0), lat)] = h_hop
bulk[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0, 1), lat)] = h_hop
def rect(site):
x, y = site.pos
return (0 <= x < 2) and (0 <= y < 3)
square = kwant.Builder()
square.fill(bulk, lambda site: rect(site), (0, 0),
# Find the symmetries of the square
builder_symmetries = find_builder_symmetries(square,
# Finalize the square, extract Hamiltonian
fsquare = square.finalized()
ham = fsquare.hamiltonian_submatrix()
# Check manually that the found symmetries are in the same basis as the
# finalized system
for symmetry in builder_symmetries:
U = symmetry.U
if isinstance(symmetry, qsymm.ContinuousGroupGenerator):
assert symmetry.R is None
assert allclose(,
if symmetry.conjugate:
left =
left =
if symmetry.antisymmetry:
assert allclose(left,
assert allclose(left,
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