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import itertools
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import ifftn
from pymf.tb.tb import _tb_type
def tb_to_khamvector(tb, nk, ks=None):
"""Real-space tight-binding model to hamiltonian on k-space grid.
def tb_to_kgrid(tb: _tb_type, nk: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Evaluate a tight-binding dictionary on a k-space grid.
tb : dict
A dictionary with real-space vectors as keys and complex np.arrays as values.
nk : int
Number of k-points along each direction.
ks : 1D-array
Set of k-points. Repeated for all directions.
tb :
Tight-binding dictionary to evaluate on a k-space grid.
nk :
Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension.
If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored.
Hamiltonian evaluated on a k-point grid.
Tight-binding dictionary evaluated on a k-space grid.
Has shape (nk, nk, ..., ndof, ndof), where ndof is number of internal degrees of freedom.
ndim = len(list(tb)[0])
if ks is None:
ks = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nk, endpoint=False)
ks = np.concatenate((ks[nk // 2 :], ks[: nk // 2]), axis=0) # shift for ifft
ks = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nk, endpoint=False)
ks = np.concatenate((ks[nk // 2 :], ks[: nk // 2]), axis=0) # shift for ifft
kgrid = np.meshgrid(*([ks] * ndim), indexing="ij")
num_keys = len(list(tb.keys()))
@@ -37,66 +38,41 @@ def tb_to_khamvector(tb, nk, ks=None):
return np.sum(tb_array * k_dependency, axis=0)
def ifftn_to_tb(ifft_array):
"""Convert an array from ifftn to a tight-binding model format.
def kgrid_to_tb(kgrid_array: np.ndarray) -> _tb_type:
Convert a k-space grid array to a tight-binding dictionary.
ifft_array : ndarray
An array obtained from ifftn.
kgrid_array :
K-space grid array to convert to a tight-binding dictionary.
The array should be of shape (nk, nk, ..., ndof, ndof),
where ndof is number of internal degrees of freedom.
A dictionary with real-space vectors as keys and complex np.arrays as values.
Tight-binding dictionary.
size = ifft_array.shape[:-2]
keys = [np.arange(-size[0] // 2 + 1, size[0] // 2) for i in range(len(size))]
keys = itertools.product(*keys)
return {tuple(k): ifft_array[tuple(k)] for k in keys}
ndim = len(kgrid_array.shape) - 2
return ifftn_to_tb(ifftn(kgrid_array, axes=np.arange(ndim)))
def kham_to_tb(kham, hopping_vecs, ks=None):
"""Extract hopping matrices from Bloch Hamiltonian.
def ifftn_to_tb(ifft_array: np.ndarray) -> _tb_type:
Convert the result of `scipy.fft.ifftn` to a tight-binding dictionary.
kham : nd-array
Bloch Hamiltonian matrix kham[k_x, ..., k_n, i, j]
hopping_vecs : list
List of hopping vectors, will be the keys to the tb.
ks : 1D-array
Set of k-points. Repeated for all directions. If the system is finite,
ifft_array :
Result of `scipy.fft.ifftn` to convert to a tight-binding dictionary.
The input to `scipy.fft.ifftn` should be from `tb_to_khamvector`.
scf_model : dict
Tight-binding model of Hartree-Fock solution.
Tight-binding dictionary.
if ks is not None:
ndim = len(kham.shape) - 2
dk = np.diff(ks)[0]
nk = len(ks)
k_pts = np.tile(ks, ndim).reshape(ndim, nk)
k_grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(*k_pts))
k_grid = k_grid.reshape(k_grid.shape[0],[1:]))
kham = kham.reshape([:ndim]), *kham.shape[-2:])
hopps = (
np.exp(1j * np.einsum("ij,jk->ik", hopping_vecs, k_grid)),
* (dk / (2 * np.pi)) ** ndim
h_0 = {}
for i, vector in enumerate(hopping_vecs):
h_0[tuple(vector)] = hopps[i]
size = ifft_array.shape[:-2]
return h_0
return {(): kham}
keys = [np.arange(-size[0] // 2 + 1, size[0] // 2) for i in range(len(size))]
keys = itertools.product(*keys)
return {tuple(k): ifft_array[tuple(k)] for k in keys}