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format_name: myst
format_version: 0.13
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display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
language: python
name: python3
# Interacting graphene
In the previous tutorial, we showed how to use `pymf` to solve a simple 1D Hubbard model with onsite interactions.
In this tutorial, we will apply `pymf` to more complex system: graphene with onsite $U$ and nearest-neighbour $V$ interactions.
The system is more complicated in every aspect: the lattice structure, dimension of the problem, complexity of the interactions.
And yet, the workflow is the same as in the previous tutorial and remains simple and straightforward.
## Building the system with `kwant`
### Non-interacting part
As in the previous tutorial, we could construct a tight-binding dictionary of graphene by hand, but instead it is much easier to use [`kwant`]( to build the system.
For a more detailed explanation on `kwant` see the [tutorial](
```{code-cell} ipython3
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import kwant
import pymf
from pymf.kwant_helper import utils
s0 = np.identity(2)
sx = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
sy = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
sz = np.diag([1, -1])
# Create graphene lattice
graphene = kwant.lattice.general([(1, 0), (1 / 2, np.sqrt(3) / 2)],
[(0, 0), (0, 1 / np.sqrt(3))], norbs=2)
a, b = graphene.sublattices
# Create bulk system
bulk_graphene = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(*graphene.prim_vecs))
# Set onsite energy to zero
bulk_graphene[a.shape((lambda pos: True), (0, 0))] = 0 * s0
bulk_graphene[b.shape((lambda pos: True), (0, 0))] = 0 * s0
# Add hoppings between sublattices
bulk_graphene[graphene.neighbors(1)] = s0
The `bulk_graphene` object is a `kwant.Builder` object that represents the non-interacting graphene system.
To convert it to a tight-binding dictionary, we use the {autolink}`~pymf.kwant_helper.utils.builder_to_tb` function:
```{code-cell} ipython3
h_0 = utils.builder_to_tb(bulk_graphene)
### Interacting part
We utilize `kwant` to build the interaction tight-binding dictionary as well.
To define the interactions, we need to specify two functions:
* `onsite_int(site)`: returns the onsite interaction matrix.
* `nn_int(site1, site2)`: returns the interaction matrix between `site1` and `site2`.
We feed these functions to the {autolink}`~pymf.kwant_helper.utils.build_interacting_syst` function, which constructs the `kwant.Builder` object encoding the interactions.
All we need to do is to convert this object to a tight-binding dictionary using the {autolink}`~pymf.kwant_helper.utils.builder_to_tb` function.
```{code-cell} ipython3
def onsite_int(site, U):
return U * sx
def nn_int(site1, site2, V):
return V * np.ones((2, 2))
builder_int = utils.build_interacting_syst(
params = dict(U=0.2, V=1.2)
h_int = utils.builder_to_tb(builder_int, params)
Because `nn_int` function returns the same interaction matrix for all site pairs, we set `max_neighbor=1` to ensure that the interaction only extends to nearest-neighbours and is zero for longer distances.
## Computing expectation values
As before, we construct {autolink}`~pymf.model.Model` object to represent the full system to be solved via the mean-field approximation.
We then generate a random guess for the mean-field solution and solve the system:
```{code-cell} ipython3
filling = 2
model = pymf.Model(h_0, h_int, filling=2)
int_keys = frozenset(h_int)
ndof = len(list(h_0.values())[0])
guess = pymf.generate_guess(int_keys, ndof)
mf_sol = pymf.solver(model, guess, nk=18)
h_full = pymf.add_tb(h_0, mf_sol)
To investigate the effects of interaction on systems with more than one degree of freedom, it is more useful to consider the expectation values of various operators which serve as order parameters.
For example, we can compute the charge density wave (CDW) order parameter which is defined as the difference in the charge density between the two sublattices.
To calculate operator expectation values, we first need to construct the density matrix via the {autolink}`` function.
We then feed it into {autolink}`~pymf.observables.expectation_value` function together with the operator we want to measure.
In this case, we compute the CDW order parameter by measuring the expectation value of the $\sigma_z$ operator acting on the graphene sublattice degree of freedom.
```{code-cell} ipython3
cdw_operator = {(0, 0): np.kron(sz, np.eye(2))}
rho, _ = pymf.construct_density_matrix(h_full, filling=filling, nk=40)
rho_0, _ = pymf.construct_density_matrix(h_0, filling=filling, nk=40)
cdw_order_parameter = pymf.expectation_value(rho, cdw_operator)
cdw_order_parameter_0 = pymf.expectation_value(rho_0, cdw_operator)
print(f"CDW order parameter for interacting system: {np.round(np.abs(cdw_order_parameter), 2)}")
print(f"CDW order parameter for non-interacting system: {np.round(np.abs(cdw_order_parameter_0), 2)}")
We see that the CDW order parameter is non-zero only for the interacting system, indicating the presence of a CDW phase.
## Graphene phase diagram
In the remaining part of this tutorial, we will utilize all the tools we have developed so far to create a phase diagram for the graphene system.
To identify phase changes, it is convenient to track the gap of the system as a function of $U$ and $V$.
To that end, we first create a function that calculates the gap of the system given the tight-binding dictionary and the Fermi energy.
```{code-cell} ipython3
def compute_gap(h, fermi_energy=0, nk=100):
kham = pymf.tb_to_kgrid(h, nk)
vals = np.linalg.eigvalsh(kham)
emax = np.max(vals[vals <= fermi_energy])
emin = np.min(vals[vals > fermi_energy])
return np.abs(emin - emax)
And proceed to compute the gap and the mean-field correction for a range of $U$ and $V$ values:
```{code-cell} ipython3
Us = np.linspace(0, 4, 10)
Vs = np.linspace(0, 1.5, 10)
gaps = []
mf_sols = []
for U in Us:
for V in Vs:
params = dict(U=U, V=V)
h_int = utils.builder_to_tb(builder_int, params)
model = pymf.Model(h_0, h_int, filling=filling)
guess = pymf.generate_guess(int_keys, ndof)
mf_sol = pymf.solver(model, guess, nk=18)
gap = compute_gap(pymf.add_tb(h_0, mf_sol), fermi_energy=0, nk=100)
gaps = np.asarray(gaps, dtype=float).reshape((len(Us), len(Vs)))
mf_sols = np.asarray(mf_sols).reshape((len(Us), len(Vs)))
plt.imshow(gaps.T, extent=(Us[0], Us[-1], Vs[0], Vs[-1]), origin='lower', aspect='auto')
This phase diagram has gap openings at the same places as shown in the [literature](
We can now use the stored results in `mf_sols` to fully map out the phase diagram with order parameters.
On top of the charge density wave (CDW), we also expect a spin density wave (SDW) in a different region of the phase diagram.
We construct the SDW order parameter with the same steps as before, but now we need to sum over the expectation values of the three Pauli matrices to account for the $SU(2)$ spin-rotation symmetry.
```{code-cell} ipython3
s_list = [sx, sy, sz]
cdw_list = []
sdw_list = []
for mf_sol in mf_sols.flatten():
rho, _ = pymf.construct_density_matrix(pymf.add_tb(h_0, mf_sol), filling=filling, nk=40)
# Compute CDW order parameter
cdw_list.append(np.abs(pymf.expectation_value(rho, cdw_operator))**2)
# Compute SDW order parameter
sdw_value = 0
for s_i in s_list:
sdw_operator_i = {(0, 0) : np.kron(sz, s_i)}
sdw_value += np.abs(pymf.expectation_value(rho, sdw_operator_i))**2
cdw_list = np.asarray(cdw_list).reshape(mf_sols.shape)
sdw_list = np.asarray(sdw_list).reshape(mf_sols.shape)
Finally, we can combine the gap, CDW and SDW order parameters into one plot.
We naively do this by plotting the difference between CDW and SDW order parameters and indicate the gap with the transparency.
```{code-cell} ipython3
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
normalized_gap = gaps/np.max(gaps)
plt.imshow((cdw_list - sdw_list).T, extent=(Us[0], Us[-1], Vs[0], Vs[-1]), origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap="coolwarm", alpha=normalized_gap.T, vmin=-2.6, vmax=2.6)
plt.colorbar(ticks=[-2.6, 0, 2.6], format=mticker.FixedFormatter(['SDW', '0', 'CDW']), label='Order parameter', extend='both')