Christoph Groth authoredChristoph Groth authored
install.txt 9.73 KiB
Downloading and installing Kwant
The quickest and easiest way to install Kwant is using the prepared packages
that are available for `Windows`_, GNU/Linux (`Debian
<#debian-and-derivatives>`_ or `Ubuntu <#ubuntu-and-derivatives>`_, and their
variants), and `Mac OS X`_. It is possible to be notified about new releases
of Kwant through an `announcement mailing list
If no packages are available for the system you use, or if you would like to
build Kwant from source for another reason (expert users may want to customize
Kwant to use certain optimized versions of libraries), please consult the `full
installation instructions
<doc/1.0/pre/install.html#building-and-installing-from-source>`_ in the
The source code of released versions of Kwant is available for `download
<http://downloads.kwant-project.org/kwant/>`_. You can follow the development
by cloning the `Git repository of Kwant <http://git.kwant-project.org/kwant>`_
(browsable online).
There are multiple distributions of scientific Python software for Windows that
provide the prerequisites for Kwant. We recommend to use the packages kindly
provided by Christoph Gohlke. To install Kwant on Windows
1. Determine whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit Windows installation by
following these `instructions <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/827218>`_.
2. Download and install Python 2.7 for the appropriate architecture (32-bit or
64-bit) from the official `Python download site
3. Download and install ``scipy-stack``, ``tinyarray``, and ``kwant`` for Python
2.7 from `Christoph Gohlke's page
<http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/>`_. Once again you should choose
the architecture that is appropriate for your system. ("win32" means 32-bit,
"amd64" means 64-bit -- even if you have a processor from Intel.) If the
download from Gohlke's site is slow, try to download from `our mirror
You may see a warning that says "The publisher could not be verified. Do you
want to run this software?". Select "Run".
Ubuntu and derivatives
Execute the following commands::
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kwant-project/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-kwant python-kwant-doc
This should provide Kwant for all versions of Ubuntu >= 12.04. The HTML
documentation will be installed locally in the directory
Debian and derivatives
The easiest way to install Kwant on a Debian system is using the pre-built
packages we provide. Our packages are known to work with Debian "wheezy" and
Debian "jessie", but they may also work on many other recent Debian-derived
systems as well. (For example, the following works with recent Ubuntu versions.)
The lines prefixed with ``sudo`` have to be run as root.
1. Add the following lines to ``/etc/apt/sources.list``::
deb http://downloads.kwant-project.org/debian/ stable main
deb-src http://downloads.kwant-project.org/debian/ stable main
2. (Optional) Add the OpenPGP key used to sign the repositories by executing::
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key C3F147F5980F3535
3. Update the package data, and install Kwant::
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-kwant python-kwant-doc
The ``python-kwant-doc`` package is optional and installs the HTML
documentation of Kwant in the directory ``/usr/share/doc/python-kwant-doc``.
Should the last command (``apt-get install``) fail due to unresolved
dependencies, you can try to build and install your own packages, which is
surprisingly easy::
cd /tmp
sudo apt-get build-dep tinyarray
apt-get source --compile tinyarray
sudo dpkg -i python-tinyarray_*.deb
sudo apt-get build-dep kwant
apt-get source --compile kwant
sudo dpkg -i python-kwant_*.deb python-kwant-doc_*.deb
This method should work for virtually all Debian-derived systems, even on exotic
Mac OS X
There is a number of different package managers to bring software
from the Unix/Linux world to Mac OS X. Since the community is quite
split, we provide Kwant and its dependencies both via the `MacPorts
<http://www.macports.org>`_ and `Homebrew <http://brew.sh>`_ systems.
If you are unsure, go for MacPorts, this is the simpler option.
Mac OS X: MacPorts
MacPorts is a full-fledged package manager that recreates a whole Linux-like
environment on your Mac. Beside Kwant, MacPorts gives you access to a wealth of free software which you can install on your computer
easily (using simple command line instructions). It requires few choices to be made by the user,
and provides the simplest way to install Kwant.
In order to install Kwant,
1. Install a recent version of MacPorts. In order to do that, you first have to install
the prerequisites described below. When this is done, you can proceed with the installation of
MacPorts itself, as explained in the `installation instructions of MacPorts
<http://www.macports.org/install.php>`_. The prerequisites are,
* the Xcode developer tools (compiler suite for Mac OS X) from
`<http://developer.apple.com/downloads>`_. You will need an Apple ID to
download. Note that if you have one already from using the App store
on the Mac/Ipad/Iphone/... you can use that one. You will also need the
command line tools: Within Xcode 4, you have to download them by going to
`Xcode->Preferences`, click on `Download`, go to `Components`,
select `Command Line Tools` and click on `Install`. Alternatively, you can
also directly download the command line tools from the
Apple developer website.
* if you have Mac OS X 10.8 or higher, the X11 server from the
`XQuartz project <http://xquartz.macosforge.org>`_.
2. After the installation, open a terminal and execute ::
echo http://downloads.kwant-project.org/macports/ports.tar |\
sudo tee -a /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf >/dev/null
(this adds the Kwant MacPorts download link
`<http://downloads.kwant-project.org/macports/ports.tar>`_ at the end of the
``sources.conf`` file.)
3. Execute ::
sudo port selfupdate
4. Now, install Kwant and its prerequisites ::
sudo port install py27-kwant
5. Finally, we choose Python 2.7 to be the default Python ::
sudo port select --set python python27
After that, you will need to close and reopen the terminal to
have all changes in effect.
* If you have problems because your institution's firewall blocks MacPorts (more
precisely, the `rsync` port), resulting in errors from ``sudo port
selfupdate``, follow `these instructions
* Of course, if you already have MacPorts installed, you can skip step 1
and continue with step 2.
Mac OS X: Homebrew
Homebrew is a recent addition to the package managers on Mac OS X. It is
more lightweight, tries to be as minimalistic as possible and give the user
more freedom. Because of that, it requires a little more experience on
the user side compared to MacPorts. The requirements are moderate though,
if you know how to add directories to the ``$PATH`` variable for your shell,
you are safe.
1. Open a terminal and install Homebrew as described on the `Homebrew
homepage <http://brew.sh>`_ (instructions are towards the end of
the page)
2. Run ::
brew doctor
and follow its directions. It will ask for a few prerequisites to be
installed, in particular
* the Xcode developer tools (compiler suite for Mac OS X) from
`<http://developer.apple.com/downloads>`_. You will need an Apple ID to
download. Note that if you have one already from using the App store on the
Mac/Ipad/Iphone/... you can use that one. Downloading the command line
tools (not the full Xcode suite) is sufficient. If you have the full Xcode
suite installed, you might need to download the command line tools manually
if you have version 4 or higher. In this case go to `Xcode->Preferences`,
click on `Download`, go to `Components`, select `Command Line Tools` and
click on `Install`.
* although `brew doctor` might not complain about it right away, while we're
at it, you should also install the X11 server from the `XQuartz project
<http://xquartz.macosforge.org>`_ if you have Mac OS X 10.8 or higher.
3. Add permanently ``/usr/local/bin`` before ``/usr/bin/`` in the ``$PATH$``
environment variable of your shell, for example by adding ::
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
at the end of your ``.bash_profile`` or ``.profile``. Then close
the terminal Terminal and reopen it again.
4. Install a few prerequisites ::
brew install gfortran python
5. Add additional repositories ::
brew tap homebrew/science
brew tap samueljohn/python
brew tap michaelwimmer/kwant
6. Install Kwant and its prerequisites ::
pip install nose
brew install numpy scipy matplotlib
brew install kwant
- If something does not work as expected, use ``brew doctor`` for
instructions (it will find conflicts and things like that).
- As mentioned, Homebrew allows for quite some freedom. In particular,
if you are an expert, you don't need necessarily to install
numpy/scipy/matplotlib from Homebrew, but can use your own installation.
The only prerequisite is that they are importable from Python. (the
Kwant installation will in any case complain if they are not)
- In principle, you need not install the Homebrew Python, but could use
Apple's already installed Python. Homebrew's Python is more up-to-date,