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import numpy as np
from pymf.tb.tb import _tb_type
def tb_to_flat(tb):
"""Convert a hermitian tight-binding dictionary to flat complex matrix.
def tb_to_flat(tb: _tb_type) -> np.ndarray:
"""Parametrise a hermitian tight-binding dictionary by a flat complex vector.
tb : dict with nd-array elements
tb :
Hermitian tigh-binding dictionary
flat : complex 1d numpy array
Flattened tight-binding dictionary
1D complex array that parametrises the tight-binding dictionary.
if len(list(tb)[0]) == 0:
matrix = np.array(list(tb.values()))
@@ -23,34 +25,39 @@ def tb_to_flat(tb):
return sorted_vals[:N].flatten()
def flat_to_tb(flat, shape, tb_keys):
def flat_to_tb(
tb_param_complex: np.ndarray,
ndof: int,
tb_keys: list[tuple[None] | tuple[int, ...]],
) -> _tb_type:
"""Reverse operation to `tb_to_flat`.
It takes a flat complex 1d array and return the tight-binding dictionary.
flat : dict with nd-array elements
Hermitian tigh-binding dictionary
shape : tuple
shape of the tb elements
tb_keys : iterable
original tb key elements
tb_param_complex :
1d complex array that parametrises the tb model.
ndof :
Number internal degrees of freedom within the unit cell.
tb_keys :
List of keys of the tight-binding dictionary.
tb : dict
tb :
tight-binding dictionary
shape = (len(tb_keys), ndof, ndof)
if len(tb_keys[0]) == 0:
matrix = np.zeros((shape[-1], shape[-2]), dtype=complex)
matrix[np.triu_indices(shape[-1])] = flat
matrix[np.triu_indices(shape[-1])] = tb_param_complex
matrix += matrix.conj().T
matrix[np.diag_indices(shape[-1])] /= 2
return {(): matrix}
matrix = np.zeros(shape, dtype=complex)
N = len(tb_keys) // 2 + 1
matrix[:N] = flat.reshape(N, *shape[1:])
matrix[:N] = tb_param_complex.reshape(N, *shape[1:])
matrix[N:] = np.moveaxis(matrix[-(N + 1) :: -1], -1, -2).conj()
tb_keys = np.array(list(tb_keys))
@@ -59,17 +66,22 @@ def flat_to_tb(flat, shape, tb_keys):
return tb
def complex_to_real(z):
"""Split real and imaginary parts of a complex array.
def complex_to_real(z: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Split and concatenate real and imaginary parts of a complex array.
z : array
z :
Complex array.
Real array that concatenates the real and imaginary parts of the input array.
return np.concatenate((np.real(z), np.imag(z)))
def real_to_complex(z):
def real_to_complex(z: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Undo `complex_to_real`."""
return z[: len(z) // 2] + 1j * z[len(z) // 2 :]