Harvard-only trial pre-release of kwant ======================================= kwant is made available as a special preview **exclusively** to the audience of the 30 April 2013 presentation at Harvard University by Anton Akhmerov. Please do not spread the link to this page. Instead, you are welcome show the link to the `kwant website <http://kwant-project.org/>`_. You may use kwant for your personal evaluation. Any other use, **explicitly including further distribution**, is not allowed. Please wait for the release of the final version that we expect to occur very soon. So far, kwant is running on the following platforms: GNU/Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. The usage experience on GNU/Linux is best (this is the platform recommended by the authors of kwant), followed by Mac OS. Support for Windows is highly experimental (help wanted). Installation from source ------------------------ This method of installation is described in the documentation. It is extremely easy on Debian-based GNU/Linux distributions (e.g. Ubuntu). On Mac OS and Windows it is more involved, but documented as well. Please download the files and follow the `installation instructions </docs/install.html>`_. * kwant: `tar-gz-archive <kwant-0.3pre4.tar.gz>`__, `zip-archive <kwant-0.3pre4.zip>`__ * tinyarray (needed by kwant): `tar-gz-archive <tinyarray-0.0.tar.gz>`__, `zip-archive <tinyarray-0.0.zip>`__ Binary installation instructions for Windows -------------------------------------------- **Warning:** These packages are highly experimental and likely not to work fully. In a test with Windows XP, most tutorial examples ran. In another test with Windows 7, most did not. We would appreciate the help of people experienced with the Windows platform. **Important note**: The provided binary packages are compiled for 32-bit Microsoft Windows (win32). They can be installed on a 64-bit Windows as well, but for them to work all the other required packages (like Python itself) have to be present in their win32 versions. 1. Install the official Python 2.7 distribution from the official `Python download page <http://python.org/download/>`_. Bear in mind the note above: Choose "Python 2.7.x Windows Installer", not the 64 bit version. 2. Install the Python packages required by kwant (NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib). An easy way to do so is to install the `scipy-stack package <http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#scipy-stack>`_ (win32-py2.7) kindly provided by Christoph Gohlke. Please also note the instructions at the top of that page. 3. Download and execute the `tinyarray installer <tinyarray-0.0.win32-py2.7.exe>`__. 4. Download and execute the `kwant installer <kwant-0.3pre2.win32-py2.7.exe>`__. 5. kwant and tinyarray require four libraries (DLLs) that can be downloaded `here <kwant-dlls.zip>`__. For these libraries to be found by kwant, they have either to be in the current directory, or in a directory that belongs to ``PATH``, or in ``C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32``. You have the following alternative possibilities: (a) Unpack the 4 files into some directory and launch all your kwant Python scripts from the same directory. (b) Like (a), but add that directory to the ``PATH`` environment variable (The Web knows how to do that.). Now you should be able to launch kwant scripts from everywhere. (c) Copy the four DLL files directly to ``C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32``. Please note that the kwant binary packages do not include any kwant examples or documentation. Use the `online documentation </docs/>`_.
Christoph Groth