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import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import ifftn
from typing import Tuple
from pymf.tb.tb import add_tb
from pymf.tb.transforms import ifftn_to_tb, tb_to_khamvector
from pymf.tb.tb import add_tb, _tb_type
from pymf.tb.transforms import tb_to_kgrid, kgrid_to_tb
def construct_density_matrix_kgrid(kham, filling):
def construct_density_matrix_kgrid(
kham: np.ndarray, filling: float
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]:
"""Calculate density matrix on a k-space grid.
kham : npndarray
Hamiltonian in k-space of shape (len(dim), norbs, norbs)
filling : float
kham :
Hamiltonian from which to construct the density matrix.
The hamiltonian is sampled on a grid of k-points and has shape (nk, nk, ..., ndof, ndof),
where ndof is number of internal degrees of freedom.
filling :
Number of particles in a unit cell.
Used to determine the Fermi level.
np.ndarray, float
Density matrix in k-space and Fermi energy.
Density matrix on a k-space grid with shape (nk, nk, ..., ndof, ndof) and Fermi energy.
vals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(kham)
fermi = fermi_on_grid(vals, filling)
fermi = fermi_on_kgrid(vals, filling)
unocc_vals = vals > fermi
occ_vecs = vecs
np.moveaxis(occ_vecs, -1, -2)[unocc_vals, :] = 0
rho_krid = occ_vecs @ np.moveaxis(occ_vecs, -1, -2).conj()
return rho_krid, fermi
density_matrix_krid = occ_vecs @ np.moveaxis(occ_vecs, -1, -2).conj()
return density_matrix_krid, fermi
def construct_density_matrix(h, filling, nk):
"""Compute the density matrix in real-space tight-binding format.
def construct_density_matrix(
h: _tb_type, filling: float, nk: int
) -> Tuple[_tb_type, float]:
"""Compute the real-space density matrix tight-binding dictionary.
h : dict
Tight-binding model.
filling : float
Filling of the system.
nk : int
Number of k-points in the grid.
h :
Hamiltonian tight-binding dictionary from which to construct the density matrix.
filling :
Number of particles in a unit cell.
Used to determine the Fermi level.
nk :
Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension.
If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored.
(dict, float)
Density matrix in real-space tight-binding format and Fermi energy.
Density matrix tight-binding dictionary and Fermi energy.
ndim = len(list(h)[0])
if ndim > 0:
kham = tb_to_khamvector(h, nk=nk)
rho_grid, fermi = construct_density_matrix_kgrid(kham, filling)
kham = tb_to_kgrid(h, nk=nk)
density_matrix_krid, fermi = construct_density_matrix_kgrid(kham, filling)
return (
ifftn_to_tb(ifftn(rho_grid, axes=np.arange(ndim))),
rho, fermi = construct_density_matrix_kgrid(h[()], filling)
return {(): rho}, fermi
density_matrix, fermi = construct_density_matrix_kgrid(h[()], filling)
return {(): density_matrix}, fermi
def meanfield(density_matrix_tb, h_int):
"""Compute the mean-field in k-space.
def meanfield(density_matrix: _tb_type, h_int: _tb_type) -> _tb_type:
"""Compute the mean-field correction from the density matrix.
density_matrix : dict
Density matrix in real-space tight-binding format.
h_int : dict
Interaction tb model.
density_matrix :
Density matrix tight-binding dictionary.
h_int :
Interaction hermitian Hamiltonian tight-binding dictionary.
Mean-field tb model.
Mean-field correction tight-binding dictionary.
The interaction h_int must be of density-density type.
For example in 1D system with ndof internal degrees of freedom,
h_int[(2,)] = U * np.ones((ndof, ndof)) is a Coulomb repulsion interaction
with strength U between unit cells separated by 2 lattice vectors, where
the interaction is the same between all internal degrees of freedom.
n = len(list(density_matrix_tb)[0])
n = len(list(density_matrix)[0])
local_key = tuple(np.zeros((n,), dtype=int))
direct = {
@@ -82,7 +99,7 @@ def meanfield(density_matrix_tb, h_int):
np.einsum("pp,pn->n", density_matrix_tb[local_key], h_int[vec])
np.einsum("pp,pn->n", density_matrix[local_key], h_int[vec])
for vec in frozenset(h_int)
@@ -92,26 +109,26 @@ def meanfield(density_matrix_tb, h_int):
exchange = {
vec: -1 * h_int.get(vec, 0) * density_matrix_tb[vec] # / (2 * np.pi)#**2
for vec in frozenset(h_int)
vec: -1 * h_int.get(vec, 0) * density_matrix[vec] for vec in frozenset(h_int)
return add_tb(direct, exchange)
def fermi_on_grid(vals, filling):
def fermi_on_kgrid(vals: np.ndarray, filling: float) -> float:
"""Compute the Fermi energy on a grid of k-points.
vals : ndarray
Eigenvalues of the hamiltonian in k-space of shape (len(dim), norbs, norbs)
filling : int
Number of particles in a unit cell.
vals :
Eigenvalues of a hamiltonian sampled on a k-point grid with shape (nk, nk, ..., ndof, ndof),
where ndof is number of internal degrees of freedom.
filling :
Number of particles in a unit cell.
Used to determine the Fermi level.
fermi_energy : float
Fermi energy
Fermi energy
norbs = vals.shape[-1]
vals_flat = np.sort(vals.flatten())