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33 results
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with 803 additions and 770 deletions
@@ -1,88 +1,95 @@
# Tutorial 2.3.2. Spatially dependent values through functions
# ============================================================
# Physics background
# ------------------
# transmission through a quantum well
# Kwant features highlighted
# --------------------------
# - Functions as values in Builder
+import _defs
import kwant
# For plotting
from matplotlib import pyplot
def make_system(a=1, t=1.0, W=10, L=30, L_well=10):
# Start with an empty tight-binding system and a single square lattice.
# `a` is the lattice constant (by default set to 1 for simplicity.
lat = kwant.lattice.square(a)
syst = kwant.Builder()
#### Define the scattering region. ####
# Potential profile
def potential(site, pot):
(x, y) = site.pos
if (L - L_well) / 2 < x < (L + L_well) / 2:
return pot
return 0
def onsite(site, pot):
return 4 * t + potential(site, pot)
syst[(lat(x, y) for x in range(L) for y in range(W))] = onsite
syst[lat.neighbors()] = -t
#### Define and attach the leads. ####
lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-a, 0)))
lead[(lat(0, j) for j in range(W))] = 4 * t
lead[lat.neighbors()] = -t
return syst
def plot_conductance(syst, energy, welldepths):
# Compute conductance
data = []
for welldepth in welldepths:
smatrix = kwant.smatrix(syst, energy, params=dict(pot=-welldepth))
data.append(smatrix.transmission(1, 0))
- pyplot.figure()
+ fig = pyplot.figure()
pyplot.plot(welldepths, data)
- pyplot.xlabel("well depth [t]")
- pyplot.ylabel("conductance [e^2/h]")
+ pyplot.xlabel("well depth [t]",
+ fontsize=_defs.mpl_label_size)
+ pyplot.ylabel("conductance [e^2/h]",
+ fontsize=_defs.mpl_label_size)
+ pyplot.setp(fig.get_axes()[0].get_xticklabels(),
+ fontsize=_defs.mpl_tick_size)
+ pyplot.setp(fig.get_axes()[0].get_yticklabels(),
+ fontsize=_defs.mpl_tick_size)
+ fig.set_size_inches(_defs.mpl_width_in, _defs.mpl_width_in * 3. / 4.)
+ fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0.15)
+ for extension in ('pdf', 'png'):
+ fig.savefig("quantum_well_result." + extension, dpi=_defs.dpi)
def main():
syst = make_system()
- # Check that the system looks as intended.
- kwant.plot(syst)
# Finalize the system.
syst = syst.finalized()
# We should see conductance steps.
plot_conductance(syst, energy=0.2,
welldepths=[0.01 * i for i in range(100)])
# Call the main function if the script gets executed (as opposed to imported).
# See <>.
if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -1,121 +1,130 @@
# Tutorial 2.2.2. Transport through a quantum wire
# ================================================
# Physics background
# ------------------
# Conductance of a quantum wire; subbands
# Kwant features highlighted
# --------------------------
# - Builder for setting up transport systems easily
# - Making scattering region and leads
# - Using the simple sparse solver for computing Landauer conductance
+import _defs
from matplotlib import pyplot
import kwant
# First, define the tight-binding system
syst = kwant.Builder()
# Here, we are only working with square lattices
a = 1
lat = kwant.lattice.square(a)
t = 1.0
W = 10
L = 30
# Define the scattering region
for i in range(L):
for j in range(W):
# On-site Hamiltonian
syst[lat(i, j)] = 4 * t
# Hopping in y-direction
if j > 0:
syst[lat(i, j), lat(i, j - 1)] = -t
# Hopping in x-direction
if i > 0:
syst[lat(i, j), lat(i - 1, j)] = -t
# Then, define and attach the leads:
# First the lead to the left
# (Note: TranslationalSymmetry takes a real-space vector)
sym_left_lead = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-a, 0))
left_lead = kwant.Builder(sym_left_lead)
for j in range(W):
left_lead[lat(0, j)] = 4 * t
if j > 0:
left_lead[lat(0, j), lat(0, j - 1)] = -t
left_lead[lat(1, j), lat(0, j)] = -t
# Then the lead to the right
sym_right_lead = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((a, 0))
right_lead = kwant.Builder(sym_right_lead)
for j in range(W):
right_lead[lat(0, j)] = 4 * t
if j > 0:
right_lead[lat(0, j), lat(0, j - 1)] = -t
right_lead[lat(1, j), lat(0, j)] = -t
# Plot it, to make sure it's OK
+size = (_defs.figwidth_in, 0.3 * _defs.figwidth_in)
+for extension in ('pdf', 'png'):
+ kwant.plot(syst, file="quantum_wire_syst." + extension,
+ fig_size=size, dpi=_defs.dpi)
# Finalize the system
syst = syst.finalized()
# Now that we have the system, we can compute conductance
energies = []
data = []
for ie in range(100):
energy = ie * 0.01
# compute the scattering matrix at a given energy
smatrix = kwant.smatrix(syst, energy)
# compute the transmission probability from lead 0 to
# lead 1
data.append(smatrix.transmission(1, 0))
# Use matplotlib to write output
# We should see conductance steps
+fig = pyplot.figure()
pyplot.plot(energies, data)
-pyplot.xlabel("energy [t]")
-pyplot.ylabel("conductance [e^2/h]")
+pyplot.xlabel("energy [t]", fontsize=_defs.mpl_label_size)
+pyplot.ylabel("conductance [e^2/h]", fontsize=_defs.mpl_label_size)
+pyplot.setp(fig.get_axes()[0].get_xticklabels(), fontsize=_defs.mpl_tick_size)
+pyplot.setp(fig.get_axes()[0].get_yticklabels(), fontsize=_defs.mpl_tick_size)
+fig.set_size_inches(_defs.mpl_width_in, _defs.mpl_width_in * 3. / 4.)
+fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0.15)
+for extension in ('pdf', 'png'):
+ fig.savefig("quantum_wire_result." + extension, dpi=_defs.dpi)
@@ -1,104 +1,110 @@
# Tutorial 2.3.1. Matrix structure of on-site and hopping elements
# ================================================================
# Physics background
# ------------------
# Gaps in quantum wires with spin-orbit coupling and Zeeman splititng,
# as theoretically predicted in
# and (supposedly) experimentally oberved in
# Kwant features highlighted
# --------------------------
# - Numpy matrices as values in Builder
+import _defs
import kwant
# For plotting
from matplotlib import pyplot
# For matrix support
import tinyarray
# define Pauli-matrices for convenience
sigma_0 = tinyarray.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
sigma_x = tinyarray.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
sigma_y = tinyarray.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
sigma_z = tinyarray.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
def make_system(t=1.0, alpha=0.5, e_z=0.08, W=10, L=30):
# Start with an empty tight-binding system and a single square lattice.
# `a` is the lattice constant (by default set to 1 for simplicity).
lat = kwant.lattice.square()
syst = kwant.Builder()
#### Define the scattering region. ####
syst[(lat(x, y) for x in range(L) for y in range(W))] = \
4 * t * sigma_0 + e_z * sigma_z
# hoppings in x-direction
syst[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((1, 0), lat, lat)] = \
-t * sigma_0 + 1j * alpha * sigma_y / 2
# hoppings in y-directions
syst[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0, 1), lat, lat)] = \
-t * sigma_0 - 1j * alpha * sigma_x / 2
#### Define the left lead. ####
lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)))
lead[(lat(0, j) for j in range(W))] = 4 * t * sigma_0 + e_z * sigma_z
# hoppings in x-direction
lead[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((1, 0), lat, lat)] = \
-t * sigma_0 + 1j * alpha * sigma_y / 2
# hoppings in y-directions
lead[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0, 1), lat, lat)] = \
-t * sigma_0 - 1j * alpha * sigma_x / 2
#### Attach the leads and return the finalized system. ####
return syst
def plot_conductance(syst, energies):
# Compute conductance
data = []
for energy in energies:
smatrix = kwant.smatrix(syst, energy)
data.append(smatrix.transmission(1, 0))
- pyplot.figure()
+ fig = pyplot.figure()
pyplot.plot(energies, data)
- pyplot.xlabel("energy [t]")
- pyplot.ylabel("conductance [e^2/h]")
+ pyplot.xlabel("energy [t]", fontsize=_defs.mpl_label_size)
+ pyplot.ylabel("conductance [e^2/h]",
+ fontsize=_defs.mpl_label_size)
+ pyplot.setp(fig.get_axes()[0].get_xticklabels(),
+ fontsize=_defs.mpl_tick_size)
+ pyplot.setp(fig.get_axes()[0].get_yticklabels(),
+ fontsize=_defs.mpl_tick_size)
+ fig.set_size_inches(_defs.mpl_width_in, _defs.mpl_width_in * 3. / 4.)
+ fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0.15)
+ for extension in ('pdf', 'png'):
+ fig.savefig("spin_orbit_result." + extension, dpi=_defs.dpi)
def main():
syst = make_system()
- # Check that the system looks as intended.
- kwant.plot(syst)
# Finalize the system.
syst = syst.finalized()
# We should see non-monotonic conductance steps.
plot_conductance(syst, energies=[0.01 * i - 0.3 for i in range(100)])
# Call the main function if the script gets executed (as opposed to imported).
# See <>.
if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -1,132 +1,141 @@
# Tutorial 2.6. "Superconductors": orbitals, conservation laws and symmetries
# ===========================================================================
# Physics background
# ------------------
# - conductance of a NS-junction (Andreev reflection, superconducting gap)
# Kwant features highlighted
# --------------------------
# - Implementing electron and hole ("orbital") degrees of freedom
# using conservation laws.
# - Use of discrete symmetries to relate scattering states.
+import _defs
import kwant
import tinyarray
import numpy as np
# For plotting
from matplotlib import pyplot
+from contextlib import redirect_stdout
tau_x = tinyarray.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
tau_y = tinyarray.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
tau_z = tinyarray.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
def make_system(a=1, W=10, L=10, barrier=1.5, barrierpos=(3, 4),
mu=0.4, Delta=0.1, Deltapos=4, t=1.0):
# Start with an empty tight-binding system. On each site, there
# are now electron and hole orbitals, so we must specify the
# number of orbitals per site. The orbital structure is the same
# as in the Hamiltonian.
lat = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=2)
syst = kwant.Builder()
#### Define the scattering region. ####
# The superconducting order parameter couples electron and hole orbitals
# on each site, and hence enters as an onsite potential.
# The pairing is only included beyond the point 'Deltapos' in the scattering region.
syst[(lat(x, y) for x in range(Deltapos) for y in range(W))] = (4 * t - mu) * tau_z
syst[(lat(x, y) for x in range(Deltapos, L) for y in range(W))] = (4 * t - mu) * tau_z + Delta * tau_x
# The tunnel barrier
syst[(lat(x, y) for x in range(barrierpos[0], barrierpos[1])
for y in range(W))] = (4 * t + barrier - mu) * tau_z
# Hoppings
syst[lat.neighbors()] = -t * tau_z
#### Define the leads. ####
# Left lead - normal, so the order parameter is zero.
sym_left = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-a, 0))
# Specify the conservation law used to treat electrons and holes separately.
# We only do this in the left lead, where the pairing is zero.
lead0 = kwant.Builder(sym_left, conservation_law=-tau_z, particle_hole=tau_y)
lead0[(lat(0, j) for j in range(W))] = (4 * t - mu) * tau_z
lead0[lat.neighbors()] = -t * tau_z
# Right lead - superconducting, so the order parameter is included.
sym_right = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((a, 0))
lead1 = kwant.Builder(sym_right)
lead1[(lat(0, j) for j in range(W))] = (4 * t - mu) * tau_z + Delta * tau_x
lead1[lat.neighbors()] = -t * tau_z
#### Attach the leads and return the system. ####
return syst
def plot_conductance(syst, energies):
# Compute conductance
data = []
for energy in energies:
smatrix = kwant.smatrix(syst, energy)
# Conductance is N - R_ee + R_he
data.append(smatrix.submatrix((0, 0), (0, 0)).shape[0] -
smatrix.transmission((0, 0), (0, 0)) +
smatrix.transmission((0, 1), (0, 0)))
- pyplot.figure()
+ fig = pyplot.figure()
pyplot.plot(energies, data)
pyplot.xlabel("energy [t]")
pyplot.ylabel("conductance [e^2/h]")
+ pyplot.setp(fig.get_axes()[0].get_xticklabels(),
+ fontsize=_defs.mpl_tick_size)
+ pyplot.setp(fig.get_axes()[0].get_yticklabels(),
+ fontsize=_defs.mpl_tick_size)
+ fig.set_size_inches(_defs.mpl_width_in, _defs.mpl_width_in * 3. / 4.)
+ fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0.15)
+ for extension in ('pdf', 'png'):
+ fig.savefig("superconductor_transport_result." + extension,
+ dpi=_defs.dpi)
def check_PHS(syst):
# Scattering matrix
s = kwant.smatrix(syst, energy=0)
# Electron to electron block
s_ee = s.submatrix((0,0), (0,0))
# Hole to hole block
s_hh = s.submatrix((0,1), (0,1))
print('s_ee: \n', np.round(s_ee, 3))
print('s_hh: \n', np.round(s_hh[::-1, ::-1], 3))
print('s_ee - s_hh^*: \n',
np.round(s_ee - s_hh[::-1, ::-1].conj(), 3), '\n')
# Electron to hole block
s_he = s.submatrix((0,1), (0,0))
# Hole to electron block
s_eh = s.submatrix((0,0), (0,1))
print('s_he: \n', np.round(s_he, 3))
print('s_eh: \n', np.round(s_eh[::-1, ::-1], 3))
print('s_he + s_eh^*: \n',
np.round(s_he + s_eh[::-1, ::-1].conj(), 3))
def main():
syst = make_system(W=10)
- # Check that the system looks as intended.
- kwant.plot(syst)
# Finalize the system.
syst = syst.finalized()
# Check particle-hole symmetry of the scattering matrix
- check_PHS(syst)
+ with open('check_PHS_out.txt', 'w') as f:
+ with redirect_stdout(f):
+ check_PHS(syst)
# Compute and plot the conductance
plot_conductance(syst, energies=[0.002 * i for i in range(-10, 100)])
# Call the main function if the script gets executed (as opposed to imported).
# See <>.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Tutorial 2.2.3. Building the same system with less code
# =======================================================
# Physics background
# ------------------
# Conductance of a quantum wire; subbands
# Kwant features highlighted
# --------------------------
# - Using iterables and builder.HoppingKind for making systems
# - introducing `reversed()` for the leads
# Note: Does the same as, but using other features of Kwant.
import kwant
# For plotting
from matplotlib import pyplot
def make_system(a=1, t=1.0, W=10, L=30):
# Start with an empty tight-binding system and a single square lattice.
# `a` is the lattice constant (by default set to 1 for simplicity.
lat = kwant.lattice.square(a)
syst = kwant.Builder()
#### Define the scattering region. ####
syst[(lat(x, y) for x in range(L) for y in range(W))] = 4 * t
syst[lat.neighbors()] = -t
#### Define and attach the leads. ####
# Construct the left lead.
lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-a, 0)))
lead[(lat(0, j) for j in range(W))] = 4 * t
lead[lat.neighbors()] = -t
# Attach the left lead and its reversed copy.
return syst
def plot_conductance(syst, energies):
# Compute conductance
data = []
for energy in energies:
smatrix = kwant.smatrix(syst, energy)
data.append(smatrix.transmission(1, 0))
pyplot.plot(energies, data)
pyplot.xlabel("energy [t]")
pyplot.ylabel("conductance [e^2/h]")
def main():
syst = make_system()
# Check that the system looks as intended.
# Finalize the system.
syst = syst.finalized()
# We should see conductance steps.
plot_conductance(syst, energies=[0.01 * i for i in range(100)])
# Call the main function if the script gets executed (as opposed to imported).
# See <>.
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -15,8 +15,15 @@ import sys
import os
import string
from distutils.util import get_platform
sys.path.insert(0, "../../build/lib.{0}-{1}.{2}".format(
get_platform(), *sys.version_info[:2]))
package_path = os.path.abspath(
.format(get_platform(), *sys.version_info[:2]))
# Insert into sys.path so that we can import kwant here
sys.path.insert(0, package_path)
# Insert into PYTHONPATH so that jupyter-sphinx will pick it up
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = ':'.join((package_path, os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH','')))
import kwant
import kwant.qsymm
......@@ -31,7 +38,8 @@ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../sphinxext'))
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.autosummary',
'sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.mathjax', 'numpydoc',
'kwantdoc', 'sphinx.ext.linkcode']
'kwantdoc', 'sphinx.ext.linkcode', 'jupyter_sphinx.execute',
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['../templates']
......@@ -99,6 +107,15 @@ pygments_style = 'sphinx'
# Do not show all class members automatically in the class documentation
numpydoc_show_class_members = False
# Jupyter Sphinx config
jupyter_sphinx_thebelab_config = {
"binderOptions": {
"repo": "kwant-project/binder",
"ref": "master",
# -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------------
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. Major themes that come with
......@@ -218,7 +235,7 @@ latex_documents = [
latex_engine = 'xelatex'
latex_use_xindy = False
latex_use_xindy = False # Xindy not installable in CI environment
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
# the title page.
......@@ -239,8 +256,9 @@ latex_domain_indices = False
autosummary_generate = True
autoclass_content = "both"
autodoc_default_flags = ['show-inheritance']
autodoc_default_options = {
'show-inheritance': True,
# -- Teach Sphinx to document bound methods like functions ---------------------
import types
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ description check `~kwant.plotter.plot` documentation.
The behavior of `~kwant.plotter.plot` with low level systems has changed.
Arguments of plot which are functions are given site numbers in place of
`~kwant.builder.Site` objects when plotting a low level system. This
`~kwant.system.Site` objects when plotting a low level system. This
provides an easy way to make the appearance of lines and symbols depend on
computation results.
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ now it suffices to write ::
syst[lat.neighbors()] = t
This is possible because `~kwant.builder.Builder` now accepts *functions* as
keys in addition to `~kwant.builder.Site` objects and tuples of them
keys in addition to `~kwant.system.Site` objects and tuples of them
(hoppings). These functions are expected to yield either sites or hoppings,
when given a builder instance as the sole argument. The use of such keys is to
implement sets of sites or hoppings that depend on what is already present in
......@@ -28,11 +28,43 @@ tight-binding band structures or construct systems with different/lower
symmetry. For example in just a few lines we can construct a two-band model that exhibits
a quantum anomalous spin Hall phase:
.. literalinclude:: ../../code/include/
:start-after: HIDDEN_BEGIN_model
:end-before: HIDDEN_END_model
.. jupyter-kernel::
:id: plot_qahe
.. jupyter-execute::
# Comprehensive example: quantum anomalous Hall effect
# ====================================================
# Physics background
# ------------------
# + Quantum anomalous Hall effect
# Features highlighted
# --------------------
# + Use of `kwant.continuum` to discretize a continuum Hamiltonian
# + Use of `kwant.operator` to compute local current
# + Use of `kwant.plotter.current` to plot local current
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot
import kwant
import kwant.continuum
.. jupyter-execute:: ../../tutorial/
.. jupyter-execute::
From: :download:`QAHE example script <../../code/download/>`
def make_model(a):
ham = ("alpha * (k_x * sigma_x - k_y * sigma_y)"
"+ (m + beta * kk) * sigma_z"
"+ (gamma * kk + U) * sigma_0")
subs = {"kk": "k_x**2 + k_y**2"}
return kwant.continuum.discretize(ham, locals=subs, grid=a)
From: :jupyter-download:script:`plot_qahe`
See the tutorial: :doc:`../../tutorial/discretize`
......@@ -71,13 +103,47 @@ The example below shows edge states of a quantum anomalous Hall phase
of the two-band model shown in the `above section
.. literalinclude:: ../../code/include/
:start-after: HIDDEN_BEGIN_current
:end-before: HIDDEN_END_current
.. jupyter-execute::
def make_system(model, L):
def lead_shape(site):
x, y = site.pos / L
return abs(y) < 0.5
# QPC shape: a rectangle with 2 gaussians
# etched out of the top and bottom edge.
def central_shape(site):
x, y = site.pos / L
return abs(x) < 3/5 and abs(y) < 0.5 - 0.4 * math.exp(-40 * x**2)
lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(
model.lattice.vec((-1, 0))))
lead.fill(model, lead_shape, (0, 0))
syst = kwant.Builder()
syst.fill(model, central_shape, (0, 0))
return syst.finalized()
# Set up our model and system, and define the model parameters.
params = dict(alpha=0.365, beta=0.686, gamma=0.512, m=-0.01, U=0)
model = make_model(1)
syst = make_system(model, 70)
# Calculate the scattering states at energy 'm' coming from the left
# lead, and the associated particle current.
psi = kwant.wave_function(syst, energy=params['m'], params=params)(0)
.. jupyter-execute::
.. image:: ../../code/figure/plot_qahe_current.*
J = kwant.operator.Current(syst).bind(params=params)
current = sum(J(p) for p in psi)
kwant.plotter.current(syst, current);
From: :download:`QAHE example script <../../code/download/>`
From: :jupyter-download:script:`plot_qahe`
Scattering states with discrete symmetries and conservation laws
What's new in Kwant 1.5
This article explains the user-visible changes in Kwant 1.5.0.
Deprecation of leaving 'norbs' unset for site families
When constructing site families (e.g. lattices) it is now deprecated to
leave the 'norbs' parameter unset. This will now raise a
KwantDeprecationWarning and will be disallowed in a future version of
Kwant. For example, when constructing a square lattice with 1 orbital
per site, use::
rather than::
Automatic addition of Peierls phase terms to Builders
Kwant 1.4 introduced `kwant.physics.magnetic_gauge` for computing Peierls
phases for arbitrary geometries and for systems with leads. Using this
functionality requires that the system value functions are equipped to
take the required Peierls phase parameters, which is not possible when
you are not in direct control of the value functions (e.g. discretized
systems). In Kwant 1.5 we have added the missing piece of functionality,
`kwant.builder.add_peierls_phase`, which properly adds the Peierls phase
parameters to a Builder's value functions::
syst = make_system()
lead = make_lead()
fsyst, phase = kwant.builder.add_peierls_phase(syst)
def B_syst(pos):
return np.exp(-np.sum(pos * pos))
kwant.smatrix(fsyst, parameters=dict(t=-1, **phase(B_syst, 0, 0)))
Improved tutorial building
Improving or adding to Kwant's tutorial is now much simpler. Now
the text and code for each tutorial is kept in the same file, making
it easy to see where changes need to be made, and images generated by
the code are inserted directly into the document thanks to the magic of
`jupyter-sphinx <>`_.
It has never been easier to get started contributing to Kwant by
helping us improve our documentation.
Discretization onto a Landau level basis
The Hamiltonian for a system infinite in at least two dimensions and with
a constant applied magnetic field may be expressed in a basis of Landau levels.
The momenta in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field direction are
written in terms of the Landau level ladder operators:
.. math::
k_x = \sqrt{\frac{B}{2}} (a + a^\dagger) \quad\quad
k_y = i \sqrt{\frac{B}{2}} (a - a^\dagger)
The Hamiltonian is then expressed in terms of these ladder operators, which
allows for a straight-forward discretization in the basis of Landau levels,
provided that the basis is truncated after $N$ levels.
`kwant.continuum.discretize_landau` makes this procedure simple::
syst = kwant.continuum.discretize_landau("k_x**2 + k_y**2", N)
`~kwant.continuum.discretize_landau` produces a regular Kwant Builder that
can be inspected or finalized as usual. 3D Hamiltonians for systems that
extend into the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field are also
template = kwant.continuum.discretize_landau("k_x**2 + k_y**2 + k_z**2 + V(z)", N)
This will produce a Builder with a single translational symmetry, which can be
directly finalized, or can be used as a template for e.g. a heterostructure stack
in the direction of the magnetic field::
def stack(site):
z, = site.pos
return 0 <= z < 10
template = kwant.continuum.discretize_landau("k_x**2 + k_y**2 + k_z**2 + V(z)", N)
syst = kwant.Builder()
syst.fill(template, stack, (0,))
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ What's new in Kwant
.. toctree::
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ Types
:toctree: generated/
......@@ -23,6 +22,12 @@ Abstract base classes
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Discretizer
Symbolic helpers
......@@ -19,3 +20,11 @@ Symbolic helpers
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
......@@ -19,6 +19,16 @@ In practice, very often Kwant systems are finalized
`kwant.builder.FiniteSystem` or `kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem`) and offer some
additional attributes.
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot
from IPython.display import set_matplotlib_formats
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = matplotlib.pyplot.figaspect(1) * 2
......@@ -16,10 +16,40 @@ The `~kwant.continuum` sub-package aims to be a solution to this problem.
It is a collection of tools for working with
continuum models and for discretizing them into tight-binding models.
.. seealso::
You can execute the code examples live in your browser by
activating thebelab:
.. thebe-button:: Activate Thebelab
.. seealso::
The complete source code of this tutorial can be found in
:download:` </code/download/>`
.. jupyter-kernel::
:id: discretize
.. jupyter-execute::
# Tutorial 2.9. Processing continuum Hamiltonians with discretize
# ===============================================================
# Physics background
# ------------------
# - tight-binding approximation of continuous Hamiltonians
# Kwant features highlighted
# --------------------------
# - kwant.continuum.discretize
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot
import kwant
.. jupyter-execute::
.. _tutorial_discretizer_introduction:
......@@ -55,9 +85,16 @@ Using `~kwant.continuum.discretize` to obtain a template
First we must explicitly import the `kwant.continuum` package:
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_import
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_import
.. jupyter-execute::
import kwant.continuum
.. jupyter-execute::
import scipy.sparse.linalg
import scipy.linalg
import numpy as np
The function `kwant.continuum.discretize` takes a symbolic Hamiltonian and
turns it into a `~kwant.builder.Builder` instance with appropriate spatial
......@@ -65,17 +102,16 @@ symmetry that serves as a template.
(We will see how to use the template to build systems with a particular
shape later).
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_symbolic_discretization
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_symbolic_discretization
.. jupyter-execute::
template = kwant.continuum.discretize('k_x * A(x) * k_x')
It is worth noting that ``discretize`` treats ``k_x`` and ``x`` as
non-commuting operators, and so their order is preserved during the
discretization process.
The builder produced by ``discretize`` may be printed to show the source code of its onsite and hopping functions (this is a special feature of builders returned by ``discretize``):
.. literalinclude:: /code/figure/discretizer_intro_verbose.txt
Printing the Builder produced by ``discretize`` shows the source code of its onsite and hopping functions (this is a special feature of builders returned by ``discretize``).
.. specialnote:: Technical details
......@@ -139,26 +175,45 @@ where :math:`V(x, y)` is some arbitrary potential.
First, use ``discretize`` to obtain a
builder that we will use as a template:
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_template
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_template
.. jupyter-execute::
hamiltonian = "k_x**2 + k_y**2 + V(x, y)"
template = kwant.continuum.discretize(hamiltonian)
We now use this system with the `~kwant.builder.Builder.fill`
method of `~kwant.builder.Builder` to construct the system we
want to investigate:
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_fill
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_fill
.. jupyter-execute::
def stadium(site):
(x, y) = site.pos
x = max(abs(x) - 20, 0)
return x**2 + y**2 < 30**2
syst = kwant.Builder()
syst.fill(template, stadium, (0, 0));
syst = syst.finalized()
After finalizing this system, we can plot one of the system's
energy eigenstates:
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_plot_eigenstate
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_plot_eigenstate
.. jupyter-execute::
def plot_eigenstate(syst, n=2, Vx=.0003, Vy=.0005):
def potential(x, y):
return Vx * x + Vy * y
ham = syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=dict(V=potential), sparse=True)
evecs = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ham, k=10, which='SM')[1]
kwant.plotter.density(syst, abs(evecs[:, n])**2, show=False)
.. jupyter-execute::
.. image:: /code/figure/discretizer_gs.*
Note in the above that we pass the spatially varying potential *function*
to our system via a parameter called ``V``, because the symbol :math:`V`
......@@ -168,6 +223,8 @@ In addition, the function passed as ``V`` expects two input parameters ``x``
and ``y``, the same as in the initial continuum Hamiltonian.
.. _discretize-bhz-model:
Models with more structure: Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang
......@@ -176,32 +233,95 @@ model [1]_ [2]_, one can provide matrix input to `~kwant.continuum.discretize`
using ``identity`` and ``kron``. For example, the definition of the BHZ model can be
written succinctly as:
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_define_qsh
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_define_qsh
.. jupyter-execute::
hamiltonian = """
+ C * identity(4) + M * kron(sigma_0, sigma_z)
- B * (k_x**2 + k_y**2) * kron(sigma_0, sigma_z)
- D * (k_x**2 + k_y**2) * kron(sigma_0, sigma_0)
+ A * k_x * kron(sigma_z, sigma_x)
- A * k_y * kron(sigma_0, sigma_y)
a = 20
template = kwant.continuum.discretize(hamiltonian, grid=a)
We can then make a ribbon out of this template system:
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_define_qsh_build
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_define_qsh_build
.. jupyter-execute::
L, W = 2000, 1000
def shape(site):
(x, y) = site.pos
return (0 <= y < W and 0 <= x < L)
def lead_shape(site):
(x, y) = site.pos
return (0 <= y < W)
syst = kwant.Builder()
syst.fill(template, shape, (0, 0))
lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry([-a, 0]))
lead.fill(template, lead_shape, (0, 0))
syst = syst.finalized()
and plot its dispersion using `kwant.plotter.bands`:
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_plot_qsh_band
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_plot_qsh_band
.. jupyter-execute::
params = dict(A=3.65, B=-68.6, D=-51.1, M=-0.01, C=0)
kwant.plotter.bands(syst.leads[0], params=params,
momenta=np.linspace(-0.3, 0.3, 201), show=False)
.. image:: /code/figure/discretizer_qsh_band.*
pyplot.xlim(-.3, 0.3)
pyplot.ylim(-0.05, 0.05)
pyplot.xlabel('momentum [1/A]')
pyplot.ylabel('energy [eV]')
In the above we see the edge states of the quantum spin Hall effect, which
we can visualize using ``:
we can visualize using `kwant.plotter.density`:
.. jupyter-execute::
# get scattering wave functions at E=0
wf = kwant.wave_function(syst, energy=0, params=params)
# prepare density operators
sigma_z = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
prob_density = kwant.operator.Density(syst, np.eye(4))
spin_density = kwant.operator.Density(syst, np.kron(sigma_z, np.eye(2)))
# calculate expectation values and plot them
wf_sqr = sum(prob_density(psi) for psi in wf(0)) # states from left lead
rho_sz = sum(spin_density(psi) for psi in wf(0)) # states from left lead
fig, (ax1, ax2) = pyplot.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(16, 4))
kwant.plotter.density(syst, wf_sqr, ax=ax1)
kwant.plotter.density(syst, rho_sz, ax=ax2)
ax = ax1
im = [obj for obj in ax.get_children()
if isinstance(obj, mpl.image.AxesImage)][0]
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_plot_qsh_wf
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_plot_qsh_wf
ax = ax2
im = [obj for obj in ax.get_children()
if isinstance(obj, mpl.image.AxesImage)][0]
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
.. image:: /code/figure/discretizer_qsh_wf.*
ax1.set_title('Probability density')
ax2.set_title('Spin density')
Limitations of discretization
......@@ -238,29 +358,62 @@ example. Let us start from the continuum Hamiltonian
We start by defining this model as a string and setting the value of the
:math:`α` parameter:
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_ls_def
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_ls_def
.. jupyter-execute::
hamiltonian = "k_x**2 * identity(2) + alpha * k_x * sigma_y"
params = dict(alpha=.5)
Now we can use `kwant.continuum.lambdify` to obtain a function that computes
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_ls_hk_cont
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_ls_hk_cont
.. jupyter-execute::
h_k = kwant.continuum.lambdify(hamiltonian, locals=params)
k_cont = np.linspace(-4, 4, 201)
e_cont = [scipy.linalg.eigvalsh(h_k(k_x=ki)) for ki in k_cont]
We can also construct a discretized approximation using
`kwant.continuum.discretize`, in a similar manner to previous examples:
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_ls_hk_tb
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_ls_hk_tb
.. jupyter-execute::
def plot(ax, a=1):
template = kwant.continuum.discretize(hamiltonian, grid=a)
syst = kwant.wraparound.wraparound(template).finalized()
def h_k(k_x):
p = dict(k_x=k_x, **params)
return syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=p)
k_tb = np.linspace(-np.pi/a, np.pi/a, 201)
e_tb = [scipy.linalg.eigvalsh(h_k(k_x=a*ki)) for ki in k_tb]
ax.plot(k_cont, e_cont, 'r-')
ax.plot(k_tb, e_tb, 'k-')
ax.plot([], [], 'r-', label='continuum')
ax.plot([], [], 'k-', label='tight-binding')
ax.set_xlim(-4, 4)
ax.set_ylim(-1, 14)
ax.set_xlabel('momentum [a.u.]')
ax.set_ylabel('energy [a.u.]')
Below we can see the continuum and tight-binding dispersions for two
different values of the discretization grid spacing :math:`a`:
.. image:: /code/figure/discretizer_lattice_spacing.*
.. jupyter-execute::
_, (ax1, ax2) = pyplot.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(12, 4))
plot(ax1, a=1)
plot(ax2, a=.25)
We clearly see that the smaller grid spacing is, the better we approximate
the original continuous dispersion. It is also worth remembering that the
......@@ -284,20 +437,26 @@ It is possible to use ``identity`` (for identity matrix), ``kron`` (for Kronecke
expressions involving matrices. Matrices can also be provided explicitly using
square ``[]`` brackets. For example, all following expressions are equivalent:
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_subs_1
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_subs_1
.. jupyter-execute::
sympify = kwant.continuum.sympify
subs = {'sx': [[0, 1], [1, 0]], 'sz': [[1, 0], [0, -1]]}
e = (
sympify('[[k_x**2, alpha * k_x], [k_x * alpha, -k_x**2]]'),
sympify('k_x**2 * sigma_z + alpha * k_x * sigma_x'),
sympify('k_x**2 * sz + alpha * k_x * sx', locals=subs),
.. literalinclude:: /code/figure/discretizer_subs_1.txt
print(e[0] == e[1] == e[2])
We can use the ``locals`` keyword parameter to substitute expressions
and numerical values:
.. literalinclude:: /code/include/
:start-after: #HIDDEN_BEGIN_subs_2
:end-before: #HIDDEN_END_subs_2
.. jupyter-execute::
.. literalinclude:: /code/figure/discretizer_subs_2.txt
subs = {'A': 'A(x) + B', 'V': 'V(x) + V_0', 'C': 5}
print(sympify('k_x * A * k_x + V + C', locals=subs))
Symbolic expressions obtained in this way can be directly passed to all
``discretizer`` functions.
This diff is collapsed.