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Forked from kwant / kwant
1266 commits behind the upstream repository.
Installation instructions

Kwant can be installed either using some prepared packages (on Linux, Mac OSX,
and Windows), or it can be built and installed from source.

Installation from packages is in general advisable, especially for novice
users. Expert users may find it helpful to build Kwant from source, as this
will also allow them to customize Kwant to use certain optimized versions of

Installing from packages

Debian/Ubuntu Linux

You can install Kwant from the Debian repository. To do so you have to

1. Add the following lines to `/etc/apt/sources.list`::

       deb stable main
       deb-src stable main

2. (Optional) Add the PGP key used to sign the repositories by executing::

       sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 980F3535

3. Update the package data, and install Kwant::

       sudo apt-get update
       sudo apt-get install python-kwant python-kwant-doc

   The `python-kwant-doc` package is optional and contains the html
   documentation for Kwant.


There are multiple Python distributions for Windows, the following uses the
Kwant prerequisites provided by Christoph Gohlke. To install Kwant on Windows
you have to

1. Determine whether you have 32 bit or 64 bit Windows installation by
   following instructions from

2. Download and install the appropriate version (32 bit or 64 bit) of Python
   2.7.5 from

3. Download and install the latest available versions of `scipy-stack`,
   `tinyarray`, and `kwant` from
   Once again you should select the 32 or 64 bit architecture that is
   appropriate for your system You may receive a warning that says "The
   publisher could not be verified. Do you want to run this software?". Select


There is a number of different package managers for bringing software
from the Unix/Linux world to Mac OSX. Since the community is quite
split, we provide Kwant and its dependencies both via the `MacPorts
<>`_ and `homebrew <>`_ systems.

MacPorts is a full-fledged package manager that recreates a whole Linux-like
environment on your Mac. It requires little choices to be made by the user,
and allows for the simplest way to install Kwant.

In order to install Kwant, you have to

1. Install a recent version of MacPorts, as explained in the
   `installation instructions of MacPorts
   In particular, as explained there, you will have to install also a
   few prerequisites, namely

  * the Xcode developer tools (compiler suite for Mac OSX) from
    `<>`_. You need an Apple ID to
    download: Note that if you have one already from using the App store
    on the Mac/Ipad/Iphone/... you can use this one. You will also need the
    command line tools: Within Xcode 4, you have to download them by going to
    `Xcode->Preferences`, click on `Download`, go to `Components`,
    select `Command Line Tools` and click on `Install`. Alternatively, you can
    also directly download the command line tools from the
    Apple developer website.
  * if you have MacOSX 10.8 or higher, the X11 server from the
    `XQuartz project <>`_.

2. After the installation, open a terminal and execute ::

       echo | sudo tee -a /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf >/dev/null

   (this adds the Kwant MacPorts download link
   `<>`_ at the end of the
   ``sources.conf`` file.)

3. Execute ::

       sudo port selfupdate

4. Now, install Kwant and its prerequisites ::

       sudo port install py27-kwant

5. Finally, we choose python 2.7 to be the default python ::

       sudo port select --set python python27

   After that, you will need to close and reopen the terminal to
   have all changes in effect.


* If you have problems with macports because your institution's firewall
  blocks macports (more precisely, the `rsync` port), resulting in
  errors from ``sudo port selfupdate``, follow
  `these instructions <>`_.
* Of course, if you already have macports installed, you can skip step 1
  and continue with step 2.


homebrew is a recent addition to the package managers on Mac OSX. It is
more lightweight, tries to be as minimalistic as possible and give the user
more freedom. Because of that, it requires a little more experience on
the user side compared to MacPorts. The requirements are moderate though,
if you know how to add directories to the ``$PATH`` variable for your shell,
you are safe.

1. Open a terminal and install homebrew as described on the `homebrew
   homepage <>`_ (instructions are towards the end of
   the page)

2. Run ::

       brew doctor

   and follow its directions. It will ask for a few prerequisites to be
   installed, in particular

  * the Xcode developer tools (compiler suite for Mac OSX) from
    `<>`_. You need an Apple ID to
    download: Note that if you have one already from using the App store
    on the Mac/Ipad/Iphone/... you can use this one. Note that downloading
    the command line tools (not the full Xcode suite) suffices. If you have
    the full Xcode suite installed, you might need to download the command
    line tools manually if you have version 4 or higher. In this case
    go to `Xcode->Preferences`, click on `Download`, go to `Components`,
    select `Command Line Tools` and click on `Install`.
  * although `brew doctor` might not complain about it right away,
    while we're at it, you should also install the X11 server from the
    `XQuartz project <>`_ if you have Mac
    OSX 10.8 or higher.

3. Add permanently ``/usr/local/bin`` before ``/usr/bin/`` in the ``$PATH$``
   environment variable of your shell, for example by adding ::

       export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

   at the end of your ``.bash_profile`` or ``.profile``. Then close
   the terminal Terminal and reopen it again.

4. Install a few prerequisites ::

       brew install gfortran python

5. Add additional repositories ::

       brew tap homebrew/science
       brew tap samueljohn/python
       brew tap michaelwimmer/kwant

6. Install Kwant and its prerequisites ::

       pip install nose
       brew install numpy scipy matplotlib
       brew install kwant


- If something does not work as expected, use ``brew doctor`` for
  instructions (it will find conflicts and things like that).
- As mentioned, homebrew allows for quite some freedom. In particular,
  if you are an expert, you don't need necessarily to install
  numpy/scipy/matplotlib from homebrew, but can use your own installation.
  The only prerequisite is that they are importable from python. (the
  Kwant installation will in any case complain if they are not)
- In principle, you need not install the homebrew python, but could use
  Apple's already installed python. Homebrew's python is more up-to-date,

Building and installing from source


Building Kwant requires
 * `Python <>`_ 2.6 or 2.7 (Python 3 is not supported yet),
 * `SciPy <>`_ 0.9 or newer,
 * `LAPACK <>`_ and `BLAS <>`_,
   (For best performance we recommend the free `OpenBLAS
   <>`_ or the unfree `MKL
 * Tinyarray, a NumPy-like Python package optimized for very small arrays,
 * An environment which allows to compile Python extensions written in C and

The following software is highly recommended though not strictly required:
 * `matplotlib <>`_ 1.1 or newer, for Kwant's
   plotting module and the tutorial,
 * `MUMPS <>`_, a sparse linear algebra library
   that will in many cases speed up Kwant several times and reduce the memory
   footprint.  (Kwant uses only the sequential, single core version
   of MUMPS.  The advantages due to MUMPS as used by Kwant are thus independent
   of the number of CPU cores of the machine on which Kwant runs.)
 * The `nose <>`_ testing framework for running the
   tests included with Kwant.

In addition, to build a copy of Kwant that has been checked-out directly from
version control (git), you will also need `Cython <>`_ 0.17.1
or newer.  You do not need Cython to build Kwant that has been unpacked from a
source .tar.gz-file.

Generic instructions

Please note the `system-specific instructions`_ below.

Kwant can be built and installed following the `usual Python conventions
<>`_ by running the following commands
in the root directory of the Kwant distribution. ::

    python build
    python install

Depending on your system, you might have to run the second command with
administrator privileges (e.g. prefixing it with ``sudo``).

After installation, tests can be run with::

    python -c 'import kwant; kwant.test()'

The tutorial examples can be found in the directory ``tutorial`` inside the root
directory of the Kwant source distribution.

System-specific instructions

Unix-like systems (Linux)

Kwant should run on all recent Unix-like systems.  The following instructions
have been verified to work on Debian 7 (Wheezy) or newer, and on Ubuntu 12.04 or
newer.  For other distributions step 1 will likely have to be adapted.  If
Ubuntu-style ``sudo`` is not available, the respective command must be run as

1. Install the required packages.  On Debian-based systems like Ubuntu this can
   be done by running the command ::

       sudo apt-get install python-dev python-scipy python-matplotlib python-nose g++ gfortran libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev libmumps-scotch-dev

2. Unpack Tinyarray, enter its directory. To build and install, run ::

       python build
       sudo python install

3. Inside the Kwant source distribution's root directory run ::

       python build
       sudo python install

By default the package will be installed under ``/usr/local``.  You can
change this using the ``--prefix`` option, e.g.::

    sudo python install --prefix=/opt

If you would like to install Kwant into your home directory only you can use ::

    python install --home=~

This does not require root privileges.  If you install Kwant in this way
be sure to tell python where to find it.  This can be done by setting the
``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable::

    export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/lib/python

You can make this setting permanent by adding this line to the file
``.bashrc`` (or equivalent) in your home directory.

Mac OS X

The required dependencies of Kwant are best installed with one of the packaging
systems. Here we only consider the case of `MacPorts
<>`_ in detail. Some remarks for homebrew are given

1. In order to set up MacPorts or homebrew, follow steps 1 - 3 of
   the respective instructions of `MacPorts`_

2. Install the required dependencies::

       sudo port install gcc47 python27 py27-numpy py27-scipy py27-matplotlib mumps_seq
       sudo port select --set python python27

3. Unpack Tinyarray, enter its directory, build and install::

       python build
       sudo python install

5. Unpack Kwant, go to the Kwant directory, and edit ``build.conf`` to read::

       extra_link_args = -Wl,-framework -Wl,Accelerate
       include_dirs = /opt/local/include
       library_dirs = /opt/local/lib
       libraries = zmumps_seq mumps_common_seq pord_seq esmumps scotch scotcherr mpiseq gfortran

6. Then, build and install Kwant. ::

       CC=gcc-mp-4.7 LDSHARED='gcc-mp-4.7 -shared -undefined dynamic_lookup' python build
       sudo python install

You might note that installing Kwant on Mac OSX is somewhat more involved than
installing on Linux. Part of the reason is that we need to mix Fortran and C
code in Kwant: While C code is usually compiled using Apple compilers,
Fortran code must be compiled with the Gnu Fortran compiler (there is
no Apple Fortran compiler). For this reason we force the Gnu compiler suite
with the environment variables ``CC`` and ``LDSHARED`` as shown above.

Notes on homebrew
It is also possible to build Kwant using homebrew. The dependencies can be
installed as ::

    brew install gfortran python
    brew tap homebrew/science
    brew tap samueljohn/python
    brew tap michaelwimmer/kwant
    pip install nose
    brew install numpy scipy matplotlib
    brew install mumps_seq

Note that during the installation you will be told which paths to add when you
want to compile/link against scotch/metis/mumps; you need to add these to the
build.conf file. Also, when linking against mumps, one needs also to link
against metis (in addition to the libraries needed for MacPorts).

Microsoft Windows

This describes one way to build a 32 bit (win32) version of Kwant without MUMPS
on Windows using free software only.  These instructions were verified in April
2013 with the following software versions: Windows XP SP3, Python 2.7.4,
scipy-stack 13.4.9, mingw-get-inst-20120426, OpenBLAS 0.2.6.

32-bit Kwant without MUMPS will be limited to rather small systems and will run
significantly slower than a Kwant with MUMPS.  Volunteers who would like to
improve these instructions are welcome.

1. Install the official win32 Python 2.7 distribution from `the official Python
   download page <>`_.  See the point "Python 2.7.x
   Windows Installer" there.

2. Install the Python packages required by Kwant (NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib).  An
   easy way to do so is to install the `scipy-stack package
   <>`_ (win32-py2.7)
   kindly provided by Christoph Gohlke.  Please also note the instructions at
   the top of that page.

3. Install `MinGW <>`_, the "Minimalist GNU
   for Windows" (look for "mingw-get-inst" on that page).  This is a version of
   the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) for Windows.  Check the boxes for the C,
   C++, and Fortran compilers and the "MSYS Basic System" when asked about which
   components to install.  Follow the instructions on the web page linked above
   (section "Environment Settings") to append ``;C:\MinGW\bin`` to the value of
   the PATH environment variable (or to create it).

4. Make MinGW the default compiler for distutils: Create the file
   ``c:\python27\lib\distutils\distutils.cfg`` (The exact path depends on where
   Python has been installed) with the following contents:


5. Until this `bug in distutils's support for MinGW
   <>`_ is fixed, work around it by editing
   ``c:\python27/lib/distutils/`` and removing all the five
   occurrences of the string ``-mno-cygwin``.

   Now you have a complete environment for compiling Python extensions.  To be
   able to build Kwant, we need to install the required linear algebra

6. Download `OpenBLAS <>`_ (the download link
   is at the bottom of the page).  Unpack the archive and launch the "MinGW
   shell".  Inside the shell, the command ``mount`` will inform about how the
   "drives" of windows are mounted into the single file system of MSYS.
   Typically, drive C will be /c/.

   Go to the root directory of the OpenBLAS distribution and execute
       mingw-get install msys-wget
       mingw-get install msys-perl
       make USE_THREAD=0

   (If you do not want to forcefully disable threading for OpenBLAS, simply use

   This should create a file named like ``libopenblas_nehalem-r0.2.6.lib``
   where the name of the architecture (here: nehalem) and the version might
   differ in your case.  Copy this file as ``openblas.lib`` into the library
   directory of MinGW:

      cp libopenblas_nehalem-r0.2.6.lib /c/MinGW/lib/openblas.lib

7. Unpack Tinyarray, enter its directory. To build and install, run ::

       c:\python27\python build
       c:\python27\python install

8. Inside the Kwant source distribution's root directory create a file
   ``build.conf`` with the following contents.::

       libraries = openblas gfortran

   Finally, build and install Kwant::

       c:\python27\python build
       c:\python27\python install

Build configuration

The setup script of Kwant has to know how to link against LAPACK & BLAS, and,
optionally, MUMPS.  Be default it will assume that LAPACK and BLAS can be found
under their usual names.  MUMPS will be not linked against by default, except
on Debian-based systems when the package ``libmumps-scotch-dev`` is installed.

All these settings can be configured by creating/editing the file
``build.conf`` in the root directory of the Kwant distribution.  This
configuration file consists of sections, one for each dependency, led by a
[dependency-name] header and followed by name = value entries.  Possible names
are keyword arguments for ``distutils.core.Extension`` (For a complete list,
see the third table from top of `this document
<>`_).  The corresponding values
are whitespace-separated lists of strings.

The two currently possible sections are [lapack] and [mumps].  The former
configures the linking against LAPACK _AND_ BLAS, the latter against MUMPS
(without LAPACK and BLAS).

Example ``build.conf`` for linking Kwant against a self-compiled MUMPS, `SCOTCH
<>`_ and `METIS

    libraries = zmumps mumps_common pord metis esmumps scotch scotcherr mpiseq

Example ``build.conf`` for linking Kwant with Intel MKL.::

    libraries = mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_sequential mkl_core mkl_def
    library_dirs = /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64
    extra_link_args = -Wl,-rpath=/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64

The detailed syntax of ``build.conf`` is explained in the `documentation of
Python's configparser module

Building the documentation

To build the documentation, the `Sphinx documentation generator
<>`_ is required.  If PDF documentation is to be built,
the tools from the `libRSVG <>`_ (Debian/Ubuntu
package ``librsvg2-bin``) are needed to convert SVG drawings into the PDF

As a prerequisite for building the documentation, Kwant must have been built
successfully using ``./ build`` as described above (or Kwant must be
already installed in Python's search path).  HTML documentation is built by
entering the ``doc`` subdirectory of the Kwant package and executing ``make
html``.  PDF documentation is generated by executing ``make latex`` followed by
``make all-pdf`` in ``doc/build/latex``.

Because of some quirks of how Sphinx works, it might be necessary to execute
``make clean`` between building HTML and PDF documentation.  If this is not
done, Sphinx may mistakenly use PNG files for PDF output or other problems may