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Interface refactoring

Merged Kostas Vilkelis requested to merge interface-refactoring into main
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%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy.integrate import quad, quad_vec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from codes import utils
from functools import partial
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def tb2kfunc(tb_model):
Fourier transforms a real-space tight-binding model to a k-space function.
tb_model : dict
A dictionary with real-space vectors as keys and complex np.arrays as values.
A function that takes a k-space vector and returns a complex np.array.
def bloch_ham(k):
ham = 0
for vector in tb_model.keys():
ham += tb_model[vector] * np.exp(
-1j *, np.array(vector, dtype=float))
return ham
return bloch_ham
def kfunc2tbfunc(kfunc):
Inverse Fourier transforms a k-space function to a real-space function.
kfunc : function
A function that takes a k-space vector and returns a np.array.
A function that takes a real-space integer vector and returns a np.array.
def tbfunc(vector):
def integrand(k):
return kfunc(k) * np.exp(1j *, np.array(vector, dtype=float)))
return quad_vec(integrand, -np.pi, np.pi)[0]
return tbfunc
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def addTb(tb1, tb2):
Add up two tight-binding models together.
tb1 : dict
Tight-binding model.
tb2 : dict
Tight-binding model.
Sum of the two tight-binding models.
return {k: tb1.get(k, 0) + tb2.get(k, 0) for k in frozenset(tb1) | frozenset(tb2)}
def generateRho(hkfunc, E_F):
Generate a function that returns the density matrix at a given k-point.
hkfunc : function
Function that return Hamiltonian at a given k-point.
E_F : float
Fermi level
rho : function
Density matrix at the same k-point as hk
def rhofunc(k):
hk = hkfunc(k)
vals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(hk)
unocc_vals = vals > E_F
occ_vecs = vecs
occ_vecs[:, unocc_vals] = 0
# Outter products between eigenvectors
return occ_vecs @ occ_vecs.T.conj()
return rhofunc
def fermiOnGrid(hkfunc, filling, Nk=100):
def fermiOnGrid(hkfunc, filling, Nk=500):
Compute the Fermi energy on a grid of k-points.
hkfunc : function
Function that returns the Hamiltonian at a given k-point.
Nk : int
Number of k-points in the grid.
E_F : float
Fermi energy
ks = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, Nk, endpoint=False)
hkarray = np.array([hkfunc(k) for k in ks])
vals = np.linalg.eigvalsh(hkarray)
norbs = vals.shape[-1]
vals_flat = np.sort(vals.flatten())
ne = len(vals_flat)
ifermi = int(round(ne * filling / norbs))
if ifermi >= ne:
return vals_flat[-1]
elif ifermi == 0:
return vals_flat[0]
fermi = (vals_flat[ifermi - 1] + vals_flat[ifermi]) / 2
return fermi
def totalEnergy(rho, hk):
def integrand(k):
return np.real(np.trace(rho(k) @ hk(k)))
return quad(integrand, -np.pi, np.pi)[0]
def meanField(rhoTbfunc, int_model):
def meanFieldTb(rhofunc, int_model):
Compute the mean-field in real space.
rhoTbfunc : function
Function that returns the density matrix at a given real-space vector.
rhofunc : function
Function that returns the density matrix at a given k-space vector.
int_model : dict
Interaction tb model.
Mean-field tb model.
exchange = {vec: -1*(int_model.get(vec, 0)*rhoTbfunc(vec)) for vec in frozenset(int_model)}
# direct interaction is missing
return exchange
rhoTbfunc = kfunc2tbfunc(rhofunc)
# Compute direct interaction
intZero = tb2kfunc(int_model)(0)
direct = quad_vec(lambda k: np.diag(rhofunc(k)), -np.pi, np.pi)[0]
direct = np.diag(direct @ intZero) / (2*np.pi)
direct = {(0,) : direct}
exchange = {vec: -1*(int_model.get(vec, 0)*rhoTbfunc(vec)) / (2*np.pi) for vec in frozenset(int_model)}
return addTb(direct, exchange)
def matrix_to_flat(matrix):
Flatten the upper triangle of a collection of matrices.
matrix : nd-array
Array with shape (n, n)
return matrix[*np.triu_indices(matrix.shape[-1])].flatten()
def flat_to_matrix(flat, shape):
Undo `matrix_to_flat`.
flat : 1d-array
Output from `matrix_to_flat`.
shape : 1d-array
Shape of the input from `matrix_to_flat`.
matrix = np.zeros(shape, dtype=complex)
matrix[*np.triu_indices(shape[-1])] = flat.reshape(*shape[:-2], -1)
indices = np.arange(shape[-1])
diagonal = matrix[indices, indices]
matrix += np.moveaxis(matrix, -1, -2).conj()
matrix[indices, indices] -= diagonal
return matrix
def mf2rParams(mf_model):
Convert a mean-field tight-binding model to a set of real parameters.
mf_model : dict
Mean-field tight-binding model.
Real parameters.
return utils.complex_to_real(matrix_to_flat(mf_model[(0,)])) # placeholder for now
def rParams2mf(rParams, shape):
Convert a set of real parameters to a mean-field tight-binding model.
r_params : dict
Real parameters.
shape : tuple
Shape of the mean-field tight-binding model.
Mean-field tight-binding model.
return {(0,) : flat_to_matrix(utils.real_to_complex(rParams), shape)}
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
class Model:
def __init__(self, tb_model, int_model, filling):
self.tb_model = tb_model
self.int_model = int_model
self.filling = filling
def densityMatrix(self, mf_model):
self.hkfunc = tb2kfunc(addTb(self.tb_model, mf_model))
self.EF = fermiOnGrid(self.hkfunc, self.filling)
return generateRho(self.hkfunc, self.EF)
def mfield(self, mf_model):
self.rhofunc = self.densityMatrix(mf_model)
return meanFieldTb(self.rhofunc, self.int_model)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def cost(rParams, Model):
shape = Model.tb_model[(0,)].shape
mf_model = rParams2mf(rParams, shape) # limited placeholder
mf_new = Model.mfield(mf_model)
rParamsNew = mf2rParams(mf_new)
return rParamsNew - rParams
def solver(Model, x0, optimizer=scipy.optimize.anderson, optimizer_kwargs={}):
rParams = mf2rParams(x0)
f = partial(cost, Model=Model)
return rParams2mf(optimizer(f, rParams, **optimizer_kwargs), Model.tb_model[(0,)].shape)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
U0 = 1
nk = 100
filling = 2
filling = 1
hopp = np.kron(np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]]), np.eye(2))
tb_model = {(0,): hopp + hopp.T.conj(), (1,): hopp, (-1,): hopp.T.conj()}
mf_model = {} # placeholder for guess
mf_model = {(0,) : np.zeros((4,4))} # placeholder for guess
int_model = {
(0,): U0 * np.kron(np.eye(2), np.ones((2, 2))),
(0,): 1 * np.kron(np.eye(2), np.ones((2, 2))),
tb = Model(tb_model, int_model, filling)
np.diag(solver(tb, mf_model)[(0,)])
# attempting to do a single iteration of mean-field
hkfunc = tb2kfunc(addTb(tb_model, mf_model))
EF = fermiOnGrid(hkfunc, filling, nk)
rhofunc = generateRho(hkfunc, EF)
rhoTbfunc = kfunc2tbfunc(rhofunc)
mf_model = meanField(rhoTbfunc, int_model)
%% Output
array([0.25+0.j, 0.25+0.j, 0.25+0.j, 0.25+0.j])
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# this is all wrong, because the mean-field is a diagonal constants term :(
def extractOnsite(U0):
int_model = {
(0,): U0 * np.kron(np.eye(2), np.ones((2, 2))),
tb = Model(tb_model, int_model, filling)
return np.abs(solver(tb, mf_model)[(0,)])[0, 0]
Us = np.linspace(0, 2, 10)
plt.plot(Us, [extractOnsite(U) for U in Us])
%% Output
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f4a6520fe10>]