repo_name: source
site_description: |
Lecture notes for the TU Delft course TN2844 Solid state physics
- Phonons and specific Heat:
- Einstein model: ''
- Debye model: ''
- Free electron model:
- Drude model: ''
- Sommerfeld model: ''
- Atoms and bonds:
- LCAO model: ''
- Bonds and spectra: ''
- Electrons and phonons in 1D:
- Tight-binding model: ''
- Many atoms per unit cell: ''
- Crystal structure and diffraction:
- Crystal structure: ''
- X-ray diffraction: ''
- Tight binding and nearly free electrons:
- Nearly free electron model: ''
- Band structures in 2D: ''
- Semiconductors:
- Basic principles: ''
- Doping and devices: ''
- Summary and review: ''
- Fermi surface periodic table: ''
- Einstein model: ''
- Debye model: ''
- Drude model: ''
- Sommerfeld model: ''
- Bonds and spectra: ''
- Tight-binding model: ''
- Many atoms per unit cell: ''
- Crystal structure: ''
- Nearly free electron model: ''
- Band structures in 2D: ''
- Doping and devices: ''
primary: 'white'
accent: 'indigo'
- search
- mkdocs-simple-hooks:
on_page_read_source: "execute:on_page_read_source"
on_page_markdown: "execute:on_page_markdown"
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
copyright: "Copyright © 2017-2022 Delft University of Technology, CC-BY-SA 4.0."